Luo Jun said, "Senior, what do you mean when you said that Guangyao Xing's aura was not suitable? This kind of aura is not suitable, can you make a master like Senior Eternal Chaos mind?"

Luo Jun has a lot of curiosity in his mind.

Guangyao Xing was once a brilliant Taoist culture, but even now, it is a master.

But, does Guang Yaoxing exist like the Great Universe?

Luo Jun didn't understand, so he wanted to find out from the ancients like Dragon Girl.

Maybe, many things have the same effect in the same way?

Bing Xuanxin also looked at the Dragon Girl, she was also very curious about what happened back then.

The Dragon Girl glanced at the two of them and said: "This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words."

She simply sat down and said: "Since you are interested, then I will talk about it."

Luo Jun and Bing Xuanxin immediately sat down and made a gesture of listening.

The Dragon Girl said: "First of all, I want to start with strength. The strength of an ordinary person, from baby to adulthood, is constantly increasing. At this time, strength is determined by the body's vitality and strength. Later, We began to use mana, that is, the power of spirit. Mana and ordinary power are a qualitative flight. You have a thousand pounds of power, but I instantly crush your head with mana, and you don’t use anything. In mana You also understand the power of. It is ever-changing and is closely related to many things. If you have a firm belief, the stronger the mana... But the power of the mana has its limits."

"Limit?" Luo Jun said: "We often say that the way is endless! The body is limited and the mana is unlimited. Is the mana also limited?"

The Dragon Girl said: "Of course, mana is also limited. With the power controlled by your mana, especially Luo Jun you, your strength is unimaginable. If I simply compete with you for power, I may not be stronger than you. many."

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "But I can't even touch the corners of your clothes."

The Dragon Girl said: "On the flesh, what do two people of the same strength rely on?"

"Tips!" Luo Jun said. He is a master of fighting, and he naturally understands this.

In fighting, it is not only skill, but also the use of strength.

Among them are Push Mo Jin, Wear Jin, San Cun Jin, Dark Jin, and so on!

It's complicated and profound, and it's hard to tell.

The dragon girl said: "Yes, skills! I don't know much about physical combat. Physical combat is relatively simple compared with mana. In terms of mana, the same mana is displayed in different realms, and it is very different. I don’t say far, just take me for example. I’m now the eighth layer of the holy realm and possess the power of the primordial beginning. Bingxuanxin, you are the sixth layer of the holy realm and possess the power of prajna. The power of prajna has great wisdom. Wisdom, consistent with cosmic particles and quantum, has infinite magical effects."

Luo Jun knows the wisdom of Prajna, and he has fought against God innocent.

It's really amazing!

Luo Jun couldn't crack it, but relied on the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley and forcibly absorbed it.

Bing Xuan listened carefully.

The dragon girl continued: "At the seventh level of the Holy Realm, the power of Nirvana. Prajna wisdom again contains the power of Nirvana. Nirvana is rebirth! This is a very profound technique, and I don't understand it now."

Luo Jun also fought against such masters as Di Shengtian.

He knew the suppressive horror of these realms, but he managed to survive. Luo Jun knew very well in his heart that it was not that he was great, but that he had this effect by relying on the seeds of the Profound Yellow God Valley and the Great Fate Technique.

If he loses the big fatalism, it will be a problem to fight the Ming Jiaolong on this planet. Let alone suppress the ghost. At this point, Luo Jun was still a little vacant.

He now only has a life span of 100,000 years, and he really cannot be the king.

Fortunately, big brothers have risen.

The Dragon Girl continued to speak, and she said: "Everyone who reaches the holy realm is equivalent to being exposed to the truth of the universe and beginning to resonate with the power of the universe. When you close your eyes and meditate, your thoughts can travel hundreds of thousands of miles. However, the vastness and profoundness of the universe is still something we need to pursue for a lifetime. So, there is no end to the way! At the beginning, when I was with Eternal Age, the Sixth Holy Realm! In front of Fang Xue, I couldn’t see enough. Basically, there is no qualification for the battle. However, Wangu’s dual cultivation technique, let me help him together, played a key role in the battle. It can be said that the reason why the Emperor Xingyun will die is that I and Wangu have played a big role. Therefore, Fang Xue naturally hates us for the bones. Even though I have cultivated the Holy Realm Eightfold now, I still dare not face Fang Xue. I dare not even think of it!"

She paused, and said, "From Prajna to Nirvana, this is a further understanding of the universe's matter. In the beginning, it was a deep-seated power that merged and refined all the previous seven wisdoms, and finally formed a kind of Transparent energy. This energy changes my physique and allows me to perceive the deeper layers of the universe. It is like letting an ordinary person open the sky and see more things. So, I can travel through dimensions, I can Open a door and lead to the Purple Thunder Cavern. It is even more able to create a vortex from the Cavern Cave!"

