Super Security in the City

Chapter 2428: Conquest

When Luo Jun asked who was on the phone, he was also very strange. Because in the great world, very few people really look for him. He still wondered if it was Song Yaner's side. But if it was Song Yan'er, Shen Mo Nong would directly say that Qingxue found it.

Soon there was a voice, the voice of a woman.

"Luo Jun, hello!" the woman said lightly. There was an unspeakable majesty in the voice.

Luo Jun wondered: "Are you?"

The woman said: "You probably forgot how you ran away just now. It was the immortal who used the Pangu flags to block the spirits."

"I'll go!" Luo Jun suddenly realized, he said: "Oh, I didn't forget. I just didn't expect that you can actually use this method to contact me."

The person calling there was actually Qian Zichen.

Luo Jun said: "It's just that I'm very strange, how did you get through this call."

Qian Zichen said: "Xuan Zhenghao used the One Yuan Boat to accurately find your wife's phone location in the One Yuan Boat, so he called."

Qian Zichen didn't use the phone, but directly communicated with the radio waves with mana.

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Thank you for your help."

Qian Zichen said: "You are indeed very smart, you actually rescued all your friends in the hands of the elders."

Luo Jun said: "But don't forget, I still have the soul bomb in my mind, which is the soul bomb of a six-layer master of creation. My life is still in their hands."

Qian Zichen said, "You have a way to solve this soul bomb, right?"

Luo Jun said: "I don't. How could I have a way? Even if I put a soul bomb in your head, you can't resolve it. What's more, it is a soul bomb made by the sixth layer of the creation realm, I What is the cultivation base?"

Qian Zichen said: "This is also the place that the ambassador most can't figure out."

Luo Jun said: "There are still many things you can't figure out, because you don't understand, there is love in the world. At the beginning I was trapped in the jail of Yuqingmen. To save me, how many friends gave up their lives. And I have something to do. Friends sacrifice their courage. It is a very worthwhile business for me to change my life for many friends."

"Is that true?" Qian Zichen said.

Luo Jun said: "I think you called, not to talk nonsense to me."

Qian Zichen said in a deep voice: "Okay, refreshing enough! You should know my purpose."

Luo Jun said: "The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji has been taken by the spirits, you should have seen it with your own eyes."

Qian Zichen said, "You can't fool a three-year-old child with such a clumsy lie."

Luo Jun said: "It was really taken away. The old monster deliberately said that what I gave was a fake. Think about it, if my life is dragged on his hands, I can give him a fake? ?"

Qian Zichen said: "Come on. If you really gave it to him, then you are already dead now. If I guessed right, then the Wugu Sheji sacred tree should still be integrated with you. If you take it out, You will die, right? Diverted from the center of the eyebrows?"

"They searched my body." Luo Jun said.

Qian Zichen said: "So, what's the secret in this? Luo Jun, you have to know that once the Wugu Sheji sacred tree falls into the hands of the spirits, we will not be able to resist the immortal world. At that time, the earth will be under pressure. Bigger. Your best is to leave it to me."

Luo Jun said: "Well, what you said makes sense. If you want me to hand it over to you, yes. You can use the head of the Spirit Venerable that planted the soul bomb in my brain. If he dies, I still have it. It is possible to control his soul bomb. As long as he does not detonate the soul bomb before death, I still have a chance."

Qian Zichen said: "You played those spirits like monkeys. Are you going to start playing with us now? You are the smartest person in this world. We are all your monkeys? You want to watch a monkey show? Do you overestimate your IQ?"

Luo Jun said: "Whatever you say, if you think so, then we have nothing to talk about. Anyway, I am not begging you."

Qian Zichen's voice went cold and said, "Luo Jun, you can always hide in the great world. But I checked your friends very clearly. Nie Meiniang, Ling Yunfeng, Qin Keqing, and your father have also left. A great world. I have a way to deal with you, and those spirits will also try to draw you out. You are looking for hardship!"

Luo Jun was taken aback, and he then said: "I can't protect myself, you can do it whatever you want. Bye!"

After that, Luo Jun hung up the phone.

The phone was hung up, but Luo Jun couldn't help but worry.

His feelings for Qin Keqing may be the weakest, but he still feels distressed when he thinks of Nie Meiniang who misses herself.

And Brother Ling Yunfeng.

"Luo Jun?" Shen Mo Nong was very worried.

Luo Jun turned his head and smiled and said: "The situation is very difficult, but it's not the first time I have faced this situation. I can solve it!"

"Hmm!" Shen Mo Nong could only choose to believe in Luo Jun.

That night, Luo Jun didn't sleep much.

He found a secluded mountain, and then sat cross-legged on the mountain.

