Great world, Yenching!

It is in the afternoon, and Yanjing is a bustling metropolis. The afterglow of the setting sun shines and the traffic on the overpass converges.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Yanjing is very normal. But in the eyes of the monks, you can clearly see that the strong ancestral dragon spirit enveloped the entire Yanjing. This ancestral spirit made the peerless masters look daunted!

It was also at this time that the burning air of ice and fire rushed into Yanjing in the void.

The air of ice and fire seemed to be the fusion of ice mist and fire dance, lingering each other.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong was in the Pearl Building of the National Security Bureau. She is in an underground base, and the various security levels and privacy levels here are impeccable.

She has been working for three consecutive days.

There are too many things to deal with!

Shen Mo Nong didn't know that Luo Jun had returned. Even if she knew, she knew that Ling'er had already woke up, so many things had changed. Shen Mo Nong still hopes to work here, so she will think less about a lot of things!

Fortunately, Shen Mo Nong's cultivation has reached Xu Xian, so her energy is also very good. Even after working for three consecutive days, she did not feel a trace of fatigue.

At this time, she finally got some free time. A female secretary poured her a cup of strong tea.

Shen Mo Nong took a sip of tea, and then asked the female secretary to close the door.

She began to think about some of the current work arrangements.

At this moment, the space in front of her suddenly changed.

Shen Mo Nong was taken aback. At this moment, Luo Jun gave her the Meteor Armor directly on her body.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong was on guard, and she was heroic in her battle armor.

Then, a door appeared in that space.

In the door, the air of ice and fire appeared.

The ice and fire are endless, as if they are burning life.

"Who?" Shen Mo Nong shouted sharply.

In the air of ice and fire, Lan Tingyu's figure appeared instantly.

Lan Tingyu's figure was ethereal, but his face was serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Come in right away, it's dangerous!"

As soon as his words fell silent, the surrounding space vibrated again, and then another door appeared.

A big golden hand came in and grabbed Shen Mo Nong directly.

Shen Mo Nong waited to resist, but the big hand directly enveloped her, and the boundless coercion, as well as Vientiane Senluo's creative air, completely suppressed her. It actually made her stop thinking...

Shen Mo Nong only felt his inner fear was extreme!

For the first time, she experienced the horror of such a peerless master!

That is not a human force at all, it is a force that cannot be resisted at all.

However, just when the big golden hand was about to grasp Shen Mo Nong, Lan Tingyu turned into the aura of the nine flames and divine fire, and the aura of ice and fire instantly entangled, entwining the big golden hand tightly.


The violent explosion sounded, and the many changes of the golden hand were disintegrated in the air of ice and fire.

There was a muffled hum from the door of the void, and then, the big golden hand quickly retracted.

Then, the air of ice and fire entangled Shen Mo Nong.

Then, a door appeared again, and the air of ice and fire entered into that door.

Then disappear!

On the other side of the big golden hand, the door of the void opened.

Nicangshui and others appeared in this office.

The sound here immediately alarmed the rest of Guoan.

"Shen Ju?" An agent asked urgently outside.

Ouyang Yu and others looked at each other.

Ni Cangshui was too lazy to make sense, and once again took out the Phoenix Young Spar to calculate.

"I can't catch up, it has been born out of nothing, created a door to the void, and entered the heavenly continent."

"Tianzhou?" Shui Linglong said solemnly: "Let's chase it!"

"I want to die!" Nicangshui glanced across Shui Linglong, and said: "There is still Zhang Daoling in Tianzhou, and such a ruthless character like Xuan Zhenghao is there. It's just to die!"

"Sinking the game!" The agents outside heard the conversation inside, ignoring other things, and immediately came in with guns. They haven't seen anything clearly yet, Ouyang Yu first pointed out.

In an instant, the four agents burned inside their bodies and turned into ashes in an instant!

Ni Cangshui said, "Go, catch others. Lan Tingyu is no longer alive."

"Can't you live?" Shui Linglong smiled and said: "Big brother, are you sure?"

Ni Cangshui snorted coldly, and said: "They are all burning the vitality essence, so that they can have such powerful yin and yang energy. This is irreversible, dead, go!"

A group of people left quickly.

Tianzhou, Dakang imperial city, inside the boat of one yuan...

On the bridge of one yuan, the air of ice and fire shuttled, and Shen Mo Nong stood there.

A tragic breath spread...

This movement immediately alarmed everyone in the One Yuan Boat.

Luo Jun, Qin Lin, Ling'er, Xuan Zhenghao, Luo Tong, Emperor Changsheng, and Zhang Daoling all came to the One Yuan Bridge.

Luo Jun first saw Shen Mo Nong, who was also wearing a white Meteor armor.

"Mo Nong, what happened?" Luo Jun grabbed Shen Mo Nong's hand with concern and asked.

Only then did Shen Mo Nong react. She felt panicked and said, "I don't know, but Ting Yu and the others seem to be dying..."

"What..." Luo Jun couldn't help being shocked.

Everyone looked at the burning air of ice and fire.

At this time, Lan Tingyu and Luo Xue began to appear in the air of ice and fire. However, their figure is already misty.

"What's going on?" Luo Jun asked anxiously. He then said again: "How can we help you?"

Lan Tingyu held Luo Xue's hand tightly. At this moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely peaceful. He looked at Luo Jun, and then said, “Don’t waste your energy. Luo Xue and I have burned all the vital energy, and our physical bodies have become fuel. This is irreversible. Only we die. The qi will gradually go out."

He paused, and then said: "It's Ouyang Yu. Ouyang Yu has passed his destiny to several masters. They are targeting Luo Jun you. Among them, there is a Seventh Layer of Creation Realm, he Disguised as a seed, let me absorb it, and finally Nirvana came into being and attacked us. In addition, there is a sixth-level creation and two fifth-level creations. Ouyang Yu’s cultivation has also reached the fourth level of the creation, they Very difficult to deal with!"

"God!" Luo Jun and others were all pale when they heard this.

Lan Tingyu stared at Luo Jun, he suddenly smiled faintly, and said: "We have grievances, can we stop here?"

Luo Jun's mind was instantly blank.

He looked at Lan Tingyu and Luo Xue, he clearly saw that their lives were fading away.

"Master Dao, Master Dao, you must have a way to save them. I have big fatalism!" Luo Jun immediately asked Zhang Daoling for help.

Zhang Daoling sighed and said: "This is fate, this is Tingyu's fate. Now, his fate has been completed. Poor Dao, and there is no way to bring the dead back to life!"

"No, there must be a way!" Luo Jun didn't want to believe, he immediately urged big fatalism!

"Great destiny. At all costs, at all costs, save them!"

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