Super Security in the City

Chapter 2414: Very authentic

Some people rush to the exam room on Starry Night, some resign and return to their hometown!

When people have been in the dust for decades and gained honor, benefits, and power, they suddenly look back. Do you remember the way they came?

The age of His Majesty Zu Long cannot be simply estimated by numbers. He is the ancestor of Lingzun, and he himself has lived for countless years. After wandering in the universe for tens of millions of years, he finally returned to its peak state.

His life is colorful and lonely.

But he still has the spirit of martyrdom!

In this universe, there are hundreds of millions of planets, but no planet can replace the position of the earth in the minds of the spirits. Because the earth is the mother planet!

His Majesty Ancestral Dragon sacrificed himself for the sake of the thousands of souls.

"The emperor cannot forget the hatred expelled by the emperor of the universe. With the passage of time, the emperor felt that the hatred became clearer in his heart. The earth is the mother star of the emperor, and the emperor must lead the tribe... return!"

This is the idea that His Majesty Zu Long issued in his final consciousness.

This idea was also received by the star master, Yuanjue, and Suzhen Hei.

The explosion lasted ten hours!

Ten hours later, the explosion finally subsided.

There are still no ripples left in the universe, as if nothing happened here.

But... The Hall of Stars is already devastated.

The Hall of Stars has suffered a heavy blow, and its peripheral formations, external materials, internal materials, and many other materials have been damaged.

If it wasn't for the Palace of Stars to incorporate the Insect Emperor Spar, one of the formations would be infinitely reborn, otherwise, the Palace of Stars would not be able to support it.

The explosion of His Majesty Ancestral Dragon, coupled with the explosive energy of his natal planet, this explosive force is too...terrifying and extinct.

Above Mars, in the Hall of Stars.

The star lord, Suzhen in black, Yuanjue, all sat cross-legged.

The star owner still didn't have his original face, and was vague.

Yuanjue coughed suddenly. He covered his mouth and opened his palm after a while. But the palm is full of blood.

Black Suzhen looked at Yuanjue.

Her eyes looked a little complicated. She has always heard of Yuanjue, and the impression that Yuanjue gave her is that he is an iron man, invincible, never hurt, and there is no emotional fluctuation.

At this moment, Suzhen Hei suddenly felt that Yuanjue was alone.

"Dharma God, your injury?" Suzhen Black couldn't help asking.

"There is no doubt that he will die." The star master said lightly from the side.

Suzhen Black was shocked. "so serious?"

Yuanjue was faint, he seemed indifferent. "Dependent origination and death, birth, old age, sickness and death, no one can escape. Time is only sooner or later, and the life of a poor monk is finally about to come to an end."

"Is this the result you have seen a long time ago?" Suzhen in black looked at the star master and asked.

The star master nodded and said, "Yes, Yuanjue knows it himself."

Suzhen Hei did not ask whether it was worth it.

Because it doesn't make any sense anymore.

She knew that in Yuanjue's heart, there must be a ruler to measure it. Since he chose this path, it must be worth it for him.

At this time, Yuanjue said: "With the help of the white girl, your dark power, the poor monk can hold on for such a long time. This time the battle for the protection of the earth, the white girl has done a great job."

The star master said: "The reason why we chose you, Miss White, is because you have a wonderful dark power. And it corresponds to the dark demon! Second, if Yuanjue is not prepared, then the dark demon and the dragon Doubts will definitely arise. Then this plan will be difficult to succeed."

"They are complacent seeing the future, but they don't know that the future is their strategy!" Yuan Jue said.

The star master said: "Now, the heart spar of the dark demon is in your hands. This heart spar will help you master his dark tides. By then, the white girl will be able to master his dark tides. It is not impossible to become a saint."

"Sage?" Black Suzhen murmured.

Star Lord and Yuanjue looked at Suzhen Hei.

Hei Suzhen couldn't help but said, "What's so good about being a saint? The earth can't tolerate it. Do I want to be like a nvwa and descend into the soul again. And I can only be forced to leave the country? Isn’t this the same cycle again and again?"

The star master said: "If you are in full control of the dark tide of the Dark Lord, you will return to the earth and turn the tide. The battle of the earth has not been over yet. The spirits will not let go, their empire heavenly ark. It is a peerless magic weapon that has absorbed energy for thousands of years. Also, the masters on their heavenly ark are like clouds. Once they fully come down, the earth will lose the guardianship of Yuanjue. It is impossible to defend by Lin Zhan, Luo Jun and others. As for the white girl, if you become a saint, you should naturally stay away from the earth. Because the earth has the rules of the earth. If you break the rules, will others still obey it? This constellation will always be on Mars. !"

He paused, and then said: "Maybe you will feel that this is so and so, very unwilling. But a generation has a mission of a generation. If Yuanjue is not reconciled, then today's earth is gone."

"I don't want to take the old road of Empress Nuwa, nor the old road of Yuanjue!" Hei Suzhen said in a deep voice.

