Super Security in the City

Chapter 3488: Killer

There are more than 13,000 planets in the Eternal Star Field, among them there are many strange and peculiar planets. Not every planet is suitable for ordinary creatures to survive. The living environment of some peculiar planets cannot be said to be harsh, but only harsh and harsh for ordinary people. But for ascetics, it is very comfortable.

One of these planets is called the Devil Star!

On the outside of Devil Star, there are seven planets connected together, forming the wonder of seven stars. Under the seven stars in a row, a seven-star chain was formed naturally, and Zhou Li converged among the seven stars, and finally evolved into a spectacle.

The devil star seemed to be in the center of the vortex.

As a result, various aircraft cannot enter, and various void shuttles cannot be performed.

The inside of the Devil Star is not covered by the sun and the moon, the only light source comes from the large moon wheel in the void! The big moon wheel was passed by the ruling and made a mark.

No one dared to move the big moon wheel!

Most of the devil stars are steel and rock, and no plants can grow in it.

However, there are some monsters in which the beasts feed on steel and rock.

No one cares about the Devil Star, but something happened three hundred years ago, which made Devil Star a hot spot for a while.

That thing was that a magical weapon spread from the Devil Star.

That artifact is called Ancestral God Rosary. There are seven Ancestral God Rosary beads, which are said to be transformed by the Ancestral God's body. The ancestral **** rosary was acquired by a traitor named Wen Daoxi. Wen Daoxi was originally a second-rate level in the Eternal Profound Realm, but with the ancestral **** rosary, he was invincible for a period of time and saw the gods kill the gods.

Later, the adjudication office shot him to death, and the ancestor **** Rosary went to the adjudication office.

After the ancestor **** rosary spread, the devil star became a hot spot.

Because many signs are on the surface, the legendary palace of the ancestor may be in the devil star.

According to rumors, the ancestor **** once had a palace with countless elixirs and many innate magical artifacts.

Rosary is just one of them.

For the next hundred years, people went to the Devil Star to hunt for treasure every day.

Unfortunately, there was no clue afterwards.

A hundred years later, the heat of Devil Star has disappeared.

Now, the place where Luo Jun is going is Devil Star.

Through some calculations of the spirit wood compass, the destiny cage is also a magic weapon in the palace of the ancestors. The Devil Star is really the planet where the ancestral palace is located.

Luo Jun first passed through the Seven-Star Lianzhu array, and then entered a void area.

The darkness in this void area...

Luo Jun flew billions of kilometers before reaching the Devil Star.

The outer part of the devil star is surrounded by the cosmic force array. The devil star does not have any gravity and gravity.

It was this Zhou Li array that forcibly changed its structure.

The Zhouli array made Zhouli smoke around the entire Devil Star, and Luo Jun passed through the surrounding Zhouli and entered the Devil Star.

After passing through the Zhou Li cloud layer, Luo Jun felt a biting chill in the sky.

The entire sky and the earth are silver gray.

The big moon in the sky is extremely bright, like a full moon.

The devil star does not rotate, so its back is sinking into eternal darkness.

Looking around, there are countless peaks on the ground, all of which are hard steel.

That is a real steel mountain!

After Luo Jun landed, he started strolling aimlessly.

Treasure hunting is not easy.

Within a hundred years, so many people came to find no results, it is impossible for you to find Luo Jun as soon as you come.

However, Luo Jun will not give up easily.

The spirit beast in that place was also hard to find, he still found it.

Many things require methods and methods.

Luo Jun knows that you can't find it, and the spirit wood compass can only calculate the fuzzy future, not the actual future. So relying on the spirit wood compass can not find the ancestral palace.

Luo Jun also didn't bother to search around. He simply found a place to sit cross-legged, quietly feeling the connection between Zhou Li and him.

Maybe it can get some mystery in the dark, and finally successfully find the ancestral palace.

The hidden location of the ancestral **** palace must be extremely secretive.

On the surface, there is definitely no.

The ancestral palace is underground, but is it a hundred meters underground, a thousand meters, or ten million meters?

No one knows this.

What is the shape of the ancestral palace?

It is not necessarily what a palace looks like.

And maybe the space has been scaled down, maybe it just looks like a stone?

Quietly feeling for more than 30 days...

Gained nothing.

Luo Jun is not discouraged and continues to feel.

After another thirty days, there was still no gain.

But on this day, there was a sudden movement in Devil Star.

The energy fluctuates violently.

Someone is fighting!

Luo Jun was slightly startled, his figure immediately rose from the ground and flew into the air.

He is flying towards the place where the energy fluctuates.

If it is to seek good fortune and avoid evil, naturally the farther away the better. But now he relies on luck and feels that he still has to enter some vortex to have a chance.

A person who is careful and cautious will naturally avoid a lot of trouble!

