Super Security in the City

Chapter 3360: Battle Bahuang

Luo Jun asked Lu Tianlong and the others to join him. This was not a radical general. At this level of their cultivation, this realm, the radical generals are not good at anything.

He is just so confident.

However, Lu Tianlong also has his own arrogance.

He sneered, and then said: "You all stand back and don't interfere!"

Lu Yan said: "Yes, father." He paused, and said, "Father, you must be careful. Although this person is not a person in our domain, he has weird methods and unfathomable cultivation."

Lu Tianlong just sneered when he heard this.

The Elder Yuanshan and Elder Mojing didn't say much, they would naturally scramble for Lu Tianlong.

After everyone had stepped back to a certain level, Lu Tianlong said to the elder Yuanshan and Elder Mo Jing: "I beg you two elders to set up barriers so as not to hurt the innocent. Don't let this mad thief escape!"

Elder Yuanshan and Elder Mojing answered in unison, and then they sacrificed their respective magical tools to set up the magic circle!

Seeing that their profound magic power cooperated with the magic weapon, immediately, Zhou Guang surged and quickly laid a golden light barrier within a hundred miles.

In addition, all elements and power from the outside world are isolated.

If Luo Jun was practicing Zhou Li, he would also have difficulty communicating with Zhou Li from the outside world. Unless his cultivation is high enough to break this barrier.

Luo Jun doesn't absorb any external forces anyway, so he doesn't care much.

Inside the barrier, the air was full of golden Zhou Li.

The golden cosmic force was like sea water, rippling layers after layers.

But this Zhou Li is not a pure Zhou Li, but a temporal force and spatial force created by the elders of Mojing and Yuanshan.

Lu Tianlong sacrificed his magic weapon. Although he was arrogant, he knew that Luo Jun was not easy. So I will never underestimate Luo Jun...

There will be no slack.

His magic weapon is the Great Wheel of Life and Death!

The big wheel of life and death looks like a circular shield with countless weird runes on it.

At the same time, the big wheel is divided into two colors.

The black on the left is a dead plate!

The gold on the right is for a freshman!

The raw plate and the dead plate in the big wheel are actually two plates embedded in it.

Rotating the raw plate, although it can't live or die, but it can catch the opponent's attack instantly, and it can rotate hundreds of millions of times in the cycle of the raw plate.

Hundreds of millions of times, it is just a momentary effort!

After the raw disk is rotated and digested, the power will reach the dead disk.

Attacking with death disk, fierce and boundless.

Lu Tianlong held the Big Wheel of Life and Death in his hands, he did not take the initiative to attack.

He has to wait for Luo Jun to take action first.

Luo Jun also didn't know Lu Tianlong's trump card, let alone what his magic weapon was.

He saw that Lu Tianlong didn't take the lead, and didn't think much about it. The black hole spar in his hand instantly condensed into a black hole glove.

Then, Yun gathers his power...

At that moment, the mana in Luo Jun's body rushed like a tsunami.

His mana can do it now, like a boundless sea when calm, but so calm that it can't afford a wave!

Once it works, there will be an instant tsunami!

But when he wants to regain his power, he can instantly calm the monstrous tsunami.

He has reached the point of absolute freedom in the operation of power and mana.

The difference between masters lies in their understanding of mana and power.

The reckless man punched, although he was powerful, he could only hurt the fur of a cow.

The master punch, although the power is not great, but it can penetrate the divine power into the internal organs of the cow, causing its heart to stop suddenly and killing him instantly.

Luo Jun used to practice the inner family boxing to be superb!

And now, basically the mana has reached the point where it can run Neijiaquan.

The black hole fist suddenly burst!

The black fist prints condensed into a black hole storm in the air, rumbling, carrying the terrifying power and blasting towards Lu Tianlong.

A glint flashed in Lu Tianlong's eyes, and he immediately noticed the ferocity of Luo Jun's punch.

Moreover, the boxing contains the supreme wisdom and the law of profound meaning!

He immediately condenses the force and drives the life!

The raw plate turned, forming a golden vortex in front of him.

The black hole fist imprint immediately blasted into the golden vortex.

There is a small world in that golden whirlpool. Inside the world, the whirlpool is as big as the boundless sea.

The golden sea formed a huge vortex, as if to swallow everything.

In that vortex, there is a vortex layer of hundreds of billions!

After the black hole fist marks entered, it was immediately disintegrated.

In an instant, the black hole fist marks were dissolved and absorbed by the life cycle.

Then, the dead disc in the big wheel of life and death disc turned.

Dead disk and raw disk are like two gears linked together!

At this time, Lu Tianlong was solemn, and his Zhou Xuan-level mana had a linkage with the entire wasteland.

After that, he drove the Zhou Li in his body, drew the Zhou Li from the outside world, and the black hole fist power that ran Luo Jun was all merged into the dead disk.

His movements are very fast, everything is between flashes of lightning.

It was like Luo Jun punched out, he immediately waved the big wheel of life and death, and then counterattacked.

I saw the energy riot in the death disk of the big wheel of life and death disk...

Around Lu Tianlong, Zhou Li's energy was fierce!

He seemed to be at the center of the heaven and earth storm. Then, Lu Tianlong shouted, "Sword of Ten Thousand Worlds!"

