Super Security in the City

Chapter 3338: wilderness

Huantianyu later said: "The eternal trial is not just for us, even the Cathers are under the trial rules. As for the trial of the life court of the ruling house, it depends on each other's cultivation. It is the trial of the ruling house that can judge the nobles of the eternal race."

He paused, and then said: "However, even Princess Luna, she cannot easily issue an eternal trial. In principle, she must first report and get approval before issuing. If there is an emergency, after the trial is issued , But also face the above due diligence. Once it is discovered that the trial is abused, it will face very serious punishment."

After hearing this, Luo Jun said: "It's still somewhat restrained."

Huan Tianyu said: "Yes, otherwise, we will not be able to survive."

Luo Jun said again: "Qing Zhou Dan, do you have one?"

Huantianyu was startled slightly, and said, "Do you want to absorb the next level of cosmic power?"

Luo Jun said: "I have to find a way to replenish my vitality."

Huan Tianyu said: "I have many Qingzhou Pills. This is something we might use in battle."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed some Qingzhou Dan from the original sharp spear.

Huantianyu doesn't have a storage treasure similar to Jie Xumi, and his mana is very rough, there is no way to reduce it.

Although powerful, in the eyes of a master like Luo Jun, it is like a stupid big man with a very powerful weapon. He didn't understand many magical mysteries.

There are about one hundred Qingzhou Pills.

Luo Jun took it down in one go.

After taking the food, he was speechless for a moment.

The effect of this Qingzhou Pill is similar to that of Pure Yang Pill. If it is taken from a child, it can probably change some physique.

But now, Luo Jun's size, this physique, is a ten trillion Qing Zhou Dan, that can't change his physique.

Luo Jun completely abandoned the idea of ​​absorbing Zhou Li.

Afterwards, he asked Huantianyu: "What the **** is going on in the wasteland? Those demons and wild beasts are said to be able to absorb cosmic power?"

Huantianyu said: "This is from an ancient legend. According to reports, the Arakawa God was born with the ancestor god. However, the Arakawa God is cruel and intends to destroy the ancestor God and the eternal race. Arakawa believes that in the world of Zhou Li, no There should be people and creatures. Moreover, one more person means one more existence to divide the power of Zhou. The ancestor gods could not bear it, and finally led his disciples to kill the gods. The gods died very unwillingly, and his resentment power merged with the powers of Zhou. Finally, the wasteland was created. So far, the demon and the beast have been born in the wasteland. In the wasteland, it can also be said that it is a small branch of the universe of Zhouli. Their wasteland Zhouli is not subject to eternal judgment and sanctions. As for the court of life The trial of the people depends on the condition of the cultivation level."

Luo Jun let out a strange light in his eyes and said: "In this way, the Wasteland and Eternal Mansion are incompatible."

Huantianyu smiled bitterly, and said: "The wasteland is actually not a great climate, but the Eternal Palace deliberately kept. Because of keeping them, the importance of the Eternal Palace is revealed. Only our people will understand that peace is the belt of the Eternal Palace. Come. In addition, the wasteland can also temper the disciples of the Eternal Palace. This is the real reason why the Wasteland has not been destroyed. Of course, the internal world of the Wasteland is very complicated, although it is far less than the Eternal Palace. But it must go deep into the hinterland, so eternal The power of the palace will be weakened. Therefore, ordinary disciples of the Eternal Palace will not enter the wasteland. Within the wasteland, the Eternal Palace is jealous. Outside the wasteland, the Eternal Palace is the ruler."

"That's it!" Luo Jun understood.

He added: "So it seems that the Eternal Palace cannot eliminate the wasteland. Why do you say that the Eternal Palace kept the wasteland on purpose?"

Huan Tianyu said: "On the surface, there is no way to destroy the wasteland. But if the Eternal Palace really launches the emperor's ruling, and all people are one mind, then after the wasteland is broken, they will undoubtedly lose. Because their Zhou Li is a small branch."

He then said: "This is of course also risky. It will force Huang, who is used to the outside world. After all, they are the same clan... Then the demon in the wasteland will run around completely and will form a very bad reaction. But I still have to Said that as long as they make up their minds, they will be able to destroy the wasteland."

Luo Jun said: "It seems that Eternal Palace still has its own considerations."

Huantianyu didn't say anything, anyway, Luo Jun could hear from his words that he really didn't like Eternal Palace very much.

Luo Jun then asked: "How long is it from this year's drought?"

Huan Tianyu said: "There is one month left."

Luo Jun secretly said: "One month?"

After thinking about it, he said to Huantianyu: "Fortunately, one month is not too long. Let me wait."

Huantianyu said, "What are you going to do?"

Luo Junduo glanced at Huantianyu and said with a smile: "Do you want to know my plan?"

