At this time, even if Luo Feng wanted to leave, they couldn't. Because of the time confusion, it is also difficult for them to get out of the time confusion here.

Luo Jun has not been seen on the scene, but Luo Feng and others are not worried about Luo Jun's safety. Luo Jun has already told Luo Feng that he has an eternal spar, an immortal body.

Moreover, at this moment, taking advantage of the chaos of time, Luo Feng and others saw a black light leaving the scene.

That black light is obviously the reunited Luo Jun.

As for why Luo Jun wants to leave at this time, everyone doesn't need to think too much about what Luo Jun is going to do.

Obviously, he was looking for Soul Muyang to grab the Soul Calming Fruit.

Everyone can't break the time barrier, but Luo Jun can leave the time barrier by relying on the light of the black hole spar. This is also because Luo Jun once had a time spar, and his knowledge of the power of time was above these people.

The time barrier finally disappeared slowly.

Luo Feng caught two seriously injured disciples, and instantly reunited with Lan Tingyu with everyone.

"How is the second brother?" Luo Feng asked Lan Tingyu first.

Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "It's still unclear, but there should be no life worry."

Luo Feng nodded.

The soul master and the injured disciples also confronted Luo Feng and others.

At the scene, Lan Tingyu was also seriously injured and could no longer fight.

If the soul master wants to fight again, he will face Luo Feng alone, Fu Qingzhu, and Luo channel leader.

Lan Tingyu also took out the pill that sealed the blood soul, and he said to the soul master: "We are here today and don't want to kill people. Give us the soul calming fruit. We will release the people immediately and leave immediately. Otherwise, You disciples, I’m afraid it’s hard to end well."

A disciple behind the soul master suddenly changed his expression. He said to the soul master: "My lord, brothers can't ignore it!"

The soul master said in a deep voice: "The soul-suppressing fruit is a very important thing in the soul-suppression Daofu, absolutely cannot be handed over."

"Then brothers?" The disciples were anxious.

The soul master said: "You leave here first, I will deal with it here."

"No!" The disciples said in unison.

"It's really noisy!" The soul master was also angry, and with a wave of his hand, he directly sealed the disciples into another world of dark spirit power. Although these disciples were not bad, how could they be able to withstand the soul master's seal now that they were all injured.

After the soul master sealed those disciples in other worlds of soul power, he then formally faced Lan Tingyu: "The soul calming fruit cannot be handed to you, but if you dare to kill here, the only thing I can assure you is , Everyone present today will all die here!"

Luo Feng showed a stern look and said, "Do you think you have this ability?"

The soul master gave Luo Feng a cold look and said, "I have a lot of abilities, but you have never seen them before. Let them go, and you are leaving now. This is the only thing I can compromise with you, otherwise, that Just ask you to kill, and then I will kill you again!"

Luo Feng grinned and said, "Haha... I have never been threatened by Luo Feng in my life. Since you said so, I can't make you perfect!"

Murderous aura showed all over him.

That terrible killing intent made the two Taoist disciples in his hand tremble.

"Soul master save us!" The two disciples howled miserably.

Luo Feng is about to kill people right now, as he has always been like this.

But Lan Tingyu, Luo Channel Leader and Fu Qingzhu all stopped Luo Feng in unison.

"Brother Feng!" Fu Qingzhu cried out.

Lan Tingyu and the others knew that Luo Jun was going to grab the soul fruit, and now they were just delaying time.

Of course Luo Feng knew this, but the spirit master's words angered him.

In fact, when Ye Ziqing and his daughter were alive, Luo Feng was already a lot softer and his heart warmed a lot. Will not kill at will!

After the accident with his wife and daughter, Luo Feng reflected on himself and felt that as long as his wife and daughter can survive, he is willing to not commit murder for life, and is willing to do good deeds to make up for it. For a while, he did this.

But as time passed, his heart became colder and more irritable.

Luo Feng wanted to kill, but everyone stopped. At this time, Luo Feng took a deep breath, and he resisted the killing in his heart.

Lan Tingyu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Lan Tingyu said to the soul master: "Do you really care about the lives of these disciples?"

The soul master said in a deep voice: "It's not that you don't care about it, but that the soul calming fruit cannot be given. No one's life can be replaced by the soul calming fruit. The soul calming fruit is the lifeblood of Daofu. Never fall into the hands of outsiders! I am reading it. Although you are hateful, but when you come this time, you have kept your hands, so you will let you go on your own terms. You must not take an inch."

Lan Tingyu pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, we will discuss and consider!"

The Taoist Palace of the Zhenhun Taoist Palace is solemn!

In front of the Taoist Palace, there is still a magic circle to protect, no idlers can come near!

Luo Jun followed all the way and saw Soul Muyang enter the Tao Palace. Luo Jun is very good at the formation, but at this time there is no time to crack these formations.

He simply turned into black light and broke through the formation protection!

That soul Muyang had just entered the Dao Palace, and before he returned to his own room, he noticed that someone had broken into it.

Although Dao Palace's formation protection is powerful, it can't stop a master of Luo Jun's level.

Soul Muyang was taken aback, and at this moment, a black light flashed in front of him.

