"Resources, that's right. Controlling the resources will allow countless experts to come and take refuge!" Meng Qingchen said.

Luo Jun said: "The world is booming, all for profit. The world is bustling, all for profit!"

Di Feiyan said: "Let me tell you more specifically about the treatment of different disciples."

"We don't care about the treatment of the disciples for now." Meng Qingchen said: "You can directly say the difference in the treatment of Master."

Luo Jun laughed, he thought this was Meng Qingchen's behavior style.

Di Feiyan's patience is also very good.

She said: "Bronze Master, within each month, there will be 10 billion pure yuan pill. Moreover, there are still three days to go to the clean bamboo forest to cultivate. There is infinite aura in the center of the earth in the clean bamboo forest. There, in three days, a bronze master can condense 10 billion pure yuan pill. And part of our pure yuan pill is refined from the clean bamboo forest. The clean bamboo forest is in my father’s every day After the magic circle is tempered, 100 billion pure yuan pill can be produced."

"So scary?" Luo Jun was taken aback.

Meng Qingchen said: "One hundred billion is indeed quite a lot, but there are so many disciples in the Temple of God descending, Master. This production volume is completely insufficient."

Luo Jun said: "That's true, Meng Qingchen, you are a family member, so you know that it is not easy to know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are not easy!"

Di Feiyan said: "The clean bamboo forest is only a part. We also have the ancient furnace of the abyss. In the ancient furnace of the abyss, ten thousand abyss puppets draw on the resources of the earth's core and refine the pill. 100 billion pure yuan pills can be produced every day! In addition, the abyss The space-time circulation inside the ancient furnace is different from the outside. It is only one month outside for one year outside. Therefore, the pill produced by the ancient furnace of the abyss is still enough for the consumption of the entire temple of descending. It is just that the resources in the center of the earth will be exhausted in the future. It's a big problem." Meng Qingchen's eyes lit up and said: "That said, I want to go to the ancient furnace of the abyss to practice."

Di Feiyan smiled slightly, and said, "The reason why my elder brother and I practice so fast is thanks to the help of the ancient furnace of the abyss. You can indeed enter the ancient furnace of the abyss, but there are conditions to enter the ancient furnace of the abyss. ."

"What conditions?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

Di Feiyan said: "Cultivating in the ancient furnace of the abyss, according to the time of the ancient furnace, there are 10 billion pill for free use every day. But even the Xuanjin Master, usually to enter the ancient furnace of the abyss, he must also complete the surrender. The task of the list will do. There are only a few difficult tasks, and the condition for success is one year of training in the Abyss Ancient Furnace."

"Of course, the masters have the generous treatment of the masters! The golden masters have a place for twelve days in the abyss of external time every year. The black gold master is 20 days, and the black gold master is one month!" Di Feiyan followed.

Luo Jun said: "There is no bronze master?"

Di Feiyan said, "It's not true."

Luo Jun said, "Then I can't be a bronze master at all."

Meng Qingchen asked, "What kind of treatment does Xuanjin Master have?"

Di Feiyan said: "One hundred billion pure yuan pill every month."

Luo Jun said, "Where are the Golden Master and Black Gold Master?"

Di Feiyan said: "The Golden Master is 30 billion every month, and the Black Gold Master is 60 billion!"

Luo Jun said: "The difference in treatment is really big!"

Di Feiyan smiled slightly, and said, "As long as you become a master, your treatment is actually very scary. Those one-star disciples who have 10,000 pure yuan medicine per month already feel very happy."

Luo Jun said, "Ten thousand? Not enough for me to breathe."

Di Feiyan said: "This is brought about by the different levels."

Later, Di Feiyan also talked with Luo Jun about many other rules and so on. After that, Di Feiyan left. Before leaving, Meng Qingchen asked Di Feiyan: "If there is a chance in the future, would you bear to kill your big brother?"

Di Feiyan's footsteps all went outside the courtyard, and his body was shocked.

"I... even if he kills me cruelly. But I can't kill him anyway!" Di Feiyan said at last.

After she finished speaking, she left.

After Di Feiyan left, Meng Qingchen sighed slightly and said to Luo Jun: "In fact, I already knew the answer before asking Feiyan."

Luo Jun said: "Then you still ask?"

Meng Qingchen said: "It will be more certain to hear her say it in person. Therefore, it will be more difficult for us to deal with Di Huaixiu. Because we have a bottom line, he has no bottom line."

Luo Jun said: "Let’s see the trick. The rules of the Temple of Deity seem to restrict us, but in fact it restricts Di Huaixiu and them even more. I am worried now that the time here will be too long. On the earth, I really have too much worry."

Meng Qingchen said: "If you come, you will be at ease. You used to waste a lot of time to deal with me." At the end, her eyes were filled with anger.

Luo Jun laughed and said, "You were too fierce at that time, I couldn't help it."

Meng Qingchen didn't bother with this issue either. She said: "It seems that you have to find a way to cultivate in the ancient furnace of the abyss. Only in this way will you have a stronger power to return to the earth."

