Super Security in the City

Chapter 3293: See the battle

Suzhen in black has a thorough understanding of Luo Jun's character, so she has long been unable to complain about Luo Jun's lack of toughness. She knew that Luo Jun was such a person, sometimes mother-in-law, and she was compassionate.

But these are all small sections, and Suzhen in black also knows that Luo Jun is a man at the critical moment, not to be confused, and not to hesitate.

He is a man who shows great wisdom and great courage at a critical moment.

Luo Jun is listening to Tang Wan's narration.

Tang Wan said to Luo Jun: "First of all, we are on guard against you, this is normal. The elder Yuan is the highest predecessor of our Qingyun Pavilion. She is highly respected by us... However, she was killed by you. And, I am this person. The injury you gave was also given. So if you come rashly, we will naturally not treat each other with courtesy!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I can understand this. Anyway, not killing you that day is already a kind of my kindness to you. It was you who attacked and wanted to kill the Yuan Shenzhu."

Tang Wan said: "We want to destroy the Primordial God Orb, and we will never be selfish. If we do everything possible to obtain the Primordial God Orb, then it is selfishness."

Luo Jun said: "selfishness and publicity are not important, the important thing is whether what you do harms or saves. How innocent is the girl in the Yuanshenzhu, eh?"

Tang Wan said, "Speaking of which, how innocent is our Hydra?"

Luo Jun said: "These truths will never be clear. I am not here to argue with you today. That girl has a deep relationship with me, so you intend to kill her. I will never stand by. Just as I want. You will not allow you to kill your disciples."

Tang Wan said: "Okay, let's not talk about these. Besides, we went to arrest Bai Lan and Ran Hongyu... For a long time, the saints have strangled us Qingyun Pavilion, many times we can't breathe. Now, we The elder Yuan is not there anymore. At this time, if we don’t take action, will they wait for their vitality to recover before they come to deal with us? At that time, who will ensure the safety of Qingyun Pavilion? Is there anything wrong with our actions?"

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said: "Okay, everything you do makes sense. I won't hold you accountable. I understand what you mean. Don't worry, as long as Ran Hongyu is unharmed, I will never Embarrassed Qingyun Pavilion."

Tang Wan nodded and said, "Okay, with your words, I'm relieved."

"It's very strange to me, why didn't you kill them?" Luo Jun suddenly asked again.

Tang Wan said: "You can't believe it. I am really worried that you will come back, and a lot of things will come out. So, for the time being, I will keep their lives."

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is very good, very good."

Tang Wan said, "I'll let them come here."

After she finished speaking, she transmitted her thoughts and asked the big disciple Nan Xi to bring Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan out of the dungeon.

Tang Wan continued: "I also went to find the nine-headed god, the last demon saint, and the old Huai, but they all returned to no avail. They didn't know where they were hiding."

Luo Jun also knew it well.

He didn't wait long before Nan Xi brought Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan over.

After that, Nan Xi came to Tang Wan and waited on him.

Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan's clothes are neat and tidy, but they don't seem to have been tortured.

But their complexion is very bad, their complexion is pale and bloodless.

The two were initially listless, but they were overjoyed to see Luo Jun when they came in.

Although Bai Lan didn't like Luo Jun very much, the arrival of Luo Jun represented the savior.

And Ran Hongyu was crying with joy at this moment.

Luo Jun quickly got up to greet him. He came to Ran Hongyu and said with guilt: "It's really my fault. I didn't want to be more thoughtful before and made you suffer such grievances!"

Ran Hongyu plunged directly into Luo Jun's arms.

Nephrite jade has a warm fragrance and a tangy aroma!

Luo Jun suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because Suzhen in black was still there.

Bai Lan's face suddenly didn't look good.

Fortunately, Ran Hongyu soon calmed down, and then blushed and left Luo Jun's embrace.

Bai Lan pointed to the night of Tang, with cold eyes in her eyes, and said, "Luo Jun, help me kill this woman."

Luo Jun naturally didn’t bother to pay attention to Bai Lan. He said: “I’m here this time to discuss important matters with you. I just didn’t expect that you will be like this. But no matter what, I hope all of us will leave it behind. Prejudice, let's overcome difficulties together."

Tang Wan was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean by this son?"

Luo Jun asked Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan to sit down first. He took out countless Ningxue Pills and catalyzed them into a rich spiritual energy.

These auras revolve around Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan.

At the same time, Luo Jun also unlocked the seals in the bodies of Bai Lan and Ran Hongyu.

Bai Lan and Ran Hongyu immediately absorbed the medicine power of Ningxue Pill greedily.

