Super Security in the City

Chapter 3371: Yuyao

Master Ku and Yu Hualong looked at each other, then, Master Ku smiled and said, "Could it be that you really found out the trace of the thief?"

Luna said: "This time is different from the past, I am 90% sure."

Yu Hualong also smiled and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Luna said: "Master, Uncle Long, this time I investigated Yuan Haixin's body. There are many strange things in Yuan Haixin's body, and his death is just an introduction."

Then, she talked about Huizitang and Yuan Haixin and Yuan Mingming said that she had a premonition that she was going to die.

Luna finally said to Master Ku and Yu Hualong: "The two pregnant women were both within a year and ten months. This is a coincidence. And this inexplicable Huizi soup... I suspect that Luo Jun is trying to make a comeback. He He wants to destroy our Eternal Palace, he knows that it is impossible with his power. Then, the only way is... to become our person. I suspect that he wants to be reincarnated."

Master Ku was taken aback, and said, "Reincarnation?"

Yu Hualong smiled bitterly and said, "Luna, your brain is too big, right."

Luna was also taken aback, and then she said: "Although it sounds weird, I really think that this is Luo Jun's only way."

Master Ku said: "Reincarnation, unheard of, and unseen. Although we have great magical powers, we don't know anything after death. We only know that when we practice Zhou Li, after death, all power will be returned to Zhou Li. I don’t understand what you said about reincarnation, so I don’t know how to write to you."

Yu Hualong said solemnly, "What the **** is Huizitang?"

Luna asked Wang to talk about the Huizitang.

Wang Ting said with a sad face: "The villain used to make various youthful soups for ladies. The last time I saw Madam Xunlan who was pregnant, she cooked Huizi soup on a whim. I really don't know how this is. You made such a big mistake!"

Wang Ting was hypnotized by Luo Jun, so his memory was a blind cognition.

Luo Jun told him what happened, and he would feel that it really happened.

This situation is like being written into the program.

Fortunately, Wang Shu didn't have any cultivation base, otherwise it would be impossible for Luo Jun to do this perfectly.

Master Ku nodded and said, "Don't panic, I will look at you first."

After he finished speaking, Void pointed out.

The fingertips bloomed with golden light, and the light softly wrapped around Wang Ting's head.

After that, Master Ku stopped his hand and said: "We checked some people who helped Luo Jun before, and they were all controlled by a spell. However, he showed no sign of being controlled."

Yu Hualong said: "Nana, just based on these points, it seems that there is no way to support your bold ideas."

Luna said: "There is still a big doubt in this, that is, Yuan Haixin is a staid person and is not good at business. Why would he suddenly ask Yuan Mingming to curry favor with Sister Feifeng and let Sister Feifeng go with Huizitang?"

Master Ku said, “It’s no surprise that people want to climb up.” He paused, and said, “Well, Nana, I don’t believe you as a teacher. But can you explain Huizitang and reincarnation.” What is the connection between reincarnation? In addition, I will summon your sister-in-law, Xian Feifeng, to check her physical condition. Her cultivation level is not much worse than yours. If she was poisoned or something, she would not fail to detect it. ."

Luna was immediately asked by the bitter master.

Before, she felt that she had mastered Luo Jun's big secret.

But right now, this question made her dumbfounded.

What is the connection between Huizitang and reincarnation?

If Huizi Tang is poisonous, how could my sister-in-law not notice it?

Luna took a deep breath and said: "Master, Uncle Long, I know how you and the outside world think of me now. I feel that I am already neurotic... But I firmly believe that Luo Jun is definitely in this incident. ."

Yu Hualong said: "Nana, don’t say that about yourself. The Luo Jun incident, others don’t know you. We know enough! We understand your feelings, and I also believe in Luo Jun. I will definitely come back. This matter is not that we do not support you. It is that you must find enough convincing evidence! Moreover, even if there is enough convincing evidence, are you going to murder your sister-in-law’s child, or go How about the murder of Mrs. Xunlan's child?"

Luna couldn't help but be stunned.

Master Ku said: "Now, let this gentleman cook a bowl of Huizi soup. Then, call your sister-in-law to taste whether it is different from the original Huizi soup. Again, we will check your sister-in-law’s body. If Make sure there is no problem, then, Nana, it will be difficult for us to continue to support you in this matter."

Luna could not say anything else.

She also agrees with Master's handling.

Yu Hualong said: "Nana, your thoughts are incredible. Also, whether this matter has been found out or not found out. You can't say anything... Otherwise, you will have a big deal. Trouble. Your big brother finally got such a line. If you say so, neither of them will be happy. There is also the nodule of Xunlan, and we can't easily offend them. You can only see those two in the future Observe the situation of this child closely, understand?"

Luna nodded and said, "Uncle Long, I understand."

