Super Security in the City

Chapter 3070: Calamity

Luo Jun was very flustered, he had experienced countless hardships in his life. Even if he is on the line of life and death, he can deal with it calmly. It's just that right now, when it comes to his son, his heart can no longer remain calm.

The way of cultivating the Tao, pay attention to too much forgiveness!

Too much love in the world entangles oneself, it is easy to hurt the mind and body.

But Luo Jun has never been able to do it. If he can do it without any problems, then he is not Luo Jun.

Right now, Luo Jun tried to grab those worm eggs, but soon discovered that this was completely impossible.

It is not the most difficult to catch the eggs. The difficulty is that once the eggs are caught, the son's brain will be damaged. Luo Jun tried several times in a row, but returned without success. As long as the worm egg is pulled out, the brain area will be damaged.

Once all the eggs are pulled out, Chen Nianci will have a dead end.

Luo Jun felt anxious, and directly performed the big fatalism.

The gray fate appeared at his fingertips.

At this time, Luo Jun still had 300,000 years of fate.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Xuan Zhenghao said.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment. Then, he collected his power, stood up, and saluted Xuan Zhenghao with his fists, and said, "The emperor!"

Xuan Zhenghao's face was serious, and he said: "No need to say more, can't I still try my best to help? I'll see what's going on first."

He then came to the bed and stretched out his big hand. As a result, the strong power of the world was formed, and countless entanglements were formed in the sky above Chen Nianci.

This enthusiasm is linked to Chen Nianci's brain.

Chen Nianci's mind suddenly became clear.

But there is no egg.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that this was arithmetic!

It was not that the eggs disappeared, but Xuan Zhenghao was calculating the origin of these eggs.

A worm egg appeared in the energetic air. The worm egg quickly flew in the entrapped air, like a small world in the entrapped air.

Everyone is paying attention to this worm egg!

In the end, Tang Ling's calm Hou Mansion appeared in that energetic air.

In addition, Tang Ling's wife Nishang appeared, and Nishang arranged her clothes for Chen Nianci.

Then, a worm egg in her hand rushed into Chen Nianci's belly button like a light.

"It's actually her!" Luo Jun couldn't help being furious.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "Everyone, stay calm and not restless. This must be the real conspiracy of Lingzun. I will put Nianzi into the heart of the world first, so that these worm eggs will temporarily be trapped in time and stop breeding!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "You have work!"

Xuan Zhenghao waved his hand again, and a flash of void gate appeared before his eyes.

That bed and Chen Nianci were in the beginner's journey together.

Subsequently, the Void Gate disappeared.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Let's go out of the room and talk."

The sky has revealed the white belly.

Just outside the Taoist Temple, under the big locust tree.

Xuan Zhenghao spoke directly.

"Tang Ling, bring your wife over immediately." His voice was serious.

Tang Ling was also falling asleep with Nishang.

Tang Ling was shocked when he heard this, and then sat up.

Nishang was also awakened, her face suddenly pale.

Obviously, she had a foreboding that the Dongchuang incident had happened.

"What's the matter?" Tang Ling was also a careful person, and he immediately noticed something wrong with his wife.

Nishang went silent.

"What happened?" Tang Ling had a foreboding that this matter was related to his wife.

Nishang took a deep breath and said: "Let's go!"

She got dressed quickly.

Tang Lington felt uneasy.

But right now, there is no other way.

After that, the two of them tidied their clothes and went inside the one-yuan boat to the Taoist master's gym.

Luo Jun's eyes were cold, and he didn't say a word at this time.

Shen Mo Nong naturally didn't have any good expressions.

But the two still suppressed their anger at this time.

"The emperor?" Tang Ling was puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at the neon clothes indifferently, and then said, "Let your wife speak for yourself."

Nishang is dressed in white, beautiful and out of dust.

She looked at Xuan Zhenghao, then looked at Luo Jun.

"I have nothing to explain. Since you all know, I will pay for my life!" After she finished speaking, she took out a dagger.

Tang Ling grabbed it lightly and snatched the dagger. He couldn't help but anxious, and said: "Nishang, what are you doing? What happened?"

Nishang said with tears in her tears: "I can't help it. They planted the corpse emperor worm in Rong'er's mind. If I don't follow them, Rong'er will never survive."

"Corpse?" Xuan Zhenghao's expression changed drastically.

"What is a corpse worm?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

Xuan Zhenghao ignored Luo Jun. He stared at the neon clothes and said, "How did the corpse bug of Xiao Rong'er be solved?"

Nishang said: "There is a male worm hidden in me..."

She blushed and said, "Hidden in my egg, some of them have already lurked in the imperial city. After I did so, I reversed the mark of the male worm, and then the male worm crawled out of my body. Enter Rong'er's brain. After the male worm sucked away the eggs in Rong'er's brain, the imprints in the male worm's body exploded and disappeared."

"Hid their people in the imperial city?" Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help being surprised. "Where is that person?"

