Super Security in the City

Chapter 3332: Ancestor

Luo Jun is trying his best to trace the destruction of Tianhe Divine Kingdom.

This way, he was contradictory along the way. He hopes that things can be turned around and that Lan Ziyi can be found, Qiao Ning and the others are still alive.

But he was even more afraid to find out that they were really dead.

Luo Jun said in a deep voice to Bishuiyuan: "Quickly, those masters cleaned it up?"

Bishuiyuan said: "During the cleaning, our parliament and the Holy See sent masters separately. The masters on the side of the Holy See can't reach them. On our side, what I know and affirm is that Princess Luna personally led the team. I went."

"Luna?" Luo Jun also knew something about this Princess Luna.

After all, Eternal Mansion is famous.

It's impossible for someone like Princess Luna to remain unknown.

Princess Luna is a disciple of Master Ku.

Master Ku did not marry. When Master Ku was the emperor, Luna was named a princess.

Master Ku has a total of twelve disciples.

These twelve disciples are the core of the Bright Council.

Luna is the youngest among the twelve disciples.

There are four female disciples among the twelve disciples.

They are Princess Selena, Princess Qingxueshuang, Princess Gu Hongyan, and Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna is on the planet of Vall, which is a particularly powerful planet in the star field. The technology and talents in it are second to none." Bishuiyuan said.

Luo Jun said: "If you don't tell me, I also know this."

Bishuiyuan said, "My lord, I have told you everything I know."

Luo Jun said in a deep voice, "What is the status of Princess Luna's cultivation?"

Bishuiyuan said: "This, the villain doesn't know the truth. But what is certain is that her cultivation base is very high. At least she should have reached Wuwei Middle Grade."

Luo Jun said, "Well, I'm going to live here for a few days. When I figure out something, I will leave."

Bishuiyuan said: "That villain's..."

He pointed to his head, and then glanced at the blue side.

Luo Jun faintly glanced at Bishuiyuan and said, "I control your brain and will not have any impact on your life. And Azure, I will release my control from her in the future. Right now, not! Could it be you I thought I would get rid of all this now. Once I leave, you will report it to the parliament? Don't think about these silly questions. You don't have to worry about what I will do to your woman. I am not interested."

Bishuiyuan knew that what Luo Jun said was true, so he could only obey it at the moment.

Later, Luo Jun said: "My business, don't pass it on to anyone. Are your servants reliable?"

Bishuiyuan said: "My lord, don't worry, these are absolutely reliable. I give an order, and they will never say anything."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "That's good. After all, I'm responsible for my head. You're also responsible for your life. It won't be fun anymore."

Bishuiyuan said: "The villain absolutely understands."

After this, Luo Jun found a guest room to rest first.

The curtains in the room were all drawn by Luo Jun.

Although the sun was washing outside, the room was quiet and dark.

Luo Jun first checked his physical condition.

The vitality consumption is still very large, and between every breath, vitality is consumed.

Right now, his body is like a large company with millions of employees. But every day was closed, and it did not generate any profit.

Only consumption, no profit.

If this continues, even the most powerful company will go bankrupt.

"At the moment, there are really many things. To investigate the situation of the Tianhe Kingdom, it seems that I really can only go to the princess Luna. Luna is the disciple of Master Ku, and the core existence of the Eternal Palace. I should be able to find her. There is a result. However, the key issue is that Luna's cultivation level is very high, and she must also have masters around her. If she is alarmed, it will be easier to alarm the masters like Master Ku. If all are alarmed, I am afraid it will be a dead end. Therefore, if you want to find Luna, you must plan carefully, and there can be no mistakes!"

"Also, the matter of vitality consumption must be solved. I have to study from Bishuiyuan, or it can absorb Zhouli and turn it into vitality. Or it can directly communicate with Zhouli!"

"If the vitality matter cannot be resolved, with the pill that I have in my hands...I can still last for three months without fighting. If the battle continues, I am afraid that it will be a little susceptible for one day. Of course, I should be able to recover from the attack Draw vitality and energy from it."

After Luo Jun calculated silently, he called Bishuiyuan in the afternoon.

After Bi Shuiyuan came in, he closed the door, and in front of Luo Jun, he looked respectful.

Luo Jun picked up the cup next to him and took a sip of water, then put down the tea cup. Then he looked at Bishuiyuan and asked, "You are a Kaiser, right?"

Bishuiyuan said, "Yes, my lord!"

Luo Jun said, "Tell me, what exactly is Zhou Li?"

Bishuiyuan felt strange, and said, "My lord doesn't know Zhou Li?"

Luo Jun said lightly: "I ask, you answer. You don't need to ask me, understand?"

Bishuiyuan was taken aback, and immediately said: "Yes, my lord." He paused, and said, "When we learn Zhou Li, we will first take the basic course. There is a book in the basic course called Zhou Li's World. The details are in it. Introduced Zhou Li...this book is sold in bookstores."

Luo Jun was startled slightly and said, "Really? Do you have one here?"

