Super Security in the City

Chapter 3225: Yunxue

Luo Jun and Suzhen in black returned to Tianzhou.

He sent out many Destiny, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, Tang Ling, and Fa Xuan, etc., all of them went out to explore the world.

Luo Jun tried to go to the Buddha Realm and Dragon Realm, but he couldn't get in.

With the magic power of him and Suzhen in black, they couldn't get in either.

But this time, Luo Jun is not without gain. He went to the tomb of the gods and brought back some masters. But there is nothing particularly outstanding, most of them are within the virtual fairy and the cave fairy. The tallest is also in heaven! A total of twenty or thirty, or Luo Jun forcibly captured them.

At the same time, Luo Jun also stopped by the Western Kingdom.

When he went to the Western Kingdom Realm, Lingzun and his party had already left.

After that, he went to hell.

Princess Yunxiang and Luo Jun in that **** are old friends, so they went out to meet.

Princess Yunxiang is the three great sages of the monster clan, and they both hide from their enemies.

There are many secrets in the hell, they hide them, and Long Weigong and his party can't find them.

Moreover, even the **** king Zeus, the **** queen Hera, and the goddess of wisdom Athena were all hidden by them.

These people didn't need Luo Jun to persuade them, so they were willing to come to Tianzhou with Luo Jun.

Luo Jun brought back many medicines and some of their capable men.

As for Qin Lin and Tang Ling, they also brought some masters from other worlds back.

Fu Qingzhu has not yet returned.

The other destiny are also coming back one after another.

Everyone's luck was pretty good, none of them had a face-to-face encounter with the Spirit Venerable, and they returned safely.

Right now, there are still many worlds guarding the door and refusing to intervene.

Xuan Zhenghao asked Chen Ling to settle the masters.

After Luo Jun came back, he asked Xuan Zhenghao if his eldest brother and Ya Zhenyuan were back?

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't hide it, so he had to tell Luo Jun the truth.

When Luo Jun learned that Ya Zhenyuan was captured by Lingzun, his expression was shocked.

Luo Jun felt pain and embarrassment.

He loves his daughter Yaluo, Yaluo and Ya Zhenyuan have depended on each other since childhood. If she knew that something was wrong with Ya Zhenyuan, how uncomfortable she would be!

Luo Jun immediately made a decision, even if it was exchanged with his own life, then Ya Zhenyuan would be exchanged.

Luo Jun is sometimes impulsive, but Xuan Zhenghao warns Luo Jun.

"Luo Jun, don't be impulsive this time. The current situation is different from before. First, if you are caught again, they will not give you a chance to live. Second, the key is that they caught Ya Zhenyuan. , But I don’t know the relationship between Ya Zhenyuan and you. So, Ya Zhenyuan still has a chance to live, you must listen to my plan. This matter, once the relationship is broken, it will be over, you know?"

Xuan Zhenghao was really anxious this time.

Luo Jun immediately said: "Do you have a way to save people?"

"Yes!" Xuan Zhenghao said, "But you must follow the plan and act."

Luo Jun was skeptical, but he had to calm down first.

Xuan Zhenghao told Luo Jun not to tell anyone about Ya Zhenyuan being arrested. Luo Jun also knew the pros and cons, and he didn't want Yaluo to know.

The best thing is to secretly rescue Ya Zhenyuan first.

Masters from all sides gathered in Tianzhou.

Tianzhou's strength has increased.

But Xuan Zhenghao also had his own information. He at least knew that the Western King Realm had already fallen to Yuqingmen.

In other words, the strength of the spirits is greatly increasing.

Xuan Zhenghao held another meeting.

This time all the monks, the newcomers, the original ones, all participated.

In that boat of one yuan...

Even Chen Nianci and the others participated.

This was not what Xuan Zhenghao wanted, mainly because Xuan Zhiyu and Chen Nianci wanted to come. Xuan Zhenghao couldn't forcefully stop...

When they came, Yaluo naturally followed.

In the boat of the one yuan, the great formation is endless, and the great formation of the one yuan rebirth is always in motion.

The endless formation is below, and inside that formation, there are black practitioners.

The same is true in the Yiyuanwangsheng Array.

The **** king Zeus has reached the second stage of creation.

Over the years, his cultivation has also improved very well.

Hera, the **** queen, is in the heavenly realm.

The heavenly realm can only be in the endless formation. In order to take care of Hera's feelings, Xuan Zhenghao still sent her into the one-yuan rebirth formation.

If the time comes to really fight, Hera will definitely not be in the monstrous life. Because she would be the first to die in the Great Array of One Yuan Death.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is built as the first level of creation!

At the conference, Xuan Zhenghao faced many practitioners, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone here, many friends have already fought with me in the spirits. I have also experienced the skills of the spirits. Some are new. Some are. Come voluntarily, some of them are forced to come by us. But these are not important. I just want to tell you that coming here is a correct decision you made. Because here is the fate after the invasion of the spirits, this is the demon king Lin Feng Enter the Yuqing Gate and collect the remaining fragments. You can take a look!"

