Super Security in the City

Chapter 2954: originally

Luo Jun later said to Song Lingshan: "My words are reasonable, thanks to my insights. When people see more, they will not be limited to the circle in front of them. They will stand in a wider place. To see something."

Song Lingshan said: "I have traveled many places over the years, but sometimes, the more places I walk, the more lonely I feel. On the contrary, the sense of wandering becomes stronger, perhaps because women are born to want a harbor and Go home."

Luo Jun said: "It's not just women, men also want this kind of harbor and destination."

Song Lingshan smiled and said, "I see many rich men who want to be the fifth diamond king, and want to be the bride and groom every day."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Maybe. But the pleasure of changing women is like soup made with MSG. It comes quickly and goes quickly. I prefer the feeling of home, like old soup, although sometimes I feel Plain, but long lasting."

Song Lingshan thought for a while, and then said, "Actually, I'm quite curious. How does it feel to be you?"

Luo Jun said, "Ah? What's the problem? I don't seem to understand."

Song Lingshan said, "I mean, like you, you have a good figure, a healthy body, countless wealth, power, and such supernatural powers. It's hard for me to appreciate your happiness. Can you be yourself? It is the **** of creation. You can make the ant become the king, and you can make the king become the ant. You can wave your hand and be omnipotent. Does this feeling make you lost?"

Luo Jun froze for a moment, then smiled: " are the first person to ask the question so straightforwardly. I haven't thought about this before, and sometimes I feel very distressed. Don't you Say, I still hate the thief why God would torture me like this. For example, my eldest brother, um, worship eldest brother, you have never seen. He can have whatever wealth he wants, he is almost immortal. His magical powers Not under me, but he has disliked the earth to the extreme. Now he is far away from the earth and decided not to return to the earth in this life. He is obviously unhappy."

"Why?" Song Lingshan said, "I can't figure it out."

Luo Jun said, "Because of the different dimensions, the troubles are different. The former farmer used to be happy with a few scallion pancakes and a cow. But would you be happy because of those scallion pancakes and a cow? Obviously not! Because of you It’s different from the farmer’s dimension. And you and my dimension are also different! To be honest, I also feel that this kind of omnipotence feels very good. I am like a superior emperor, like a creator. In front of you, I seem to be omnipotent. . This feeling is very good and very happy."

Song Lingshan said, "Then what is your trouble?"

Luo Jun said: "This kind of happiness is a kind of freshness. Occasionally, it is not bad, and after a long time it will be uninteresting. My troubles, hey, are very complicated, so I won't tell you anymore, don't add to you. "

Song Lingshan said: "No, you can tell me, I am very interested!"

Luo Jun didn't want to talk about the danger outside the dimension.

Why should Song Lingshan panic?

He thought for a while, and said: "The greater our magical powers, the more calamities. Because of all kinds of substances, the magnetic field is materialized. The stronger the energy field in our body becomes, and the surrounding magnetic field will produce various differences. The reaction. After practicing, the more calamity will be, and the emotion will become more and more indifferent."

Song Lingshan thought again. She then said: "I seem to understand a bit, but I don't quite understand."

Luo Jun said: "Let's talk about something else."

Song Lingshan smiled slightly and said, "What are you talking about? I seem to be very interested in your world. You said, can I learn magical powers like you? If one day, I can become a person like you. How great."

Luo Jun said: "Many ordinary people have seen our supernatural powers and have thoughts like you. The qualification is indeed a big problem, but the simple first level is not difficult. I can help you temper with supernatural powers and pills. Body. But if you want to make a big progress, you need all kinds of opportunities and qualifications."

Song Lingshan suddenly became interested and said, "Can you really teach me?"

Luo Jun said: "It depends on you. This way, you want to play, I advise you not to move this idea. Because it may get angry, if you really want to go, you have to think about many things in it, right? Can bear it. It’s not fun to practice. It’s much harder than the equations you went to school."

Song Lingshan smiled bitterly and said, "I really just want to have fun."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I can give you some pills to extend your life. Live one or two hundred years old, no disease, no pain, no problems at all. Besides, let me give you Write a talisman to give you some magical power."

"Really?" Song Lingshan was surprised.

Luo Jun directly took out ten Ningxue Pills and said, "You can take them and take them once every twenty years, no problem."

He paused, and then said: "Well, I want to, just write a talisman on your arm for you!"

"Stretch out your hand!" Luo Jun said.

Song Lingshan first took Ningxue Pill, and then stretched out her slender jade hand with suspicion.

