Super Security in the City

Chapter 3444: Array Hall

The height of the dwarf killer is two heads taller than Luo Jun, and his shortness is only for the steel star.

Among humans, dwarf killers are already very tall.

The dwarf killer furiously blasted over, dancing with his fists, quite the essence of the Wudang chaotic cloak on earth. It just turned the sword into a punch!

Luo Jun retreated quickly and did not insist on it!

The opponent's strength is too great, and I definitely can't face him head-on.

"It seems that I think it's a bit simpler here. My physical style of play is invincible on the earth, and that is based on facing the human beings on the earth. Facing this kind of steel star person, it is another matter. However, he Although his fist strength is great, how can I be afraid of the subtlety of his moves? His strength will make him difficult to move!"

Luo Jun was extremely composed.

The opponent punches continuously, but he dodges left and right.

Fortunately, the space on the street is also large. Luo Jun Tengnao dodged, and it was not too cramped. At the same time, Ku Ziyu also joined the alley to deal with the remaining killer.

Hengrui Medicine rested on the side.

The assassin in the alley was not too powerful. After everyone went in, they killed him in three attempts.

Previously, because of the existence of this short killer, the students in that alley were not able to fight back.

This dwarf killer is definitely the top existence among the Iron Stars!

After all the students came out of the alley, they saw Luo Jun and the dwarf killer fighting together.

The figures of the two people flickered, so fast that they almost couldn't tell who was who.

This kind of battle is more dangerous than Zhou Li fighting method, and its technical content is also higher.

Zhou Li fights the law, competes against willpower, mana, and laws.

The actual combat is a test of instant reaction power.

In an instant, it changes rapidly.

This feeling is like the difference between cold weapon combat and modern high-tech combat on earth. Modern high-tech combat is wrapped in combat weapons with safety factors, but the lethality is extremely high.

The cold weapon battle is even more difficult and dangerous.

It's just that the kill range is limited!

Ku Ziyu and his group of students are equivalent to high-tech talents, and now they have removed all high-tech aids. So here, they have too much helplessness.

Everyone almost forgot to breathe. They couldn't get involved in such a battle.

Hengrui Medicine's eyesight is a bit more powerful. He was short of breath and said inwardly: "This Zong Han, although he was somewhat talented, he was more of luck. Now it seems that he is really good. Zhou Li uses , It is a god. And this actual combat is so powerful. I originally thought I was the **** of actual combat, but now compared with him, it is far worse."

"Who is that?" asked a classmate who didn't see Luo Jun clearly and was shocked.

"It's Zong Han!" A classmate answered.

"It turned out to be classmate Zong Han. I didn't expect classmate Zong Han to be so good!"

Ku Ziyu watched the field nervously. Although she was not very capable in actual combat, she still had eyesight. It can be seen that Luo Jun did not have the upper hand at this moment, but has been dodge.

Another classmate couldn't help but whispered: "If classmate Zong Han is defeated and killed, then we?"

This is what they have to think about.

All the students were reminded that they were all surprised at this moment.

Then he became uneasy.

The opponent's killer is the demon of murder.

At this time, morality and morality will appear weak.

It is impossible not to be afraid of death, especially when death is really approaching.

"Then let's go!" a classmate said.

The other students immediately agreed.

Zong Qin was very determined this time. He sneered when he heard the words, and said: "Our brother Han is risking his life to save you, you are better."

Ku Ziyu gritted his teeth and said, "You have to go!"

Some students pulled their faces down and wanted to leave.

Some students are embarrassed to leave.

Then Hengrui Medicine said, "The space has broken down right now, and there are killers everywhere. We came here to gather everyone together so that it will be safer. If you leave alone and meet the killer again, there will be nothing left. It's possible to survive."

When those students who were going to leave heard Hengrui Yao's words, they suddenly hesitated.

In the field, Luo Jun and the dwarf killer fought fiercely.

After Luo Jun dodged continuously, he finally came to a stone house.

The dwarf killer had determined that Luo Jun could not retreat, so he started even more fiercely.

At this moment, Luo Jun jumped towards the wall.

Zong Qin suddenly felt familiar when he saw this scene.

Because Luo Jun dealt with him in this way.

But then, Luo Jun didn't issue the air knife as he did against Zong Qin.

Because he didn't have an air knife to cut!

At this moment, Luo Jun didn't stay at all after jumping to the wall. He immediately jumped off and kicked towards the face of the short assassin.


The short assassin hit the wall with a punch. At this time, Luo Jun kicked it fiercely. He just sneered and raised an arm to cover his face.

The power of the dwarf killer is actually too late to switch, so at this time, the dwarf killer can only passively defend. This is his first defense!

But he was not afraid of Luo Jun, because Luo Jun was in the air.

Fighting in actual combat is the most avoiding volley!

When the opponent is in the air, once his strength is exhausted, his life is lost.