The fragment pill pellets collected by Lin Feng were brought by the Ksitigarbha king.

At this moment, Xuan Zhenghao restored the scene with the energy of a boat of one yuan.

Therefore, all the monks could see what happened in the Yunding Palace of Yuqing Gate.

Everyone can judge whether this kind of thing is fake or not.

Both Yaluo and Nalan Yunxue came from Yuqingmen, and they couldn't help crying when they saw Yuqingmen's miserable condition. Yaluo cried bitterly...

Upon seeing this, Chen Nianci quickly comforted.

Soldier Luo was in the formation when he saw Yaluo in the lower realm crying, and his heart was also broken.

But anyway, Luo Jun must remain calm at this time.

After these fragments were displayed, Xuan Zhenghao said again: "The pills and magical artifacts of the Yuqingmen were all looted by the spirits. All of them, including what they had, were also scraped away. All the disciples were all taken away. Caught into the chalk world and reduced to slaves. Lingzun is still hunting one world after another, and when their strength is almost accumulated, it is the time to attack us."

"Then what should we do? Sit and wait for death?" asked Xu Fu, a new master of the creation realm, who came from the world of Cangzhou.

"Yeah? Emperor Xuan, you are the most capable person in the world today. You must be able to lead us to defeat Lingzun, right?" Everyone asked, and for a while, the conference became a little noisy.

Xuan Zhenghao let everyone be quiet first.

He stood on the bridge of one yuan, everyone could see him clearly.

Xuan Zhenghao's face was heavy, and after a long silence, he said: "Things are far more cruel than everyone imagined. Some of the spiritual masters have methods to control those masters who have been caught. I can only feel sorry that they should have been with us to fight against the spiritual masters. , But now it has become the executioner who came to slaughter the compatriots. Will we win? Here, I can’t answer everyone accurately, but I can tell you for sure that I, Xuan Zhenghao, and Tianzhou will always guard The earth protects the great world. We will be the last barrier to the great world. We would rather die than retreat!"

"Good, good!"

"I would rather die than retreat!"

"I would rather die than retreat!"

In the great formation of the Netherworld, the blood was instantly ignited, and everyone chanted that they would rather die than retreat.

This kind of blood even infects the masters in the one-yuan rebirth formation.

After the meeting, Xuan Zhenghao summoned Luo Jun in the crystal wall room.

He first warned Luo Jun to temporarily stop going to other worlds to recruit masters.

Luo Jun was surprised and puzzled...

Xuan Zhenghao said, "You will know later."

"Moreover, I have one more question to ask you." Xuan Zhenghao said afterwards.

The two sat cross-legged.

Luo Jun asked: "What's the problem?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Our situation, Ya Zhenyuan is clear. Do you think she will leak secrets to Lingzun?"

Luo Jun was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "This, shouldn't it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You used the word ought to show that you are not sure."

Luo Jun said: "Ya Zhenyuan, I have been in contact with her, she is extremely sturdy. She will definitely not leak secrets, but it is difficult to protect Lingzun's means if she is controlled? So, I am not sure."

Xuan Zhenghao was lost in thought.

Luo Jun said: "What?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Things have increased uncertainty. If Fairy Zhenyuan can exaggerate our strength, it would be very good. I am afraid that she will really expose us. Therefore, I am a little bit arrogant about what to do next. Uncertain. There are too many risks, many things, really can only rely on luck."

Luo Jun asked: "What do you want to do?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's watch the changes first."

Luo Jun said, "However, I am worried that Ruoya Zhenyuan kept saying nothing, but instead angered Lingzun, and finally let Lingzun use some methods on her."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This possibility naturally exists. But what can we do now? Shall we enter the chalk world?"

Luo Jun said, "I want to sneak in quietly."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "No, Lingzun is guarded extremely tightly at the moment. You are only going to die if you go in. To save Fairy Zhenyuan, I already have a feasible plan, so don't act arrogantly."

"A feasible plan?" Luo Jun asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I can't say it yet. Anyway, please calm down for a while."

Luo Jun had no choice but to do what Xuan Zhenghao said. According to his own temper, he must go to Chalk to save people.

Luo Jun thought of something and said: "This matter is very important. I hope you are not delaying me."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

Luo Jun then prepared to leave, knowing that at this time, someone came outside.

Xuan Zhenghao sighed and said to Luo Jun: "Today's meeting should have made Nalan Yunxue suspicious. She is here. Maybe she wants to ask her master."

He paused and said, "Go and tell her, I still have things to do now."

"To tell the truth?" Luo Jun felt embarrassed.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes."

Nalan Yunxue was outside the crystal wall. After Luo Jun came out, Nalan Yunxue gave Luo Jun a cold look, but did not intend to talk to Luo Jun.

Outside the crystal wall, there is a vast void.

Xuan Zhenghao allowed Nalan Yunxue to find him.

Otherwise, no one in this yuan boat can know where the crystal wall chamber is.

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