Super Security in the City

Chapter 3381: Giant

Everyone quickly replied: "We also decided not to take the exam."

What a joke, even Zong Han didn't dare to take the three-story graduation exam. They would take the exam when they were crazy.

Na Yawen said: "Well, that's the case, then everyone and I will go to the General Office to get an agreement to abandon the examination. After that, you will wait for the assessment ranking. After everything is settled, you will come to the admission procedure. At that time, all The school rules, etc., you will all know."

Everyone nodded, and then went to the Back Mountain General Office with Yawen to sign a waiver agreement.

Then, everyone returned to Tongli Hotel.

Before, everyone didn't really understand Luo Jun's strength. I think everyone has the same cultivation base, and Luo Jun has the worst background. In addition, Luo Jun was also very pleased to turn Qingfeng, so everyone did not take him too much.

But right now, everyone saw his strength.

I think again that he is still obedient to the remedy...

These people like Huan Qingfeng are not the kind of little white rabbits who don't know anything, they just have been used to pampering themselves since childhood. But their knowledge is there, and now they realize that Zong Han's city is very deep.

On the way back, everyone surprisingly didn't talk to Luo Jun.

Each has a different mind.

Luo Jun didn't speak much either. He thought about getting along with people like Ban Qingfeng. However, I am too good!

In a team, if you are not the leader, but you are excellent, it is bound to be a little embarrassing.

Luo Jun is not too jealous at the moment.

Because he was still in the Eternal City before, he was afraid to pull the breeze to wear small shoes for him.

And now, he has some understanding of the dead starfish.

He knew that when the wind was here, the background would no longer work. In other words, if you teach him a good lesson, the rest will also see the wind.

In this dead sea star, in the primitive city, Wan Qingfeng and himself are all small shrimps.

No one has arrogant capital.

Especially since he has already revealed some potential strength in the Primitive Academy today, then he doesn't have to be afraid to save the wind.

After trying to understand these things, Luo Jun didn't bother to please anymore.

He didn't mean that he turned his face and didn't recognize anyone when he saw you were worthless. It's just that he has always hated to please others.

He had no choice but to survive whenever he brought to please him.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Jun practiced in the room.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

During these three days, no one came to disturb Luo Jun.

Luo Jun felt very comfortable.

He needs to practice quietly, if there are a lot of medicines and resources, it is better.

Although Luo Jun has studied ancient and modern, there are still some differences between Zhou Li and Mana. He also needs to learn and confirm something.

At the same time, Luo Jun joined the Primitive Academy for another reason.

He wants to be famous in the original college, so the school will think that this is the honor of the school. After that, the school will become his backer!

If he is strong in the Hero Growth Division of the Eternal City, one is suspicious, but the Hero Growth Division is not strong enough.

The Primitive Academy is beyond doubt by anyone.

Luo Jun felt that he had better follow Luna as a teacher...because Luna was the most sensitive and suspicious.

Later, he also heard about Luna. Luna has been tracking her whereabouts!

If you become stronger under Luna's guidance, you can sit back and relax.

On the morning of the second day, news came from the Primitive Academy.

Everyone was admitted to the three-story building of the original college.

Order, immediately go to the original college to complete the admission procedures.

Everyone did not dare to delay, and quickly drove to the original college.

It is worth mentioning that there are powerful rules to suppress the dead sea star.

Do not shuttle in the void or fly!

The rules are set by the court, so no one can fly.

Only a strong person like Hua Tianhuang can fly.

Regarding flight and void shuttle, even if there were no rules and restrictions in the original city, Luo Jun could not do these two points.

His current situation is like he has seen the stars of the universe.

But he can't see what the road ahead looks like, he can only explore step by step, and explore with his own experience.

According to the records in the book and his testimony to Zhou Li, he knew that he needed to reach the lower grade of the cultivation method if he wanted to travel through the void! Only by cultivating the lower grades can you analyze the Zhou Li in the air in detail, and practice it, so that you can reach the void shuttle.

However, the lower the cultivation base, the shorter the shuttle distance.

As for flying, you need to arrive at the top grade of Xiufa!

Flying seems very simple.

But it is very difficult to control your body to fly in the air.

Moreover, it is extremely costly.

It is easy to use Zhou Li to control other people. But to manipulate oneself, you need to allow Zhou Li to master the art of coordination.

Then, it felt like swimming.

People with poor skills, the water splashes, the speed is not fast, but people are exhausted.

A person with good skills and superb skills, with a light kick, like a swordfish, leaps ten meters away, extremely relaxed.

Just like Luo Jun, with Zhou Li, he can fly a hundred meters high and fly a hundred meters high.

But it can't achieve continuous flight.

When it comes to the top grade of the practice, you will be able to become superb, go to heaven and earth, no matter what.

