Super Security in the City

Chapter 2950: Sea dragon

There was originally a lake in Linjia Village, but now a park has been built around the lake. On the other side is a commercial snack street!

Luo Jun walked among them, passing a shop selling breakfast, he sat in.

The breakfast in the store is buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk, sliced ​​noodles. The boss is a couple in Linjia Village, they know Luo Jun.

At this time, there are already some customers in the store. The guests here are all tourists!

Today, the tourism business of Linjia Village is not as hot as before, but fortunately it is stable and the source of tourists has always been very good.

The owner and his wife are in their fifties, and they have hired some help from the shop.

The boss is called Lin Dali.

When Lin Dali saw Luo Jun coming, he was surprised at first, and then rejoiced. He immediately stepped forward and said, "Brother, when did you come? Sit down!"

As he said, he greeted Luo Jun to sit down, and sat opposite Luo Jun himself.

Lin Dali immediately asked his wife to bring soy milk, fried dough sticks, buns and noodles all at once.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, I can't eat so much."

Lin Dali laughed, and said, "Why don't you try new things. It doesn't matter if you waste some. In our village, thanks to you, every time the people in our village talk about it, it feels like a dream."

Breakfast was served soon, Luo Jun ate fritters and drank soy milk. He admired and said: "It tastes very good!"

Lin Dali laughed and said, "This whole street, my little brother, you can eat wherever you want. If anyone dares to collect your money, it is not our Lin family villager who will be driven out of the ancestral hall."

Luo Jun was startled, he smiled bitterly and said, "You are so polite."

"This is what we should do!"

"Boss..." At this moment, the tourist next to him suddenly spoke. The tourist is a few college students, three boys and one girl.

They are all 18 or 9 years old!

Among the girls, there are some freckles on their faces, but they are pretty beautiful. She is very energetic in her white sportswear.

The girl couldn't help asking: "Boss, this gentleman? Is it the legendary god-man?"

Luo Jun still wanted to deny it, but Lin Dali and his wife had already admitted proudly. Lin Dali said, "Haha, you are lucky today. That's right, this little brother is the **** of our Lin Family Village, Luo Jun!"

"Really?" The girl and a few boys felt a little weird.

Several other tourists are also interested.

"It is said that this **** man is over forty years old, how can he look like he is only twenty years old!" Some people wondered.

"God, younger, that's normal!"

"Mr. Luo Jun, I heard that you used to create the avenue to the sky where we entered the village. Is this a media propaganda method, or is it true?" the girl asked Luo Jun.

Everyone surrounded Luo Jun, and some even took photos.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly. He just wanted to have breakfast!

Everyone looked at Luo Jun curiously.

Lin Dali and his wife looked at Luo Jun expectantly, Luo Jun is the **** of Lin Family Village!

Luo Jun felt that he was a little hard to get off, and he couldn't deny it. Because once this is publicized, it will be a big blow to the image of Linjiacun.

"I really made it!" Luo Jun affirmed.

"We all received materialistic education since we were young and opposed feudal superstition. We believe in science..." A college student named Zhao Jianhui immediately questioned and said, "You said that Tongtian Avenue was really built by you using magic techniques?"

This young man was so courageous that he actually took out his phone to take a picture. "Luo Jun, you have to answer carefully, because I will post this paragraph on the Internet."

Lin Dali was immediately upset, and he scolded: "Why did you talk to my little brother? Are you polite? You give me out, we Lin Family Village do not welcome people like you!"

He immediately pushed Zhao Jianhui!

"Hey!" Luo Jun immediately stopped Lin Dali, he said with a smile: "Don't don't, Brother Lin, if you push him out like this, he will post it on the Internet, then our Lin Family Village is the Shencun Village."

Lin Dali blushed with anger and said, "I don't care about this. In short, in our Lin Family Village, anyone who dares to be disrespectful to your brother is not allowed to enter our Lin Family Village!"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "It's okay!"

He then said to Zhao Jianhui, the tourists, and even the classmates: "Uh, everyone, sit down, let's sit down and talk slowly. I also have time to eat breakfast by the way!"

Seeing that Luo Jun was willing to talk, everyone sat down one after another.

Zhao Jianhui was very persistent, and said, "You have to answer my question, are you a Tongtian Avenue built by magic?"

"Yes!" Luo Jun said with a smile.

Zhao Jianhui said: "What is a spell? Does a spell really exist? When you say this, your face will not blush? There is no spell in this world. This does not conform to physical knowledge or science."

Luo Jun glanced at the female college student. Instead of answering Zhao Jianhui's words directly, he said, "What is your name?"

The female college student was startled slightly, and then said: "Li Rong!"

Zhao Jianhui said, "You are avoiding the problem."

