Super Security in the City

Chapter 3095: At last

The father and son finally looked at each other.

Chen Tianya's eyes were a bit complicated, but at this moment, he couldn't speak.

Luo Jun also didn't know what to say.

Relatively silent, speechless.

Chen Tianya took a deep breath, then reached out and patted Luo Jun on the shoulder.

It was like comforting Luo Jun, and he did his best.

Chen Tianya then turned around.

Luo Jun didn't know why, but at this moment, he seemed to understand something.

At that moment, tears burst out suddenly.

He only feels like a knife cut, and he will not give up.

"Father!" he couldn't help but yelled.

After this shout, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Tianya shook his body suddenly, but he did not look back.

He dared not turn his head, for fear that Luo Jun would see the tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Boy, I promised Ninci, I will take you back. So, I will do it too!"

After Chen Tianya finished speaking, he quickly walked to Hei Suzhen's side.

Suzhen in black is concentrating on controlling streamer Tissot, and she is under a lot of pressure.

"What are you going to do?" Hei Suzhen asked Chen Tianya while using her mana to control Streamer Tissot.

Chen Tianya said in a deep voice: "I want to enter Tiansuo's thunder pool. When that time comes, I will lead the Quartet Divine Fire and Thunder into it."

Suzhen Hei was puzzled: "Is this feasible? Streamer Tissot will not be able to bear it to a certain extent."

Chen Tianya said: "The streamer Tiansuo will definitely explode. When I absorb enough energy, it is when you escape. When the energy generated by me explodes, my energy will explode towards the outer periphery, and the innermost core will produce Vacuum. At that time, I will not move. Then, you will take this opportunity to use the blood slave to take him away."

Hei Suzhen said: "Ordinary energy explosions, I am afraid that this group of masters will not be scared away."

Chen Tianya smiled faintly, and said, "How can it be an ordinary energy explosion!"

Seeing Chen Tianya's confidence, Suzhen in black no longer said anything.

Chen Tianya wanted Suzhen in black to be ready and await orders at any time.

After that, he entered the streamer Tissot.

Luo Jun stood up vigorously. He came to the front of Suzhen in black with difficulty. He burst into tears and said, "Stop my father, don't... don't..."

Suzhen Black had already guessed something.

She said in a deep voice, "I can't stop it. If this goes on, we will all die. I don't know whether his method will work, but this is the only opportunity and method."

Luo Jun's heart is cut, but at this moment, he can't do anything.

"Why are you here to rescue me?" he muttered, sitting on the ground.

Suzhen in black urged Tissot with all her strength, and at this moment she had no extra energy to comfort Luo Jun.

In the thunder pool of Tissot, Chen Tianya began to absorb the thunder!

In the universe, the endless divine thunder and flame particles are all coming!

This is Chen Tianya's ability.

No one can stop it!

Even if the spirits lay down barriers, they couldn't stop the gathering of the divine thunder and divine fire!

In an instant, the flames rolled around the streamer Tissot, and the thunder was densely covered!

The dark void is illuminated!

The energy of the streamer Tissot surges, and the speed is faster!

Black Suzhen is fully controlled!

Elder Na Baixian and Lord God Robe are waiting to chase after them. They are trying their best to locate the wormhole and so on!

Only for a while, no suitable point has been found.

At this time, seeing the situation ahead, he immediately guessed one or two.

That day, Qing Ge said to Lingzun, a master of Long Weigong and others around him: "Then Chen Tianya has special energy for thunder and fire. No one can stop him from absorbing it. At this time, he is turning thunder and cremation into energy into their aircraft. In the thunder pool."

Long Weigong is also fully driving the boat of Miluo.

He was puzzled, and said: "The energy exceeds the load-bearing capacity of the hull. Will it not explode? If he absorbs it like this, their aircraft is destined to have problems. Moreover, the speed has reached a certain limit, and we want to speed up. This ability. They don't have this ability either!"

Tian Qingge pondered and said, "Maybe, what he wants is this explosion! They go on like this, we will catch up sooner or later. They want to break the game now."

Long Weigong said: "Locate as soon as possible and let them intercept the opponent's aircraft!"

Tian Qingge said: "The first elder has been trying every means to locate it, but it still takes time!"

Long Weigong looked a little anxious.

The Xueluo said: "If so many of our masters are sent out together, and finally let the other party run away, then it would be a big joke."

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "Xuan Zhenghao on the earth uses secret tricks and has a deep heart. This time, since he dared to make a move, I'm afraid there is really a way to help them escape."

He is really not optimistic!

He now feels more and more that killing Luo Jun as soon as possible is the only chance!

It's just a pity that this opportunity has been missed.

The streamer Tissot is extremely hot!

That formation seems to be melting.

All the furnishings in Tissot began to turn into molten slurry...

From the outside, the surrounding area of ​​Tissot is like a volcanic eruption.

Surrounded by endless flames and divine thunder!

Tissot flew faster and faster, and a burning cloud of thousands of miles formed around it.

This flame is moving fast like a burning planet...

But because of this, the speed has slowed down!

The sky is illuminated like daylight...

At this time, Elder Baixian and Lord God Robe didn't need to locate the wormhole. They have intercepted directly in front of Huoshaoyun.

Masters such as Tian Qingge also quickly besieged and killed!

This flame is nothing!

How can the many masters present be afraid of this little scene!

It's just that this group of flames gave the masters a sense of crisis.

"Seal the surroundings and don't give them a chance to escape from the dimension!" Tian Qingge shouted, ignoring respect and inferiority, "Then beheaded with all his strength, no need to worry!"

The eyes of the masters lit up.

They also had to admire that Tian Qingge was the most sober and the fastest responding at the very moment of the battle.

As a result, many experts, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, all assembled the strongest power, the cave, and the magical weapons, all of them slammed into the flames!


Boundless mixed hole!

Boundless mana!

Boundless magic weapon!

Many nine masters of the creation realm work together, profundity, law, and strength!

This power is so powerful that it is boundless.

Can Chen Tianya bear it?

Of course he can't bear it!

But what he was waiting for was this moment...

At this moment, in the heart of the flame...

Streamer Tissot has already been reduced to ashes.

Black Suzhen took Luo Jun to the heart of Chen Tianya.

The primitive fire seed and thunder seed in Chen Tianya's body violently swelled with his mind...

Fire lightning exploded...

Thunder seed also exploded...

Chen Tianya's body was completely annihilated in this instant.

The fire seed and thunder seed cannot absorb the energy of many masters, but at this time, the fire seed and thunder seed exploded and spread with a very strong destructive power.

A lot of energy around began to explode...

All the particles explode.

All, all mana is exploding!

The opponent's attack and this force collided and exploded...

All the attacks, mana, all became the nutrients of this explosion.

But at this moment, in the heart of Chen Tianya, there was peace.

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