Chen Tianya has a piece of softness in his heart. Before this piece of softness was Chen Yihan. Now, it is the grandson Chen Nianci.

In fact, even Luo Jun is a soft place in his heart. It's just that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between father and son. It is even more impossible for Chen Tianya to soften with Luo Junfu.

Right now, Chen Tianya looked at his grandson Nianci with tears in his eyes. He immediately said with relief: "Your father will be fine, Grandpa promises you, okay?"

"Really?" Chen Nianci's eyes lit up.

He then said: "Then did you agree to take me with you?"

Chen Tianya said, "Of course not. Your father went to that place because of you. If your grandfather takes you there again, isn't your father's sacrifice in vain? Just rest assured that the Spirit Venerable will not kill you. Your father's."

"They did so much, didn't they just want to kill Dad?" Chen Nianci's eyes were red and said, "I know, they are afraid of Dad!"

Chen Tianya also had this worry in his heart, he still didn't understand the matter. However, in order to comfort Nianci, he insisted: "Your father still has a lot of use value. They will not kill it easily. You can rest assured!"

Chen Nianci will be skeptical.

"Good grandson!" Chen Tianya smiled suddenly, and said, "You are also starting to practice now. This is very good. Look at you, how talented you are, you have cultivated like this in just a few years. At this point, your father can't keep up with you. . Your second uncle can't keep up with you!"

"Second Uncle? Do you mean Second Uncle Qin?" Chen Nianci asked.

Chen Tianya was startled slightly, and then said: "It's not the second uncle Qin, it's your second uncle. His name is Chen Yihan, your father's younger brother."

"Then why haven't I seen it?" Chen Nianci asked strangely.

Chen Tianya couldn't help feeling sad and said, "He is no longer alive."

Chen Nianci shook her body and said, "Why is my second uncle dead? Who killed him? Have you avenged him? Why doesn't my dad ever mention my second uncle?"

He has many questions.

Chen Tianya said, "Of course the grudge has already been reported."

Chen Nianci said: "That's good!" He paused, and then said: "Dad rarely mentions you, Grandpa, but he has said that no matter what your grudges between Dad and Grandpa, it doesn't matter to me. I am. Just remember that Grandpa is very good to me and I want to respect and love you, Grandpa."

"Your father really told you that?" Chen Tianya was shocked.

In his heart, there was a slight warm current flowing through.

The flesh and blood relationship between father and son seemed to be completely awakened at this moment.

He will never forget that when he and Chen Ling fought decisively, his son Luo Jun was on his side.

Chen Tianya's eye sockets were slightly moist.

"Smelly boy, in this life, I am sorry for you." Chen Tianya secretly said.

Chen Nianci didn't notice Chen Tianya's expression. He said, "Yes, that's what Dad said. Grandpa..."

He looked up...

Chen Tianya quickly turned his head.

He naturally didn't let Nian Chi see his fragility.

"Grandpa, is there something unpleasant between you and my dad, just like me and dad. I had trouble with dad before. But now, I know it's wrong! If dad comes back, I must persuade him Admit it to you!" Chen Nianci said.

"Haha..." Chen Tianya smiled, and he said: "Your father is not wrong, it is Grandpa's fault."

"How could you be wrong?" Chen Nianci was puzzled.

Chen Tianya sighed and said, "You are so old, so Grandpa should talk to you about those things."

"What's the matter?" Chen Nian said kindly.

Chen Tianya looked towards the sky, his memory became distant...

He began to tell Chen Nianci about his life.

He said that at that time, he and his sister depended on each other. Grandpa Zhao Zhengyi taught him boxing skills, the past he experienced. And later, he entered the tomb by mistake, and after he came out, everything no longer belonged to him.

"Grandpa's real name is Chen Ling!"

Chen Tianya slowly said: "That year, after I came out, I found that my family, wife, and everything no longer belonged to me. Another Chen Ling took over everything, and I became superfluous. In fact, I It is indeed a mutated copy of that variant. Nin-chi, you have entered the Tao now, so you can understand all these things. That day, my family regarded me as a different kind, and I also knew I was a different kind. My heart was desperate. , So I remembered that year, listening to a poem read by someone."

"People say that the setting sun is the end of the world, and I can’t see home from the extreme end of the world. I hate that Bishan is separated from each other, and Bishan is still covered by Muyun. Therefore, I named myself Chen Tianya. At that time, I was distorted and painful. . I desperately want to prove that I am not an outlier. I want to let the world know that the copy is not me, but Chen Ling is the copy. I want to live more dazzlingly than him... So, your grandfather, I was really a bad person before. People gave me a nickname, Devil!"

"Haha, my dear grandson, your grandpa is not a great justice hero. Your grandpa is the great villain, villain, and devil in the novel!" Chen Tianya said at last.

Chen Nianci was stunned.

He even said: "I don't care who you are, I only know that you are my grandpa, and grandpa loves me the most."

"Haha..." Chen Tianya laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, okay! It really is my grandson of Chen Tianya, with a bit of evil nature, grandpa likes it!"

He paused, and then said: "Although Grandpa is not a good person, your father is a real hero. He is a good person, and you should be proud of your father. There are some things that grandpa can tell you, but you Don't tell your father, okay?"

Chen Nianci nodded.

Chen Tianya said: "Let's pull the hook!"

Chen Nianci narrowed his mouth and said, "Grandpa, I'm all grown up, do you still play this kind of kid's hook game with me?"

Chen Tianya laughed and said, "In Grandpa's eyes, you will always be a child."

He followed the face and said, "Your grandmother, that is, your father's mother, was killed by me. Your father was abandoned by me since he was a child. It is really not easy for him to achieve what he is today."

Chen Nianci couldn't help but his expression changed drastically. He turned pale and couldn't believe it. He said, "What you said is true?"

Chen Tianya said, "Grandpa won't lie to you. Grandpa regrets this incident."

Chen Nianci couldn't help crying. He said, "My father is so good, how can you treat my father like this? I hate you!"

After speaking, he stood up, turned and ran out.

Chen Tianya watched Chen Nianci leave and sighed heavily.

The leaves rustled between the branches of the old locust tree.

Chen Tianya looked towards the sky, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

There is also a precious fire spirit stone in his hand. This fire spirit stone is blood-red and extremely precious. This is the gift he is going to bring to Chen Nianci.

But I have never found a chance to give it to Chen Nianci.

Chen Tianya sighed again later, and he decided to go and discuss with Xuan Zhenghao about rescuing Luo Jun.

After arriving on the bridge of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao also came quickly.

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