He thought quietly, but after all, there was no result.

In the chalk world, God is innocent to take charge of the chalk world and enter the Heavenly Dragon Palace!

Some subordinates spoke to God's innocence and wanted to re-enslave humans in the chalk world and let humans lead a life of extreme suffering. That's revenge!

God was innocent and rejected this proposal. "In the past, they raised humans as pigs and dogs. This was wrong. Both humans and spirits are intelligent creatures. Only when you respect your opponents can you defeat your opponents. Humiliating your opponents is often a sign of weakness."

"Moreover, the more we abuse mankind. In the future, it will be harder for us to attack the earth. The better we are to mankind, the easier it is for them to accept us." God's Innocence said.

"Yes!" Although the proposed Lingzun didn't agree with it in his heart, he did not dare to resist God's innocence majesty.

After God was innocent, a meeting was held.

More than 30 masters, Lingzun, were all present. The meeting place is in the Tianlong Hall, the meeting room of the Presbyterian Church.

"The kid wrapped the old man's primordial bomb with his strange spar, but the old man wanted to kill him, but it was still easy." God innocence first said: "It's just that the Wugu Shaji sacred tree seems to be integrated into his. Inside the body. If he is blown to death, the Wugu Sheji sacred tree is also very likely to be broken.

God glanced at the rest of the people innocently: "So, now the old man can't sense the boy's situation, he just knows his location. Next, how we should act, the old man wants to listen to everyone's opinions."

Everyone began to brainstorm.

Shen Wugou first said: "Brother, in the Great Thousand World, I have lost the protection of Yuanjue. Should we?"

God is innocent and said: "Absolutely not, there are still three catties nails in the rotten ship. Yuanjue is not good, but he has already found the descendant. The descendant has the power of the earth, and I can't stand the power of the earth."

God Wugou could not help but sigh.

Should not forget to say: "Then God Elder, in your opinion. Is it possible that the descendants of Yuanjue will take action against us?"

God is innocent and said: "No!"

"Why is it so sure?" Ying said.

God is innocent and said: "The old man hopes that he will do it. He does it. I am not an adversary. The most is death. I die for the empire. The old man has this consciousness. The old man also believes that everyone here also has this consciousness."

Of course, it is impossible for all the spirits present here to have the consciousness of an empire to die. But at this time, there must be guarantees on the lips, so they all agreed.

God smiled innocently and satisfactorily. He said: "The power of the earth lies in abiding by its rules and meaning. Yuanjue's fate this time is because he made an exception. Therefore, his earth power is already It's discounted. If this rule is broken again and you want to continue to develop it, it will be even more difficult."

All the spirits suddenly realized.

They are all masters, and they deeply understand how important rules and principles are to spells.

Only iron rules can make spells reach the point of invincibility and omnipotence.

In the future, if the Empire Heavenly Ark comes, it will destroy the rules of the earth. Then the power of the earth will not break the rules if it is used again. Therefore, the power will not be compromised.

"Since we are sure that the power of the earth will not be shot. Then, we can do more." Ying said.

God is innocent and said: "Please speak."

We should not forget to say: "Whether it is humans or spirits, there are roots of inferiority. At this time, we must not only find a way to obtain the five-grain-sacred tree, but also conquer more human masters to do things for us. We should not be limited In the world of the chalk world. We have to make more worlds our power. We must also find a way to destroy the Dakang Imperial City. When we have enough power, the fairy envoys of the fairy world will not be afraid. We still have a lot of time to do this."

God's innocent eyes lit up and said, "Don't forget, your proposal is very good."

Shen Wugou also said with a smile: "Then Luo Jun is the King of Destiny. We have to see if he has always been a turtle."

God innocent said: "As many as possible arrest Luo Jun's friends, but also to pursue the traces of Demon Emperor Chen Tianya."

Shen Wugou said: "We must plan well, plan well."

All the deities quickly reached a consensus. That day the continent was already occupied by the fairy envoy, so they didn't plan to go to Tianzhou first. Instead, start from other worlds!

The spirits have ambushes in every major world, and they also have their own intelligence. So now, they are also handy in doing things.

"The central world is also an important world among the seven realms. Let's first conquer the central world." After discussion, their crusade quickly had a goal.

Shen Wugui sent two people, Shen Wugui and Yingbuying.

The terrible storm of earth, this is just the beginning.

At the same time, Qian Zichen was not idle either. The conversation between Qian Zichen and Xuan Zhenghao was not pleasant, but Qian Zichen couldn't help Xuan Zhenghao either. Therefore, Qian Zichen decided to go to Yuntianzong first.

Her idea here is to conquer more of the world.

At the same time, we must also arrest more friends who belong to Luo Jun...

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