Super Security in the City

Chapter 2671: Master Shenlong

Chen Tiannan's painstaking persuasion was useless, Suzhen in black didn't care about those things at all. Now that Luo Jun is in this situation, she cannot allow Luo Jun to have a little accident.

Therefore, it is impossible to separate her from Luo Jun, and there is no possibility of talking at all.

In desperation, Chen Tiannan talked to Luo Jun again. He pushed Luo Jun to the playground, where there were soldiers training hard.

The lights are brilliant!

Chen Tiannan pushed Luo Jun to a corner and said, "Xiaojun, as long as you practice well in the Weilong Military Academy, you will have a chance to enter the Shenlong Division in the future. But now, your sister has a rare opportunity. Moreover, she It has not been 100% sure that she will be accepted into Shenlong Division. We are going to take her to the test. For your sister's future, persuade her, okay? Just ask you as an uncle!"

To be honest, if Suzhen in black is really a person in this celestial world. No matter how Luo Jun would persuade her to go, after all, the future is also important. But does the future really matter to him and Suzhen Hei?

Luo Jun felt that if he really tried to persuade Suzhen Hei, he would think that Suzhen Hei had a problem.

"Okay, I'll persuade!" Luo Jun agreed with one bite. He would not be this villain! Chen Tiannan let out a long sigh of relief.

Later, Luo Jun returned to the bungalow.

Chen Tiannan did not come in.

Black Suzhen glanced at Luo Jun and said, "Could you really want to persuade me to go to some Shenlong Division?"

Luo Jun said, “I’m not persuading me, I’m not crazy. Anyway, I’m not good at rejecting Chen Tiannan, so I promised him to persuade him. When I meet with him, I’ll say, I have persuaded, you don’t listen to me. No way."

Suzhen in black is not angry, she is indifferent.

So, after Luo Jun stayed in the house for a while, he went out and said to Chen Tiannan, "I can't persuade you, uncle. I have done my best!"

Chen Tiannan was full of puzzles, and he and Luo Jun came to find Suzhen in black again.

"Jingyao, why are you insisting on doing this? You are about to reach adulthood. Why do you have to insist on being with Xiaojun? Xiaojun still cannot meet Shenlongsi's requirements. Don't you embarrass me, uncle? "

Hei Suzhen said lightly: "I never said what Shenlong Division I want to go to. Why do you have to be embarrassed? You are not embarrassed, you are embarrassed by the strong. We are here based on the two people wanting to be together. Are you going to separate here?"

Chen Tiannan couldn't help being speechless.

In desperation, Chen Tiannan went out and called Chen Leyi again.

On the phone, Chen Tiannan told Chen Leyi that these two children will have a bright future in the future. Just now, Jing Yao is better. Weilong Military Academy is already a very high altitude for Xiaojun.

Moreover, the country needs talents like Jing Yao!

Another point is that the higher Jing Yao's achievements will be in the future, his recommender will rise with the tide. He begged Chen Leyi to convince Jing Yao.

Chen Leyi and her uncle Chen Tiannan have a deep relationship, and she respects and loves her uncle in her heart.

I believe uncle too!

After repeated considerations, Chen Leyi called Suzhen Hei.

Luo Jun did not know the specific content of the call.

Only know that afterwards, Suzhen in black agreed to Chen Leyi.

That night, Suzhen in black took a special plane to Kyoto. Luo Jun was left depressed in the military base.

When leaving, Suzhen in black said to Luo Jun: "You should pay more attention to safety. If there is anything, call me immediately."

Luo Jun didn't want to leave Suzhen in black, but he was not a child after all. He knew that Suzhen Black could make this decision, she must have struggled more than herself. That being the case, he didn't add a blockage to Suzhen in black.

"Haha, don't worry about me. I haven't encountered any difficulties alone in these years. Besides, there are no deadly enemies here, and I will recover soon."

Black Suzhen nodded.

After she got on the special plane, she sent a text message to Luo Jun. "She asked me, I can't refuse!"

Luo Jun replied: "I understand, and don't worry, I will go to Shenlong Division to find you soon."

After that, Suzhen in black did not reply to Luo Jun again.

Luo Jun actually wanted to chat more with Suzhen in black. However, Suzhen in black is really not someone who would be ambiguous with him, or talk loudly.

Luo Jun slept with Chen Tiannan that night.

"Sister is gone, don't cry." Chen Tiannan said with a smile when he fetched water to soak Luo Jun's feet.

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Uncle, you have to know, it's not that I don't want her. It's she who doesn't want me!"

"Haha!" Chen Tiannan also laughed and said, "I don't believe Jing Yao's cold temperament, because she is reluctant to bear you."

"You didn't leave, not I didn't let her go." Luo Jun still wants face.

Chen Tiannan said: "Okay, okay, I won't fight with you. I will go to bed early after washing my feet. I will make arrangements for these two days and I will send you to Weilong Military Academy as soon as possible."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

During this period of time, Luo Jun has been running the Sun Moon Meditation Secret Art, and his breathing fits the Sun and Moon movement. His physical fitness is gradually improving, and his injury is getting better soon. But it takes a month for this kind of injury.

This also made Luo Jun helpless.

Chen Tiannan received the call the next day.

Hei Suzhen has been admitted by the Shenlong Division.

Master Shenlong will accept Suzhen in black as a direct disciple. This is great news. Chen Tiannan immediately told Chen Leyi and Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was not surprised.

Luo Jun didn't know Chen Leyi's emotions.

Chen Tiannan was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Moreover, there is another news. That was after the fight between Suzhen Black and Master Shenlong, Shenlong Si was willing to give Luo Jun a chance.

If Luo Jun is good enough, Master Shenlong may also be able to accept Luo Jun as his disciple.

So, at nine o'clock in the morning, Luo Jun, Chen Tiannan, and the guard Xiao Zhang also took a special plane to Kyoto.

Kyoto is snowing, and the north wind is howling!

The whole Kyoto is bathed in silver clothes...

While on the special plane, Chen Tiannan seemed a little nervous. He told Luo Jun: "Xiaojun, when you see the master, you must pay attention to etiquette, you know? Don't be too nervous..."

"I'm not nervous!" Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "It's just a Shenlong master, what's so nervous."

Just kidding, he hasn't seen anyone in Luo Jun?

A little Shenlong master can make him nervous?

Chen Tiannan couldn't help being slightly annoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Xiaojun, what kind of attitude are you. I tell you that although you are young and frivolous, there must be a limit. Master Shenlong is the number one martial artist in the entire Chinese nation. People have no chance to admire the true face of his old man in a lifetime. You have ambition and self-confidence, that is good. If you go too far, then it's not plausible, that's arrogance. Without the ability to be arrogant, then you don't know the sky and the earth. You have to know that there are people outside, and there is heaven outside. Uncle still has a lot of fear and awe. Why are you so arrogant before you start?"

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