Luo Jun rolled up her sleeves, her arms were white...

Fine skin!

Song Lingshan's face was slightly red.

Luo Jun thought for a while, cut his finger with his nail, and then dripped a drop of blood.

He dripped this drop of blood onto Song Lingshan's arm, and then he wrote with this drop of blood.

In the blink of an eye, a twisted rune came out.

This character belongs to the primitive ancient characters.

Song Lingshan didn't know him.

The word was bloody, the size of a little finger.

Then, the word disappeared.

"Huh? Over?" Song Lingshan was surprised.

Luo Jun said: "This word is called tortoise! ​​When you are under attack, it can absorb damage and strength. At the same time, once you use this word, you can also release your power. This tortoise is attracted by my blood. It can automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, you can follow you for a lifetime without being exhausted. But I also set the upper and lower limits of strength, so it will not hurt yourself."

Song Lingshan said, "But I don't seem to feel anything!"

"It's not your power, and it's normal for you to not feel it!" Luo Jun said, "But I made a mark for you. You have to read the spell in your mind to use the power of the tortoise character. Remember, Absorbing damage is passive. You need to use its power to chant a spell. This spell is..."

Luo Jun told Song Lingshan the spell.

Song Lingshan asked immediately: "Can I try it now?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Of course, but it's better not to try here."

Song Lingshan was very excited and said, "Okay!"

Subsequently, the two left the fast food restaurant.

Song Lingshan paid for the meal alone.

After leaving the fast food restaurant, the two found a secluded place.

This is by the lake in the park.

Sparkling on the lake...

Song Lingshan chanted the spell silently in her mind. After she finished chanting the spell, she immediately felt the heat flow through her arm.

She saw the tortoise on the arm appeared, and the words the size of a little finger burst into blood!

The blood-colored light formed a powerful qi!

This kind of gas instantly wrapped Song Lingshan.

When Song Lingshan moved, she was ten meters away in an instant, with extremely fast speed!

She then saw a big rock again, grabbed it with one hand, and the air formed a claw, a big claw!

Grab the big rock directly and grab it.

Song Lingshan didn't feel the effort at all, it was easy! It's not her power anyway...

"My God, have I become a Superman?" Song Lingshan's excited eyes shone.

Luo Jun laughed.

Song Lingshan was indeed very excited, but afterwards, Luo Jun also urged Song Lingshan not to use it easily in front of others, so as not to cause disaster.

Song Lingshan nodded.

Luo Jun was in a good mood all day.

As if seeing Song Lingshan, it was like returning to that old time.

In the afternoon, the two sat in a coffee shop. Luo Jun promised to help Song Lingshan deal with Zhou Bin's affairs. But it's not in a hurry, go back at night.

The settlement this time is naturally to be settled once and for all.

In the coffee shop, when the two were having a good chat, a few people suddenly came in outside.

To be precise, four bodyguards stood outside the door.

A man and a woman came in!

The man is dressed in a white suit and looks like a 27-year-old man.

The female has flaming red lips, big wavy hair, and is dressed in a small red suit. At first glance, she looks like a female president.

This woman seems to be less than thirty years old. A strong gas field, a strong woman in the mall!

She looks very beautiful, and her chest is undulating, which is very capital.

Luo Jun couldn't help taking a few more glances.

He is used to seeing beauties from all over the world, and now he sees this kind of urban superwoman style, but feels a kind of freshness.

When Song Lingshan saw this woman, she was surprised and said: "She is Zhou Wenna!"

Luo Jun disagrees.

Song Lingshan got up and looked at Zhou Wenna. With a hint of flattery and admiration, she said: "Miss Zhou, it's a coincidence that you have also arrived here. I am your fan. I am glad to meet you..."

Zhou Wenna was about to sit down, but she couldn't help but glance at Song Lingshan. But her expression was cold, she just nodded faintly, and then sat down with the man.

Song Lingshan suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Lingshan, sit down!"

Song Lingshan felt embarrassed and said, "Let's go!"

Luo Jun said: "Nervous, what are we going for?" He couldn't help but pulled Song Lingshan to sit down.

Song Lingshan also sat down.

Luo Jun asked Song Lingshan in a low voice, "Is she a big star? Are you still her fan?"

Song Lingshan also whispered: "She is not a big star, she is from Hong Kong. Business women, they do a lot of business. Zhou Wenna is very business-minded, she should be the idol of all our women! Be a woman, Just be like her."

Luo Jun laughed and said: "It's amazing, she seems to think she's amazing anyway."

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