Super Security in the City

Chapter 3472: Zeoli

Luo Jun still did not go to the six-story graduation exam in the end. Because the senior management of the college decided to let Mu Junzheng after discussion, Luo Jun directly entered the seventh floor.

This is the honor given to them by the college. Moreover, there is no such thing as sour because of their strength.

Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu also successfully passed the six-story graduation exam and officially entered the seventh floor.

At the beginning, Luna led Ku Ziyu and her party over to send some elites into the court. But in the end, it seems that only Ku Ziyu and Zong Han successfully reached the seventh floor.

The rest is not that they are not good, but the speed is much slower.

The Illuminati Council has always taught justice, purity, and inaction. So many things are slow. If it weren't for being overly aggressive by the Dark Vatican, they wouldn't have come to do this.

Relative fairness and freedom have been maintained throughout the eternal race.

It's not that Luo Jun grew up in the jurisdiction of the Guangming Council to belong to the council. Everyone is free to choose the church they want to go to, etc.

After reaching the seventh floor, Luo Jun and Mu Junzheng both began to retreat.

Both of them applied for the same retreat for one year.

Luna's life has returned to peace again. In these years, she has not paid so much attention to the untouchable, "Luo Jun" movement.

She was also a little discouraged and wanted to give up.

Her heart was calm, but Luo Jun’s kiss that day disturbed her mood for many years.

She is not stupid, of course I can see that Luo Jun is teasing her.

However, she didn't hate this kind of teasing, on the contrary, she was a little happy.

Of course, although she didn't hate Luo Jun, she didn't naively want to really happen to Luo Jun. She is no longer a young girl who is in love...

If she is going to fall in love with a child like Luo Jun, it would be nice to say if she can cultivate a positive result. If she ends up without a problem, she will become a joke. She also didn't think that Luo Jun really loved her. She could also see that it was only his temporary interest and joy.

Luna is alive and conscious.

On this day, Luna, Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu packed up their outfits. They returned to the Eternal Star together.

Originally, Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu wanted Yoruo Jun to go back together. However, Luo Jun finally chose to retreat. They can also understand, because Luo Jun's opponent Mu Junzheng has already begun to advance non-stop, so how dare Luo Jun slack off?

One day later, Luna and her team returned to the Eternal City of Eternal Star.

Ku Ziyu returned to her home with Hua Jieyu.

Her parents already miss her very much.

After Luna returned to her villa, she took a shower and then burned the incense.

Master Ku already knew that she was back, and reserved time for dinner with her in the evening.

When lying in the bathtub, Luna quietly enjoyed such a rare quiet time.

Luna didn't like it very much during her days in the original college.

She has always said one and the same everywhere, and all the conditions are excellent. But when she got to that place, she didn't have any privileges.

Luna also understands Master's painstaking efforts.

The admission of the court does not mean that anyone can enter, nor does it mean that you can enter with a high cultivation level.

The admissions of the court have always been selected from the original college.

Luna wanted to enter the court, obviously she couldn't go to the Primitive Academy. The remaining way for her is to become a teacher. After a certain number of years, she can apply for admission to the court.

Master Ku chose Luna because of Luna's loyalty and ability.

Luna thought a lot, and a lot of what Luo Jun said appeared in her mind.

"Don't you plan to get married in your whole life?"

Luna thought of her childhood, she has been by Master's side since she can remember. And his parents... were originally sinners from the Eastern Famine, and his mother had already been executed after giving birth to him.

She never thought about revenge, because her parents were indeed guilty.

For so many years, what she has been thinking about is to serve the master.

In the evening, supper was prepared in Master Ku’s residence.

Luna wears a white dress, elegant and clean.

At the table, there were only her and Master Ku.

"Where's Uncle Long?" Luna couldn't help asking without seeing the fish transforming into a dragon.

Master Ku said: "Go and do something."

Luna said: "That's it."

The two ate a fresh and tender fire dragon horse meat, similar to Western food.

The fairy wine is on the side.

Everything is very tasty.

The atmosphere is also very good.

Master Ku said: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that some time ago your senior brother broke through to Zhou Xuan."

Luna was immediately overjoyed when she heard this, and said: "That's great, and the big brother is also true. I won't tell me such good news."

Master Ku smiled slightly, and said: "Xiao Chen has always been low-key, you want him to tell you good news, I am afraid that you will not be able to wait in this life."

Luna said: "That's true!" She paused, and said: "Big brother has stayed in the state of inaction for more than three hundred years. This breakthrough must be..."

Master Ku smiled and said, "If he wants to make a breakthrough, he would have broken through three hundred years ago. I gave him another cultivation method. This cultivation method is called the soul-fixing technique!"