Lin Dali's wife was angry and said, "You bastard, what's the matter with you, do you think you know everything after studying for a few years? If you talk more, get out!"

Zhao Jianhui sneered and said: "Only people like you who are ignorant and ignorant can believe in any magic!"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Everyone is safe and restless first, and rest assured!"

His words calmed the Lin Dali couple.

Zhao Jianhui still insisted on letting Luo Jun answer.

Luo Jun was too lazy to care about Zhao Jianhui. He asked Li Rong and said, "Li Rong, what do you think is a spell?"

Li Rong stayed for a while, unexpectedly Luo Jun would ask this question. She just felt that the young man in front of her had a lovely smile, and there was an indescribable charm.

Li Rong said, "I think spells are like the mythical TV series we watch. They can fly into the sky and become soldiers."

Luo Jun said, "So, is this scientific?"

"Unscientific!" Li Rong said.

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Then do you believe in magic?"

Li Rong hesitated for a while, then shook her head and said, "I don't believe it!"

Luo Jun said: "All of you here are highly educated, and you don't believe it anymore."

A fat tourist said: "Mr. Luo Jun, why do you have to say so much? The more you say, the more you conceal that you have no spells. If you really have spells, give us some magical powers, otherwise let us all be convinced. Yet?"

Luo Jun said: “Some things seem impossible, but they don’t mean they are unscientific. It’s a good thing for young people to have the courage to question everything. But don’t be too absolute, because your knowledge is still too little. The cognition is not absolutely true. You must question everything and believe that everything is possible."

He paused, laughed one last time, and said, "You want to see magical powers, don't you? The magical powers are, of course, right in front of you. I want to snap a finger lightly!"

As Luo Jun spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly!

At that moment, his mental power was concentrated between snapping his fingers!

With a bang, the star sublimation technique begins!

The spiritual world instantly wrapped this shop...

From the outside, ordinary people can see that everyone in this shop is still.

Of course, Luo Jun is an exception.

Luo Jun builds a world with spiritual power, this world is extraordinary...

Everyone, including Lin Dali and his wife, when they recovered, they suddenly found that they were no longer in the shop.

They came to the sea...

There is no sun in the sky, but the sky is very bright and the sea is endless.

All of them stood volley in the air.

Obviously, he didn't step on anything, but he didn't feel weightless.

"What's going on?" Zhao Jianhui couldn't help but pale.

The others were also inexplicably horrified.

"This must be an illusion, there is hallucinogen in the soy milk for breakfast!" Zhao Jianhui said loudly afterwards.

"Little boy, you are looking for death!" Lin Dali scolded after hearing this, "I give you hallucinogens, for your wealth or for your color?"

At this moment, Luo Jun slowly appeared, he came out of the void gate and came to the center of the crowd. He glanced at the crowd, smiled, and said: "I knew that you would suspect that it was a hallucinogen. But did your science not tell you? Even if it is a hallucinogen, you don’t have the ability to let you see the same The illusion. Unless, it is the creation of dreams. However, the creation of dreams, in your actual science, seems to have not been developed yet. On the contrary, there are some ancient witchcrafts and Gus that exist now that can achieve this. Those things are not. Science can explain it. What you are in now is my spiritual world!"

"The spiritual world?" Zhao Jianhui and others were puzzled.

But no matter what, Zhao Jianhui did not dare to be disrespectful at this time.

Luo Jun said: "You always talk about science, so I ask you, what is the end of science? I can't answer it. Spells are not something mysterious, they are a manifestation of spiritual power. Some people, forever Not sleeping, the spirit is different from ordinary people. Some people have neurasthenia, which is a manifestation of mental strength. Some people can directly hypnotize other people because their mental power is strong! When the mental power is strong enough, It can interfere with the spirit of others, even the surrounding matter and magnetic field. You know that the surrounding electric magnetic field exists, right? By mentally concentrating on the electric magnetic field, you can achieve lightning protection and killing! That's it..."

Luo Jun pointed out, banging, a thunder smashed toward the sea!

Thousand layers of waves are suddenly stirred up on the sea!

"This is also science!" Luo Jun smiled slightly.

When everyone saw it, they were stunned!

Luo Jun then smiled and said, "I will show you something more amazing..."

With a wave of his hand, the sea suddenly became calm, and the sea suddenly condensed into a huge sea dragon...

The sea dragon roared, reaching ten thousand feet long, and its scales were extremely real...

"Go up!" Luo Jun led everyone and stood on Hailong's back.

After that, Hailong flew out...

In the blink of an eye, the sea dragon pierced the atmosphere and went into outer space...

"These are mental illusions, not real outer space. You people, it is a dead end to reach outer space without protection!" Luo Jun reminded.

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