Super Security in the City

Chapter 3499: Good fortune war

Little Taohong said: "Even if you put a long line to catch a big fish, you don't need to waste ten precious Qing Miao Dan. Isn't it better for me to always be injured? Also, I teach my own strict process. You do not It’s possible to come into contact with where we really are."

Luo Jun suddenly realized, "So that's it!"

In the void at this time, there is a barrenness.

There are no planets around here.

Xiao Taohong told Luo Jun: "I taught that it took a lot of thought to establish this place. This place seems to be peaceful, but the more you go in, the more chaotic Zhou Li's order will be. When you enter a certain position, it will be difficult to travel through the void. ."

Luo Jundao: "That's it!"

The skywheel travels all the way.

Luo Jun didn't need to use much Zhou Li, anyway, just burn Zhou Li Dan without money.

A few days of driving has consumed about 10 billion Zhou Lidan of Luo Jun.

The 10 billion Zhou Li Dan put on the market is already an astronomical figure.

This day wheeler is like the top sports car in the world on the earth. Although it is fast, it costs money.

Even if the poor have it, they cannot afford it.

If Luo Jun hadn't gotten the many elixirs in the palace of the ancestors, he would not dare to use the skywheel at the moment.

Fortunately, Luo Jun was also a rich and noble person before, and now that he uses the pill, he is not a petty person.

In a calm, suddenly...

The waves are up!

A strong sense of crisis came over.

Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong sensed this danger together.

The two suddenly changed.

Little Taohong said: "Let the girl hide in your storage bracelet."

Luo Jun didn't say much, but with a big hand, he grabbed the nun into the storage bracelet.

The skywheel is flying fast.

At this moment, a wave of energy appeared in the void.

Then, a big golden handprint appeared out of thin air above the sky wheel.

Afterwards, it shrouded and grabbed the wheel of the day directly in his hands.

Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong were inside the skywheel, they immediately felt a majestic and powerful energy coming and covered the skywheel.

The skywheel can no longer move!

The one who came was... the lord of Shahu City Toutuoyuan.

Tou Tuoyuan was covered in white clothes, and he was standing in space, playing with the wheel of the day with his left hand.

At this moment, the skywheel has been miniatured by him, just like a toy.

"The level of this artifact is really good, you can keep it!" Tou Tuoyuan was originally going to destroy the Celestial Wheel, but after playing with it, he immediately changed his mind.

Inside the skywheel, the little pink color changed, and he said, "Oops, it seems that the lord of Shahu City Toutuoyuan is here."

Luo Jun's heart sank.

He also knew that Toutuoyuan was a veteran master of the Zhou Profound Realm.

"The sky wheel can't escape, we are dead now. With our cultivation base, it is impossible to defeat the old thief Toutuoyuan." Xiao Taohong fell into despair again, and her eyes were red, and said: "I'm sorry, I am still tired of you after all."

Luo Jun looked calm and said, "It's too early to prepare to wait for death now."

Little Taohong immediately ignited hope in her heart, and said: "Do you have a way to escape?"

Luo Jun did not answer, but carefully looked around.

At this moment, the skywheel shook, and a huge wave of energy forced into the skywheel.

This huge wave of energy is like a flash flood.

It also contains the absolute law of Toutuoyuan!

At this moment, Luo Jun quickly urged Baise Shadowless Armor.

The Baise Shadowless Armor quickly became a state of battle, all in armor.

At the same time, he and Xiao Taohong used mana to resist.

But it didn't work, it was the worm shaking the tree and it didn't move.

The two were quickly pushed out to the outside of the skywheel.

In the void, this golden energy wave didn't stop, but formed a sharp storm around Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong.

Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong felt that there were absolute walls in all directions.

The Wall of Absolute Blades rushed, and the wall was full of violent blades.

Then, a door suddenly appeared in the wall.

Toutuoyuan walked in through that door, looking at Xiao Taohong and Luo Jun with indifferent eyes.

"But City Lord Toutuo?" Luo Jun also looked at Toutuoyuan and asked.

Tou Tuoyuan was also looking at Luo Jun and said, "The woman next to you doesn't have the ability to kill the two interstellar monitors. I see that there are many unknown factors rotating in your body. It seems that you have a lot of secrets. Those two The interstellar watchman was killed for you, right?"

"Right!" Luo Jun admitted generously, and then said: "But this doesn't seem to have much to do with you, the lord of the city. So, if you are willing to let us go. I can give you a lot of benefits. Do you think this transaction is feasible? "

Tou Tuoyuan couldn't help but smiled, and said: "You are now in my bag, and everything you have is mine. What are you going to negotiate with me?"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "I am sincere and sincere to negotiate terms with you, but you are telling me a joke. I advise you to accept it if you see it right, so as not to end up killing you. Your cultivation base It's not easy, so we should cherish it!"

"Hahaha..." Tou Tuoyuan seemed to hear Tianda's joke, and he laughed so much that tears almost fell. After finally calming down his emotions, he said to Luo Jun: "If I heard you right, you were threatening... this seat?"

