Super Security in the City

Chapter 3166: suspicion

Luo Jun's ground smash had actually aroused the defense of those masters, but Luo Jun's speed was too fast, and they were somewhat caught off guard.

Plus Luo Jun is not alone.

Therefore, when Shan Zhongxin joined and Qingfeng Sword came in, they quickly smashed a gap.

Flesh and blood fluttered, screaming again and again!

Following that, Luo Jun and others rushed out of the encirclement.

Then rushed out.

Those masters reacted quickly, and began to encircle from all directions.

They are crowded, but it is easy to encircle them.

Luo Jun, Shan Zhongxin, Suzhen in black, and Shan Feier with Xian Xinghe, they also formed a dragon.

"Rush from the left!"

They rushed from the enemy's unexpected direction.

Sometimes Luo Jun simply caught Xian Xinghe under his ribs.

The four of them also have an advantage, that is faster.

It is not easy for the opponent to form a formation. In addition to this big night, the sight is not good.

Although everyone is a master, you can get flashes of light at night.


There are too many people, and under the chaos, some masters can't even figure out where the enemy is.

This is a real mess.

After a while, the Luo Jun team completely rushed out of the encirclement and headed west.

Several people were all stained with blood.

But it's all the blood of the enemy.

They rushed to the west, they were fast, and they kept going all the way, rushing for about a hundred miles before they stopped.

There was no sound from behind.

At this time, that Dongfang began to show white fish.

Dawn is coming.

Although Luo Jun and the others have good physique, they are a little tired after such a while.

Everyone sat down, drank some water, ate some dry food, and began to close their eyes and rest.

An hour later, golden sunlight shone on the desert.

The fine sand is like a layer of gold.

Shan Zhongxin first said: "Brother Luo Jun, I suggest that before we leave the desert, we should cooperate first. Otherwise, we will probably all drink hatred in the desert."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "I have no objection, don't you know Lingmei?"

Shan Feier turned his head, but he didn't want to say more.

But obviously, she did not object.

Black Suzhen did not speak aside.

The group was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Right now, among a few people, there are many embarrassment and silence.

Afterwards, continue on the road.

Most of the material on their bodies was lost in the turmoil just now.

The remaining water and food can hardly support them to leave this desert.

It also depends on luck.

With good luck, when you encounter an oasis, there is still some hope.

When I came, there was Tuoma.

At this moment, he can only walk on two legs.

At noon, the sun was blazing.

Everyone's feet seemed to be filled with lead.

At this time, Luo Jun missed his spell very much. If the mana is in the body, thousands of miles at this moment are just a momentary matter.

Being a mortal, suffering!

That night, several people shaved a pile of sand, then covered it with sand and fell asleep.

Everyone is separated from each other and kept a certain degree of privacy.

Luo Jun is close to Suzhen Black.

Late at night, Suzhen in black suddenly said, "Actually, you don't believe me, do you?"

Luo Jun was slightly startled.

Then he said: "No."

Hei Suzhen said, "In this day, you have obviously less talked with me."

Luo Jun said: "I take the initiative to speak to you, you don't pay attention to me."

Black Suzhen went silent.

After a while, she said: "Forget it, Luo Jun, why are you duplicity in front of me? I know you too much. But, you don't know me. I can't burn the all-powerful Talisman that I have never seen before. , I disdain to do this. You are in my heart, not that important."

"Then why are you killing Su Qian?" Luo Jun was silent for a moment before asking.

"Sure enough, you are really suspicious of me." Suzhen Black was suddenly excited.

She sat up from the sandpit with a chill in her eyes.

She looked at Luo Jun coldly.

Luo Jun also sat up. He looked at Suzhen in black, and then took a deep breath and said: "Forget it, this matter is over, so don't mention it, okay?"

"Haha, so generous!" Suzhen Black said.

Luo Jun said: "Go to sleep, I have to hurry tomorrow morning."

Black Suzhen's eyes contained anger, and said: "Why should I kill that woman? Because I must kill, she wants to kill me. I had no other choice at the time!"

"Enough!" Luo Jun was finally annoyed. He said, "Susu, Su Qian's injury was caused by me personally. She doesn't have the ability to kill you at all. I don't want to investigate the right and wrong in it, you still What do you want?"

"How is it?" Suzhen in black jumped out of the sandpit. She sneered again and again, and said: "What I don't want, Luo Jun, you have had enough, and I have had enough. I'm going, let's go our own way! "

"Are you crazy enough!" Luo Jun's voice was getting louder and louder. He got up and grabbed Suzhen's gentleman in black. He said: "Without you and me, I would have left this high Wu Shijie, there is no immortality."

"So, it's just because I can help you deal with immortality, right?" Hei Suzhen said.

Luo Jun said, "Why do you think this way? It's not the same thing at all. Susu, I tell you, I am very anxious now. You can only have the word love in your heart, but I can't. I'm still on earth. There are children, a wife, and Ling'er is still pregnant with children. I can't care about all this."

"Who do you think I am?" Black Suzhen was completely furious, her eyes were blood red, and said: "Do you think that I really burned the Almighty Talisman just to stay with you in this world? Luo Jun , You bastard, bastard, you look down on yourself too much."

Luo Jun roared: "Then tell me why there are rune fragments in Su Qian's hand, and why are you killing her?"

Hei Suzhen was also particularly emotional. She said: "This is a plan, a plan without eternal life. He just wants you and me, because he is afraid of us joining hands. You pig brain, you actually suspect me?"

Luo Jun shook his head and said, "Impossible. If this is a trick, people like Su Qian will not lose their lives for this." He paused, and then said: "Okay, okay, okay! It's not immortal. Plan, the past is over, let's take it slowly. Let's not fall into anyone's plan, okay?"

"Do you know what is the most chilling thing about me?" Black Suzhen looked at Luo Jun, and she said word by word.

Luo Jun's expression changed, and he said, "What do you mean? I can't have any thoughts, can I?"

"I have always trusted you without any doubt," said Suzhen Hei.

"That's because it didn't happen to you." Luo Jun said immediately.

"Okay, let go!" Black Suzhen said coldly.

Luo Jun said: "Don't let go!"

Suzhen in black suddenly kicked over, Luo Jun did not evade.

In the next second, Luo Jun was kicked out and fell heavily to the ground.

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