Super Security in the City

Chapter 3465: Make an appointment

Mu Xiaoli's lungs were about to explode, since she was a child, she has been held by many stars. Moreover, her talent has always been outstanding.

She has always been very proud and always wanted to accomplish everything by her own ability.

She felt that she could not rely on the family at all.

But now, Luo Jun said in public that she relies on her family for her power. How can she bear it?

It's like a person whose parents are rich men, but he makes billions of fortunes on his own. Therefore, he would mind that others say that he earns money from his parents.

These words of Luo Jun were really the biggest denial and blow to Mu Xiaoli.

Obviously, Luo Jun said this on purpose. He knows the human heart and human nature deeply, and naturally knows what to say that can most stimulate Mu Xiaoli and Mu Junzheng.

Mu Xiaoli immediately said to Luo Jun with red eyes, "I want to fight you!"

Luo Jun did not speak yet.

Mu Xiaoli gritted his teeth again, and said, "Go alone!"

Luo Jun said indifferently: "You are not my opponent. You and your brother are going to be together. It is still possible. Don't be brave, you can't. How much do you think you are better than Hua Xiaoyu? Do you think you might really be me Your opponent?"

"I..." Mu Xiao said, "It's just that you are a few years older than me. You don't need to be proud. When you were nineteen years old, you were not even Wuwei. If I now play against you who are nineteen years old, I can kill you with a single finger. So, what right do you have to speak so boldly in front of me."

She was not too stupid at all, and finally found a breakthrough.

Luo Jun said: "Haha, this is really funny. I grew up in the Hero Growth Department, a famous teacher, no! Resources, very poor. What environment did you grow up in? Some people are really shameless! Just follow her, she beats her nose every day and feels that she is number one in the world. You fight with her, she talks about her young age. Obviously relying on the various advantages provided by the family to barely gain some skills, she wants to advertise It's all on one's own ability."

"You..." Mu Xiaoli flushed with anger again.

Mu Junzheng's eyes were about to kill people, and he said in a deep voice to Luo Jun: "I won't tell you anything else, ten days later, I will fight you in a decisive battle in the space. You won me as the teachers and students of the school. Kneel down to you and apologize! You lost..."

Luo Jun said, "I lost, so you can do whatever you say. No matter what harsh conditions you put forward, or even if you want my life, I can give it. If you want me to commit suicide, I must commit suicide. But...Today, Hua Xiaoyu You must kneel down to apologize! Otherwise, I won't promise you anything. In short, whether you want to shoot with your sister or whatever, I have no problem. The premise is that Hua Xiaoyu must kneel down and apologize today! "

"Okay!" Mu Junzheng agreed.

After that, he turned around and said to Hua Xiaoyu: "This is also a lesson for your life, I hope you will remember it later. Apologize!"

Hua Xiaoyu never expected that Junzheng Mu would not help him. Suddenly he was shocked, angry and frightened. Then he looked up at Luo Jun and gritted his teeth and said, "Do you have to do everything?"

Luo Jun sneered, and said, "Is there any difference between doing absolutely and not doing it? Even if I apologize to you and admit my mistake, I will retaliate against you as **** in the future. Others Bai Junsheng was kicked on the ground by you and let you insult you. , And then apologize to you, did you forgive him? So, stop talking nonsense. In the future, if you have any tricks, I will follow you. Now, if you don’t kneel and apologize, I will continue to beat you. College Rules, I remember, will not cause you fatal injuries, but I will make you unforgettable. For example, stripping your clothes, is not a fatal injury? For example, feeding you some dung, is it not a fatal injury, right? , Cut yours... you know, isn't it fatal?"

"You..." Hua Xiaoyu finally truly felt the horror of Luo Jun at this time.

"Don't talk nonsense with me." Luo Jun said: "When I count from one to three, the three-character falling tone means that you don't want to kneel. Then, at that time, you can't even kneel down."

"I am kneeling!" Hua Xiaoyu suddenly gritted his teeth and said.

A madness flashed in his eyes and said: "Today's shame, I will keep it in my mind."

Luo Jun suddenly slapped in the air.


Hua Xiaoyu's cheeks suddenly became hematoma.

At this moment, Hua Xiaoyu stayed, looked up in amazement, and looked at Luo Jun inconceivably.

Luo Jun said nonchalantly: "Nothing else, I'm afraid you don't remember it deeply enough. Also, don't threaten me face to face... You say more, I will tear your mouth!"

Hua Xiaoyu felt that she was about to cry.

He felt that he had done everything in pediatrics all these years, and the guy in front of him was simply the devil.

Hua Xiaoyu dared not say anything, and then knelt down and said sincerely to Luo Jun: "I'm sorry!"

Luo Jun did not insist that Hua Xiaoyu must apologize to Hua Jieyu and Bai Junsheng!

Because this guy's apology is not something anyone can bear.

After Hua Xiaoyu finished apologizing, Luo Jun lightly dropped two words: "Trash!" Then he turned and left.

