Super Security in the City

Chapter 3174: origin

No immortality opens the wormhole of immortality.

At that moment, his body and heart began to change, becoming a huge wormhole.

He became nothingness.

In the center of that heart, a whirlpool appeared.

There is an endless channel inside.

Luo Jun, Suzhen in black, Wu Feier walked into the wormhole.

It is worth mentioning that after Luo Jun left the spiritual realm with Xian Xinghe, after a while, Luo Jun secretly returned to the spiritual realm.

At that time, he practised big fatalism, and because the immortal body was in the Gaowu world, he was unaware of many things.

Luo Jun quietly returned to the spiritual realm Gaowu world like this. After returning to the Gaowu world, Luo Jun went to the place where Chen Wuji was buried and retrieved the fragment.

Chen Wuji's physical body grew out of Zhenger Eight Classics, and it no longer belongs to the category of mana, so he can survive in the world of Gaowu.

If you smash him directly, the fragments will appear immediately.

And killing like this, the hidden fragments will finally come out.

Therefore, as long as Luo Jun doesn't tell this secret, Wu Eternal Life can't be discovered. Even if Wu Yongsheng went to inspect the buried corpse, nothing abnormal was found in a short time.

After retrieving the fragments, Luo Jun was in this world of martial arts, and there was no time to bring Chen Wuji back to life.

Before, he would thoroughly temper the fragments, let them lose all memories and start over.

But this time, he promised Chen Wuji that he would not temper his memory.

Therefore, Chen Wuji can really be resurrected. Just like when Luo Jun was broken into countless pieces, he can be resurrected.

Of course, if Luo Jun tempered Chen Wuji's memory, then no one would be able to trouble Luo Jun. Chen Wuji also disappeared completely.

However, Luo Jun would never do this.

He was able to gain Chen Wuji's trust because of the two words Luo Jun.

Chen Wuji knew that Luo Jun's words always counted whether they were to relatives or enemies.

His promise will never change.

Luo Jun also knew that giving Chen Wuji freedom would cause him great trouble in the future.

But he still decided to do so.

Because without Chen Wuji, he would always be trapped in the Gaowu world.

Luo Jun and his party entered the immortal wormhole.

Wormholes look like they are no different from other wormholes.

After entering, it was a long wormhole jump.


It's like a big earthquake, like jumping the limit...

At that moment, it was like a white horse crossing the gap, jumping in an instant, shuttled through the correct time, space molecule.

The power of that moment made Luo Jun and Black Suzhen lose all consciousness.

The huge pulling force in the space turned out to be unbearable for both Luo Jun and Suzhen in black.

The same goes for Wufeier.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen have always been in a state of integration, in order to respond to various crises in the universe and to prevent Wufeier from suddenly attacking.

The human heart is separated from the belly, and everything must be left alone.

Not knowing how long it took, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen regained consciousness at the same time.

Luo Jun stood still, and he found that he was no longer in the wormhole.

Moreover, there is no Wufeier around.

There is a piece of ice all around.

Luo Jun felt strange and inexplicable.

The place where he was standing right now was a plain, but when he looked around, everything was frozen in all directions.

Not covered by heavy snow, but covered by ice.

The surrounding climate is extremely cold.

Suzhen Hei is also looking around.

The divine consciousness of the two shot thousands of miles...

"We are coming to the gate of eternal life, why did we come to such a place?" Luo Jun couldn't help wondering.

"Are we fooled?" Luo Jun was shocked.

Hei Suzhen said: "Don't get excited, first carefully observe the surroundings."

Luo Jun is not an irrational person. Although he is sometimes impulsive, he is also meticulous. The reason why he is so pale at the moment is because he cares too much about the gate of eternal life.

He desperately wanted to find the Tongtian Qiankun Net, and then return to the earth to resist the Lingzun.

For the earth, he has very deep feelings.

When he was in the spiritual realm of Gaowu, he repeatedly dreamed back at midnight, dreaming that his home was broken.

He began to understand that he wasn't just because he had family and relatives on earth.

At the same time, the existence of flesh and blood is still bred on earth.

The earth is home and root!

He must not abandon the earth and leave it.

He is determined to fight for the earth till the last minute, until death!

This is the only thing he can give back to the earth.

When Luo Jun's figure flashed, he moved quickly within this space.

He also flew towards the sky and found that there was an invisible space barrier above the sky, even he could hardly break through.

Soon, Luo Jun landed.

He said to Suzhen Hei: "Looking at the outline of this planet, it looks like the earth? Did we return to the earth? And after ten thousand years, the earth has become extinct and frozen?"

It is very possible.

In wormholes and interstellar, all time has a time difference.

Moreover, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen did not know how long they slept.

Maybe you thought it was just a moment, but it was actually a long time?

This kind of thought came out in his mind, and Luo Jun suddenly felt terrified.

How can this make him accept?

The earth is gone? Is everything gone?

All the bonds, memories, emotions...

"No!" Luo Jun said: "I flew upwards just now and felt the constraints of space. If I really got to the earth, it wouldn't be the case."

Black Suzhen said, "Look, the surroundings are beginning to change."

Luo Jun immediately felt that the ice was beginning to melt.

Everything in front of him made Luo Jun and Black Suzhen puzzled.

Moreover, it is not clear where Wu Feier went.

Everything around is changing extremely fast.

Soon, the ice melted and turned into water...

In an instant, the flood surged.

The whole earth is beginning to melt, and the flood begins to flow towards the lower places.

Luo Jun and Suzhen in black were condescending, watching from the air.

They saw the formation of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and countless oceans.

Almost all of the earth is ocean.

Only a few places with particularly high terrain are considered land.

After that, microorganisms began to wake up in the ocean.

Everything happened very quickly.

The things in front of you, the scene is like a glimpse of light.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen saw the formation of microorganisms, and gradually saw that the creatures in the ocean increased.

The sea water began to recede and the land gradually increased.

Fresh water also appeared...

The lake appeared...

Some marine creatures crawled from the bottom of the sea to land.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen are like watching a history of earth evolution.

The two also saw dinosaurs gradually appear, the earth began to rise and fall, and countless animals occupy the land.

The dinosaur finally became the king of the earth.

"This is inside the gate of eternal life." Luo Jun was suddenly overjoyed and said to Suzhen in black.

Black Suzhen said: "Well, why is it sure?"

Luo Jun said: "I have been to a strange extremely cold wormhole before. In the wormhole, because I come from the earth, I have the roots of the earth. So I can see the various dimensions of the earth there. Right now, The two of us come from the earth, so we can see the evolutionary history of the earth in the gate of eternal life."

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