Super Security in the City

Chapter 2822: regardless of costs

Luo Jun also didn't want to waste too much time. About two hours later, he searched the underground sea. In the end, it didn't use big fatalism to lock the approximate location of the star island.

Luo Jun could not be stopped by the layers of puzzled space.

Luo Jun cracked the maze space and kept going deep into the underground sea.

It seems to have entered hundreds of thousands of miles under the sea, but in fact, they are all obscured spaces. If it hadn't reached a certain level of magical powers, it would be impossible to find the Star Island in that land after an exhausted life, even decades of efforts.

After that, Luo Jun finally saw Earth Star Island.

The star island in that land was shining like a night pearl in the dark seabed.

The island is very large and the area is vast, with dots of stars and bright lights.

There is an array protection on the periphery, and sea water cannot enter the island area.

Luo Jun felt that this island was as big as a municipality in the world on earth.

Luo Jun wandered outside for a while, and then communicated between Na Mo You and Long Xin with his spirit. He didn't plan to sneak in this time.

Fortunately, Mo You responded quickly.

"Master, is it you?" Mo You's voice was full of joy.

Luo Jun was also overjoyed and said, "It's me!"

Mo You then said strangely: "Where are you?"

Luo Jun said: "I'm outside of your star island."

"Are you here? Haha, great." Mo You said, "I will come out to pick you up right away."

"Eh, don't hurry!" Luo Jun said: "You should report to your mistress first, lest it be abrupt."

Mo You said, "I'll take you to see the mistress!"

Luo Jun said: "No, no, if you don't report it, I'd rather leave here. You take me there first, then even if your mistress wants to drive me away, it will be your face."

Mo You said, "We are very grateful to you, son, and the mistress also said to thank you, if we can drive you away."

Luo Jun sighed and said, "Mo You, the situation is very tense right now. Maybe I'm just playing with the Shadow Clan? Want to sneak into your mistress's side and be a spy? It's not as simple as it seems."

Mo You snorted and said, "I absolutely believe in you, son."

However, she still compromised and immediately reported to Bing Xuanxin.

The Earth Star Island is divided into the Earth Star Royal Family, the twelve nobles, and countless maids, guards, and people. The people, guards, and maids are here to multiply and serve the nobles. If there are outstanding people, they can also learn Taoism, and once they perform well, they can jump to the noble class.

There are ten million people on Earth Star Island!

On the original local island, the royal family made their homes here, and later there were nobles. After that, they still felt that something was wrong, because everyone's identities were either rich or noble. In this way, there would be no sense of superiority.

As a result, they brought in countless ordinary people to make them superior to the nobles and royal families.

Inside the Earth Star Palace, the buildings are magnificent, embellished with emeralds and gems, and they are extremely beautiful.

The original old emperor Feng Taixuan lived in the Zhengxing Palace of the Earth Star Palace. Outside the Zhengxing Palace is the Star Palace, and the Xing Palace specializes in discussions.

Bing Xuanxin is a concubine and lives in Leng Xing Hall.

This Leng Xing Palace was originally a deserted place, but after Bing Xuanxin took power, Leng Xing Palace became the most noble place in Earth Star Palace.

Sometimes the discussions are in the Lengxing Hall.

In the sky of Earth Star Island, there are hundreds of millions of gems, plus the formation of changes, the changes in daylight during the day, consistent with the outside weather. At night, the gem turns into moonlight, which is extremely mysterious.

Right now, it is late at night.

Bing Xuanxin's Lengxing Palace is still brightly lit.

Mo You came to the outside of Leng Xing Hall and said to the female officer: "I bother Aunt Xing, I have something to report to the mistress."

Aunt Xing said: "The mistress has just finished taking care of a lot of tasks before she starts to rest. Can you come back tomorrow morning for the girl's affairs?"

Mo You suddenly got into trouble.

It was here that Bing Xuanxin's voice came from the bedroom of Leng Xing Hall. "Mo You, come in!"

Mo worried and rejoiced, but also a little disturbed.

The mistress's voice was indifferent, so Mo You couldn't hear any emotion in it.

Mo You entered the bedroom, and the lamp in the bedroom was extinguished. The maids have retreated...

Only beside the bed curtain, there was a faint light of gems.

Bing Xuanxin lifted the curtains of the bed, sat on the bed, looked at Mo You, and said, "Mo You, what is it that I must come to see you so late?"

Bing Xuanxin was wearing a red gauze, she looked only in her twenties, her face was beautiful and delicate...At the same time, there was a majesty between her eyebrows. Majesty, extravagance, and indifference.

Mo You knelt on one knee and said, "Mother, do you remember the son of Luo Jun we told you?"

Bing Xuanxin was slightly surprised, and then said, "Remember, what?"

Mo You immediately rejoiced and said, "He is here, just outside the barrier. The subordinates wanted to welcome him in, but he said that they must report to the mistress first."

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "Okay, this person is also very interested. He is here, just right. You bring him here!"

