Super Security in the City

Chapter 3049: Seem to understand

Luo Jun's situation of the Phantom is always a little unclear, and there are too many unknown things in this world. He immediately understood some of the mysteries of the universe, and understood some of the mysteries of the universe, but he did not understand everything.

The Phantom tells Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen that there is no dimensional entrance in this Guixu illusion. So even the most powerful master, even if the saint arrives here, he cannot travel through dimensions.

Even the void shuttle can't do it, everything can only rely on its own speed!

At the same time, the Phantom can hide in the illusion, no one can see her form. This illusion has reached the point where it becomes real. Only she can detect the falsehood in it!

The world that Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen saw was colorful, such as the ocean world full of jellyfish.

Another example is the sky full of strange stars.

But the Phantom told Luo Jun and Suzhen Hei that in fact, it was foggy. Moreover, there are many fog particles. The fog particles are sticky. With the help of the fog particles, real substances can form illusions at will.

The entire Guixu illusion has become a whole in its own right, just like the destiny of Heaven on Earth.

There is no real master, but the system already exists.

The Phantom has been communicating with Luo Jun and the two of them with thoughts. She said: "There are no things here, some are indeed jellyfish. Some are disguised as jellyfish, some look like dust, but in fact they are as huge as a mountain. It looks like a huge mountain, but it is actually a small dust. Some are beasts, some are sacred beasts, and all kinds of treasures, darlings, have also given birth to illusions."

Luo Jun and Suzhen Hei were shocked when they heard them, they only felt goose bumps all over their bodies.

"You don't have to worry too much. Although you don't see them real, you are not real in their eyes." Phantom continued. "That's why no creatures attack you. They are immersed in the illusion, and the world they live in is different from what we see."

Luo Jun said: "That's it!"

The Phantom said: "Even if you fight them, illusion enemies will appear in their world accordingly. They will never see you, they will fight with you in their own eyes."

Luo Jun said: "In fact, we can't see them clearly, don't we?"

The Phantom said: "It's like this. Return to the Ruins Fantasy Realm, true and false, false and true. You can go out safely if you listen to me. Otherwise, you will definitely suffer bad luck."

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, we will follow you. But, have you seen the group of spirits from Tian Qingge?"

Phantom shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

Luo Jun was startled slightly and said, "Is it already dead? Or is it already out?"

Hei Suzhen said, "I believe they won't die so easily."

Luo Jun said: "I remembered, they must have brought the phoenix young spar. Maybe the phoenix young spar can also help them explore the falsehood and go out smoothly."

Black Suzhen said, "It's very possible!"

At this moment, Tang Ling also passed on his thoughts. He said, "Brother Luo Jun, Miss Bai, I have something to remind you of."

Luo Jun said: "Huh?"

Tang Ling said, "Tianqingge put a spiritual imprint in my mind, and I can't refine it. But if he explodes the imprint, I can suppress and refine it with the boundless fairy palace. But he has not exploded. This mark, I think he intends to use this mark as a coordinate. No matter where I go, he can feel it."

Luo Jun was taken aback and said: "We talk, can he hear it?"

Tang Ling said, "That's not possible. I have been wrapping the mark with the air of the boundless fairy house."

"Sure?" Luo Jun was a little worried.

Tang Ling said, "I'm pretty sure."

Hei Suzhen thought of something and said: "Since you are not afraid of that mark exploding, I will go in and destroy your mark first."

Tang Ling's eyes lit up and said, "This is a good way!"

At the moment, Hei Suzhen acted decisively.

She and Luo Jun broke the spiritual cultivation state, and then flew into Tang Ling's brain, and then directly beheaded the mark of Tian Qingge to ashes.

Tian Qingge didn't make any response.

After finishing all this, Suzhen in black quickly returned to Luo Jun's body, and successfully cultivated with Luo Jun again.

After solving the matter, Luo Jun said to the Phantom: "This Guixu illusion is our last entry. Even if Tian Qingge and they successfully escaped, they will not lose sight of their ability if they want to use their skills. So I I have to find some treasures here first. Phantom, you help me look around. Especially the Star Stone..."

Phantom nodded and said, "Good!"

Luo Jun knew in his heart that this Guixu Fantasy Realm would be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Even the masters of the Nine Layers of Creation, without full protection and treasures, will probably die in it. The reason why he can come in and get to this place is because of the blue silk. The second is because of the fusion of Yin and Yang to nurture all things. However, there is a prerequisite for yin and yang to nurture everything, that is, people who cooperate. If Luo Jun were to cultivate spiritually with the five-tier female master of the same creation, it would be a dead end. The biggest reason for the success this time was because of Suzhen Black.

Therefore, Luo Jun felt that coming to the Guixu illusion was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Enter Baoshan, how can you return empty-handed?

The Phantom said to Luo Jun: "I have to choose some treasures, which I also brought back to the emperor. Now that I am here, if I go back empty-handed, it won't make sense."

Luo Jun said: "I understand this. I have no opinion on what you want to do."

The Phantom immediately helped Luo Jun find the treasure.

In the process of searching for the baby, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen both followed the instructions of the Phantom, which successfully avoided many troubles.

Continuously searching, the baby did find a lot, but the star stone got very little. With the addition of the one that Luo Jun found before, a total of three were found.

Luo Jun felt puzzled and said to Tang Ling, "Brother Tang, there are actually not so many star stones in it, right?"

Tang Ling said, "No, there are indeed many star stones. This is determined by the spirits, otherwise, they would not consider Guixu as a goal."

Hei Suzhen said: "Maybe it's too big here, we should look for it. Unfortunately, right now we are really not suitable for staying here for too long. If it doesn't work, wait until we solve these things and come back. One trip is all right."

Luo Jun's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, although it is difficult to come in here. But it is not difficult for you and me to come in!"

Suzhen in black smiled slightly.

Tang Ling said, "In fact, I'm still worried about another possibility."

Luo Jun said: "What?"

Tang Ling said, "Could those star stones have been taken away by the spirits first?"

Luo Jun, Black Clothes Suzhen and the Phantom were all shocked when they heard this.

Because it is entirely possible.

Those spirits already knew that the Star Stone was an important part of the Palace of Stars to deal with the Imperial Sky Ark.

"It's really not suitable for us to delay too long here." Luo Jun took a deep breath and said.

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