Super Security in the City

Chapter 2815: fly into a rage

Fuyue's words are already unstoppable for Mingyou. Mingyou's pupils dilated when she heard it, and at the same time, he had believed most of Fu Yue's words. Because Fuyue talked about Ice Soul Pill. This Ice Soul Pill and Shadow Clan are both high-level secrets, and with the cultivation base of Fu Yue, there is no access to these things.

"Twenty billion Ice Soul Pills, and promised the Shadow Clan to have its own territory in the future!" Mingyou murmured, "It's not surprising how the Shadow Clan can resist such temptation."

Fuyue looked towards Mingyou, she couldn't help but said, "What is this Ice Soul Pill? Why does the Shadow Clan take it so seriously? And Feng Shangren has so many Ice Soul Pills?"

Mingyou also glanced at Fuyue. He said, "The Ice Soul Pill is like a poison to us. However, a small dose of the Ice Soul Pill does not matter. But the people of the Shadow Race have been growing in the gloom and learning With the essence of obsidian, the whole body is like ice and cold. For them, the ice soul pill is the supreme sacred product!"

Fu Yue said: "Master, I don't understand. Where did Feng Shangren get so many Ice Soul Pills?"

Mingyou said: "Feng Shangren has made rapid progress in his cultivation over the past 100 years. It is said that he has gained the mantle of thousands of ancient people who were still above the five emperors and the first of the three elders."

"Thousands of ancient people?" Fuyue was shocked.

Mingyou said in a deep voice: "Ten thousand ancient people are from the shadow clan!"

Fu Yue said: "But Feng Shangren belongs to the Celestial Clan, how can he get the mantle of ten thousand ancient people? Ten thousand ancient people, are they still alive?"

Mingyou said: "The myths of that year no longer appear. It is said that he has found the blessed land of the ancient people, which contains many magical tools, exercises and medicines of the ancient people. Although the ancient people are shadow clan The mythology of the cultivator is the shadow clan's exercises. But the Dao Fa is cultivated to the highest level, everything will become the same."

Fuyue naturally understands this truth.

Mingyou continued: "Ice Pill, since he can take out so many ice pill. It seems that the legend of catching the wind and catching the shadow is true. So speaking, he must have more shadow clan in his hand. Something. It's a foregone conclusion that the Shadow Clan is used by him."

Fu Yue said: "Lord, it seems that Feng Shangren is more complicated than we thought."

Mingyou nodded, and he followed: "The matter is indeed much more complicated than the original master imagined. There are still many originals that feel strange. Since Luo Jun has been captured by the Shadow Clan, how can he come here? Warning? And, how is Feng Xinglie now?"

Fu Yue said: "This is what I want to report to you."

Mingyou said: "Okay, say it!"

Fu Yue said: "Feng Xinglie has fallen into Feng Shangren's hands."

"Okay!" Mingyou's eyes burst into light. "It seems that everyone has looked away. In the current situation on the mainland, Feng Shang Ren is the most hidden thing!"

He paused and said, "You haven't told me why Luo Jun warned you? He escaped?"

Fu Yue said: "He has indeed escaped, he said he has special skills!"

"Special ability!" Mingyou was already full of thoughts, and a strange light flashed in his eyes upon hearing this. He said: "The Lord wants to talk to him, can you let him come here?"

Fuyue was slightly startled, but she never expected that Mingyou actually proposed to meet Luo Jun.

She said: "I don't know if he dare to come, but I can convey your meaning."

Mingyou said: "Well, just tell him that the owner knows his wish to save his brothers and friends. As long as he is willing to cooperate with the owner, these are not problems."

Fu Yue said: "Good!"

Mingyou said: "You can contact him now, can you get in touch?"

Fu Yue said: "I will try!"

So Fuyue quickly contacted Luo Jun.

In her mind, Fuyue and Luo Jun communicated: "Have you heard the conversation just now?"

Luo Jun immediately said, "I heard it all."

"Then can you come to see my Patriarch?" Fuyue asked.

Luo Jun said: "I only came to see him when my head broke. He just wanted to lead me out. Once I came out, his life was in his hands. He can knead me as much as he wants. When the time comes, don't say save me. Friends, brothers, it’s a problem whether I live or not. I save my friends now, pat my **** and leave. What are you doing? No see!"

Fuyue is also helpless.

She then reported to Mingyouhui: "He is missing!"

Mingyou said: "How can he say so happy? Is it ignoring the life and death of his friends? Or is he already having a way to save his friends?"

In fact, Luo Jun is already building a gate of fate!

It is not easy for Luo Jun to cross the sea without hiding.

Mingyou spent too much effort in the quiet room. Luo Jun spent 100,000 years of fate to build a door of fate. A gate of fate that can hide from the sky...

In an instant, Luo Jun had already arrived in the quiet room.

After arriving in the quiet room, he returned to Fuyue by the way.

After that, Luo Jun arrived before Jinghu.

He wrapped himself with the power of fate, so that Mingyou would not notice that someone was coming in the quiet room.

Luo Jun's plan was simple, and he began to come in through the door of fate. Then use the power of fate to hide himself, and finally use the power of fate to capture the second brother and them all into Jiesumi.

After doing this, use the gate of fate to replenish energy in the obsidian tunnel. After the lifespan has returned to one million years again, he will return to the earth in a fair manner. With a lifespan of one million years, are you afraid that you will not escape back to the earth?

I believe that Mingyou has headaches on both sides, and will not spend so much energy on himself.

In the quiet room, Luo Jun's lifespan continued to burn crazily.

Before he came to Jinghu, look at the lake...

At this glance, Luo Jun was shocked instantly.

Because there is no one in the lake.

Nothing at all!

I don't know if the formation is hidden, or it was really transferred away.

"It's really an old fox. If you don't count, you have to turn people away." Luo Jun was extremely depressed.

"What should I do now? No, I can't stay here anymore. The longer the time, the faster the life span. It's better to go back to the obsidian tunnel first, complete the life span, and then use the big fatalism technique. Count the second brother and their situation."

Luo Jun made up his mind and immediately sacrificed his fate again.

His life span has instantly consumed 200,000 years!

It's not that life is worthless, but it's too difficult to hide from a master like Mingyou.

Luo Jun once again spent 200,000 years of life, sacrificing the gate of fate leading to the obsidian tunnel.

It was at this moment that Mingyou finally noticed something was wrong. In an instant, Mingyou came to the quiet room...

Once inside the quiet room, Mingyou saw Luo Jun stepping into the door of fate.

"Luo Jun, I have something to talk to you..." Luo Jun had disappeared before the words fell silent.

Mingyou wanted to follow the gate of fate, but the gate of fate disappeared instantly.

"Damn it!" Suddenly, Mingyou jumped into thunder!

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