Super Security in the City

Chapter 3348: Too easy

Luna nodded and said, "I will!"

Nadokduo asked: "You said in the report that a mysterious master appeared in the wasteland. This master broke you and Shui Liuyun, Xiu'er's star sword formation. And, injured you, killed Shui Liuyun and Xiu'er are dead, right?"

Luna said, "Yes."

Doctor said: "So, what does that mysterious master look like?"

Luna said: "This, I have already said in the report. He looks like a demon, he shouldn't have such a cultivation level. However, he is surprisingly strong."

Doc said: "Do you estimate his cultivation level?"

Luna said: "I can't figure it out."

Doctor said: "Do you think it is better than your master?"

Luna couldn't help feeling angry, and asked: "What do you mean by this? Is this also what your Majesty wants to ask? Can anyone compare with my master?"

Doctor couldn't help being speechless.

He then said: "The next question."

Luna spoke righteously and said: "First of all, I am not a prisoner. I have come to accept your inquiry out of respect for your majesty. But your words have seriously offended my master and our Illuminati Council. So, I I don't want to accept your inquiry anymore."

Doctor felt helpless and knew he was wrong. He immediately said: "His Royal Highness, I can apologize to you for the inquiry just now. I just want to make a comparison!"

Luna said: "You should compare your Majesty, why not? Because you dare to offend my Master, but you dare not offend your Majesty, do you?"

Doctor was speechless again.

Luna took a deep breath and said, "I accept three more questions from you. After three questions, I will leave."

Doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

Luna really didn't want to be too stiff with the Dark Vatican, so she couldn't really just leave like this.

Doctor adjusted his thoughts and said, "The first question, since the mysterious man is so powerful, why can you escape?"

Luna said: "I have already mentioned that it is Liuyun and Xiu'er fighting for me time."

Doctor said: "If that person can break your sword formation, then Shui Liuyun and Xiu'er will not have the ability to stop the mysterious person. And if you are injured, you can't escape!"

Luna was angry and said: "So, what are you suspecting? Suspicion that I am in collusion with the wasteland? Will it kill my own confidant?"

Doctor said: "We are not skeptical, but we don't understand some problems, and the logic is not clear."

Luna said, "What's the logical failure?"

Doctor was about to speak, and at this moment, a void gate appeared in the void.

Inside the Void Gate, Master Ku was sitting cross-legged in the Kuju House.

Luna immediately saluted the master.

Nadokto and the surrounding soldiers did not dare to neglect, all bowed down on one knee and saluted.

Master Ku said indifferently: "Get up." He paused, and said to Doctor: "Many things sometimes happen very strangely, and words can't explain clearly. But I think my apprentice won't let go. My Royal Highness does not do it well and goes to collude with the wasteland. This is where the biggest logic lies. As for the other things, I don’t think I need to ask anymore.

Docto said solemnly: "Yes, master!"

Where he dared to go against the bitter master.

Afterwards, Master Ku closed the door of the void.

Luna also walked away.

On the car back, Luna communicated with Luo Jun and said: "It seems that Huolence has doubts!"

Luo Jun said: "Do you suspect anything? Suspect you colluding with the wasteland?"

Luna said: "It does not necessarily mean that I am in collusion with the wasteland, but he should feel that things are not as simple and simple as I said. There should be some secrets in this, and he may be worried about what we are planning."

"We? You mean, you and the master?" Luo Jun said.

Luna said: "Of course!"

Luo Jun said sternly: "Since Fire Lance doubts you and your master, what about your master? He will never doubt you and Fire Lance."

Luna said: "I don't know what my master would think. My master is a mountain in my eyes, a star-like existence. I can't figure out what he meant."

Luo Jun knew in his heart that all these people were old foxes.

This time the wasteland event happened, they will all have their own ideas.

Huo Lunsi clearly expressed his doubts, then, Master Ku will have no idea at all?

But Luo Jun couldn't confirm what Master Ku was thinking.

Luo Jun then said: "In this way, if you go to the Heavenly Que Star Orb, you will inevitably arouse your master's vigilance. He might even guess that you may have been controlled by someone."

Luna said: "It's not that there is no such possibility, but I can only do this. If you don't kill Liuyun and Xiu'er, then there is no such distress now."

When she mentioned Shui Liuyun and Xiu'er, she couldn't help but feel sad.

Luo Jun snorted coldly and said: "The two of them are alive, and they will become even more unstable factors."

Luna said angrily: "They are two lives. Moreover, they are loyal to me!"