In the realm of inaction, the matter of flying through the void is not taken seriously. You can simply do whatever you want.

After arriving at the primitive academy, this time, it was Ku Ziyu and another senior who greeted everyone. That senior is called Shang Jianming!

Shang Jianming is a man in a three-story class, and his cultivation base is the middle grade of cultivation!

He is a leader in the entire three-story building.

Ku Ziyu is the leader among the girls in the three-story class.

Now, the three-story building sent these two students to greet him, which actually showed the importance of Luo Jun and his group.

That Shang Jianming was about sixteen years old, tall, and he looked like a Yushu Linfeng.

A white casual wear, like a perfect teenager in painting and calligraphy.

When Shang Jianming saw everyone, his eyes quickly locked on Luo Jun, stretched out his hand and smiled slightly, and said: "Student Zong Han, hello, our class is very welcome to join you."

He turned a blind eye to the others.

This made Wan Qingfeng and others feel unhappy, but they did not dare to attack.

Luo Jun also smiled, shook hands with Shang Jianming, and said, "The senior came to meet him, and I was flattered. The younger brother is a reckless person who doesn't understand etiquette. If there is something to offend in the future, I hope the senior can grow up!"

He seemed very low-key.

Shang Jianming nodded and said, "In the future, if you have any difficulties, just ask me. My name is Shang Jianming!"

Ku Ziyu couldn't bear to neglect them, so he stepped forward to greet them.

Shang Jianming didn't pay attention to these people from the beginning to the end.

Ku Ziyu said, "Brother Jianming, the director is still waiting for us in the office."

Shang Jianming nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the office!"

Next, Shang Jianming and Ku Ziyu led the way.

They opened the barrier with their badges and led everyone into the third floor.

The classrooms in the three-story building are distinct, and there are also many places for leisure, play, and trials.

Every floor is like a small city.

Shang Jianming and Ku Ziyu led everyone to one of the director's offices.

The director of the office is called Shang Peng, and Shang Peng is Shang Jianming's father.

Shang Peng is more than 300 years old, and Shang Jianming is his only son.

Shang Peng got married very late...

He is very fond of Shang Jianming, and Shang Jianming is also very competitive. It can be said that Shang Jianming is the pride of Shang Peng.

Shang Peng looks forty years old...

He was wearing a black formal suit, with a trace of mystery in his solemnity.

In that director's office, there are two other young teachers.

This office is luxurious and spacious... the sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Shang Peng sat at his desk.

After everyone came in, Ku Ziyu first saluted Shang Peng and the two teachers. After that, I introduced Shang Peng and two teachers to everyone.

Everyone naturally did not dare to neglect, and saluted one after another.

Shang Peng looked kind, he stood up, smiled slightly, and said, "You children are all excellent. On behalf of all the teachers and students of Yuanyuan College, I extend a warm welcome to you."

After saying that, he said to the teacher Liexing next to him: "First, a three-story badge will be issued."

Teacher Na Liexing nodded, took out the badge, and then called.

Those who were spotted went forward to receive the badge.

The badge on the third floor is purple.

Very beautiful purple badge.

Luo Jun was the first to be named. After stepping forward, he received the badge.

After getting the badge, you need to drop blood to recognize the master.

Luo Jun pierced his finger, and a drop of blood fell on the badge.

Subsequently, a lot of information in the badge passed into Luo Jun's mind.

"Zong Han, class one!"

This badge is useless for others to hold.

To borrow books, enter the library, enter the trial space, all need badges.

After the badges were issued, everyone had to turn in the badges on the second floor.

After finishing this, Shang Peng waved his hand and said: "Okay, next, each of them will go to their own life teacher to complete the admission procedures and so on."

Shang Jianming and Ku Ziyu led everyone out of the director's office.

"Zong Han, are you the first class?" asked Luo Jun, a girl named Si Hongli behind Wan Qingfeng.

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Yes."

Everyone was not surprised.

Then Si Hongli asked to help Qingfeng again, saying: "Brother Qingfeng, how about you?"

Wan Qingfeng looked a little ugly, and said, "Class 2!"

The second class is actually pretty good, but because of Luo Jun, he feels shameless.

Si Hongli lamented: "I am in Class 7."

All the girls are in Class 7.

The other boys are in Class 5 and Class 6.

Only Luo Jun and Wan Qingfeng had good results.

Ku Ziyu also said to Luo Jun: "Congratulations, classmate Zong Han, you really arrived in class one as you wished."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I would like to ask my senior sister to take care of me."

Ku Ziyu smiled, but said nothing.

Shang Jianming was very kind to Luo Jun and said, "Each class has its own life teacher. I will take you to find the life teacher in our class."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Ku Ziyu said to Wan Qingfeng and others: "After you arrive in your class, find the monitor of your class, and they will take you to the life teacher."

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