Luo Jun said: "I have the same idea."

Meng Qingchen suddenly said: "Being young is actually a good thing."

"Huh?" Luo Jun was startled slightly, not quite understanding why Meng Qingchen suddenly said such a thoughtless sentence.

Meng Qingchen said: "Those who build roads have to face boundless loneliness and loneliness. Gradually, they will feel the vastness of the sky, and will gradually see the people around them as ants. They will become selfish, only me, because, In their hearts, everything is fake. Only if you live is real. You and Feiyan are still very young, so you can have full enthusiasm."

"You don't seem to be old!" Luo Jun said: "In the world of monasticism, you are also considered an absolute young man."

Meng Qingchen said: "But I have experienced too many disgusting things, conspiracy fights, cold blood pressure. My blood has already been drowned out."

Luo Jun's heart suddenly jumped.

He seems to understand better, why he is the King of Destiny.

The biggest difference between the King of Destiny and other monks is that he has feelings and passion. The other great supernatural powers, the greater their supernatural powers, the more indifferent. In other words, they didn't care much about the life and death of the earth.

This is an inevitable development of cultivation.

In the long river of time, with too much perception and too much experience, it is naturally impossible for the mountain flowers to shine.

But Luo Jun's training time is not long.

It was also at this time that Luo Jun understood what he wanted to keep.

He said to Meng Qingchen: “There is a saying in our culture that the most precious thing about people is not that they have experienced the cruelty of the world and thus lost hope in life. It is that they have experienced the cruelty of the world and still have a sense of life. Full of hope. This is commendable! I don't know, a hundred years, a thousand years later, whether I can still have the same enthusiasm, enthusiasm and *. But this is what I want to do. People are instinct for themselves. People who persecute others by all means for their own sake are truly selfish."

Meng Qingchen thoughtfully.

This night passed quickly.

The next morning, the sun was shining, and the flowers in the yard competed with each other.

At that moment, the fresh air was flooded, and Luo Jun took several breaths of air greedily. This kind of down-to-earth feeling is really great. If he can, he is reluctant to leave his hometown and go to the universe where he has nowhere to rely.

At the same time, four nine-star disciples came.

They came together to invite Luo Jun and Meng Qingchen to the descending stage of the descending **** main hall.

Luo Jun and Meng Qingchen went immediately together.

On the way, Meng Qingchen said: "It's been a long time since I participated in such an event officially. I actually had some insomnia last night."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "After you left last night, I lay in bed and fell asleep. It seems that your psychological quality needs to be strengthened!"

Meng Qingchen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

On the square, the sun was shining and it was extremely bright!

The square is already crowded with people.

However, it was surprisingly quiet, and there was no sound.

The disciples of the descending temple, as long as they are in the descending temple, all have come.

Luo Jun's spirit burst fired and estimated that there were about 20,000 disciples.

They sat cross-legged quietly without any sound.

At the forefront of the square, there is a high platform, for it is a real platform for descending the gods. There are many seats on the surrender stage, the seats go up one by one. Bronze, gold, black gold, black gold... Finally, it is the throne of the palace lord.

At this time, the Master also sat in those seats.

Of course, many masters are also absent. There are about eighteen masters who came.

Among them, there are seven bronze masters.

Four Golden Masters.

Master Black Gold, two.

Eight Master Xuanjin.

This is not to say that there are many Xuanjin Masters, and there are very few Black Gold and Gold Masters. Mainly, the black gold master and the golden master are absent a lot.

Probably all went out to perform tasks.

Among the Xuanjin Master, there are Emperor Feiyan, Emperor Huaixiu, Tan Lao, Cang Nu, and Liuyun Elder and Tassel Elder. And Mr. Mo Da, and a woman named Qingxuan.

The strength of the descending temple is still considerable.

Luo Jun and Meng Qingchen came to the stage of descending the gods. First of all, they first saw the palace lord, Emperor Shengtian.

The emperor holy sky is high above, nodding lightly.

Scanning Luo Jun's gaze, he saw that Fu Zhichen was in the seat of Master Golden Master.

The real person in the cemetery is the Black Gold Master!

Old Tan is the Xuanjin Master!

When Luo Jun appeared, there was no surprise in the eyes of Old Tan and others. Of course they already knew that Luo Jun was safe and sound.

Their struggle will continue on this Tyrannical Star.

It's really providence. Luo Jun took refuge in Di Feiyan, and Tan Lao took refuge in Di Huaixiu.

Emperor Shengtian first said in public: "Disciples of the descendants of the gods, today is a great day. Because we have welcomed two masters in the temple of descendants! At the beginning, this seat was named the temple of descendants and set up the platform of descending gods. More masters come to our temple of descent."

"Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord!" the disciples shouted in unison.

The voice is uniform, grand and majestic.

Emperor Shengtian smiled slightly, he motioned everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Okay, now, Cang Nu, you come and read the Master's Law of the Temple of Deity!"

Then Cang Nu immediately led the nine-star disciples out of the crowd, and Cang Nu saluted the Emperor Holy Heaven first...

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