"The soul-fixing technique? What's the answer?" Luna was confused.

Master Ku said: "The soul-fixing technique is a secret technique, and no one has ever practiced it. This soul-fixing technique is intended to increase the capacity and quality of his brain. Therefore, he has not been able to break through... But people of the same realm Far from his opponent. Now that he finally breaks through, there are not many people in Zhou Xuan who can beat him!"

Speaking of this, Master Ku lightly sighed and said: "This chess has been played for the teacher for three hundred years. For a long time, the teacher has wondered if he was wrong. Now, it is all suffering!"

Luna finally understood the painstaking effort of Master Ku, and said: "Now, we finally have some capital to counter the dark Vatican."

Master Ku nodded, and asked, "How is your recent practice?"

Luna said: "Tui'er is ashamed, and has never been able to break through the entrance!"

Master Ku said: "You can't break through, but you know what's going on as a teacher."

Luna said: "Please also Master for advice!"

Master Ku said: "Your talent is very good. There is no doubt about it. But you have not yet enlightened!"

"Enlightenment?" Luna wondered.

Master Ku said: "For so many years, your life has been smooth, and your mood can be considered calm. You lack some desires, of course, you have the desire to become stronger. But this is not enough. Enlightenment is not for The teacher can explain clearly to you. You need to understand it yourself over the long years."

Luna thoughtfully.

Master Ku said again: "By the way, I also read Zong Han's recent news. He is indeed a very good seedling."

Luna said: "The disciple is ashamed, it was the disciple who pushed him far away."

Master Ku said: "It's not a problem. He and the Hou family have a close relationship. The Hou family also has a good friendship with us. Besides, aren't Zi Yu and him also good friends?"

Luna said: "Not bad!"

Master Ku said: "If in the future, he can form a couple with Zi Yu, it would be best."

Luna was startled.

"What?" Master Ku noticed Luna's strangeness.

A trace of panic flashed in Luna's eyes, but she hid it well. "Nothing, I think it's also good."

But Master Ku didn't think much about it. He continued: "Our side will not restrain and get close to Zong Han now. Even if Zi Yu has feelings with him, we can't be together now."

Luna said: "I understand that if we get too close to him. Including Ziyu marrying him, it will affect his position in the court. The court naturally does not want him to have anything to do with us."

Master Ku said: "Even if you can enter the court, it is difficult to reach a high position. Your identity determines your height. The same is true for Ziyu... and Zong Han is different. You need to go to the court, so I can understand some trends in the Court of Justice and some trends in the Dark Vatican."

Luna said: "The disciple knows."

Whether it's the parliament or the dark vatican, they don't want to control the court or let them become undercover agents.

The real meaning is to allow the court of justice to lean toward itself when the dark church and the light council are fighting or need trial.

So Master Ku didn't really want to control Zong Han.

He then said to Luna: "Zong Han has a boundless future and may be able to enter the real high-level of the court. Therefore, we must also create some good conditions for him, at least let him enter the court cleanly. No matter what. Said that he grew up in our jurisdiction. I believe he will lean towards us at critical times."

Luna said: "Master can really rest assured about this, he assured me."

"Guaranteed?" Master Ku smiled: "It seems that your relationship is not as bad as I thought."

Luna panicked a little.

In the Primitive Academy, Luo Jun brought a lot of medicine pills during the retreat.

He first swallowed countless pills, and then made his body extraordinarily strong, with energy filling his entire body.

Although he brags in the Sui Le Space that he will be promoted to the Eternal Profound Realm another day to play, but he himself knows that it is not that easy.

In particular, his heavy soul caused a very large brain volume.

His cultivation is slower than ordinary people.

That great origin technique is still following.

Therefore, it is more difficult for him to break through Zhou Xuanhui than ordinary people.

Luo Jun could not touch Zhou Xuan before because he was too far away from Zhou Xuan. But now, he was trying to touch Zhou Xuan to see what was so difficult about Zhou Xuan's barrier.

Soon, Luo Jun entered a state of being in meditation.

Entering concentration is a mysterious state.

Normally, the connection between people and the world is different. Use your eyes as your senses to see things in this world.

When an ordinary master enters concentration, he uses pure perception to feel the world around him.

When Luo Jun cultivated mana, his mana could feel countless elements, various molecules, factors, etc. around him.

When he arrived at Zhou Li, once he entered Ding, he himself seemed to be Zhou Li. This cosmic force can wander away from things, and the brain area is the hub. With one's own brain as the hub, the power of the universe is one!

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