Bishuiyuan said: "The villain is here, the villain will get it right away."

Luo Jun said, "Go!"

Bishuiyuan went out quickly, and then brought a book over.

He respectfully handed it to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun took the book and read it.

Bishuiyuan was waiting on the sidelines.

Luo Jun read very quickly, and he finished reading with his spiritual thoughts.

He put the book aside.

Bishuiyuan felt strange and said, "My lord, is there a problem with the book?"

Luo Jun said, "No, it's because I have finished reading it."

"This..." Bishuiyuan felt incredible, but did not dare to question Luo Jun.

Luo Jun learned from the book that the eternal planet was shrouded in Zhou Li a long time ago.

There are no creatures on the eternal planet.

Zhou Li covers a range of one million light years.

The eternal planet was nourished by Zhou Li all the year round, and gradually, the first generation of eternal races began to appear.

The first ancestor of the Eternal Race is called Yuan Tianyi!

Yuan Tianyi condensed consciousness in Zhouli, and then built his body with a milled substance from the eternal planet.

Later, he slowly evolved, allowing his body and limbs to evolve to the most suitable state.

Thus, he became a human being.

Yuan Tianyi is called the ancestor god!

The ancestor gods combined power and milling materials to create thousands of eternal races.

The eternal race has since reproduced.

Following that, the eternal flame star arrived in the eternal star field.

Work together to create an eternal planet.

Since then, the eternal planet has become livable. Then, the eternal planet gave birth to all kinds of creatures.

The Cathers are particularly favored by the Eternal Race.

The ancestor **** Yuan Tianyi's cultivation base was shocking, and later he was invincible in the world, so he was incarnate and fed back to Zhou Li.

From then on, all those who practice Zhou Li will return to the world of Zhou Li after death to feed Zhou Li back.

The Eternal Star Field has existed for ten thousand years.

"It seems that the adjudication office is not mentioned in the book?" Luo Jun asked.

Bishuiyuan was slightly startled, and said, "Do you know the court?"

Luo Jun said, "It's not a secret, right?"

Bishuiyuan said: "The average person can't reach it. The villain is just strange. You don't know Zhou Li, but you know the court."

Luo Jun didn't bother to pay attention to the issue of Bishuiyuan, and said, "Tell me about the adjudication office."

Bishuiyuan said: "The ruling is the most mysterious, and the villain does not know it. I only know that the ruling is above the emperor. There is a life court in the ruling. Once a trial is issued, no one can escape."

Luo Jun asked: "Have you ever been tried?"

Bishuiyuan said: "After the trial, a hundred years ago, the third pope of the Dark Vatican intended to overthrow the parliament and intends to overthrow the ruling house. Later, the ruling house sent a priest to issue a trial against the pope. Under the trial, that The pope fell dead on the spot. You know, that pope is extremely talented and invincible in this world. It is because he is too powerful that he swelled to dominate the world of Zhou Li."

Luo Jun was secretly shocked when he heard that, this ruling was too powerful.

He felt that his future became increasingly bleak.

Then, Luo Jun thought of something and said: "A hundred years ago, the third pope? Didn't the Eternal Palace have a history of ten thousand years? How come the third? Will every pope be in office for a long time?"

Bishuiyuan said: "The pope is changed every fifty years. The reason why he is the third pope is because the dark church has less than two hundred years of history."

Luo Jun said: "Huh?"

Bishuiyuan said: "In the past, there was only the Eternal Palace, without the Council of Light and the Holy See of Darkness. There was only the power of light, not the power of darkness. In fact, there was no difference between darkness and light. It was because of the use of power. Different people distinguish between light and darkness. Guang Zhou Li pays attention to calmness, without desire and desire, and resonates with Zhou Li, so that is the way of great light. And dark Zhou Li is unscrupulous, the more greedy the better, It is to get desperately and do everything. This is the way of great darkness."

"So that's it!" Luo Jun turned his words and said: "This is funny, you seem to have a lot of desires? So speaking, you should also be Dark Zhouli?"

Bishuiyuan smiled bitterly, and said: "The villain is still low, and can't reach the level of true desirelessness. Maybe you can continue to practice, and you can achieve it. The essence of Guangming Zhouli is to follow the fate, not to fight, not to ask. But then again, The Council of Light has always been fighting against the Dark Church and fighting for its own interests. So many things are not clear."

"The difference is that the Dark Vatican admits its desires. The Bright Council does not, right?" Luo Jun said.

Bishuiyuan said: "The villain dare not comment!"

Luo Jun laughed.

He followed up and said, "Okay, there are still very important questions. You are a Catherine, and you are not born to perceive Zhou Li. I don't think you have a very good talent. How do you perceive Zhou Li?"

Bishuiyuan said: "We Cathers are the original inhabitants of the eternal planet. We have grown up under the shower of Zhou Li since we were young. Actually... the talent of the villain is pretty good, and you can feel the existence of Zhou Li. It is precisely because of that. In this way, the young talent passed the test of Zhouli Academy and entered the Zhouli Academy."

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