He actually sacrificed another magic weapon, it was a sword of ten thousand worlds!

The Sword of Ten Thousand Worlds merged into the storm of death wheel, instantly turned into thousands of dark brown sword lights, and then slashed towards the Luo army.

It is densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and the dark clouds are crushing the city!

In the Sword of Ten Thousand Worlds, Zhou Li merges with death! That death air is a force with violent corrosive power, which can corrode any power, Zhou Li.

Lu Tianlong can run rampant in the wasteland, and his big wheel of life and death gave him a lot of confidence.

Every sword light of the Ten Thousand Boundary Sword is majestic and majestic, and in an instant, as if ten thousand worlds are wide open, all the sword aura is coming.

It seems that Luo Jun is a master Jianguang facing countless planets!

He seemed to be standing on the opposite side of the universe, and the entire universe was his enemy.

This kind of psychological shock is unbearable in the first place.

At this moment, Luo Jun didn't show off, but stepped back first.

Although there is space power in the air, time power is suppressing him...

But he still broke the shackles of space and time.

At the same time, his black hole spar also ran out of mysterious space and time divine power in his hands.

In front of Luo Jun, amidst the black vortex, there is a lot of space, and time is floating in it.

Even if the poorer masters enter this one, it will not be able to break through for thousands of years.

The sword light of the Ten Thousand Realms fiercely attacked and killed the black vortex, immediately breaking through the infinite space and time...

They are like a great army crushing the realm, thousands of horses galloping together, wherever they go, no grass will grow!

Luo Jun's time and space power was directly crushed and killed, and no piece of armor was left!

All this, of course, was in Luo Jun's expectation.

The other party is a wasteland powerhouse, if he can embarrass the other party just like this, that is the real big joke.

At this moment, Luo Jun's black hole maelstrom was displayed again!

Great Devouring Technique!

Xuanhuang God Valley Seeds...

He has consumed a lot of energy just now, and now is the time to replenish it.

No matter how powerful the Ten Thousand Worlds Sword, how mighty and violent, and how terrifying is lifeless!

But with the help and purification of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds, all of the sword aura and violent power seemed to have obtained the soul destination, quickly tranquilized, and turned into pure energy.

"This energy is so strong!" Luo Jun felt the energy in his body soaring, and it has been soaring...

If he hadn't possessed the great origin technique, his body could store four or five times more power than the same master, and he would have exploded and died at this moment.

Of course, if that were the case, Luo Jun would use the power of Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds to gather the fruits of Zhou Li.

The strength in Luo Jun's body has reached an unbearable level!

At this moment, the Eight Desolate Halberd appeared in Luo Jun's hands!

The battle aura of the Eight Desolation Halberd turned his black shirt into an armor!

Luo Jun's anger was wide open, and he roared first!

In the Great Power Word, the word Zha is the sound of killing demons and destroying all demons!

Suddenly, the sound waves rolled, like a sonic tsunami swept past.

All the laws of force, time, and space in the air were all shattered clean.

The sound wave blasted over like a tsunami, Lu Tianlong couldn't help but faded slightly, but he was not afraid, but he felt that the thief was shouting like this, and he was so powerful.

The tsunami sound wave came blasting and killing, and his raw disk rotated and absorbed instantly.

The remaining tsunami sound waves headed towards Lu Yan and the others.

Elder Na Mojing and Elder Yuanshan immediately drove the golden light shield of Zhou Li to protect everyone.

Lu Tianlong had just absorbed Luo Jun’s sound wave, and Luo Jun had already killed...

At this time, Luo Jun was wearing a battle armor, holding the Eight Desolation Halberd, majestic, and his momentum was urged to the extreme by his combat power.

In this situation, he is truly an unparalleled God of War!


Luo Jun waved the Eight Desolate Halberd, his whole body appeared above Lu Tianlong, and followed the Halberd violently to kill that Lu Tianlong!

The world fades, and all ages are broken!

The combat power is surging to the extreme, the ancient battlefields, fight against each other!

This attack was unprecedented in Luo Jun's life.

More domineering than Yijiandonglai!

Lu Tianlong was taken aback, he directly turned the raw plate...

The raw disk spins rapidly, then absorbs it, and finally rushes to the dead disk.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Sword appeared again, turned into a divine sword, and then fiercely killed the Luo army.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Realms Sword is even more fierce!

Luo Jun retreated, and then flashed forward, fitting himself up, and the Eight Desolate War Halberd slashed towards the Ten Thousand Worlds Sword.


The two divine powers strangled, the Ten Thousand Realms Sword was directly knocked out.

Luo Jun became more fierce as he fought, his eyes were blood red, the blood in his body, the mana rushed, majestic and majestic!

Luo Jun cut out ten halberds to Lu Tianlong in an instant!

Once more fierce, you are not afraid of being absorbed by the other party.

You just absorbed it!

After Lu Tianlong had absorbed it three times, he had already felt that something was wrong in the raw plate, and slight cracks had formed between the various scroll wheels.

He knew that the raw disc had been damaged.

If this goes on, the raw plate will be broken.

This is something that Lu Tianlong can't accept, the big wheel of life and death is his big dependence!

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