Nishang shook his head and said, "I haven't seen him before. He controls the maid in the mansion and delivers news."

"Unreasonable!" Xuan Zhenghao was furious. He had always been extremely assured of the security measures of the imperial city, and now he knew that the enemy had already lurked in.

"Get me that maid!" Xuan Zhenghao said angrily.

He rarely gets angry, but at the moment he can't help it.

Nishang was so scared that she knelt down and said: "The maid has been killed, and there is no trace!"

"Nishang, how can you be so confused!" Tang Ling was also heartbroken at this time. He then said: "Why should you confess to us, and then we should work out a solution together! Our child is a beloved one, isn't it the child of Brother Luo Jun?"

Ni Changran, said: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but the person said that he has been monitoring me. If I find something unusual, he will immediately urge the corpse emperor to kill Rong'er."

She paused, then looked at Luo Jun, and said, "I can't just watch my daughter die. I know this matter is not worthy of you. If you want to fight or kill, I will never complain."

Tang Ling hurriedly stopped in front of Nishang and said to Luo Jun: "Brother Luo Jun, I have no face to come to see you again. This matter, we now find a way to do it. If it really fails, I and I Wife will apologize for death. But the child is innocent after all, after all, she did nothing wrong. I hope everyone can give her a way to survive. So, Tang Ling, I am grateful."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the neon clothes and knelt down together.

Luo Jun did not speak.

But Shen Mo Nong had already turned his back.

Luo Jun glanced at Tang Ling and his wife, and then he said to Xuan Zhenghao: "The emperor, can you save Nianci?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I still need to study and study, it is estimated that there is no way. Lingzun played such a big game of chess, it is impossible to leave us a way to save."

Luo Jun naturally understood this, and his heart sank infinitely.

Everyone had been wondering Lingzun's weird cooperation and obedience this time, but now they finally understand that their strategy has reached this point.

It really is one link after another!

Even an old river and lake like Xuan Zhenghao didn't notice it.

Zhang Daoling also said in a deep voice: "The emperor, do you know the origin of this corpse emperor? It's really weird. We've checked it carefully before, why didn't we notice it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I can't tell you everything now. I need to investigate..."

He paused and said to Zhang Daoling: "Dao Master, I am going to the crystal wall room first. Wait for me for some time!"

Everyone dared not delay.

Xuan Zhenghao then left.

Then Tang Ling and Nishang were still kneeling on the ground.

When Luo Jun saw the two of them, he sighed and said, "Forget it, Brother Tang, don't say anything immortal between you and Nishang. It is natural for parents to love their son. Go back! You don't have to. I'm self-blaming. If I can save my son by killing you, I will not hesitate. Unfortunately, no, then don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

Tang Ling and Nishang suddenly burst into tears, ashamed to the extreme.

Luo Jun and Shen Mo Nong found a quiet place in the One Yuan Zhou.

That secluded place is beautiful and beautiful.

Soon after, the morning light shone.

Shen Mo Nong was so sad that he leaned on Luo Jun's shoulder, and then couldn't help but raised his head and asked, "There must be a way to save Nian Ci, right?"

Luo Jun was silent for a moment, then smiled faintly, and said, "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Nian Ci. The person they are going to kill is not Nian Ci.

Shen Mo Nong was suddenly horrified, and she wanted to understand now.

Yes, the enemy's life is his husband, Luo Jun!

"No!" Shen Mo Nong said with a pale face: "Absolutely not, I can't lose Nian Ci, let alone you!"

Luo Jun patted Shen Mo Nong's fragrant shoulders, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, your husband will last forever. I can't do anything with this storm. It's okay, nothing will happen. I always It can turn bad luck into good luck."

The next thing to do is to wait endlessly.

Soon, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, and Luo Channel Leader, Tianfei knew about this.

Please search Wei Xinggong Yu: Tiandao League, there are a lot of extras and spoilers

Xiao Ai, Mo Yu, Xuan Zhiyu, and Tang Rong also knew about this.

Everyone worried about Chen Nianci to the extreme.

But everyone is helpless.

Now all you can do is wait and wait for the emperor to give the result.

A day later, Xuan Zhenghao summoned Luo Jun alone.

Just inside the crystal wall chamber.

Xuan Zhenghao and Luo Jun sat cross-legged.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I found out the corpse emperor. There was once a great power in the universe called the reincarnation corpse emperor. He practiced Yin Gong and raised hundreds of millions of rotting worms. He was extremely powerful. Later, the reincarnation corpse emperor was taken by others. Kill, its flesh and blood decayed naturally, and the corpse emperor insect was raised. The corpse emperor insect has female insects and male insects. The female insects can reproduce naturally without the male insects. But if you want to drive away all these insect mothers, We can only rely on the male worm. There are two ways to save Nin-chi. First, you use the big fatalism to create a male worm out of thin air. But I don’t think it can be done. If it can be done, the sky is light. Ge doesn't think about this method. Since he makes a move, there is no flaw. Secondly, he is looking for a male worm. They must still have a male worm in hand!"

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