Luo Jun said: "When I was killing them, I didn't think that they would be tight-lipped for you. Moreover, if they were alive, they might still communicate with you without telling me. Of course, they wouldn't be. In order to harm you, I want to save you. And I have only one person, and I can't monitor three people! Therefore, they will definitely die. In addition, what are the two people's fortune? Can you count the souls of the river **** that day? ?"

Luna went silent.

Luo Jun said: "I know that what I will do next is extremely difficult, but everything depends on your wisdom. If you can save me, you can save you."

Luna said, "I understand."

The House of Representatives and the Dark Vatican quickly determined Luna's incident.

There was no problem, and they couldn't find anything wrong.

Qualitatively, it is accidental.

According to the regulations, the Eternal Mansion offered memorials for the victims, a thick burial, and various honors after death.

Because Shui Liuyun and Xiu'er's bodies have been shattered.

So when they were buried, they could only find their clothes to become a burial mound.

It took another three days to deal with these burials and other things.

In the morning three days later, Luna went to say goodbye to Master Ku.

In that meditation room, Master Ku comforted Luna again.

Luna was still sad.

After a while, she suddenly said, "Master, there is one thing that I haven't said. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

Master Ku smiled slightly and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Luna said: "This time the mysterious person killed Liuyun, Xiu'er, I hate it to the bone. But he said a word that made my hair horrified!"

Master Ku was startled and said: "What's the matter?"

Luna said: "Tianhe Divine Kingdom 3 billion heroic spirits, I will never forget!"

Master Ku was slightly startled, and said, "You mean, that mysterious person belongs to the Kingdom of Tianhe God?"

Luna said, "The disciples don't know, let alone what role the Wasteland plays in this."

Master Ku's expression became serious, and he suddenly asked, "Why didn't you mention this in the report?"

Luna grimaced and said, "I don't know how to mention it. I think this may really be retribution. But why should the retribution be on Liuyun and Xiu'er? And, Master, why would you agree to be together? How about launching an emperor attack?"

Master Ku was silent for a long while, then sighed, and said: "Huolence reported to the adjudication office, the order directly issued by the adjudication. As a teacher, I can't refuse!"

Luna said: "That's it!"

Luo Jun kept listening to their conversation in Luna's mind.

What Luna said was discussed with Luo Jun in advance.

At this time, Luo Jun suddenly thought of one thing, and he asked Luna to ask again.

After listening to Luo Jun's words, Luna said to Master Ku: "I'm not sure whether he is a remnant of Tianhe Kingdom. Master, do you think that under the attack of the emperor, there might be survivors in Tianhe Kingdom? "

Master Ku said: "After the emperor attacked, we did cleaning and testing. The results showed that there were no survivors. However, it is also possible that some people from the Kingdom of Tianhe were not in the Kingdom of Tianhe. All this is true. possible!"

When Luo Jun heard the words of Master Ku, he couldn't help feeling sad.

He guessed countless possibilities in his heart. Maybe, Tianque Star Orb was already given to Chen Yu by Lan Ziyi?

Maybe they left early?

Luo Jun desperately wants to get the Tianque Star Orb, and wants to know what the above information is?

Luna said in a deep voice, "Master, have you cracked that string of beads?"

Master Ku was taken aback, and then said: "I almost forgot that string of beads. Regardless of whether there is a remnant of Tianhe Kingdom, it is not a problem for us. Deciphering that string of beads for the teacher for a long time is still unreliable. He threw it aside."

Luna said: "I'm becoming more and more interested in Tianhe Divine Kingdom. Maybe the beads can find information about the mysterious demon that appeared in the wasteland. Master, can you give me the beads?"

Master Ku didn't hesitate, and said, "It's okay, maybe the information that deciphers the beads does not lie in the level of cultivation. Maybe you can find another way!"

After he finished speaking, he spied his hands at random and opened the door of the void.

When he retracted his hand, there was a string of beads in his hand.

Luo Jun saw clearly that the bead was...the Heavenly Que star bead!

At this moment, Luo Jun was horrified, surprised, and all kinds of emotions surged.

He desperately wants to know the information of Zhuzi, and he is afraid to know the information...

Luna took the beads, and she stood up and said, "Master, I plan to return to the Star of Valer first. If I make any progress on the beads, I will let you know as soon as possible!"

Master Ku nodded and said, "Okay, go, pay attention to safety!"

"Yes!" Luna said.

Luna said goodbye to Master Ku, and drove directly to Guiyun Building in the Eternal District.

Although Luo Jun was eager to know the information on the Tianque Star Orb, at this time, he still did not faint.

This Master Ku is too easy to talk, and everything is going too smoothly.

Therefore, Luo Jun was also afraid of Xingzhu's manipulation by the bitter master.

Let Luna do some investigations first, and then do other things after confirming that it is correct...

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