Super Security in the City

Chapter 3295: Osawa

Luo Jun saw the special features of the toxin that Ran Hongyu circulated.

That is, there is a liquid similar to meridian in the internal substance of this toxin. In his divine exploration, he felt that this kind of liquid could be transformed into countless meridians and stretched countlessly.

Very flexible!

Luo Jun suddenly understood. He understood the effect of this toxin on the ocean of magnetism.

That is, Magneto Ocean absorbs and refines this toxin through the formation!

After that, the entire ocean looked like a sea. But to be more precise, this sea is merged into one, like a large piece of brown candy. If you shoot it with a palm, the force will be absorbed by the entire ocean of magnetism.

It is because of this toxin that Yuan Magnetic Ocean can link the entire three thousand worlds.

And if this toxin accumulates in a sufficient amount to enter the Magneto Ocean, it may disintegrate the purifying toxin inside.

After Luo Jun understood all this, he became more determined in his heart to deal with the affairs of Daze World.

Yuan Magnetic Ocean is the true mother river of the earth!

If there is a problem with this river, the earth's defense system will fall short.

The reason why the earth is so aloof in the entire galaxy, the talented people, and the prosperous Taoism are all because of the existence of the three thousand worlds!

After that, Luo Jun began to urge the big fatalism to track the poison.

At that moment, Luo Jun used toxins, and then used the big fatalism as an introduction, it seemed to link the entire Daze world.

Originally, he could link the world through toxins.

But with big fatalism, all barriers can be broken open.

Of course, this barrier is within the Daze world.

Not long after, Luo Jun's heart was already clear.

He moved quickly and found two masters of creation hidden in the depths.

After all this is done, Daze World's search operation is basically over.

Luo Jun gathered all the masters and Hell Hydra into the Qingyun Pavilion.

It is in the pure alchemy bottle.

At present, the barrier of Daze World has not been broken by Fang Xianyang, so Luo Jun can't take these **** hydra.

Luo Jun also knew that Qingyun Pavilion was a secret place, so he didn't need to move around.

You need to prepare everything first, and then store the Alchemy Purifying Bottle personally so that you can leave at any time.

He counted all the combat power and began to deploy.

This kind of deployment is how he should resist if he encounters experts like Fang Xianyang.

There are close to 300,000 Hell Hydras, but many have no mana.

So not much can be used.

Each of these **** hydra can go to mortal forces. But against a master like Lingzun, he is as weak as a chicken.

Luo Jun asked Tang Wan to select those with cultivation skills and mana among these **** hydra.

There are about 50,000 in total, and they can activate mana in the formation.

In addition, Tang Wan also accumulated human beings.

Humans are all bred after Hell Hydra practiced to become humans.

There are about one million people in total.

Originally, the population was close to three million. But many people have scattered around and it is difficult to gather.

Tang Wan also couldn't issue a king summoning order.

Luo Jun also didn't bother to look for it, anyway, there is no master of creation. Even if Lingzun came, he was not interested.

Among the one million people gathered in the Qingyun Pavilion, about 800 have a cultivation base above the Xuxian.

There were about twelve people who reached the creation realm.

This already includes Tang Wan, Nanxi, Zixi, Zhou Ya.

Nanxi, Zixi, and Tangwan are the five or more of the creation realm.

The nine-headed god, the old Huai, and the demon Saint Bairinong, as well as Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan are all in an injured state.

Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan had only 30% combat effectiveness.

Nine-headed god, Huai Lao, Bailinong has 60% combat effectiveness.

In addition, the two Hell Hydras in the creation realm that were finally recovered, were repaired to the double and triple creation realm.

They are called Zong Xia and Zong Lu.

After all these combat powers were counted, Luo Jun asked Tang Wan to take out all the medicines and distribute them, and he was ready to put them into the formation at any time.

Luo Jun promised that Tang Wan would return it ten times after arriving in Tianzhou.

Tang Wan wondered if Tianzhou had so many pills?

Luo Junfeng calmly said, "There is not much, but there are many medicines. If I break my promise, I will lose my heart, and I will die!"

Tang Wan naturally believed in Luo Jun.

The so-called long time seeing people's hearts, after so many things, the two still have some understanding of each other.

At the same time, Luo Jun also worked for the nine-headed gods, so that they don't be stingy with the medicine at this critical time.

Ran Hongyu, Bai Lan and the others are also very cooperative. After listening to Luo Jun's promise of ten times return, the nine-headed **** and others also took out the pill in a generous way.

Luo Jun's promise is made with an oath.

You can't help but believe the oath of such a master.

Suddenly, the elixir in the alchemy bottle was like a sea, and a master was like a cloud.

This made Tang Wan and other masters full of confidence, feeling that even if the Lingzun came, they would have the power to fight.

Luo Jun just smiled bitterly in his heart, this is so and that!

With a push of Ling Zun's little finger, the alchemy bottle is almost complete.

