Super Security in the City

Chapter 3040: Strangling

If Suzhen Hei relies on the dark element, she will be sucked into the Primitive God Cave at an accelerated rate.

After rushing into the whirlpool, Suzhen in black is equivalent to jumping from the calm shore into the cliff. Below Suzhen in black, there is a huge primitive cave.

Few people know the secrets in the primitive cave.

Everything is hidden in the original **** cave.

At this moment, Tian Qingge relied on Zhenhai Ding to move the epitome to change the space where Suzhen Hei was. The original sacred cave was still some distance away from Hei Suzhen. At this time, the space changed, the original sacred cave was already close at hand.

The powerful suction strangled, the vortex above, and all the pressure poured down!

All dimensions have become chaotic and difficult to perceive.

Suzhen in black could no longer support her, and her whole body was sucked into the primitive cave.

"Okay, she went in." Tian Qingge breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

They knew that there were many unknown dangers in the primitive cave, so they arranged the battlefield in the only calm layer of sea water.

But what they didn't expect was that this plan ultimately failed.

As a last resort, Tian Qingge had to start the second plan.

Use Zhenhai Ding to control the original **** cave.

"After entering the primitive cave, few people can survive." Long Kongtong said in a deep voice.

"Or, we can wait outside. Just wait for work!" Mo Yunyu said.

Tang Ling said to the side: "What if she should die inside? What if she has an adventure inside and has cultivated for hundreds of years? What can we wait here?"

Tian Qingge nodded and said, "Tang Ling's words are reasonable. After entering the primitive cave, all changes will exceed our expectations. Fortunately, we still have Zhenhai Ding. At the moment, we must enter the primitive cave together. Kill Bai Suzhen and Luo Jun. You must see people in life, and corpses in death!"

In Zhenhai Ding, the epitome of Suzhen in black has disappeared.

The original Shendong cave is not something that Zhenhai Ding can simulate.

Tian Qingge took the lead, and everyone entered the primitive cave.

Filed in...

Na Long Kongtong and Mo Yunyu still hesitated, but Tang Ling didn't pause at all, he was eager to help Xuan Zhenghao complete the plan.

At this time, he seemed to understand Xuan Zhenghao's plan.

The masters entered the primitive **** cave, and at the moment they entered, the huge suction power and countless sea particles thunderously slashed over.

Like the sands of the Ganges, there are also meteorites in the universe broken into pieces in the sea water particles, and various meteorites, etc.!

The profound meaning of melting all things in one furnace!

Whether it's your master, planet, or something.

Entering this ruins, you must finally melt into a furnace and turn to ashes!

The entire universe seems to be undergoing a process of collapse.

Black hole swallowed!

Return to the ruins!

When the masters entered the Primitive God Cave, the scouring, strangulation, and unimaginable profound meaning suppressed.

They immediately felt the endless pressure!

Immediately, the masters used their mana to resist the external strangulation.

Tianqingge uses phoenix young spar and Zhenhai Ding as a guide. Immediately, a colorful protective film appeared around them.

Many attacks have come, all turned to ashes!

Everyone felt a lot easier.

"Very good!" Tian Qingge smiled coldly, and said: "After entering the primitive cave, Zhenhaiding will gradually understand the situation here. Without Zhenhaiding, Bai Suzhen would never be able to get out. She has to bear tens of millions every second here. Second attack. She won’t be able to sustain it after all!"

When Zhenhai Ding gets used to everything here, he will simulate the miniature of the original Shendong. At that time, Suzhen in black will have nowhere to hide!

Tang Ling said nothing.

Tian Qingge thought of something, and suddenly said to Tang Ling: "Why has Jiazun been silent?"

Tang Ling's heart sighed. At this time, if he answered a little incorrectly, he would fall short.

But how do you lie?

No matter what he said, it would make the shrewd Tian Qingge suspicious. The only thing is to let Kazun speak for himself.

However, Jiazun had died and became a scum, and it was impossible to speak.

Tang Ling took a deep breath and suddenly said respectfully, "My lord, here is Kazun!"

Tang Ling did not imitate Jiazun, but instead spoke like this as if Jiazun had controlled his vocal cords.

Tian Qingge and others did not doubt it.

Tian Qingge said: "Tang Ling is still loyal, you can't be too harsh on him."

Tang Ling said, "Yes, my lord." He paused and said, "My lord, please don't worry, there are subordinates who look after Young Master Tang Ling. I think Young Master Tang Ling is afraid to be disloyal."

Tian Qingge smiled.

After thoroughly entering the primitive cave, all the masters are in front of the endless red melting pot!

There is no longer sea water, everything is violent.

Crimson melting pot, melting heaven and earth into one furnace!

There are 10,000 square kilometers in it, a real melting pot of heaven and earth!

In the furnace, there are still many colorful stars melting.

From the entrance of the primitive **** cave above, various substances were constantly being drawn in.

The sky was violent, and there seemed to be no creatures.

Tian Qingge quickly used Zhenhai Ding to fuse the furnace here, with the intention of finding Suzhen in black.

"Is this the most mysterious and ultimate place of Guixu?" Long Weigong glanced around and said in a deep voice.