Hua Jieyu, Ku Ziyu followed Luo Jun.

On the extranet, Luo Jun once again led the way.

All the teachers and students of the school thought Luo Jun was too handsome this time.

But at the same time, some people worry that Luo Jun will be retaliated later.

However, some classmates said: "I don't think everyone is worried about these things. At that time, our squad leader Zong Han was fifteen years old, and he was a low-grade squad leader in the practice period. At that time, Hou Mingxue had nothing to do with them. Nowadays, Zong Han has no background. Squad leader Zong Han’s cultivation is already ineffective, and there is Dean Hou behind him. And everyone, don’t forget that there is someone behind his good friend Ku Ziyu."

Over the years, the college has been very peaceful.

After Hou Jianfei experienced the crisis of the dean, Luo Jun became the first brother of the college.

His brother is silent in the spring breeze and drizzle. Never bully others, and don't like others bullying others.

Therefore, Luo Jun has always been very popular.

Since Mu Junzheng appeared, the balance in the school has been broken.

The arrogance and dominance of the people of Mu Junzheng were disliked by others.

After Luo Jun left the customs, the students had some joy.

But later, his repeated tolerance also disappointed the students who supported him.

As if the fire of hope in my heart was extinguished.

However, today, Luo Jun's series of methods once again proved to all the students that he is still the first brother.

Although there is a bodhisattva's heart, there are also thunder methods!

The three Luo Jun left the canteen.

The morning sun shines on the various buildings on the first floor.

In the shade of the trees, sunlight poured down like white confetti.

When the three of Luo Jun came out, they saw Luna approaching.

"Aunt..." Ku Ziyu greeted him immediately and said, "Aunt, have you seen everything just now?"

Luna nodded and said, "I understand the cause and effect."

Luo Jun and Hua Jieyu also came over.

Both of them shouted to Luna: "Ms. Lu!"

Luo Jun couldn't help thinking of the kiss that day.

Luna and Luo Jun couldn't help but blush when they looked at each other.

She only felt Fang's heart beating faster.

Ku Ziyu said, "Auntie, if the parents behind them come to ask for trouble, you..."

Luna said warmly: "Don't worry, Zong Han is also causing trouble for you this time. Our council will not be so ignorant of what is good or bad. I will explain to your father later that we absolutely support this matter. Yours."

Ku Ziyu smiled when he heard the words, and then relaxed.

Luna did not have deep feelings for Ku Ziyu in the past, but since Ku Ziyu was willing to die for her, she has been fond of Ku Ziyu like a daughter.

"Let's talk as we walk!" Luna said afterwards.

Everyone nodded.

Go all the way forward.

Luna asked Luo Jun again: "Mu Junzheng is very arrogant, but he is really capable. He chose to fight you ten days later. Do you know what he means?"

Luo Jun casually said: "This is too obvious, he knows that I am his strong enemy. So he wants to use the pressure I put on him to help him break through to the top grade!"

Hua Jieyu and Ku Ziyu were surprised at once.

Hua Jieyu lost his voice: "Is it really possible for him to reach Wuwei Top Grade?"

Luo Jun said: "It should be very possible."

Ku Ziyu couldn't help but worry, and said, "What about you? Can you also break through quickly?"

Luo Jun laughed, and then said: "The problem of breakthrough is not too big, just because I am afraid of your aunt!"

Luna's pretty face flushed again.

In these years, Luo Jun has always teased her.

She no longer doubted Luo Jun.

Ku Ziyu was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Afraid of my aunt?"

Luo Jun said: "Ask her."

Luna gave Luo Jun a blank look and said to Ku Ziyu: "Don't listen to him talking nonsense!"

Ku Ziyu was not stupid, and immediately understood that Luo Jun was ridiculing his aunt's suspicion.

When Hua Jieyu saw Luo Jun's performance very relaxed, he heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It seems you are very sure."

Luo Jun said: "Well, let's put it this way, as long as I'm an opponent of the same level in physical training. I don't think there is any better than me in this world! As far as the Zhou Li technique is concerned, as long as it is the same level. Yes, I also don’t think anyone is better than me. Of course, I don’t understand the realm of Zhou Xuan and can’t be counted in it. Mu Junzheng, I’ve never been afraid of him!”

Hua Jieyu said, "Then I can rest assured."

Ku Ziyu blamed herself a little, and said: "Speaking of which, I caused this matter."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "How can you say that? This matter was caused by Hua Xiaoyu. He is so domineering, and sooner or later he will meet the person who will treat him. I didn't want to be this person, no matter what, fate I chose me, haha!"

He seems very optimistic!

At this moment, Luo Jun received a call from Hou Jianfei.

"Come to my house!" Hou Jianfei said directly.

Luo Jun agreed.

He looked at Luna's three daughters, knowing that they were also worried, and smiled immediately, saying: "You don't have to think about anything. I always think carefully about everything. If I do, I am not afraid of the consequences!"

Ku Ziyu said, "Be careful of everything!"

Luo Jun nodded and then left.

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