Mo You happily said: "Yes, mistress!" She paused, and then said: "Mother, son Luo Jun took his subordinates and Long Xin for nine deaths. He is a great benefactor that his subordinates will never repay, please Mistress..."

"Since he is your benefactor, this seat will not embarrass him!" Bing Xuanxin said.

Mo You only breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Jun didn't wait long outside, he looked at the star island, and he was a little strange. Why does the earth star royal family set up its headquarters in this place?

He thought of the Shadow Clan’s Obsidian Tunnel, and thought to himself that the Earth Star Royal Clan was established here, it must be because this place has something that is not well known. They are to grab resources!

But what resources are they?

Luo Jun couldn't understand.

He felt that this thing must also be figured out.

Maybe Mingyou knows it.

If you have the opportunity, you can also ask Mingyou.

When Luo Jun was thinking about the problem, his figure flickered, and then a fragrant wind blew his face.

Luo Jun immediately saw that it was Mo You who came.

Mo worried, wearing a green dress, youthful and beautiful, like a twenty-eight girl, her face flushed, she looked very excited. "Master!" Mo You shouted with a smile.

Luo Jun also felt cordial when he saw Mo You. He said, "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

Mo You said, "It's great!" She stepped forward and took Luo Jun's arm affectionately.

Luo Jun was slightly surprised, he could feel Mo You's true love. Although this was a bit uncomfortable, he couldn't forcefully push away, and Mo You's heart was cold. He also knew that Mo You should have no other meaning, just pure heartfelt happiness.

After entering the enchantment, Mo You led Luo Jun into the Earth Star Palace.

The guards in the Earth Star Palace are tightly guarded, which is comparable to Yaotian Palace.

The Earth Star Palace is complicatedly distributed, walking from the imperial garden to another corridor, passing many palace halls on the way, and finally arrived at Lengxing Hall.

Luo Jun saw Bing Xuanxin in the main hall of Leng Xing Hall!

Bing Xuanxin was already dressed in a palace costume and wearing a purple hairpin, like the queen of the world. Not only a queen, but also a kind of domineering king.

Luo Jun saluted slightly in front of Bing Xuanxin, and said, "In the next Luo Jun, I have seen the mistress!"

He acted neither humble nor overbearing.

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "I have heard Mo You have told you many things, and I am very grateful for your life-saving grace to Mo You and Long Xin."

Luo Jun said: "It's just a coincidence, it's not enough!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "I also heard from Mo You that you didn't come with them before, you went to Yaotian Palace to save people. Is the salvation going well?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "If it goes well, I won't be here. I have already returned to my own planet."

Bing Xuanxin said: "Not going well? Why not going well?"

She asked casually, but it was a sentence that concealed the opportunity. As long as Luo Jun answered one incorrectly, Bing Xuanxin's suspicion would immediately aroused.

Luo Jun knew that Bing Xuanxin was definitely a powerful woman. She can achieve today's position under the eyes of this pack of wolves, and that must be unique.

Right now, Luo Jun looked at Bing Xuanxin, and then said: "Mingyou hid my friends somewhere else, and I fought him once. His sun armor is indeed extraordinary, and I have the upper hand. But it doesn't help. ...So, I thought that my strength was still weaker. So I came to the mistress to see if there was any chance."

Bing Xuan's heart seemed to be smiling and not smiling, and said: "Could it be that you have reached an oath with Mingyou and lurking here. As long as you help him complete the task, he will let your friend go?"

Luo Jun knew that Bing Xuanxin would think so, he couldn't avoid this question.

If I didn't talk to Mo You and others so much before, it wouldn't be so troublesome now. But he never thought about coming here from the beginning, this pit was dug by himself.

Luo Jun said: "Netherworld can't move my friends, my friends are in the time vortex. What he can't touch, if he can touch, my friends are already dead." He said here, and said: " When I came here, I didn’t necessarily want to take refuge in Mister Bing. It’s just that there is a deep grievance between me and Mingyou, and I don’t want to cooperate with him. If I don’t stay here, I’ll leave. I understand, Feng Shang Ren I am getting married with Ming Jiaolong. It seems that the war between you people is inevitable. At that time, I will fish in troubled waters and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Do you think that this place is where you can come and leave as long as you want?" Bing Xuanxin said with a slight smile.

Although she was smiling, the chill in her words made people shudder.

Mo You couldn't help but lose his color and said, "Mother, the son is definitely not a secluded person, this subordinate can guarantee!"

"What can you guarantee?" Bing Xuan said coldly. She shouted again: "Go down!"

"No!" Mo You said without hesitation: "The son is my friend, mistress, if you treat my friend like this, then please forgive your sins, and your subordinates can no longer serve you."

Bing Xuan Xin was slightly startled.

She always loved Mo You and Long Xin. Especially Mo You, very mature and stable.

But right now, she is so naive and reckless...

This surprised Bing Xuanxin!

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