Luo Jun helplessly said, "Actually, I'm telling the truth, but the truth is always harsh."

"An innocent ant actually threatened Master Zhou Xuan. I don't know if you are too arrogant or too ignorant." Tou Tuoyuan said.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "No matter how much you say, it won't help. You can do it!"

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Toutuoyuan's eyes, nodded, and said: "Okay!"

Little Taohong's heartbeat speeds up and down. Sometimes she felt that Luo Jun was crazy, sometimes she was in danger of escape, but she felt that Luo Jun was there, and she didn't panic so much.

But in the final analysis, facing a famous master like Tou Tuoyuan, she didn't know how to resist.

Tou Tuoyuan stretched out a hand gracefully, then put out a finger and tapped it towards Luo Jun's eyebrows!

At this moment, the energy of Absolute Blade Wall merged with Dutuoyuan.

This pointing out is like 10,000 rivers meeting the sea.

The power of the Absolute Blade Wall poured into his body, and then he was transported to his fingers, and the fingers shot out golden silk threads. This silk thread was shot at the center of Luo Jun's brows with lightning.

Luo Jun couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately knew in his heart that the power of this finger was extremely terrifying. And the energy behind is endless and boundless.

Right now, nothing else...

Sacrifice the life and death sword!

Kill life and death!

All the strength of Luo Jun gathered in this knife, the dazzling blade pierced the void and slashed towards the thin golden thread.


In an instant, the light of Luo Jun's sword was cut into ashes by Toutuoyuan's golden thread.

Xiao Taohong also followed suit, but she launched an attack towards Tuo Yuan.

The Qi Jueqin in his hand popped out a hundred powerful sound blades, and the sound blades instantly gathered into one in the air, and finally beheaded towards the head of Tuo Yuan.

Facing Xiao Taohong's attack, Tou Tuoyuan didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

He just waved his hand, like a fly, and smashed the little pink soundblade sword to pieces.

When the golden thread was about to hit Luo Jun, Luo Jun suddenly sacrificed a rune!

Although Luo Jun wore the Baise Shadowless Armor, it was impossible for the Baise Shadowless Armor to stop the attack of the master of the Eternal Profound Realm.

The rune he sacrificed was found in the palace of the ancestors, called Changhe Rune!

The runes were revealed and immediately turned into a long river!

There is endless space in the long river.

The golden silk thread quickly penetrated into the river.

Tou Tuoyuan frowned slightly, he felt his own power running and killing in the vast space. Even thousands of miles in an instant, it is impossible to break through this long river of seals.

He snorted coldly.

At this time, Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong both hid behind the Long River Rune.

Tou Tuoyuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly took his fingers and turned into a hand knife!

Cut the void!

Cut through the void!

The sword light flashed sharply...

Afterwards, the Long River Rune was cut off from it.

All the rivers disappeared, leaving only the talisman paper cut in two in the air.

Tou Tuoyuan's eyes were chilly, and he looked at Luo Jun coldly, and said, "Is that the only means?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "There are still many surprises."

Toutuoyuan said: "Really?"

Luo Jundao: "There is so much nonsense, you just do it."

Toutuoyuan said: "Looking for death!"

He was really angry.

He was not satisfied with the fact that he did not win Luo Jun in one move.

So, his hands suddenly signed the seal!

Although, the surrounding Absolute Edge Wall turned into an Absolute Edge Storm, all shooting towards Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong.

Xiao Taohong fell into despair.

She felt she had nowhere to hide.

Luo Jun's Zhou Li is good, and there are many mysterious principles!

It's just that when facing a master like Tou Tuoyuan, all the truths and strengths seem pale and weak.

Luo Jun's Chaos Cover and Baise Shadowless Armor have also become decorations.

However, he still has a mark!

So he immediately didn't want money to throw the charms out.

Throw out ten golden bell charms together to form ten golden bell jars!

At the same time, there are ten powerful runes and six divine beast runes!

At this moment, Toutuoyuan's energy field was extremely lively.

The beast roars and slams into it!

In addition, the strong mark is torn strongly!

The Admiralty Rune successively blocked the attacks of Toutuoyuan.

Tou Tuoyuan collapsed a bit and cursed secretly: "This dog, there are so many runes there, and every rune is so powerful."

Tou Tuo Yuan quickly took control of the energy field and stopped attacking Luo Jun's Admiralty Talisman.

Although this admiralty seal is powerful, it disappears automatically after the time limit expires.

Du Tuo Yuan didn't need to waste time on this.

But those vigorous runes and **** beast runes were directed at him, and he couldn't ignore it.

"Boy, great, you successfully angered me." Tou Tuoyuan roared and suddenly grabbed all the energy fields in his hands.

He retreated violently.

Those many powerful runes and **** beast runes rushed towards Toutuoyuan with lightning.

The energy field in Toutuoyuan's hand turned into an energy storm vortex, and instantly twisted them all in.

Then, Dutuoyuan contracted the energy field.

That energy field became an energy ball!

He rubbed the energy ball with both hands, and swallowed the energy ball into his stomach in the last bite.

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