Super Security in the City

Chapter 2786: complex

There is no grass on the surface of Guang Yao, and the entire planet is like a mountain of flames.

Luo Jun couldn't worry too much at this time, and he directly descended on the light star. At the same time, Luo Jun also discovered that the light star does not rotate. In other words, half of the star is always exposed to the sun, while the other half is in the eternal night.

Luo Jun's divine mind shot thousands of miles away, and he did not find any vitality.

If it hadn't been for him to know something about the light star, he would definitely think that the light star was a dead star at this moment.

Luo Jun followed and explored the surface material, which is really strange.

Even if the sun is so exposed, there is no special heat, and there is no sign of melting.

"The earliest people lived on the surface of the earth and made a living by taking this kind of meteorite iron. But now, they no longer take this kind of meteorite iron. After all, it's too delicious." Luo Jun got it from the meteorite iron. Some messages.

He secretly said: "It seems that there will be nothing to discover on this surface. I still have to go underground to investigate, but where should I start?"

There was a shallow flow of magic array on the surface, and Luo Jun was also afraid that he would destroy the magic array if he rushed in.

Of course he does not want to destroy the magic circle! One is afraid of being discovered, and the other is also afraid of bringing disaster to the residents below.

Luo Jun studied these floating circle carefully, and he quickly found several entrances.

Those entrances are already formed channels that can directly enter the underground. Luo Jun was also a little worried that when he entered, someone on the line would find out.

"Flamingo!" Luo Jun's heart suddenly moved.

He knew that there was a kind of flamingo on this light star. The flame of the flamingo swallowed the meteorite for a living.

There will also be some flamingos that will accidentally break in.

Luo Jun searched around immediately, and soon found a flamingo. The flamingo seemed like an old winner, except that there was flame burning on its feathers. Luo Jun immediately turned it into a great thunder sound, and then let the flamingo open its mouth. He hid in the black hole spar, then turned into a black light into the flamingo's stomach.

Flamingo broke into that entrance...

The concealment of the black hole spar is very good, and it is difficult to find if it is not a very high cultivation level.

After breaking into the entrance, Luo Jun felt that there was a chill in the entrance. There are endless layers of meteorite in all directions.

This entrance is like a corridor, only three people can enter together.

After about a thousand meters, the eyes finally suddenly opened up.

It was a thick cloud layer, after penetrating the cloud layer, you saw the vast sky.

The sky is blue sky and white clouds, and the sun shines, which makes people feel good. Moreover, the air is still fresh.

The ecological environment here seems to be surprisingly good.

Although Luo Jun had heard the situation here from Soul Muyang, he still felt very strange when he saw all this in front of him. Unexpectedly, there is such a cave inside this seemingly dead star.

Entering from the entrance, no one is watching.

But Luo Jun didn't dare to be careless, he drove the flamingo to fly around. At the same time, Divine Mind shot through the air, drawing countless pieces of information.

"This is the sphere of influence of the Earth Star Race! Below is the underground sea, and there are many islands in the underground sea. The islands form a country of their own, and the country has a population."

Looking at it, the underground sea below is a azure blue, with boundless beauty and boundlessness.

Luo Jun didn't want to come to the Earth Star Clan, his goal was to save people from the Yaotianzong of the God Clan. Soul Muyang also noticed that this was the Earth Star Clan. He immediately proposed: "Let's kill the prince of the star clan!"

Luo Jun touched his nose and said depressed: "It's not good to fight and kill. The Yao Tianzong must marry the Earth Star Clan, which is obviously also afraid. We can kill the prince. ?"

Soul Muyang said: "We are in the dark, he is in the light. You can go and see if there is a chance first, and then think of a solution if it doesn't work.

Luo Jun said: "My friends are still alive or dead, I will not do this kind of adventure with you."

Soul Muyang simply said, "Well, if you don't go, I will go! Let's act separately here!"

Luo Jun was taken aback and said, "You are crazy."

Soul Muyang said: "As long as the prince dies, Jiaolong won't have to marry again."

Luo Jun said: "I just assumed before, I didn't really let you kill someone."

Soul Muyang said: "You don't have to worry about me, and I won't act rashly. I will make decisions..."

Luo Jun said helplessly: "There are also priorities. If we two cooperate, there is still a chance. If we don't cooperate, there will be a dead end. My friends are now uncertain, at least your Jiaolong will not be in danger of life. Killing the prince Let’s slow down for a while. Are you optimistic about it?"

"Not good!" Hun Muyang was very persistent, and said: "In your opinion, your friend's life and death are very important. But in my opinion, killing the prince is the most important thing. The best way right now is for you to do it. Your business, I will do my business. Anyway, your purpose is to let me bring you here. Now I have done it."

Luo Jun said: "Let me tell you frankly. I am not worried that I will leave you. I am sure that if you leave me, you will die."

