Super Security in the City

Chapter 3185: Ghost spirit

Lin Feng still seemed silent. When Luo Jun asked, he said: "I was already a long way from the earth, but then I thought, even if I can escape from the disaster, but what about you? So, I still chose to come back and meet together Correct."

Luo Jun actually understood his inner thoughts.

Lin Feng actually wanted to deal with this calamity.

"Big Brother did not complete the mission of the Star Master!" During the banquet, Qin Lin said: "But the Star Master did not blame Big Brother. In fact, other Destiny also failed to complete the mission. But the Star Master did not do anything, all Let it go. When I thought about it, the star master was just deliberately creating a sense of urgency for everyone."

Chen Ling said to the side: "We had some misunderstandings with the star lord back then. It is only now that we know that the star lord is a person with a family, a country and the world. Remembering that back then, we tried to challenge the star lord. Thinking about it now, I am ashamed!"

Luo Jun said: "The Star Master and Yuanjue Fashen were both the first to discover the conspiracy of the Imperial Sky Ark, so they planned it earlier. Now, with the heavy burdens on our bodies, we should also die!"

Over there, Chen Nianci and others also heard Luo Jun's words.

Chen Nianci stood up and faced Luo Jun and said, "Dad, although I have low mana, I am willing to fight with you and your uncles and seniors to fight against foreigners, even at the expense of my life."

"Me too!" Xiao Ai stood up and said.

Qin Baoer naturally wanted to join in the fun.

Mo Yu finally said, "I am willing too!"

Luo Jun looked at his son, and tears filled his eyes. If you have a son like this, what a husband can do!

Then Chen Ling laughed and said, "Okay, okay, children, you can have this kind of consciousness, yes, yes. Luo Jun, Qin Lin, Qingzhu, you should be proud, come, let's drink together!"

Everyone toasted and the atmosphere was warm.

However, Lin Feng's eyes still looked lonely.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

After a lively toast, Luo Jun looked at Lin Feng and knew in his heart that he thought of his daughter Luo Silan.

"If our Lanlan were still alive, she would be a big girl now. She would be three years younger than Nianci!" Lin Feng said with red eyes.

This warm atmosphere immediately became gloomy.

Lin Feng stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, I'm really embarrassed, it's not everyone's interest."

When he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Luo Jun also clasped his fists to everyone, saying that he would miss his company for a while.

Lin Feng left the Hou Mansion, he walked on the street.

Night has fallen, and a new moon shines.

"Luo Jun, go back and leave me alone. You rarely come back..."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Brother, let me walk with you."

Lin Feng stopped insisting.

He then smiled bitterly and said: "Originally thought it could be forgotten, but later I found out that I couldn't forget it at all. Sometimes, I also wondered why so many children can live but Lan Lan can't. The year she went , She is less than four years old. Yes, I kill a lot of people, take retribution! Haha, third brother, can you understand that feeling? I want to kill more and more now, anyway, I have no scruples, I still What are you afraid of?"

"Big brother, don't be like this!" Luo Jun felt sad. He said: "Killing will not reduce your pain, but will only plunge you into a more painful abyss. Moreover, if you kill someone, maybe we will be punished? "

Luo Jun didn't want to say that.

But he felt that he and his second brother should be the last people that the eldest brother cares about. So saying this may have some effect.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I wanted to kill people, but I didn't kill. I took this into consideration. I came back and killed the Spirit Venerable. It was not a crime. Maybe they can find a way to kill me. "

His thoughts are always pessimistic.

Luo Jun said: "I think time can dilute everything."

Lin Feng said: "I also think that time can dilute everything."

Luo Jun knew in his heart that Big Brother, like Su Su, would not dilute the attachment in their hearts no matter how long time passed.

"I heard that you successfully went to the Gate of Eternal Life?" Lin Feng said again.

Luo Jun nodded.

Lin Feng said: "The gate of eternal life is separated from the way of heaven. Have you ever seen a way to resurrect a person in there?"

Luo Jun didn't know what to say.

He seemed hesitant.

Lin Feng is a shrewd man. He immediately noticed a glimmer of light, so he stopped, looked at Luo Jun, and said sternly, "Third brother, please don't lie to me about such things."

Luo Jun sighed and said, "Susu took a magic weapon in the gate of eternal life, called the light of destiny. It is said that if the light of destiny is driven, you can cut into the timeline and change..."

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but let his eyes shine. He said, "In other words, if I go back to the truck when it crashes into Lanlan and Ziqing, can I save them? Yes, I never thought of this. As a result, the difficulty and paradox of resurrection will no longer exist."

Luo Jun said: "It is not easy to spur the light of destiny."

