Super Security in the City

Chapter 3384: Martial art

Luo Jun still didn't bother to care about the wind. After all, he is no longer young and frivolous. For his violent temper that year, he had already taught him countless times this time.

But at the moment, it's not for arrogance.

So he patiently said: "You can't kill the opponent, and you can't cause fatal injuries to the opponent. This is equivalent to saying that cutting the grass cannot eliminate the roots. Then the opponent may rise, and after it rises, it will become your deadly enemy. When you plan to make enemies, you must also think about your own costs. Can you afford it? Is it worth it? For example, I, Zong Han. The talent is good, and the skills are good. Can such a person be offended?"

The last sentence was purely because Luo Jun was putting eye drops on Qingfeng.

Wan Qingfeng would not be able to hear it, and there was a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

He paused and said, "What you said is indeed not bad. Anyway, I am here today to tell you that we must unite. It is too dangerous here, more dangerous than I thought. We only have unity. Get up so that you will not be bullied!"

Ji Zibo, the little fan disciple who helped the breeze, said immediately: "Absolutely unite!"

Luo Jun also said: "I agree!" He actually didn't agree with him.

Because Luo Jun felt that since the rules in the Primitive Academy were like this, some schools must have developed very mature. I want to participate, but I won't participate in your little school!

You guys are united together, the bird is not very useful!

But Luo Jun was always too lazy to turn his face.

At that time, he will act by chance.

Pulling the breeze to gather the people, after all, it's a cliché. After that, I want to invite everyone to dinner.

In this world, such a thing as dinner is really not worth mentioning. There are no people who cannot afford to eat in the eternal race group.

Therefore, Luo Jun is not interested in the treat to bring the breeze.

He got up and said: "It's a coincidence that my life teacher just asked me to get a life card. My life card still has some imperfect information!"

After he finished speaking, he ran away without giving everyone a chance to react.

After that, he went to the library.

The library is in the sky, but you only need to enter the barrier gate to reach it quickly.

There are 36 enchantment gates in Primitive Academy.

In fact, it is just like an elevator, you can press the floor after you swipe your card to enter.

The library is accessible to all students and teachers with badges. If it is some low-level staff, it is not allowed to enter. Of course, low-level humans who are responsible for going in for cleaning and management can also enter with a card.

Luo Jun found an enchantment gate and brushed his badge to enter.

Then he pressed the floor of the library.

A lot of books from Primordial Academy have spread all over the world, including various star regions.

There are many ancient books in the Primitive Academy, and teachers and students are also encouraged to publish books.

Writing a book is also the pursuit of students and teachers.

Luo Jun also planned to publish a book when he reached a certain level of cultivation.

In the Eternal Starfield, as well as in the Primitive Academy, there are many sages who have published books. Some are still alive, with high reputation. Many people who learned from his book recognize themselves as his descendants.

Luo Jun feels that if he can write a book in the future, he will also gain a lot of fans.

If your reputation is high enough, you can have more capital.

In the world before Luo Jun, on earth, that book was unlikely. Ordinary people can understand these things you wrote.

Most of the books chanted among the monks are isolated, or passed down from the sects, so it is difficult to achieve the effect of the Eternal Star Territory.

In fact, this is also very similar to a book written by Confucius in the great world.

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching is widely spread throughout the world.

After Confucius published his book, so many people claimed to be students of Confucius for many generations...

Confucius and Laozi were extremely powerful in the hearts of ancient scholars. Even the emperor did not dare to speak easily to Confucius.

The sage books are the books left by Confucius and Laozi.

Besides, at this time, Luo Jun came to the library.

There are two goalkeepers at the gate of the library.

Luo Jun entered the library.

The library is luxurious and wide, with a transparent glass roof above it.

The sun shone in, and there were many clouds floating.

Around, many white clouds can also be seen from the glass windows.

Those white clouds are like cotton wool, white and flawless!

The first thing that catches your eyes is the huge tea hall. In the tea shop, you can drink tea, drink a variety of dessert drinks, and eat a variety of desserts.

But it costs the original currency.

The latter is the book, that is the ocean of books, as if you can't see the edge at a glance.

The library of artifacts is at the back of the library.

Luo Jun can connect to the artifact library in the life card, and query various artifacts in the library.

Every magic weapon has a price.

Luo Jun didn't understand why Primordial City did not directly use Eternal Coins, but Primitive Coins.

He finally understood now.

Original coins can be exchanged for eternal coins, but eternal coins cannot be exchanged for original coins.

The purpose is to control the artifacts in the original academy's artifact library.

