Super Security in the City

Chapter 3479: The hard way

Luo Jun said: "I am looking for you to do something."

The elderly turtle farmer said: "Please say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely go all out!"

Luo Jundao: "Have you heard of Heavenly Tribulation Master?"

The old man turtle farmer shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it!"

Luo Jundao: "It's also normal. The Heavenly Tribulation Master is still classified. This is the case. The ruling has calculated that there will be a catastrophe in the Eternal Star Region within two hundred years. This is consistent with your divination technique. But the star The domain also has its own immune system, and its power of heaven is working to create a kind of genius, and this genius is named as the master of heaven. The luck and talent of the master of heaven are very good. I have seen three , They are only in their twenties, and their cultivation has reached the top grade of Wuwei Realm!"

The old man turtle farmer was shocked and said, "So scary?"

Luo Jundao: "It is indeed such a horror, and what I have to do now is to catch a celestial robber who has not been discovered, and then deprive him of his life and luck, and transfer it to me."

The old man turtle farmer was surprised: "Is it possible to transfer fate and luck?"

Luo Jundao: "I have my own way."

The old turtle farmer said: "Do you want me to find the Heavenly Tribulation Master for you?"

Luo Jun said: "I have also done several calculations, and finally locked that there will be a Heavenly Tribulation Master in Kowo Star. But I am not familiar with Kowo Star's birthplace, so I still need to rely on you."

The old man turtle farmer said: "It's just...There is no engraving on Master Jie's body this day, I don't even know it after seeing it!"

Luo Jundao: "This is not a problem, just give you something."

When he finished speaking, he took out his spirit wood compass and threw it to the old man turtle farmer.

After the old turtle farmer took the spirit wood compass, he looked closely. Under this scrutiny, his face suddenly changed from calm to surprise, from surprise to supreme respect.

"Oh my God! The exquisiteness of this compass is something that the old man has never seen in his life." He raised his head to look at Luo Jun and asked: "This compass is... made by a senior?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "I did it by myself, but it's just a trick!"

The old man tortoise farmer smiled bitterly, and said: "Little bug carving skills? If this is a little bug carving skill, then the old man's tortoiseshell is nothing like a shit. The accomplishments of this compass are simply extraordinary skills, and it is a masterpiece of heaven and earth! The old man has never seen it. Such a knowledgeable person! There are still ghosts like seniors in the world!"

Luo Jun can understand the surprise of the old man turtle farmer.

Because this little compass is all the wisdom of him and the monk Linghui.

"There is also a spar here, and the spar is placed in the compass." Luo Jun handed the Zhouli spar to the old man turtle farmer.

The old turtle farmer took it.

After Luo Jun explained it in detail, the old turtle farmer understood everything.

"Find a way to check, and tell me when you get the results." Luo Jun said.

The old man turtle farmer cheered up and said: "The old man will definitely do his best to investigate, but when the time comes, how can I inform you? I don't know what to call you yet."

Luo Jundao: "Don't communicate by phone. We communicate in a special way. You give me your armor. If you have any news, you will communicate with the tortoise shell through my spirit wood compass."

The old turtle farmer said: "Okay!"

Luo Jun stood up, and said, "Where is your cultivation level?"

The old man turtle farmer was startled, and then said, "Creation Realm...Fourfold!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Yes, not bad!"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to push the door away, but he suddenly thought of a question, so he said: "The last question, why do I need to call a Jia every day, are you not afraid to reveal your identity?"

The old man turtle farmer was startled slightly, and then said bitterly: "The seniors do not know, the old man needs to hide his identity. But other planets are difficult to hide... And although Kovo Star is very suitable, it is too messy. The old man is also worried about it. People fighting will cause suspicion... and in this lost city is the most comfortable, but the cost of living in the lost city is very high. Taxes everywhere, money everywhere. The old man has no choice but to win the respect of the city lord Dolo City with a buja. , Changed a permanent residency right. After that, he used three hexagrams every day to show that he had a strange temper and didn't come into contact with others!"

Luo Jun suddenly realized from below, "Have you never thought of leaving?"

A sense of sorrow flashed in the eyes of the old man turtle farmer. He was silent for a while and said: "The universe is very lonely. Although the earth is hometown, there is no one!"

Luo Jun's heart jumped.

He suddenly felt a little frightened, he had been away from the earth for so many years. When I go back in the future, how many old people will be left?

"Cultivation is lonely." Luo Jun sighed, and said: "Life is a process full of desire and helplessness. Ordinary people will be lonely and die. No one can be happy all the time, maybe loneliness is the ultimate Your company!"

After speaking, he left.

The old turtle farmer watched Luo Jun leave.

For the next half day, Luo Jun and Shui Piaoxiang wandered around.

There is no purpose.

However, while chatting, Shui Piaoxiang talked about an auction under the Doro family in the Lost City called Doro Exchange Auction House.

Every month, the Doro Exchange Auction House conducts a large-scale auction.

