Super Security in the City

Chapter 2811: There will be a period

Luo Jun didn't pursue and kill Yan Nanfei, he had deep consideration in it. One is the depth of the shadow clan, he still doesn't know. Luo Jun didn't think that Yan Nanfei was the pinnacle in the entire movie clan. What if there is any ancestor or protection mechanism behind this profound shadow clan?

In many years of adventure, Luo Jun has seen too many such things.

Second, Luo Jun did not think that Yan Nanfei was fleeing.

Yan Nanfei made it clear that he wanted to attract himself out of this obsidian tunnel. Because he knows that it is difficult to win against himself in this tunnel.

In summary, Luo Jun felt that he did not need to take such a big risk. He didn't come to this Guang Yao planet to kill people and make enemies, he came to save people. Of course, even if he didn't want to have a feud, Luo Jun and the Shadow Clan had forged an insoluble beam.

Although Luo Jun didn't want to offend people, but Leng Yifu insulted him like this, if he let Leng Yifu continue to live, then his Dao Xin would be unsmooth.

At this time, Mo You and Long Xin were only the leader of Luo Jun. Since Luo Jun said they were leaving, they naturally had no opinion. Mo You asked: "This is their Jedi. It is extremely difficult to leave. It seems that you have to fly south to open the exit. We have to go, how do we go?"

Luo Jun said: "This is not a problem!"

Long Xin smiled and said, "Since the son said it was not a problem, there must be no problem."

Luo Jun also smiled slightly. He said: "This is a good place. I have to leave a mark and come back later." After he finished speaking, he secretly left a mark of fate here.

After that, he urged the big destiny talisman to absorb the obsidian essence again, and soon the lifespan was restored to one million years again.

Following that, Luo Jun condensed a door of fate with the Great Fate Technique.

The setting of this gate of fate is very clever.

Luo Jun found that he could set a door. Once the door is opened, you can reach the earth.

However, this requires a very long life.

About 50 million years of life!

Luo Jun wondered, if such a door were really built, the obsidian spar here would cost at least half.

Moreover, there is a problem.

If you use too much so fiercely, then the future Tribulation Fire Backlash will be stronger. Now that the life span is displayed, it is already a new limit.

"As long as the strength is sufficient and the life span is sufficient, the big fatalism can even open a door and travel to another universe!" Luo Jun had a kind of understanding in his heart.

"But the life span to be consumed is far from what the obsidian essence here can provide."

Luo Jun is not going back to Earth now, so he won't do it.

He opened a door, and the location of the door was directly outside the Shenfengmen that he had left before.

As for the entourage who followed Feng Xinglie, Luo Jun had no plans to save. Because they have been made into puppets, it is no use saving them.

Luo Jun spent a million years of life to make a door.

His life span has always been maintained at one million years.

When the door was formed, it was made of gray fog. The door was formed by fog. Inside the door, there was infinite white fog. It was not clear what was inside.

"Go!" Luo Jun said.

Mo You and Long Xin looked at each other, and then followed Luo Jun into the mysterious door of fate.

The moment they stepped into the gate of fate, Long Xin and Mo You suddenly felt terrified and weird, as if they had seen their past and present lives.

Luo Jun also had a faint feeling of fate.

That kind of feeling makes people unpleasant, just feel that nothing can be changed and break free.

At the same time, Luo Jun's heart jumped.

"Great destiny, great destiny! The gate of eternal life? Fate, destiny, and immortality are all related! If I condense a door, will I go to the gate of eternal life? Not enough, all the obsidian gemstones here are absorbed by me It is impossible to condense the entrance to the gate of eternal life. I began to understand that the gate of eternal life is not only far away, but more importantly, its destination is mysterious and difficult to open!"

When Luo Jun and his party passed through the smog, they suddenly opened up.

The place where they were always was dark and gloomy.

Suddenly, the sun was shining brightly before me.

Below that is the endless blue sea, the sea breeze blowing, the sea is sparkling.

What a wonderful scenery!

At this moment, Mo You and Long Xin wept with great joy. After going through this ordeal, they didn't expect that they still have a day to see the sun again. The two couldn't help bowing to Luo Jun at the same time, saying, "Thank you, son, for your rescue!"

Luo Jun was startled slightly, and then said, "Why are the two girls polite, I'm just a little effort!"

Long Xin said: "The son is not a simple effort. The son is risking his life and death."

Mo You also said: "This kindness, our sisters will never forget!"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "This catastrophe between me and the two girls is also a kind of fate. But at the moment, I still have important things to do, so I won't continue to walk with the two girls. Let's have some time later!"

Mo You and Long Xin were taken aback. Mo You said, "Don't you go to see the mistress with us? The son sneaked in before, just wanting to find the old man?"

Luo Jun was startled.

He had indeed told Mo You before that he wanted to save his friends and also wanted to find Soul Muyang.

But right now, his lifespan has reached this level, and that's what happened to Muyang Dry Bird.

Simply go directly to Yaotianzong, first forcibly capture the second brother and them all to Jiuxumili, and after that, go directly to the earth and talk about it. Other grievances, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu?

The chaos is endless, and Luo Jun really doesn't want to worry about so many right and wrong.

Some people have right and wrong and can't manage so many right and wrong.

Luo Jun thought for a while and said, "I was forced to do it before, but now my strength has been improved, so it's not so troublesome. You can also help me pay attention to the soul of the sun and take care of it as much as possible, okay?"

Mo You and Long Xin were unhappy, and Mo You said, "My son asked, we will do our best to follow suit."

Luo Jun immediately clasped his fists and said, "There will be a period!"

Mo You and Long Xin had no choice but to hold their fists together and said, "The son cherishes it!"

"Treasure!" Luo Jun turned around and shuttled out instantly.

After Long Xin and Mo You watched Luo Jun leave, Long Xin sighed: "The son is really a strange man! He has strange skills and good temperament. Really rare!"

Mo You couldn't help blushing slightly at the thought of getting along.

After Luo Jun left Long Xin and Mo You, he went to Yao Tianzong!

In an instant, Luo Jun came to the mainland.

Then he arrived at the Yaotian City where the Yao Tianzong was located. Although Luo Jun has a sufficient life span right now, he also cherishes his life span and does not use it easily. First, he possessed the soldiers who entered the city, reduced them, and then successfully passed the barrier and entered the city. After that, I went to the Yaotian Temple again.

Yaotian Palace is also guarded by enchantments and guarded by guards.

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