Super Security in the City

Chapter 3258: breakthrough

What Luo Jun has to do now is to break through the blue mist in his brain and control his body.

But in simple terms, he couldn't do this. Because of this poison, even the power of the saint can't be suppressed for a long time. What's more, he has lost contact with mana and brain domain now?

Luo Jun was also wondering, why did he wake up?

Afterwards, he saw the gold in the green mist.

He doesn't quite understand what the gold represents?

"The sudden awakening is probably related to this golden thing. It is this golden little bit that opened a gap in the airtight poisonous mist. It is like opening a gap in a place without air."

"Yes, this golden color is the breakthrough!"

Luo Jun had a scrupulous mind.

At the same time, Luo Jun also felt that the golden color was becoming faint.

"I'm afraid that if you delay it, the golden color will disappear. I must quickly attach myself to the golden light spot to see if there is any chance."

Luo Jun didn't know what the consequences would be, but he knew this was the only chance.

Chances are fleeting!

"Huh, how should I go up?"

Luo Jun felt that he was a masterless person, with only simple thoughts and no body. Can't jump, can't walk.

This feeling is terrible!

It's like going back to the baby days.

"Is all this in front of me the mystery of the womb that the great supernatural powers felt when they were reincarnated? Could it be that I am really dead and in reincarnation?"

Luo Jun's thoughts were surging, and his thoughts were chaotic.

He found that he couldn't get to the light spot.

"Since it is intangible, since it is the state of the soul, then I should... the radio wave. The radio wave is the far the thought is, we can go as far as we can go. I rely on it, isn't this an advertisement for Red Gold Dragon Smoke?"

Luo Jun then laughed, he understood the key.

So he stared at those light spots.

The spot of light began to enlarge in his eyes.

To be precise, he has no eyes now.

He is just an electric wave, everything is actually a perception belonging to his soul.

When he keeps feeling those light spots, it is when his thoughts arrive.

After entering the light spot, Luo Jun immediately felt his whole body warm and uncomfortable.

He almost groaned.

It is really uncomfortable to stay in the cold place below.

Luo Jun bathed happily in the golden light, as if every pore in his body was happy and comfortable.

Brain waves are very mysterious.

When it exists, people are thinking.

Luo Jun was supposed to be dead, but the poisonous fog couldn't conquer his body, so all gathered in his brain.

So Luo Jun was not given a chance to leave.

The brain waves have no chance to drift out...

This gave Luo Jun a chance to wake up.

It was the golden strength that awakened Luo Jun and gave Luo Jun a chance to see the light again.

Luo Jun hadn't been happy for long, and after that, the golden light began to weaken.

This feeling is obvious.

It's like when you are in a hot bath, the water temperature starts to cool down gradually.

Luo Jun was startled, he knew what would happen next. Before the vitality passed, the brain waves drifted directly under the poisonous fog.

Right now, he actually ran into the poisonous mist.

This poisonous mist can easily corrode his brain waves.

"Go? No! The brain waves are not in the brain. Going to other places will only kill faster. There is no way to store the brain waves in the body."

"Nirvana, Nirvana!" Luo Jun thought of the Seventh Level of Creation Realm, which he had been unable to break through.

"Well, I will try today to see if I can Nirvana!"

As the golden light disappeared, Luo Jun's brain waves were quickly eroded by the poisonous fog.

Afterwards, everything returned to calm.

As if nothing happened.

"What is Nirvana? Let it die and be born again! The reason why the Emperor Shengtian Nirvana was taken by the ancestor of the demon, and finally succeeded in Nirvana. This is to pluck a seed..."

Luo Jun had already cultivated to the highest state of the six-fold Prajna wisdom in the creation realm.

Nirvana is only one step away.

Now if he can succeed in Nirvana, he can officially enter the Seventh Realm.

The poisonous fog in the brain covers the entire brain like clouds.

Luo Jun lost consciousness.

His brain waves have dissipated.

But at the moment he dissipated, his body began to undergo tremendous changes.

The five-fold Wanxiang is all-encompassing, and at the same time it arouses the supernatural power of the Wanxiang among the stars.

The six-fold prajna is a summary of all powers, is the understanding of all the principles, is the great wisdom!

Sevenfold is a starting point and a new life.

A power that survives after death!

When Luo Jun finally had his brainwaves dissipated, he finally truly mastered Nirvana.

It turned out to be Nirvana, one must die first.

But first, you have to have the ability to Nirvana.

After Luo Jun merged with the poisonous mist, his brain began to absorb the poisonous mist.

His consciousness was gradually awakening, and suddenly, he opened his eyes.

The power of the whole body rushed, as if a sleeping dragon finally awakened.

To die and to live is considered Nirvana!

"That's it, that's it!" Luo Jun was excited.

The poisonous mist became bits and pieces in his brain, as if he was born with the poison.

Since then, Luo Jun has become a poisonous man.

The toxin then circulates throughout the muscles and blood.

The Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds no longer absorb these poisonous mists, because the poisonous mists are already part of Luo Jun's flesh and blood.

In the body, the world is rushing forever, blood is tyrannical, and mana is majestic!