The students have a strong background and can get many eternal coins outside. If you buy magical artifacts through these channels, that will cause the magical artifacts to be lost.

Moreover, each student can only purchase one of the artifacts in the artifact library.

You need to return the original artifact when you want to change the artifact.

Then you can repurchase.

Of course, after returning the artifact, the money previously paid will also be returned to my life card.

The various systems of the original college are very complete.

Luo Jun hasn't thought about buying magical artifacts for the time being, because the money is too little.

Moreover, the purpose of the Primitive Academy is to rely less on magical instruments.

What's more, it is also forbidden to carry magical artifacts when breaking through the trial space.

There are many students in the library at this time.

Luo Jun looked around, men and women, all were pleasing to the eye.

There are really many seductive beauties.

These beauties are all from extraordinary backgrounds.

They belong to the nobles of the eternal race, such a woman, who ran into the world casually, the emperors of those planets must respect them.

A Catherine dreams of marrying a woman from the eternal race.

There are also a small number of Eternal women who marry Cathers.

When such a woman marries, it is the glory of the Catherine's family, and all must be respected.

For those other than the Catherine, don't think about it.

of course there are exceptions.

There are also some masters who practice the next level of Zhou Li who have lost their luck and have love with women of the eternal clan level. This probability is like the legend of the White Snake in the fairy tale, with a fairy!

This combination is not blessed, but opposed by the eternal race.

It is a heterogeneous combination!

There is usually no end to it.

Luo Jun looked at these noble women of the Eternal race, he suddenly felt that birth was a very fun thing.

With his current status, it is easy to marry a woman from the Eternal Race. It can be said that it is inevitable.

He doesn't think they are noble either!

In fact, in the eyes of human women, his identity is absolutely noble.

This is the so-called right.

Luo Jun ignored these and went to the library.

He first took a rough tour.

In the life card, you can also visit the library.

But I can only see what books are there, but I can't find the contents inside.

Luo Jun looked around for a long time.

This day passed quickly.

When he reacted, the sky was already dark.

The lights in the library had already been turned on, and it was still bright inside.

Luo Jun borrowed some books about formations and secret skills training, and then left the library.

When I returned to the three-story dormitory, only one person returned.

It was an 18-year-old boy named Gu Xiaofeng.

Gu Xiaofeng is gentle and gentle, he is reading in bed.

After Luo Jun came in, Gu Xiaofeng put down the book and greeted Luo Jun, saying, "Student Zong Han, right?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Are you Gu Xiaofeng? Ha, I read your information."

Gu Xiaofeng looked a little shy, smiled and said, "This is Gu Xiaofeng, and you are welcome to join our dormitory."

Luo Jun said: "I just came, so I will definitely need your guidance and care in the future. I hope you don't despise me, Brother Gu!"

Gu Xiaofeng said, "If we can live in the same dormitory, that's fate and brothers. Don't be so polite!"

Luo Jun still wants to build a good relationship, and the other party is kind, and he will naturally be more kind.

Subsequently, Luo Jun went to take a bath first. After taking a shower, he came out and greeted Gu Xiaofeng again, and then went back to bed, ready to read.

Although there are many entertainment activities here, Luo Jun is still obsessed with learning.

"By the way, classmate Zong Han..." Gu Xiaofeng and Luo Jun's beds were facing each other, he said suddenly.

Luo Jun raised his head and looked at Gu Xiaofeng in confusion.

Gu Xiaofeng said, "Well, the boss of our dormitory is Zong Qin, who has the same surname as you."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "That's really fate!"

Gu Xiaofeng smiled awkwardly, but seemed to stop talking.

Luo Jun noticed something strange and said, "What's wrong?"

"He has a weird character, and he has joined the Xie Yuemen. After you see him later, if he embarrass you, don't resist him. He wants your medicine and money, and you just give him. He pleases it and will take it in proportion to it in the future. But today he will definitely be cruel to you because... he wants to stand up."

Luo Jun was startled, and said in secret: "Damn, is I going to face campus bullying?"

He then asked Gu Xiaofeng, "How did they treat you when you first came?"

Gu Xiaofeng gave a dry cough and said, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed first. Just be careful. I know your exam results are pretty good, but right now, you can't offend Zong Qin."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I see, thank you!"

He did not sleep, but was thinking about how to deal with the things in front of him.

"Tell Jiang Wei? It's not okay. For a long time in a dormitory, these things need to be solved by myself. Jiang Wei, she and I can't really talk about favors. She can help me once, too many times, I am afraid that she will look down on me .Because here is the weak and the strong!"

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