Super Security in the City

Chapter 3505: Fantasy Sea Demon

"Senior Brother Zong Han is amazing and can bring us different surprises at any time."

Some people can't help but sigh!

Luo Jun ignored the comments from the outside world. He didn't know how the outsiders would comment at this time.

The massive formation of chaotic clouds and stone collapses is indeed very delicate, and it is arranged by several masters of the Eternal Profound Realm. The rules are suppressed, and it is impossible for a master below the Eternal Profound Realm to break through.

Luo Jun is the master of the formation, and he naturally understands that this formation is not here to kill the candidates. So, just find the flaws.

Luo Jun found that it would be uncomfortable to use cosmic force to resist, on the contrary, without cosmic force, he could be in it like a fish.

He quickly understood the principle of the formation and found a way out of the formation.

In this way, it is easy to leave here.

Although this formation is subtle, it still belongs to pediatrics in Luo Jun's eyes. If this formation is intentional to kill, Luo Jun is proficient in formation, but it is difficult to survive. The key problem is that the turbulent cloud and stone collapse formation did not intend to kill the intruders!

After leaving the chaotic cloud and rock collapse formation, Luo Jun entered the second level, the magic sea heart demon.

Outside the chaotic cloud array was a narrow corridor. After walking through this dark corridor, a sea appeared in front of him.

The ocean is endless!

The sea is very calm, and there is thick fog on the sea...

Luo Jun needs to go to the sea and find an obsidian in the sea of ​​illusion, so that it can be considered a pass.

The time is thirty minutes!

If you can't find obsidian after thirty minutes, it is a failure!

The sea looked strange and terrifying.

After Luo Jun entered this space, he found that he could not use Zhou Li.

Zhou Li was once again restricted by the rules.

He didn't think much, and walked into the sea.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed the universe.

This is not a real sea because it is very shallow inside.

After walking in, the seawater can only submerge the upper.

Luo Jun walked into it with bare feet, because this was the rule of the second level.

The water is dark brown and extremely cold.

After walking inside, Luo Jun felt the ice water sticking on his feet like tarsus maggots, and countless ice water seemed to enter the blood and bone marrow from the pores.

Luo Jun couldn't help but shiver.

The dense fog in front of me is getting thicker and thicker, and I can no longer see the direction ahead.

He can't even see his feet or hands.

Luo Jun began to feel dizzy... He inhaled the thick fog and found that the thick fog seemed to have a faint purple fragrance.

He feels sleepy.

Without Zhou Li, Luo Jun could only rely on his own willpower to resist.

However, no matter how strong the will, without the support of mana, it can't stop the huge amount of medicine mist in this fantasy sea.

Luo Jun's body softened, and then fell down, lying on the surface of the sea.

He can't remember how long he hasn't slept in such a relaxed manner, sleeping so sweetly.

Soon, Luo Jun woke up again.

He stood up immediately.

The dense fog around has dispersed.

He saw a familiar figure ahead, it was Qiao Ning!

Qiao Ning turned her back to him, holding a little girl in her hand.

They are walking away.

Luo Jun looked at them silently, he did not shout, nor did he chase them.

He just felt heartache like a knife, a kind of soreness came to his heart, and tears almost fell.

Then he opened his eyes suddenly.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I really fell asleep in the sea just now.

Qiao Ning and her daughter were all illusions.

Luo Jun got up, and he saw that the thick fog around him had really dissipated.

There is a high platform ahead, about three meters!

There are steps under the high platform.

Luo Jun walked up the steps, then took the obsidian, and left the magic sea heart demon space again.

When Luo Jun came out of the Fantasy Sea Heart Demon, the teachers and students on the intranet and the extranet were shocked again.

Because Luo Jun only took less than two minutes to enter the magic sea heart demon space.

Never before in history.

The students on the Internet talked a lot.

"It is said that the heart demon in the fantasy sea heart demon is very fierce, even if the master of the Eternal Profound Realm enters, it is easy to sink. There was a senior from the academy who went in, and even this senior took five minutes to enter. It took time to leave the magic sea heart demon. As for the outstanding person of the year, Ming Zhi Xia, she is also very good. She spent ten minutes. This record has not been broken yet..."

"Oh my God! Senior Zong Han broke through the chaotic cloud and stone collapse array and broke an unprecedented record, and the illusion sea heart demon is even more horrible. Is he still a human?"

"It's no wonder that Senior Zong Han is so powerful, haven't everyone noticed it? Senior Zong Han has a very tough mind! It is precisely because he has such a mind that he is so outstanding!"

In the villa at the back of the college, Hou Jianfei was also watching Luo Jun’s exam live.

Hou Jianfei was not too surprised when Luo Jun came out of the chaotic cloud and stone collapse formation. He knew that his apprentice was okay.

But when Luo Jun left the Magic Sea Heart Demon within two minutes, he was completely shocked.

Because he knew very well that even his cultivation level could not leave the Illusion Sea Heart Demon space within two minutes.

"This son's mind is so strong and strong, given time, he will be extremely strong! I accept him as a disciple, it seems that this is the most correct thing I have done in my life!" Hou Jianfei secretly said.

Luo Jun was extremely calm.

This level of Fantasy Sea Heart Demon is actually very dangerous and dangerous. If he is just a simple Zong Han, without the deep memories of the previous life and those difficult experiences, he would not be able to pass the Fantasy Sea Heart Demon so quickly.

When he saw Qiao Ning and his daughter in the fantasy sea, at that moment, he really wanted to sink.

However, he did not.

He knew that he was not qualified to sink.

He just grew more heartache and hatred!

Hate the sins committed by the Eternal Race against Qiao Ning, his daughter, and Ziyi, Xianzun.

The third level, kill Warcraft!

It was in an empty valley.

The valley is dark and quiet!

In the middle of the valley, a whole body of purple scaly, like a small mountain of Lili Monster, fell asleep.

Its grunt sounded loudly.

Every snoring sounded like thunder.

As soon as Luo Jun came in, the Qi Li Beast came to life.

It has only one eye.

The valley was originally dark. When Qi Li Beast opened its eyes, its eyes were like the moon, illuminating the entire valley.

At the same time, the terrifying killing intent came out of Chin Li's monster.

It looked at Luo Jun, then opened its mouth and roared!

Suddenly, all the Zhou Li around was condensed by it, and formed a powerful sound blade!

Those sound blades are densely packed, there are plenty of ways!

Wandao Yinbane turned into a fierce tornado storm, attacking Luo army like lightning.

Luo Jun took a deep breath, and then sacrificed life and death knife!

He swung a knife!

The body of the Da Mie Life and Death Sword also flew out, and the horrible blade light of the Da Mie Sword also beheaded to the past.


The blade light collided with the sound blade, and the sound blade was all crushed.

After that, the Da Mie Life and Death Knife carried the sword light towards the one-eyed one-eyed monster of Qiong Li.

That Qiong Li Monster was taken aback, his eyes blooming with dazzling light.

Shenmang condenses the power of the universe, and the lightning shoots the knife towards the death of life and death.


The Da Mie Life and Death Knife smashed the gods with a single blow, and then the entire body of the knife fell into the one-eye of Qi Li Demon...

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