The star master smiled faintly and said: "The choice lies with you, the white girl. This seat will not be difficult for others. Next, Yuanjue will return to the earth and cultivate Lin Zhan with his last breath. And this seat will go. Go to the depths of the universe and repair the Hall of Stars. As for you, this heart spar is for you. Whether you want to be strong or to be good at yourself, it’s all with you."

The star master placed the heart spar of the dark demon in front of Suzhen Hei.

Afterwards, the star master took Yuanjue, took the Hall of Stars and left.

Above the great Mars, he fell into a lonely one.

Sand and dust storms cannot hit Suzhen in black. She laid an enchantment, and then stared at the heart spar in front of her.

At this time, Suzhen Hei felt that she had to take a closer look at her heart.

She felt that Yuanjue was not worth it, and that Nuwa Empress was worthless.

But they still did. I did so without hesitation.

Are they really stupid than themselves?

To protect the earth, you must be strong.

After being strong, it will not be allowed on the earth.

This is the iron law and regulation of the earth.

Suzhen in black secretly said: "So, Empress Nuwa still miss the earth after all, for the best of both worlds, did she put down her own soul and reincarnate?"

"Mortals have lived their lives for decades, knowing that they are going to die, but they still have to work hard..."

"Yuanjue's magic power reaches the sky, and he can be detached, but he chooses to die..."

"And I, after all, can't let go of the earth. Because the earth has given me everything, all I can do is to protect the plants and trees of the earth."

Hei Suzhen made the decision after all.

She collected the heart spar and embarked on the road to the dark tide where the dark demon was.

This time, I don't know when I will return.

In the distant universe, the imperial skyship drifts in the ocean like a huge aircraft carrier.

On the solitaire pillar of the Empire Tianzhou, there was another reaction.

Cotai Sheng!

Emperor Long Qianjue has been waiting for news from His Majesty Zulong. At this moment he rushed to it immediately, and then he saw the phantom of His Majesty Ancestral Dragon appearing in the golden light on the solitaire pillar.

"See your majesty!" Long Qianjue knelt down and saluted.

His Majesty Zulong looked at Long Qianjue, and then he said: "This is the last trace of this emperor's remnant thoughts. Now, this emperor has blew himself up as his soul and died."

"What?" Long Qianjue was shocked upon hearing this.

His Majesty Zu Long couldn't communicate with Long Qianjue, because it was similar to a phone recording.

His Majesty Zulong continued: "The Emperor of the Universe has a deeper plan, but on Mars, he has placed a super powerhouse. That is, the star master of the Hall of Stars, you need to find out this person, otherwise you will suffer a big loss. From the emperor’s point of view, the creation of the Hall of Stars and the existence of the star master are to deal with your Empire Sky Ark. Right now, the emperor blew the soul, Yuanjue has been seriously injured and cannot be saved. At most. One year, there is no doubt that you will die. Enlightenment is no longer a threat, and the Star Palace has also suffered great damage. In order to deal with the Imperial Sky Ark, the Star Master must repair the Star Palace."

"So at the moment, the earth is empty. It's a pity that you can't reach the earth in time. But this is also your last good opportunity. Take advantage of the star master to repair the halls of stars, take advantage of Yuanjue's serious injury, and take advantage of the return of Yuanjue's successor Not really strong. You have to destroy the talents of the earth internally. By then, even if the Imperial Skyship is destroyed. You can also make a home on the earth!"

"In the future, you will face even more terrifying battles. This emperor hates the universe emperor all his life, but he is calculated to die by the emperor. I hope you can avenge this emperor and completely destroy the earth and heaven. The Star Palace becomes one, and the power of the Empire Tianzhou can cope with him. But the emperor is also worried that he also has the spirit of martyrdom. In the end, he blew himself up and destroyed the Tianzhou together with the Star Hall. So by then, you will have to Be prepared in advance and don't fall short!"

"The path that the emperor should take has already been walked. The rest of the way, you should walk by yourself..."

When speaking of this last sentence, His Majesty Zu Long's Yuanshen Remnant Thought became weaker and weaker, and he could not even hear it. After that, on the solitaire pillar, the golden light completely disappeared.

The light dimmed down!

"Your Majesty!" Long Qianjue was distraught.

He mourned the death of His Majesty, but he was even more panicked. Once, he was very ambitious, thinking that the tens of millions of years of civilization and experience of the Empire Tianzhou in the universe were going to take the earth, and grabbing energy was nothing more than exploring things. But now, he knows how terrifying the opponent of the earth is!

He feels the burden on his shoulders, as if it is extremely heavy.

The future of the entire empire, the life inheritance of Lingzun, is all on his shoulders!

This battle is cruel!

Even His Majesty Ancestral Dragon who crossed the universe would die, so what else could not happen?

Long Qianjue knelt on the spot blankly, but after a while, his eyes were unusually determined.

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