He asked with a smile, but Huantianyu shuddered.

Huantianyu said hurriedly: "I didn't mean to inquire, just..."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Just ask, I understand."

Huan Tianyu looked at Luo Jun's smile, but couldn't understand his thoughts in his heart.

He thinks this person is terrible.

He didn't know where Luo Jun came from, how old he was and what he looked like.

Luo Jun said: "You don't have to guess too much, this month, I will live in your mind."

"Is it possible to conceal Princess Luna?" Huan Tianyu expressed concern, he was worried that he would be implicated. Although he was dissatisfied with the Eternal Palace, he did not have the courage to fight.

Luo Jun said: "I was hiding in Jiangdong's body. The reason why you found out is because his cultivation base is too low and my aura is too strong. There shouldn't be much problem with you!"

Huantianyu said with a bitter face: "Brother, it’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that it’s really not easy for me to be confused until now. There is still a big family behind me. Once I am confirmed to collude with the wasteland and persecute Eternal Palace . This is the consequence of death..."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Just understand, don't worry, I just scared you. Before Luna comes, I will leave your mind. Then, you will find a chance to put me inside the city wall. I am. Will take advantage of the mess to deal with Luna."

Huantianyu suddenly asked, "Will you kill Luna?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly, and asked Huantianyu: "Do you want me to kill, or not?"

Huantianyu said in a deep voice: "If Luna dies, it will definitely alarm the high-level. An investigation will be launched at that time. Once the investigation is launched, we are afraid we will all die!"

Luo Jun said, "But if I don't kill her, will she not investigate it in the future?"

Huan Tianyu said: "Luna does not have the authority to conduct a thorough investigation, she should not suspect me."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, give you face, don't kill her."

Huantianyu was suddenly grateful.

Then Luo Jun asked: "What exactly is the structure of the wasteland? Why are there wastelands on many planets?"

Huan Tianyu said: "The wasteland is very mysterious to us, and we don't know much. But the wasteland and Zhou Li are connected. They may exist in the sky, and then open many void doors in the sky. Different planets... right? In the world of Zhou Li, no matter how far away, it can actually be within a short distance. It only depends on the difference of cultivation base! The cultivation base is high, within the eternal star field, no matter where it is Can arrive in an instant."

Luo Jun suddenly felt a chill on his back. If a master can arrive in an instant, then once he is exposed, the consequences will be very serious.

You really have to be careful, then be careful!

At the end, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you think that when I deal with Luna, she can communicate with the master to attract rescue?"

Huan Tianyu said: "For those who can reach here in an instant, one must have sufficient cultivation base. The other must have permission qualifications! With sufficient cultivation base, it will be difficult for the passages between the honeycombs to be not allowed to open. The only one who rescued Luna was...Master Suffering. But I think Master Suffering should not be so free. Luna will not contact Master Suffering unless she is forced."

Luo Jun said: "I am still a little worried. Can she contact Master Ku during the fight? I caught her. Can she break through my barriers and contact Master Ku? In this aspect of Zhou Li, I understand and No more than you."

"Master Ku is on the Eternal Planet, and the Eternal Planet is sixteen light years away! Luna can't contact Master Ku. There are two ways to contact her. One is through the hive communication machine, but the hive communication The machines are very scarce. Every one is fake, and the honeycomb communicator is as big as a villa and she cannot bring it with her. Only the honeycomb communicator can contact the bitter master sixteen light years away. As for the first The two methods are that she communicates through Zhou Li's world. That requires formation, piety and calmness, and attracts the awe-inspiring Zhou Li into the body... This process takes at least half an hour."

Luo Jun immediately understood his chest, and then he was relieved and said, "It's so good!"

In the following days, Luo Jun also stayed in Huantianyu's head to recuperate.

He tried to save his energy.

Time passed quickly, and everything in the outside world was calm.

Soon, one month's time came.

On this day, Huan Tianyu told Luo Jun that the desolate tide was coming soon.

Princess Luna is about to lead the crowd.

Luo Jun nodded, and after that, he left Huantianyu.

He intended to let Huantianyu put him inside that city wall.

But after thinking about it, don't work on this matter, so as not to leave troubles.

When the battle is fierce, they will find a way to get in.

This is not difficult.

Luna will lead two thousand men to calm the tide.

The other 1,000 subordinates are guarded in Verdura and handle daily affairs.

The arrival of more than two thousand masters was enough to suppress the shortage tide.

Luna didn't care too much about Huangchao.

This is an annual task, and it has long been commonplace.

But despite this, Luna did not care.

It was very simple for Luna to come over. She directly opened the door of Zhoukong and shuttled over.

The distance of thousands of miles is just a short distance to them.

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