The power of Nirvana rotates in it, and gleams with golden light.

When Luo Jun looked inside, he could see tiny golden particles in his blood. These golden particles are the power of Nirvana.

Inside every tiny particle is the seed of Nirvana.

In other words, when his mana is broken and his attack is broken, as long as the seed is still there, he can regenerate.

To kill the master of Nirvana, this kind of child must be crushed.

But this seed is imperceptible.

Luo Jun can perceive the existence of seeds only if he possesses seeds.

It is difficult for others to feel.

Luo Jun and the master of the Seventh Layer of Creation had duel, so he also understood that the power of Nirvana is really hard to find.

Only after the opponent officially uses the power of Nirvana, it is possible to find the seeds.

The Ksitigarbha king had been waiting by the side, he had already lost hope.

At this moment, Luo Jun suddenly opened his eyes.

He didn't bother Luo Jun, because he saw Luo Jun thinking and the power in his body was also changing.

In ecstasy, he chose to wait quietly.

Luo Jun suddenly sat up.

In fact, he was still a little confused, and he didn't understand why he suddenly merged with the poisonous fog.

"Bodhisattva?" Luo Jun turned his head and saw the Ksitigarbha King, he immediately cried out in surprise.

Seeing that Luo Jun had returned to normal, the Ksitigarbha King was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Little donor, you finally wake up."

Luo Jun looked around, his divine consciousness shot across the void in an instant.

He felt a little confused in his head, but he quickly cleared his thoughts and said, "This is Donglai Mountain? I felt a little golden light in the poisonous mist before. It must be the bodhisattva, your great power, great fortune, right? ?"

The Ksitigarbha King was startled slightly, and said, "The poor monk thought it was useless."

Luo Jun got up, then kneeled and bowed.

The Ksitigarbha king immediately got up, stopped Luo Jun, and said, "Little donor, between us, it's unnecessary."

Luo Jun insisted, saying: "The Bodhisattva is here. The reason why the younger generation can come back from the dead this time is all awakened by your spells. This is a life-saving grace!"

The Ksitigarbha king no longer hindered, he was born and bowed down by Luo Jun. He then sighed and said: "Actually, the poor monk is not capable of saving you, the little benefactor. This time it was the poor monk who gathered the aspirations of many demon crowds. I thought it didn't work. I didn't think it helped me. Donor. In this way, the sacrificed demons are not considered as sacrifices in vain, Amitabha!"

During the conversation, the Ksitigarbha king showed grief.

Luo Jun has also got up, and he said: "Luo Jun, how can so many Daoists sacrifice for me. From now on, I must do more good deeds to comfort all Daoists in the sky."

The Ksitigarbha nodded, and then asked, "How are you feeling?"

Luo Jun closed his eyes and looked inside again.

He immediately felt the golden light in his body, and the power of Nirvana was everywhere. Moreover, the mana is stronger than before. After breaking through that barrier, he felt as if he had an inexhaustible force.

However, the poisonous mist is also glowing with blue particles in the flesh.

This blue color is extremely hidden.

Outsiders can't feel the cyan and gold particles in his body.

The situation is very good. Before he was injured, his body and mana were much stronger.

Moreover, he has not yet examined the power of these cyan particles.

"Very good!" After the inspection, Luo Jun said to the Ksitigarbha King.

The Ksitigarbha King smiled slightly and said, "It seems that your cultivation has improved again!"

Luo Jun nodded, and said, "A chance to break through."

The Ksitigarbha king said with a serious face and said: "Right now in the heavens, the situation is rising, it is when accidents happen frequently. The poor monk sees the emperor very much in need of your help, since you have recovered this time, let's return to the heavens soon. Go ahead."

Luo Jun was taken aback. He knew that the Bodhisattva had said this, which meant that something might have happened to Tianzhou.

Before he could ask carefully, Luo Jun would say goodbye to the Bodhisattva.

The Ksitigarbha King smiled bitterly and said: "The poor monk will also go with you. You wait for a while, and the poor monk will explain to the demon crowd and go with you."

Luo Jun felt strange that he knew that the Ksitigarbha King had refused to leave before. Don't know why, suddenly he was willing to leave. But anyway, this is a good thing. So while Luo Jun was happy, he didn't ask much.

The Ksitigarbha King quickly used the method of sound transmission in the cave to convey his thoughts and account for all the demons. Those demons quickly dispersed...

Then, Luo Jun and the Ksitigarbha king walked from the western kingdom and quickly returned to Tianzhou.

The two returned to the One Yuan Boat for the first time.

Although Luo Jun wanted to see Ling'er, Mo Nong, his son, Suzhen Hei and his daughter. But he resisted this impulse and went to see Xuan Zhenghao in the crystal wall room for the first time.

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help being ecstatic when he saw Luo Jun's return intact.

He was so worried.

When Luo Jun came back, it was much better.

It is not only that Luo Jun can come back to help, but more importantly, Luo Jun is his friend.

It's a great joy to have friends resurrected after death!

After the Ksitigarbha King came in, he smiled and chanted Amitabha, Xuan Zhenghao saw them, first he was ecstatic, and then he laughed...

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