Wang Shuo went back to cook a Huizi soup and sent it again.

At the same time, Xian Feifeng was also invited by Master Ku.

Xian Feifeng is a famous beauty and a chivalrous woman. She respects the bitter master very much, and after coming over, she salutes the bitter master and also salutes the fish transforming the dragon.

Everyone is seated in the hall.

Luna accompanies Xian Feifeng, don't look at her usually majestic outside, but in front of Xian Feifeng, she is like a well-behaved little sister.

"It's like this, Sister Feifeng..." Luna first explained, and her doubts and so on.

Xian Feifeng's expression changed after hearing this and said, "You mean, there is a problem with Huizitang?"

Master Ku said hurriedly: "Feifeng, don't worry. This is just a kind of worry for Nana. Being a teacher is also to be foolproof, so I called you over. You can taste today's Huizi soup, which is in Na. It’s not a problem to do it under Na’s supervision. Do you taste the soup today and the soup you drank that day?"

Xian Feifeng is a shrewd person, but after all, she is still a person who will be a mother. So when it comes to the child, it will inevitably be a little panicked.

She calmed her mind and said, "Okay, I drink!"

Luna personally delivered Huizitang.

After Xian Feifeng took it, he took a sip.

Luna and others looked at Xian Feifeng with concern.

Na Wang Ting was even more cautious and very nervous.

Xian Feifeng put down the bowl, and then said to Master Ku, Yu Hualong and Luna: "I was very careful when I drank Huizi Tang at the beginning. I also decomposed the ingredients in it... It’s definitely the same as the Huizi Tang now. of."

She paused, and said to Na Wang: "Master Wang has worked hard, and I am very grateful."

Wang Tuo's eyes flushed suddenly, he knelt down, and said: "The lady is considerate of the villain, and the villain will die without complaint."

Xian Feifeng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, it's nothing for you. Go back!"

Wang Tingru received an amnesty, but he did not dare to act without authorization, but looked at Luna and others.

Luna waved her hand, and Wang Ting bowed with joy, and then retreated.

After Na Wang twisted away, Xian Feifeng said, "Nana's suspicion seems to be a little too careless. I value my children very much. If there is something wrong with Huizi soup, I will definitely not drink it. As for the reincarnation you said I can’t imagine reincarnation. I’ve never heard of it... We’ve never heard that the child has memories from birth, or that there are entanglements in the previous life. My child is my child. He is born after he was born. A blank piece of paper, I will teach him to love him."

Luna lowered her head and said, "Sorry, sister-in-law!"

Xian Feifeng smiled and said, "Don't say anything, I'm sorry, Nana, I know you care about me too."

After that, Xian Feifeng also left.

This matter, after all, ends here.

But Luna secretly made up her mind to continue to observe her sister-in-law Xian Feifeng and Mrs. Xunlan.

One year and three months later, Xian Feifeng gave birth to a girl!

Mrs. Xunlan then gave birth to a girl two months later.

Luna's mentality collapsed...

Because... Luo Jun can't be reborn as a girl, right?

Nevertheless, Luna still did not give up completely.

She thought to herself, if Luo Jun was reborn, she didn't know the situation, and she became a girl by accident?

She decided to continue to follow up closely.

The girl Xian Feifeng gave birth was called Ziyu.

Bitter Ziyu!

And Mrs. Xunlan's daughter is called Xunlan Yuyao!

Time flies, fifteen years have passed in a blink of an eye!

This year, Ku Ziyu and Xunlan Yuyao are both fifteen years old.

Luna has also been following Ku Ziyu and Xunlan Yuyao.

Both girls are beautiful, smart and pretty.

Ku Ziyu is the daughter of a big brother, and is very much loved by Ku Xiaochen and Xian Feifeng. Although loving, but not spoiled.

Ku Ziyu has always been well-mannered and polite since childhood!

Her cultivation talent is also very good, and now she has cultivated to a low-grade cultivation method!

And that Xunlan Yuyao is slightly savage and willful.

But it is always the nature of a girl in her youth, her cultivation is a little worse, Dongxuan top grade!

In fact, his talent is also good. It's just worse than Ku Ziyu.

Luna did not observe any abnormalities in them, and later felt that she was really stunned.

How can the Luo Jun villain associate with these two innocent girls?

This is too...

It has been almost forty years since the Luo Jun incident.

As the sun sets, Luna looks at the sky and secretly said: "Is it because I have always misunderstood him? He has forgotten the hatred, and then left far away? Or is he looking for in the universe Crack our way?"

Luna is not afraid of Luo Jun's revenge, she is afraid that Luo Jun will secretly attack.

On this day, Luna returned to the Eternal City to report on her duties.

As usual, she first came to see Master Ku!

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