Luo Jun listened very seriously. Such a master's lecture is really rare.

Bing Xuanxin couldn't help saying: "Senior, I found that no one on our planet has reached the realm of Nirvana you said for thousands of years. Are we all too stupid?"

Luo Jun also said: "Not only on this planet, I found that on many planets, it is difficult to find masters who reach the realm of Nirvana. Is Nirvana really a huge threshold?"

The Dragon Girl said: "There are indeed many thresholds for cultivation. From no magic power to magic power is a threshold. From having magic power to the holy realm, it is a huge threshold. Nirvana is another threshold. In the past, those old people. It’s easier to reach Nirvana because there is more material in the universe, so they absorb more and understand thoroughly. But later, the masters created an imbalance in the ecology of the universe, so it was out of a kind of self-protection of the universe. The mechanism, like the self-immunity of the human body, is that some substances are decreasing. Therefore, this makes Nirvana even more difficult. In the future, you will find more and less people who can cultivate mana. People who can reach the holy realm, There will be fewer and fewer...This is an inevitable process."

Luo Jun said: "But the existence of this universe is not what we can imagine. The oldest ancient giant today can be at most old. Compared with the age of the universe, it is still far behind. Why is it now suppressed? Is it?"

The dragon girl said: "This idea of ​​you is not wrong. However, it will take many years for the universe to evolve to be able to adapt to the survival of creatures. It will take many years for the creatures to slowly evolve into intelligent ones. Humans, dragons, these Maybe species have only been around for hundreds of millions of years? Of course, this is my guess."

Luo Jun immediately said, "What you said makes sense."

The Dragon Girl said: "In short, in the universe, it is indeed getting harder and harder to cultivate."

Luo Jun said, "You haven't said yet, what about the changes in Guang Yaoxing's aura?"

The Dragon Girl smiled faintly, and said: "It is true that I am pulling away." She followed: "Ordinary people will die. And what is our end, the end of Tao? This is the end of our cultivation, we often think The problem. Guangyao was originally not suitable for the existence of living beings, but it was changed due to the arrival of the first day god. After the first ten thousand years, the body of the first day **** was integrated into the Guangyao star, his will , Protecting Guang Yaoxing."

"Huh?" Luo Jun was taken aback.

He thought of the Great Universe.

The Dragon Girl looked at Luo Jun and said, "What?"

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "On our earth, there are also universe emperors who incarnate into heaven and guard the earth. It seems that the path taken by the gods on the first day is also the path taken by the universe emperor."

The Dragon Girl said: "I don’t know what you said about the Great Emperor of the Universe, but in the passing of years, in the advancement of cultivation, in the understanding of civilization, wisdom and the universe, it belongs to us. Emotions will fade away gradually."

Luo Jun said: "But thousands of years have passed, and your feelings for Ah Qing are still there."

The Dragon Girl said: "This is my obsession, but not everyone has obsession. Moreover, my cultivation is still far from true to the true gods. The first day **** is good, the Universe Great Emperor is also Well, what they showed us is the final form. Maybe, there were many great gods early on, but after that, they all became part of the universe. We can’t understand why they want to do this, but they won’t compare We are stupid, right?"

Luo Jun said: "I don't think I'm smarter than them. But I don't want my family and friends."

The Dragon Girl said: "You are too young now, so you still have many beautiful things. But this way, there will be countless calamities over the years. Your family and friends will leave you sooner or later. Of course, maybe you will fall first. Not everyone can go to the end, the old people with me, now I only know Fang Xue, the others, I’m afraid most of them are bad luck. The further you go, the more lonely."

Bing Xuanxin said to the side: "It is also understandable that when a person is so lonely that he has no old friends around him. His power can destroy the stars. At that time, it is difficult to find new friends. It belongs to the low-level people. Fun, and even some emotions will appear ridiculous. So in the end, sitting or guarding a planet is possible."

The Dragon Girl said: "You are right. On the first day, the **** was guarding Guang Yao Xing. It was his power that caused us to disagree with Guang Yao Xing’s aura and unable to concentrate. Sometimes we practiced and we felt Sanhua Quan. Chaos, the heavens are shaken. I can't stay here for a long time now. If I stay for a long time, I will feel very uncomfortable."

Luo Jun said: "That's it!"

The Dragon Girl followed: "I have said so much, and I believe you all know a lot. Therefore, I will not say any more. I really have to go."

"Still wait!" Luo Jun said immediately.

The dragon girl was surprised.

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