But at the same time many opportunities will be missed.

When Luo Jun came to a mountain peak, he saw four people fighting in the sky.

Upon closer inspection, the three of them were besieging a middle-aged man in black.

The man in black was the cultivation base of the Zhou Xuan Realm, and he drove a sword to kill the enemy. That sword curled up in the air...

The three besieged were two men and one woman.

One of the men headed was Zhou Xuanjing, who looked about sixty years old.

The other man and woman are in their twenties.

The male is handsome and the female is beautiful.

But their eyes were lifeless, as if they were puppets.

This man and woman are both high-grade cultivation bases of Wuwei Realm. The two are connected as if their hearts are connected. One makes the seven stars dazzling, and the other makes the mountains and rivers two swords!

Seven dazzling pearls are imagining a storm in the air!

The two swords of the universe assassinate from left to right, like a thunder dance.

The attack of these two people is terrible!

Luo Jun was horrified at the sight, and secretly said that if he faced the attack of this man and woman, he would die if he met him.

The headed old man made the Tyrannical Seal!

Naha Tianyin is tyrannical, like a sacred mountain suppressed, killing consecutively!

But under such circumstances, the black-clothed middle-aged man in the field is rather relaxed, he actually has the upper hand.

The middle-aged man in black is calm and relaxed.

The old man is completely overwhelmed...

Luo Jun wasn't dazzled by the look, he himself was a peerless master.

He just felt that the black-clothed middle-aged man was surprisingly strong, as if he had supernatural power that could never be used up.


Finally, the middle-aged man broke the old man's Tyrant Seal with a single sword!

The Tyrannical Seal was completely shattered.

The middle-aged man then used the sword in his hand to split the seven-star dazzling bead, then grabbed the Universe Double Sword, crushed it directly, and swallowed it in one bite.

His sword slammed out quickly, passing through the young man and woman several times.

The young men and women did not seem to feel the pain, and their faces remained cold. But after all, they were seriously injured, so they fell severely.

As for the old man, he turned around and ran.

The middle-aged man slapped it, and the old man slapped his back with a horrible grunt, and fell down.

The war suddenly ended.

Luo Jun felt that he didn't need to watch any more, so he wanted to find a chance to leave quietly.

Knowing there, the middle-aged man suddenly grabbed his hand.

Luo Jun felt that a big golden handprint suddenly appeared on his back and held him firmly.

He was caught in the palm of the big mudra, but he was completely immobile.

The middle-aged man caught Luo Jun and flew down.

On the ground, the old man stayed on the ground, and the young men and women among them closed their eyes and did not move. I don't know if he died or passed out.

Luo Jun was not too flustered, he calmed his mind and looked at the middle-aged man.

After the middle-aged man landed, he let go of Luo Jun. He glanced at Luo Jun and said, "Don't move, I will ask you something later. I know you are not in the same group."

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Yes, senior!"

The middle-aged man came to the old man and said coldly: "Dienzo, I warned you at the earliest, hand over your son obediently and let me kill. Your family can be saved from extinction, but you Did not listen to me. Now, your whole family is going to die!"

The old man named Dienzo was inexplicably sad and angry, and said, "Although my son is stubborn, he is not guilty of death. He just accidentally killed your pet. Do you want his life?"

A deep sorrow flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. At the end, he said faintly: "The life of your whole family is far worse than that of my Xiaoqi."

After he finished speaking, he said: "You can die without worry, because after that, I will send all your family to reunite with you!"

Then, he scratched and pinched again.

Na Di Enzo's head exploded and died instantly!

After solving Dienzo, the middle-aged man's eyes came to Luo Jun: "What is your name?"

"Junior Zong Han!" Luo Jun said honestly. He went on to say: "My master is Hou Jianfei, he is the deputy dean of the Primitive Academy!"

No way, you must move out of Hou Jianfei's name at this time!

You also have to let the other person know that you have some identity, so don't make big mistakes on your impulse.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man disapproved and said: "Hou Jianfei, he is very mediocre. Virtue does not match and should not be in that position. If it hadn't been supported by Hua Tianhuang, the Primitive Academy would have been reduced to other people’s dishes. ."

Luo Jun couldn't help but smile.

He didn't dare to argue that it was not.

The middle-aged man said, "But, I've heard of Zong Han's name."

Luo Jun stayed for a while, and then he was inexplicably surprised, and said, "Senior should be making jokes about juniors. Where do juniors have this qualification to let you know me?"

The middle-aged man said: "I don’t just watch the news. There are not many interesting things in the original academy in the past few years. Knowing Xia was very interesting back then, but after knowing Xia was very boring. But later, you also did some interesting things. Things. Come on, what are you doing here? Looking for the ancestral palace?"

Luo Jun said: "Senior is great, and junior came with this idea."

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