While helping Bai Lan and Ran Hongyu to heal his injuries, Luo Jun said: "The outside world is not peaceful at the moment, the spirits are aggressive and powerful. Don't look at me as if I am very powerful now. I am in the realm of the spirits, and that is too big. Out. Now, the chalk world between us and the spirits are at a stalemate. In this way, the world of Daze will become a breakthrough. Because their masters have the existence of quasi saints, the quasi saints will break the world of Daze The barrier is not difficult. Once they invade the world of Daze, none of you will have the strength to fight back. At that time, they will use your toxins to invade the blue ocean of magnetism."

Tang Wan couldn't help but lose his color and said: "In this way, three thousand worlds will have big problems!"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, there will indeed be big problems. Three thousand worlds collapse, and the earth will be completely unguarded. At that time, the energy protons of the earth will be pumped away by the spirits. The entire civilization of the earth will be destroyed. At once."

Bai Lan heard the words and said: "I really hope that the saint will soon break this barrier. I'm already impatient in this place."

Luo Jun immediately became annoyed and said, "Bai Lan, don't you understand human words? That would wipe out the entire earth. Even if you can live and live happily, you don't care about the life and death of the entire earth, do you?"

Bai Lan said, "Why should I care? What is my business?"

Luo Jun said: "Maybe I should let you die. Whether you die or live or not, what does it have to do with me?"

Bai Lan snorted coldly and said, "You just saved me by the way."

Luo Jun said: "I don't have to go by."

Bai Lan was suddenly speechless, the anger in her heart...

Luo Jun continued and said, "Bai Lan, I know that you have a weight to speak in the entire Hell Hydra. At the moment, no matter what, I hope you can put aside our antagonisms and gather all the Hell Hydra together. Wait until there. When the barrier is broken, I will find a way to take you away. Once you fall into the hands of the Spirit Venerable, it will be more cruel and painful than being imprisoned in this Daze world. I can tell you with certainty about this."

Without waiting for Bai Lan to speak, Ran Hongyu first said: "Luo Jun, rest assured. I will do my best to help you!"

Tang Wan also expressed his stance and said: "We Qingyun Pavilion will also abandon our previous suspicions and give full help."

Bai Lan shrugged and said, "I don't have the ability to oppose, do I? However, after the Lingzun is resolved, I will leave the earth. Isn't that okay?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course no problem!"

Bai Lan was overjoyed and said, "Then we have no conflicts of interest. Okay, I will fully cooperate and cooperate."

When Ran Hongyu saw that Bai Lan was no longer acting as a demon, he followed with joy.

At this time, Luo Jun could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Luo Jun asked Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan to heal their injuries in his black hole spar. And given countless Ningxue Pills for healing.

After placing them, Luo Jun also gave Tang Wan some Ningxue Pill.

Tang Wan's injury was not too serious, and his combat effectiveness was still about 80%.

Luo Jun and Tang Wan continued their discussions in this partial hall.

Luo Jun first said: "I still have some things that I don't know clearly, and I need you to solve my doubts."

Tang Wan said frankly: "Please speak."

Luo Jun said: "The poison of Hydra in the world of Daze nowadays, what kind of poison will affect the blue magnetic ocean?"

Tang Wan smiled and said, "You are asking the right person."

Luo Jun said, "Oh, isn't it?"

Tang Wan said to Nan Xi beside him: "You can explain to Luo Jun."

Nanxi has always had prejudices against Luo Jun, but he... is really not an opponent.

She took a deep breath and said: "In the world of Daze, our Hydra family is divided into Hydra and Hell Hydra. The Hell Hydra evolved from the Hydra, the common Hydra The poison does no harm to the Magneto Ocean. Generally, if the poison of the Hell Hydra does not accumulate to a certain level, it will not cause any harm to the Magneto Ocean. Like us, our ancestors have cultivated to become humans and then breed Human beings have no toxins themselves, and even no longer have some of the characteristics of Hell Hydra. However, Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan still have this toxin in their bodies. Moreover, they are very powerful. Simply put, ordinary Hell Hydra can get Hunting more than 10,000 pieces and extracting their toxins can have a small impact on the Magneto Ocean. But it will eventually be digested by the Magneto Ocean! And the Hell Hydra, a master of creation, only needs two. Changing the material of the Ocean of Primal Magnetism, so that the Three Thousand Worlds are crumbling. These are the final data passed down through the study of the Holy Kylin and the ancestors."

Luo Jun said: "So right now, our most important thing is to gather the Hell Hydra clan of masters of creation."

Tang Wan said: "Yes, but there is a certain degree of difficulty. Because in the Daze world, it is extremely easy to hide and difficult to find. If you miss one or two masters of creation, then all your efforts will be in vain."

Luo Jun said: "Yes! It's very difficult for us to find, but the gang of spiritual masters came over and found it without scruples. Seeing the mountains and breaking the mountains, seeing the formation, it is much easier than us."

He paused, and then asked, "Currently, how many ordinary Hell Hydras are there?"

Tang Wan said, "Well, Bai Lan should be clearer."

Luo Jun said: "Then I will ask her later, besides, I have one more question."

Tang Wan said: "Ask!"

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