Long Kongtong said: "The land of the ruins is rumored to be extremely mysterious. There are also fierce beasts in the calm layer of the sea above, but most of them are not very intelligent. This primitive cave seems to be a simple melting pot. It seems that it belongs to the ruins. It’s just that!"

Mo Yunyu did not comment on the side.

Tang Ling searched for the trace of Suzhen in black.

Tian Qingge listened to the words of the masters, and said: "This layer of furnace is not that simple. This is the first layer of furnace. There are seventeen layers of furnaces underneath. One layer is more powerful than the other. After the melting pot, there are countless treasures, fierce beasts, and countless sacred beasts in the ruined illusion. After entering, no one can come out alive. Therefore, I did not intend to take everyone in. In fact, it is this melting pot. It’s also difficult to get out. But I have Zhenhai Ding and Feng Xiaojingshi, I believe I can get out."

Long Kongtong said: "It turns out that there is such a mystery, it seems that it hasn't been recorded in the ancient scriptures. How did you know it, sir?"

Tian Qingge said: "Zhenhai Ding is quickly helping me understand this place. In the final illusion of returning to the ruins, many materials have undergone tempering and will eventually evolve into the world. In that illusion, no matter how much we cultivate. High, it is possible to fall into the gap between illusion and reality. Because of those substances, a single stone may have evolved a small world. There will be various universes and stars in miniature, maybe in that place, we can all find the empire In miniature."

Long Weigong said: "Going back to the ruins, needless to say. This place shouldn't be stayed for a long time, let's make a quick decision!"

Tian Qingge nodded.

"Found it!" Tian Qingge said suddenly.

Inside the Zhenhai Ding, Tian Qingge saw that Suzhen in black was in the melting pot.

Tian Qingge moved quickly, and the masters followed.

They were protected by Zhenhai Ding and Phoenix Young Crystal, and they passed by without obstruction.

At this time, Suzhen Hei is not easy.

She is suffering from such a majestic and violent furnace strangling. If she hadn't had the experience of saving thunder tribulation, she would have been exhausted here by changing to another master of the same level.

Moreover, this is just the first layer of furnace strangulation!

Black Suzhen turned into thunder, even though the furnace was strangling, she was more determined.

It goes on like this, although the mana is still being consumed.

But the discomfort in her body is diminishing.

However, at this moment, Tian Qingge and others are like a flat boat in a sea of ​​bitterness, coming with a unique light.

They quickly surrounded Suzhen in black.

The bitter sea lantern also enveloped Suzhen Hei Yi, so even the strangulation of the furnace outside could not harm Suzhen Hei Yi.

Suzhen Black quickly gathered her real body and appeared in front of the masters.

"Bai Suzhen, do you have any other methods?" Tian Qingge said coldly: "Just here, the dark elements will also be strangled to pieces. You have no way to go."

Black Suzhen's eyes were cold, and said: "Why nonsense!"

Tian Qingge snorted coldly, then shouted: "Kill!"

He also followed suit, using Zhenhai Ding as a guide to introduce a crack!

In the crack, the force of the furnace strangling enters.

Tian Qingge once again used the phoenix young spar as a guide. In an instant, the strangling power in the crack formed a colorful color.

In the colorful colors, violent particles of seven colors flashed, and the flames were brilliant, like a dragon rushing to kill, and smashed toward the center of Suzhen's eyebrows.

Long Weigong was not idle, and with a wave of his hand, he displayed Jiujue Ling, Jiujue Ling, and the sound blade mixing hole appeared!

In that small space, the sound blade mixing hole appeared infinite, just like an oven...

But it is only for Suzhen in black!

At this moment, Suzhen in black is like an ancient well.

There is a volcano erupting in the ancient well, the furnace is strangling, and the cave is strangling!

The masters stood at the mouth of the well, each using their magic powers, trying to make Suzhen in black clothes dead without a place to be buried.

Long Kongtong and Mo Yunyu were not idle either, they launched attacks one after another!

Tian Qingge sneered again and again, and said to the black-clothed Suzhen in the ancient well: "I use Zhenhaiding as a guide, strangling you with the furnace, and its strangling power is endless. When I become more familiar with the situation here, I can still quote The second-tier furnace power. Bai Suzhen, you have no other choice but to wait for death."

What he said is absolutely true!

Black-clothed Suzhen's body is under attack by many forces. Although she has experienced nine times of thunder, she has been attacked and killed by many experts, and she will finally be exhausted.

Everything is dry and prosperous, and so is the human state. No matter what state you are in, there will be a day of exhaustion.

The Universe King will die too!

The earth will die, and the universe will die!

It is impossible for Suzhen Black to endure such a powerful attack all the time.

"Nine-fold thunder robbery mixed hole!"

Black Suzhen snorted softly, and once again displayed the Ninefold Thunder Tribulation Hole.

Many forces, the attack was once again completely wiped out by Suzhen Black.

But this was useless, she consumed countless mana, and the opponent changed hands and continued to attack.

Especially the Zhenhai Ding of Tianqingsong, that Zhenhai Ding introduces the power of the furnace, endless, endless...

Seeing to continue like this, Suzhen in black might really have only a dead end.

Suzhen Black was carrying mana, her body changed a lot, and she tried to rush out several times, but she returned without success...

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