This auction is very lively.

Many masters from other planets are willing to come to participate in the auction.

Luo Jun also learned that the next auction will be fifteen days later.

"At that time, I will take you to the auction." Luo Jun smiled and said to Shui Piaoxiang.

Water fragrant, panicked, and said, "How can I be worthy of participating in such a high-end auction?"

Luo Jundao: "You are now a free body, so be more confident."

Shui Piaoxiang expressed sincere gratitude, "Thank you, brother Yu!"

Luo Jun laughed.

Shui Piaoxiang said again: "Brother Yu, when are you going to find the Earth Spirit Beast?"

Luo Jun said: "This matter can't be rushed, let's talk about it later." He knew that Shui Piaoxiang wanted to leave this planet. Because as long as she is on this planet, the mark in her identity will always be there.

Even Shui Piaoxiang wanted to leave Luo Jun. Although Luo Jun has great favor with her, as long as she is in front of Luo Jun, she is the Lan'er who is willing to ask for anything.

Three days later, Luo Jun received a message from the old turtle farmer.

The tortoise shell just showed a change.

Luo Jun immediately went to the residence of the old turtle farmer alone.

In the old man's residence, Luo Jun saw him.

The old man turtle farmer was slightly excited, and said: "Senior, I found the Heavenly Tribulation Master you were looking for. I really can’t find a place to go through the iron shoes, but it doesn’t take much effort. Just this morning, he came to me for calculation. A. I've been behind closed doors to thank guests these few days, and no longer count as A. But he insisted on breaking in..."

Luo Jun said: "Since you have closed the door, how did he find you?"

The old turtle farmer said: "I go out every morning, he comes very early."

Luo Jundao: "So that's it, who is he?"

The old turtle farmer said: "After confirming that he is a celestial robber, I went to check his identity. He is called Bu Xingyun!"

Luo Jun solemnly said: "Tell me in detail."

The elderly turtle farmer said: "Bu Xingyun is 22 years old, and his cultivation is the top grade of Wuwei!"

Luo Jundao: "At this age, Wuwei is a top grade. You can definitely be a celestial robber almost without testing. Hmph, the way of heaven is arranged here, but it is not at all implicit." He paused and said: "Continue. Say!"

The old man Gui Nong said: "Yes!" He continued: "Bu Xingyun's father is called Bu Zheng, and their family is in Mique Star. The Bu family is very powerful, and Bu Zheng himself is also a veteran master of the Eternal Profound Realm! Zheng has eight sons and ten daughters. Bu Xingyun is the youngest child, and it can also be said that Bu Zheng is the most important son."

Luo Jun murmured: "Bu Xingyun?"

The old man turtle farmer continued: "There is a servant butler next to Bu Xingyun. That servant looks a bit old, but I can be sure that his cultivation level is very high. If I guess right, he is an old buddy of Buzheng. , And followed Bu Zheng's surname, called Bu Qinghu. Bu Qinghu is also a veteran Zhou Xuan master!"

Luo Jun frowned greatly.

"I actually followed a master Zhou Xuan next to me, how do I start? Once I start, wouldn't I be looking for death?" Luo Jun secretly said.

Seeing Luo Jun's expression on the old man, Gui Nong knew his difficulties, so he said: "I also know that this matter is extremely difficult. If the senior feels wrong, I will look for someone else."

Luo Jundao: "If I want to come, what I caught in the compass is this cloth nebula. Various auspicious and bad things indicate that the cloth nebula is the most suitable. Therefore, there is no need to change someone else."

The old man turtle farmer said: "But, Bu Qinghu next to Bu Xingyun, even if you and I join forces, I'm afraid that you can't deal with it?"

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "No matter how difficult the situation is, I have encountered it. It is just drizzle."

He then asked, "Is it clear that Cloth Xingyun came to you, what is the matter?"

The old turtle farmer said: "This is not clear."

Luo Jundao: "What is he looking for you?"

The old man turtle farmer said: "It didn't say that he was looking for me because it was a good or bad thing. I called him a car, but it was a big evil. But I didn't tell him, only that the good and bad things are still changing."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, where is the cloth nebula now?"

The old man turtle farmer said: "What a coincidence, I also live in Mi Xianju!"

"Okay, I'm clear." Luo Jun returned the tortoise shell to the old turtle farmer, and took back the spirit wood compass. He said again: "Next I have something for you to do."

The old turtle farmer immediately said, "Senior please give me orders!"

Luo Jun said the pill furnace he wanted and some materials.

"When these materials are ready, find a top secret place. Don't be in this lost city, you know?"

The elderly turtle farmer said: "These materials are very simple to prepare, just senior, are you sure you have a way to catch Bu Xingyun? Then Bu Qinghu is really hard to deal with!"

Luo Jundao: "I always think of a way."

The old man turtle farmer said: "Okay, if there is a place where I need my hands, please let me order."

Luo Jun nodded.

After that, he left the residence of the old turtle farmer.

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