"As long as it is a magic weapon, it can be activated. This is not like the law that people cannot come back to life. In short, this is a feasible route." Lin Feng said: "I am going to see Bai Suzhen now. Will she return to Shennong World? went?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Yes!"

Lin Feng left directly.

Luo Jun felt more and more disturbed in his heart.

In the world of Shennong, the Jialan Temple is extremely quiet.

The sky is like a wash!

There is snow all year round on Nagaran Peak.

In front of Suzhen in black, Lin Feng sat cross-legged, studying the light of destiny in his hand.

"Is there really only these two methods that can mobilize the light of destiny?" Lin Feng asked Suzhen Black.

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Lin Feng said: "It is too difficult to gather two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues. It will be easier to expect the third brother to realize the great destiny technique."

Black Suzhen said, "Yes!"

Lin Feng said: "I believe that he should be happy to help us. He can also save the people he wants to save by the way."

Suzhen in black said: "It is not that simple, because there is another saying that the gate of eternal life will appear, and heaven and man will fail. Luo Jun and Xuan Zhenghao feel that once we mobilize the light of destiny to change the past, it will cause Heaven and man are weak. Therefore, he is very conflicted and tangled!

Lin Feng immediately said: "This is all bullshit! At most it will cause some time and space chaos, but it will calm down in the end. No matter what the price is, as long as we can resurrect our relatives, we should work hard to do it."

Black Suzhen said: "On this point, I and you agree."

Lin Feng said: "At the moment, I can't be anxious. When we have dealt with these hateful spirits, we will start this matter again."

Suzhen Black said, "I mean the same."

Lin Feng returned the light of fate to Suzhen in black, saying: "Be sure to collect it well."

"Relax!" said Suzhen in black.

After the banquet was over, Luo Jun and Chen Ling also had a long chat.

The two people found a secluded island and drank on Yueyue.

Chen Ling sighed and said: "Time flies so fast. When I first saw you, you were a reckless child. Now, even your child has grown up."

When Luo Jun remembered the time, he said: "If it wasn't for the seniors to save them that day, the juniors would have died, so there are still these small achievements today."

Chen Ling was silent again. After a while, he said: "I have merged your father's fragments, and many of his memories have been completely integrated with me. Right now, even I don't know how it is between Chen Tianya and me. What is the relationship? He is a part of me. In this way, you should be my son."

"No, no!" Luo Jun said: "I used to wish that I was your son, but now, I don't want so. My father, he is a single individual. Good and evil are actually one, and it is impossible to be Separate. My father also has good thoughts in his heart. It's just that the evil thoughts were amplified at the beginning.

Chen Ling nodded and said, "It's great if you can think so."

Luo Jun said again: "Have you seen Jiahong?"

Chen Ling said: "He is fine, and he is staying with Yunyun in the Great Thousand World. His mana has not been improved, so it's fine there."

Luo Jun said: "Very good." He thought for a while, then asked: "It's been a long time since I saw Aunt Dongfang."

Chen Ling smiled and said, "She is in the One Yuan Boat. Now, it is time for us to meet the enemy together."

Luo Jun said, "You said, will we win?"

Chen Ling's expression suddenly became heavy. He said: "If even the star master cannot resist, then the opponent's strength is by no means as simple as we imagined. The opponent has planned for too long, this is absolutely It's a hard fight."

Luo Jun said: "I have been to the Imperial Sky Boat and know that the opponent is strong. But it seems that it is not strong enough to require us to be so close to the enemy. So I even doubted whether the emperor was too worried."

Chen Ling said, "You can't think like that. Zheng Hao has always been prudent, and his calculations will not be baseless or unreasonable."

Luo Jun said, "Yes!"

After sending off Chen Ling away, the guests in the Hou Mansion also dispersed.

Luo Jun saw Mo Yu in front of the Hou Mansion.

"Small language!" Luo Jun smiled slightly and shouted.

Mo Yu stepped forward, and she called out goddad, and then said: "Goddaddy, I will walk with you."

Luo Jun knew that the little girl must have something to say, so he said, "Okay!"

The two went to another island.

Secluded island.

Mo Yu is really grown up now, and she has an indescribable charm between her gestures.

However, Luo Jun always regarded her as his own daughter, and he watched her grow up.

"Little girl, if you call me out, you must have something to tell your goddad. Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "I think you must have something to ask me."

Luo Jun laughed loudly, and then said: "You are a ghost, well, godfather does not hide it from you. Actually, godfather wants you to be my daughter-in-law. However, I also know this thing, yes You can’t force it. If you like Ninzi, I am of course happy. If you like others, godfather will respect you. You should remember godfather, goddad always tells you that you don’t owe anyone’s kindness, so you To be an independent individual, you should have free will."

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