Super Security in the City

Chapter 2831: thought

Luo Jun thought to himself, if this soul Muyang stayed with him honestly. Isn't everything clear now? Hey, the old man kept saying that he suffered a lot!

Mo You felt guilty here, and Luo Jun even said that it was all right.

Although the three of them didn't leave for long, they were all very happy when they met again in this place.

But halfway through the meal, the close aunt Xing Xuan beside Bing Xuanxin came.

After Aunt Xing arrived, she was very polite, first saluted, and then said: "The mistress asked the old slave to come and invite Young Master Luo Jun to the Leng Xing Hall to have breakfast together. I didn't expect Miss Mo You and Miss Long Xin to be here. "

Luo Jun was startled slightly, he immediately said: "Then there is Aunt Lao, you go back and report to your mistress, saying that I am already having breakfast. If there is something to discuss, I will go over after breakfast."

Aunt Xing nodded and said: "Okay! Old slave first go back and report!"

After Aunt Xing left, Long Xin said with a smile: "You have helped the mistress, son, and the mistress will definitely thank son."

Luo Jun smiled, but didn't say much.

About half an hour later, Aunt Xing came again and said that the mother-in-law asked Luo Jun to discuss the matter.

At this time, Long Xin and Mo You had already left.

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay!"

In the partial hall of Leng Xing Hall, Bing Xuanxin and Feng Xinglie waited for Luo Jun.

This side hall is still a private place, and no one is allowed to enter.

After Luo Jun came in, Bing Xuanxin waved back all the servants.

Bing Xuanxin at this time, once again put on a gorgeous palace costume, beautiful and extravagant.

She was clean and scented, just like the purest lady. Who could have imagined that this woman's methods were extremely vicious and stained with countless blood.

That Feng Xinglie low eyebrows pleasing to the side.

After Luo Jun came in, he clasped his fist and said, "I have seen the mistress below!"

Bing Xuanxin smiled slightly, and said, "Why are you polite, my son, please take a seat."

Luo Jun nodded, then took a seat.

Bing Xuanxin looked at Feng Xinglie again and said, "Xiao Lie, the son is your great benefactor and mother's benefactor. Now, you give the son three beeps to thank you for saving your life."

Feng Xinglie was taken aback at once, and he said, "Mother, I...I thank you, I won't have three knocks."

"Presumptuous!" Bing Xuan's eyes colded, and said: "It's really a thing of no good or bad. If you don't have Lord Luo Jun, you will have no life at the moment. It makes you reluctant to knock your head three times? Kneeling and serving Lord Luo Jun every day, that's all you should. If you keep talking, don't blame your mother for being cruel."

Feng Xinglie shivered, and the one he feared most was his mother.

He immediately got up and came to Luo Jun, still reluctant in his eyes.

Luo Jun was unwilling to cause trouble, and immediately said: "The mistress must not speak like this, I just did something with a simple effort. The little prince is noble, how can he kneel to me."

"Kneel!" Bing Xuanxin said to Feng Xinglie coldly. After she finished speaking, she said to Luo Jun: "If he is so good or bad, such a rebellious son, don't worry."

Feng Xinglie's last hope was shattered, so he knocked on Luo Jun three times in one breath. But it was stunned and bloodied, obviously also very angry.

After the knock, he just got up and said to that Bing Xuanxin: "Mother, can I go now?"

Bing Xuanxin hadn't spoken yet, Feng Xinglie had already left the side hall quickly.

"Nizi!" Bing Xuanxin snorted coldly. Although she was a little angry, it was her son after all, so she was a little bit helpless.

"This Xiao Lie is spoiled by this seat, so please don't take offense!" Bing Xuanxin said.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "The little prince is proud, and the mistress's coming like this makes him hate me."

Bing Xuanxin said: "If he really hates him because of this, then he is no doubt with the animal. If my Bing Xuanxin's son is like this, I would rather not."

Luo Jun was slightly surprised. He felt that he was also a parent and loved his children extremely. Why doesn't it seem that Bing Xuanxin doesn't care much about her son!

Luo Jun also didn't want to talk to Bing Xuanxin about motherhood and fatherhood, because it had nothing to do with him.

How do you know what Bing Xuanxin thought of at this time, and suddenly smiled again, and said, "Master, what do you think of Xiao Lie's qualifications?"

Luo Jun said, "I'm not sure about this yet."

Bing Xuanxin said: "This kid has made me feel very troubled. His father has been crazy and unable to discipline him. I have been thinking of finding him a male master to make up for his father’s lack. I found the right person, and I saw the son today. I felt that this was a god-given opportunity. Therefore, I have a gratuitous request. I hope that the son can accept Xiao Lie as his disciple."

Luo Jun was slightly surprised.

He has accepted two apprentices in his life, one is Ye Fan and the other is the Red Scarf.

After that, he intended to accept Xiao Ai as his apprentice, but Xiao Ai refused.

With regard to Ye Fan, Luo Jun still took a hint of reward in his appreciation.

For the red scarf, it is a sincere love.

He is now in a different status, and he is also required to accept apprentices. He really looks down on Feng Xinglie's attitude and arrogance.

Luo Jun was not good at rejecting it directly. He immediately smiled and said, "Thank you for the mistress's love, but I have no plan to accept a disciple."

Bing Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that the son still looks down upon Xiao Lie!"

Luo Jun said, "Don’t say so, the mistress, the little prince is a man of heaven and a noble status. I am a little unworthy to be his master. And, more importantly, I will not stay here for long. Waiting for my rescue. After my companions, we will leave this light star."

Bing Xuanxin said with a serious face, "This seat hopes that the son can accept Xiao Lie as a disciple, but this seat also knows that Xiao Lie is still immature at the moment. Therefore, this seat is not reluctant, so I will get in touch more later, son Maybe she will change her mind." She paused, and then said: "As for the son who wants to save his companions, I will take this matter to my heart. Only after the wind is completely wiped out, I will go and meet Mingyou. Let’s talk about it. Conditions can be negotiated, and some concessions can be made. I believe we will find a way to save the young master’s companion!"

Luo Jun said: "So thank you mistress."

Bing Xuanxin waved his hand and said, "What do you do to thank you, it should be you thank you."

The two chat, both have reservations.

Luo Jun didn't know what to say specifically, he thought about it, and said, "If there is nothing else, the mistress will leave first."

Bing Xuanxin suddenly said, "Wait!"

Luo Jun looked at Bing Xuanxin.

Bing Xuanxin said, "Master, come with me!" Suddenly she no longer claimed to be her seat, but changed to me.

After that, she got up and walked towards the inner temple.

Luo Jun was surprised, but he didn't understand what medicine was sold in Bing Xuanxin's gourd.

He couldn't help but got up and followed in.

But inside is Bing Xuanxin's bedroom...

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