"Haha!" Soul Muyang sneered upon hearing this. He then said: "The owner has his own measures, so you don't need to worry about it."

Luo Jun feels that Soul Muyang is the kind of person who has always been pampering him. Although he has good skills, his social experience is not enough and he doesn't know the sinister world.

He felt that the soul Muyang was brought by him, so he would be pitted to death, which is always a little conscientious. What's more, overall, Hun Muyang is still a person of integrity.

"This... Dao master! Marriage is something you and I want for both parties. The prince may not be a heinous person. It would not be good to kill him like this!" Luo Jun said.

"Jiaolong said that the prince was murderous and brutal." Soul Muyang said.

"That's not a hearsay! What if someone says that the Taoist master of the Soul Suppression Taoist is extremely ugly and brutal and arrogant? Others will believe it and kill you directly, and you will be wronged!" Luo Jun said.

Soul Muyang was a little impatient, and said, "I won't start rashly, I will check it out."

Luo Jun said: "Well, don't worry, OK. Give me some time, and I will check the situation of my friend first. Later, I will work with you to find a solution."

The look in Kun Muyang's eyes was slightly complicated. He thought for a while and said, "Okay! I'll investigate here first, and then wait for your news."

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, then we're settled. You wait at least five days for me, and I won't come back after five days, you will do it again."

Soul Muyang said: "Okay!"

"Good!" Luo Jun made an agreement with Soul Muyang. After that, Kun Muyang left the black hole spar and left the flamingo's body.

Luo Jun also left the flamingo's body.

Luo Jun and Soul Muyang separated from each other and flew in the same direction.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Jun came to one of the islands.

He has many minds and knows that he needs to learn more. He didn't worry about Soul Muyang, but he also knew that once he said too much, the other party would be upset. After all, the other party is not a three-year-old child, but also the overlord of one party.

Luo Jun found one of the islands, the island is very large, if it is to correspond to the earth. The area of ​​this island is the size of three island countries...

Luo Jun didn't dare to shoot randomly with his spiritual mind at this time, because he was afraid that some masters would be alarmed.

The birds and flowers on the island are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant.

The environment here is similar to the earth.

"Humans, humans, in the final analysis, they are still humans! In the universe, there have always been legends that the highest biological forms are humans and dragons. Now it seems that this is not bad. Apes, humans, and on Danube, All creatures like humans dominate. Moreover, the environment must reach a certain degree of compatibility before beings and humans can be produced."

Luo Jun thought secretly in his heart.

The place to stay is a forest.

The woods are dense, the wind blows, and the forest sea undulates.

Luo Jun's divine mind swept in a small area and immediately found a mountain village ten miles ahead.

He also saw some signs of human activity.

These humans have no magic power.

Luo Jun's figure flashed, and he found a man who was hunting. The man looked like he was in his twenties, ordinary and powerless. Luo Jun immediately used the Great Leiyin Purdue Method to reduce it.

When doing all this, Luo Jun's body did not appear.

The man was wearing a coarse cloth shirt with calluses on his hands.

There are two animals on the waist that look like rabbits, but they are obviously not rabbits, they are products of this planet.

Luo Jun was not interested in these, first asked: "What is your name?"

Luo Jun's divine mind blasts can only blast shallow information. The deep one cannot be shot, so you need to ask.

The man immediately replied: "The villain is called Bi Lie!"

Luo Jun said, "Bi Lie? Tell me, where is this place?"

Bi Lie said: "This is the Slaughter Stone Country!"

Luo Jundao: "Speak out all the geographic information you know."

Bi Lie immediately said: "This is the Slaughter Kingdom, and the Slaughter Kingdom belongs to the Earth Star Clan. Within the Earth Star Clan, there are seventy-two kingdoms, and there are eight major sects in the 72 kingdoms. All of them must obey the Earth Star Royal Family. Yes. Seventy-two countries belong to the eight major sects, and they must all obey the eight major sects. The Slaughter Kingdom belongs to the Shenfengmen, which ranks fifth among the eight major sects."

Luo Jun listened to it in detail, and then he asked about local customs and so on.

After all, this Bi Lie was just an orion, with limited knowledge. Luo Jun only knew that everyone here wanted to join the Shenfengmen. That is a way to cultivate immortals.

Luo Jun probably asked about the location of Shenfengmen. After that, he went to find Shenfengmen.

When he left, he solved the technique of Da Lei Yin Pudu for Na Bi Lie. And using the power of hypnosis to make Bi Lie forget everything just now.

This island belongs to the Slaughter Stone Kingdom, but the God Wind Gate is not in this island.

Luo Jun already knew the approximate location of the Divine Wind Gate, so he turned into a black light and quickly went to find the Divine Wind Gate.

The island where the Kamikaze Gate is located is wider and larger.

Luo Jun landed on the outlying islands of the Shenfengmen. He didn't have a plot for the Shenfengmen, but a lot of news. He had to inquire about some experts.

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