After doing all this, Luo Jun did another thing.

That is to leave Qingyun Pavilion and keep the alchemy net bottle with you.

This was approved by Tang Wan.

At that time, Luo Jun will leave the world of Daze with the alchemy bottle.

The body of the alchemy purifying bottle was originally asleep in the depths of the swamp. Luo Jun grabbed it with a big hand and grabbed it into his hand.

The pure gold bottle is in Luo Jun's hands, like a small golden bottle.

It can be easily held by an adult's hand.

There are lines and runes like gold threads on the body of the small golden bottle.

Who would have thought that there was a world inside this little golden bottle.

One leaf, one bodhi, and one flower, one world, that's probably the truth.

Next, what Luo Jun has to do is wait.

He felt that this task was completed smoothly. After that, as long as Fang Xianyang came over, as long as the barrier was broken by Fang Xianyang, he could leave immediately.

Once he leaves, the sky is high and the birds fly. In that ocean of magnetism, Luo Jun can fear the storm.

Located in the chalk world, time is passing day by day.

The Spirit Venerable Empire already possesses immense power and strength, but they cannot find a way to break through the predicament right now.

The high-levels do not want to be trapped in this earth all the time.

They are accustomed to sailing in the universe, and they want to rebuild the Empire Sky Ark soon.

Moreover, they have another deep sense of crisis.

They are afraid that Luo Jun will break through.

What if Xuan Zhenghao became a saint?

What if Xuan Zhenghao really possesses the power of the world of Tianzhou?

What if Chen Ling and Zhang Daoling became saints?

This is all possible, because this place on the earth belongs to the territory of the universe emperor.

Luck is enveloped!

Moreover, what if those masters and saints who walked far away in the universe, such as Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, Tongtian Hierarch, Taishang Laojun, Nuwa Empress, and Hongjun Ancestor, returned?

It's a headache to come back!

What if the passage to the fairy world is completely opened?

These are all variables, and they are desperate when they come to this place.

Once there are irreversible variables, the spirits will be destroyed, and their masters will also die here.

Therefore, they are not to sit back and relax.

On this day, Tiandu, the Grand Palace, the sacred chamber.

Tian Qingge finally found out one thing.

He quickly discussed with Long Qianjue, Elder Bai Xian, and Fang Xieyang.

Tian Qingge said: "In the past few days, my subordinates have discovered some problems, problems in the ocean of magnetism."

"What's the problem?" Long Qianjue asked. Seeing the excitement in Tian Qingge's eyes, he smiled and said, "It seems that Qingge has brought us good news."

Tian Qingge said, "Yes, the meridian threads in the Ocean of Magnetism are extremely weird, causing the entire ocean to react with the three thousand worlds. In the end, I found that all these things came from... Daze World. It was from Daze World. A certain substance links the three thousand worlds. Therefore, as long as we go to the Daze world and destroy this linkage device, we can successfully destroy the three thousand worlds."

"Great!" Long Qianjue, Elder Bai Xian and Fang Xieyang were all overjoyed.

"But, is it really that simple?" At this time, Elder Bai Xian calmed down first and asked.

Tian Qingge said: "The world of Daze is hidden in the depths, it is difficult to find. This time it is the secret I discovered by accident. This is our luck..."

Fang Xieyang said, "So, what are your plans for Qingge next?"

Tian Qingge said: "First explore the world of Daze."

"But you can't kill the snake!" Long Qianjue said.

Tian Qingge nodded and said, "Yes, the subordinates are preparing to make two plans. Because the subordinates don't know whether Xuan Zhenghao knows the world of Daze. If he doesn't know, it's all easy to say. If he knows , I'm afraid he has already made preparations in Daze World."

"However, he didn't know that the chance of Daze World should be close to zero."

Afterwards, Tian Qingge said his plan.

First pretend to attack Tianzhou, attracting Xuan Zhenghao's attention.

Then, send someone to explore the world of Daze.

Long Qianjue immediately launched an attack on Tianzhou.

And Fang Xieyang went to Daze World to inquire.

In the heavenly continent, the peace and tranquility were also broken instantly.

In the boat of one yuan, every moment belongs to a state of shift preparation.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao also saw countless Lingzun masters piercing through the Heaven Continent barrier.

The Tiankun network quickly unfolded.

In the one-yuan rebirth formation of the one-yuan boat, Xuan Zhenghao surrounded Chen Ling, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, and Shenshan mother.

The rest of the creation realm masters also quickly began to send mana in the formation.

"Sudden action?" Chen Ling was surprised, and said, "They won't fight insecure battles. Since they make a move, they come prepared!"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "They are going to investigate the world of Daze, and the attack before them is a feint. However, even though it is a feint, they will come to test whether we have the power of the world."

Chen Ling was taken aback and said, "Daze?"

Xuan Zhenghao sighed for a long time, and said, "The one that should be here is here after all."

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