The black light was so small that the rest of the disciples in the Taoist Palace could not see it at all.

Luo Jun conveyed his thoughts to the soul Muyang, saying: "If you don't want to be embarrassed in public, let's go to your room and have a good talk. If I forcefully **** it, you're afraid it will be difficult!"

Soul Muyang couldn't help being shocked. He looked at the tiny black light in front of him and said, "You are not dead yet?"

Luo Jun sneered and said, "I'll tell you, I don't even know **** myself."

Soul Muyang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go!"

The two quickly came to the bedroom of Soul Muyang.

The bedroom is clean, tidy and simple.

There is also a magic circle outside the bedroom, so outsiders can't see the situation inside.

In that bedroom, Luo Jun appeared.

Soul Muyang looked at Luo Jun, he was puzzled, and muttered: "How is this possible? The Lord clearly saw you were killed by the soul master."

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "Dao Master, what we did today is indeed too much. But we also have compelling difficulties. I don't want to kill you, let alone harm you. You will lend me that soul-saving Tao fruit first, I The eldest brother will take it to his dead wife and daughter to soothe the nerves. If this soul-suppressing fruit can save them, my eldest brother and I will be grateful and think to make up for your loss. If the soul-soothing fruit does not work, it can be paid back to me. I'll return it to you as soon as possible. I can't return it. I also remember this favor, okay?"

Afterwards, Luo Jun suddenly knelt on one knee, clasped his fist and said: "In the next Luo Jun, please also ask the Taoist master to complete it!"

Kun Muyang's complexion became complicated.

He is actually not qualified to negotiate. If the other party robbed him or killed him, he would be helpless. But at this moment, the young man in front of him made sense.

Soul Muyang was silent for a while, and then said: "Soul-suppression fruit is very important to the Taoist government. But today, you are stronger than me. Even if I don't give it to you, you can take it away. There is nothing but it!"

After he finished speaking, he took out the soul calming fruit.

The soul calming fruit is black, and it takes a big man to embrace it with both hands.

But Hun Muyang sealed it to the size of an egg.

Luo Jun was overjoyed and knocked his head towards Muyang three times, and then said: "The kindness of the Taoist Lord today will always be remembered by Luo Jun. In any case, he will give an explanation to the Soul Zhendao Mansion in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he took the soul-suppressing Tao fruit and put it into the Jie Xumi again.

After that, Luo Jun's figure flashed before leaving Dao Palace.

"Let's go!" Lan Tingyu and others are still facing the spirit master in the world of spirit power.

At this time, Luo Jun broke into the world of spirit power and joined everyone.

At this moment, Luo Jun also appeared in front of the soul master.

When the soul master saw Luo Jun, it was like a ghost. He said in amazement: "You...this is impossible, why are you still alive?"

Luo Jun smiled at the soul master and said: "Let’s come to Japan for a long time. Today I have borrowed the soul calming fruit from the Taoist master. If you don’t believe it, you should go and ask the Taoist master! Now we are leaving, don’t stop you!"

Lan Tingyu shot the pill in his hand at the soul master and said, "Return it to you!"

Luo Feng also released the two disciples.

He was also extremely happy when he heard that Luo Jun had obtained the Soul Suppressing Fruit.

Everyone rode in the soul chariot, quickly broke through the world of soul power, and left freely.

This soul power world was constructed before Soul Muyang, and now that Soul Muyang is seriously injured, it is naturally unable to stop everyone.

In the Taoist Palace, the soul master met Soul Muyang.

Still in the bedroom of Soul Muyang.

"Soul Soul Fruit has really been robbed?" The soul master was surprised.

Soul Muyang's face was so gloomy, he glanced at the soul master and said: "The situation at that time, the owner is helpless. If he doesn't give it, he will take it away."

The soul master said: "But if we don’t have the Soul Rejuvenation Fruit, the Soul Rejuvenation Kao will also wither within three months. Once the Soul Rejuvenation Kao withers, Dao Palace will lose its powerful soul power resources. By then, the Dark Dao will definitely Take the opportunity to cause chaos. Taoist, you know, the dark government has always coveted us. They would have attacked us long ago if it hadn't been for the suppression of the soul-guarding Kao."

Soul Muyang sighed and said, "Why doesn't this master understand this."

The soul master said: "I will go after it!"

Soul Muyang said: "But... it's already difficult for the resurrected young man Luo Jun to deal with it. Even if you catch up,..."

The soul master said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I have my means!"

Soul Muyang nodded and said: "Then everything depends on you."

The soul master said: "Okay, I'm going."

In the dark universe, Luo Jun's soul chariot is advancing at high speed.

Fu Qingzhu is controlling the soul chariot.

Luo Jun is also recuperating, and his vitality has also been lost in this battle.

Lan Tingyu also started to heal, and they are going to pick up Cheng Jianhua.

At the same time, Luo Jun had already given the Soul Relief Fruit to Luo Feng.

When he gave it, he also said: "Big Brother, when I got the fruit, I promised that Soul Muyang would return it to him as much as possible. Can you not damage it, and try not to damage it, okay?"

Luo Feng knew Luo Jun's character, nodded, and said, "I know."

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