But will Luo Jun be defeated like this?

It is obviously impossible.

Although his power is not as good as the dwarf killer, he is the absolute emperor in actual combat.

In real life battles, as long as it is a battle at the same level, he has never defeated.

Luo Jun kicked out the first kick, then kicked on the arm of the dwarf killer.


The spiral force quickly smashed through!

The dwarf killer only felt the terrifying force on his arm spiraling into his arm.

But even more terrifying is that Luo Jun has already kicked his second kick!

This trick is called Yangguan three overlap!

Yangguan Sanzhong can be used for punches and legs. The important thing is this Sanzhongjin!

Luo Jun kicked the dwarf killer's arm with his second kick!

The third kick is a direct kick to the lower jaw of the middling killer.

The pupils of the dwarf killer's eyes dilated in an instant, and the moment he was kicked, he kicked back several steps, followed by a squirt of blood, and died of anger.

At the same time, Luo Jun just landed.

This battle was originally extremely fierce.

Moreover, Luo Jun has been at a disadvantage. At this time, the situation changed suddenly, and Luo Jun won the victory. Most of the students did not react.

After the reaction came, everyone cheered!

Luo Jun quickly came over to meet everyone.

Everyone started counting the manpower and took off the bracelet of the dead classmate.

Also remove the killer's bracelet.

This time, Luo Jun took a sword for himself.

If these assassins were too powerful, then he had no choice but to take the sword to protect himself.

Hengrui Medicine was seriously injured and basically lost its combat effectiveness.

Luo Jun arranged for two male classmates to support Hengrui Medicine, and then he explained the current situation to the classmates.

After speaking, Luo Jun said: "At present, all our classmates are in dire straits, and what we can do is to rescue as many classmates as possible. It is not too late, let's take action!"

The heavy rain gradually decreased.

But the sky is still terribly gloomy.

There seemed to be a hidden murderous in the surrounding darkness, which made people shudder.

The group marched forward, met and reunited many students, and rescued many students.

To the joy of Luo Jun and the others, after two hours, Luo Jun finally encountered a large group of other students.

Moreover, the leader is actually... Luna.

After the two sides converged, Luna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ku Ziyu safe and sound.

After Ku Ziyu saw Luna, her eyes were slightly red, but she did not come forward to say hello. At this time, it is obviously not suitable for recounting old feelings.

After Luna counted the manpower, she said: "Zong Han, Hengrui Yao, Hua Jieyu, get out!"

Luo Jun stayed for a while, not knowing what medicine Luna was selling in the gourd.

He stood up.

Hengrui Medicine was helped out by two classmates.

Luo Jun couldn't help but glanced at the classmate named Hua Jieyu.

Hua Jieyu is a girl, she looks seventeen or eighteen years old, beautiful, pure, and reticent.

But in fact, Hua Jieyu is more than fifty years old. The reason why she is still on the third floor is because she is very dedicated and refining!

"Heng Rui Yao, are you injured?" Luna frowned after a glance.

Hengrui Yao nodded and felt ashamed, and said, "Yes, teacher!"

Luna said: "Well, you go back to the list!"

Hengrui Medicine is unknown, but it is hard to say anything.

Two classmates supported Hengrui Medicine back to the queue.

Luna then said to the people: "Let's talk as we walk, the matter is urgent now, we can't delay it anymore."

Everyone should be on the road quickly.

While walking, Luna said to some of her classmates: "My words, you can communicate to each other. Right now, there is indeed something wrong with the space. I came in with the key of the formation hall on the order of the dean. Wait. I found the Formation Hall and repaired the loopholes in the Void Line. Then you can go back. Once I repair the Void Line, you will return immediately."

The students quickly conveyed Luna's meaning.

Luna said to Zong Han and Hua Jieyu again: "The Formation Hall will not be too peaceful. Originally, the dean wanted me to find Hengrui Medicine and Qianliyang and you two before acting. It's just that Hengrui Medicine is injured now. I couldn’t find Qianli Yang for a while. So I had to act in advance.”

Luo Jun said: "We will do our best to cooperate with Teacher Luna in your actions. What is required of us? Just tell us!"

Luna took out a sword and said, "The dean gave me several swords when I came here. Take a handle. This kind of sword is very sharp..."

Luo Jun took the sword and handed it to another classmate.

"This sword is called the Rainbow Sword!" Luna said to Luo Jun.

She has also given Hua Jieyu a sword.

Luo Jun quickly checked the Rainbow Sword and confirmed that the Rainbow Sword was indeed very sharp.

With the Rainbow Sword, Luo Jun's confidence increased greatly.

Hua Jieyu didn't speak much along the way.

With Luna's lead, everyone was much clearer when looking for the Array Hall.

The journey went smoothly.

Everyone ran quickly.

After about half an hour, I came to a stockade!

Inside the stockade was a courtyard, surrounded by various stone houses.

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