Super Security in the City

Chapter 3511: Different lives

Knowingly, Xia glanced at Luo Jun and said: "You don't have to do anything for the time being, and practice well. The higher your strength, the more useful you are. Even if you do nothing, everyone in the court will respect you. If Your strength is poor, even if you work hard every day, no one wants to look at you directly!"

After she finished speaking, she left.

Luo Jun lay on the sofa, he turned on the TV and watched the show.

The program is very rich and colorful, and shows programs from various planets.

Luo Jun also found it a little funny when he watched it, because when watching a news program on a certain planet, looking at the aliens in various shapes on the screen, he felt like watching a science fiction movie.

Later, he turned off the TV again.

It seemed private here, but Luo Jun didn't dare to relax too much. He knows that the supervision of the court is ubiquitous.

Luo Jun thought of something, took out the communication machine and called Ying Xuefei.

The call was quickly connected, and Luo Jun mysteriously said: "Guess where I am?"

Concubine Ying Xue was startled, and then said in surprise: "Don't tell me, you have come to the court?"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Smart, correct! Or let's meet. I haven't seen you for so many years, but I miss you very much."

Concubine Ying Xue said: "It's okay to meet, but this is when I am working! You have to wait for me to get off work..."

"Get off work?" Luo Jun was stunned when he heard this phrase. How new is this phrase!

It seems that he worked as a security guard on Earth a hundred years ago.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Luo Jun didn't say much, because everyone's experience is different.

After finishing the conversation with Concubine Ying Xue, Luo Jun began to understand some rules of the court.

When he came to this place, he finally unveiled some of the mystery of the court.

In the trial badge, there are enough introductions about the court and various rules and regulations.

The jurisdiction of the court is very wide, it seems that there is no place within the entire eternal star field that they cannot control.

When necessary, the Dark Vatican, the Council of Light and even the Emperor can be arrested and tried.

This is the most domineering aspect of the court.

Of course, there is no mention of the adjudication office. Luo Jun estimated that the most domineering is the most mysterious adjudication office. It is estimated that when necessary, the adjudication office can make a ruling on the court.

The Dark Vatican has always held the thigh of the Judging House, so the court has always been jealous of the Dark Vatican.

The court has hotels on many planets. This kind of hotel is not a hotel in the ordinary sense. The hotel is called the trial hotel.

No one can use force or fight in the trial hotel.

This is an iron order!

The trial hotel also imposed taxes on various trade fairs.

The court also has self-made trial gold coins, and only trial gold coins can be consumed in the trial hotel.

In the trial hotel, consumers can use trial gold coins to buy many weird things and even noble enjoyment.

If you are chased by an enemy, you can hide in the trial hotel. As long as you have trial gold coins, then your enemy is in front of you, and he dare not do anything to you.

There are many tasks that can be done in the trial hotel, and you can get trial gold coins if you do those tasks.

Luo Jun also found out that people who are judges will also get a trial gold coin every month.

This kind of gold coin is very precious!

The court has a lot of industries in the whole star region, and they are very rich.

The entire eternal race is rich, and the eternal race is sucking the blood of all planets in order to maintain their noble and luxurious life.

There are many other rules in the court, such as not being disrespectful to your boss.

However, Luo Jun's immediate boss knew that Xia still had Cang Hailan.

Of course, the deputy dean and the dean must naturally be disrespectful.

Also respect the elders.

As for the eight divisions, Luo Jun can ignore it.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Jun went to see Concubine Ying Xue.

The two left the Sky City in a flying vehicle. In the Floating Cloud Building below the Sky City, Luo Jun received his special car with the trial badge.

After driving out of the Floating Cloud Building, Luo Jun and Ying Xuefei found a secluded beach bar.

The bar is a clear bar, very quiet.

Concubine Ying Xue's appearance hadn't changed much, but her whole person seemed a little more haggard.

"Really good, Zong Han!" Ying Xuefei couldn't help but praise Luo Jun, saying: "You have surpassed me now, although I have also reached the top grade of Wuwei. But I know that I am no longer your opponent. I was absolutely unable to create a record. I passed the big exam, and I was still guided by the dean and master. Despite this, it was very difficult. It is precisely because of this that I have not been allowed to reuse it in the court of justice."

She then sighed and said, "My aptitude is compared with you, knowing that Xia is still far behind those people."

Luo Jun understood Concubine Ying Xue's mood, and said: "Sister, don't be discouraged. Take your time! How many young talents will be ineffective in the future. If you can get a chance, you will surely fly into the sky."

Concubine Ying Xue smiled, obviously, she herself couldn't believe it.

Luo Jun didn't know what to say for a while.

Concubine Ying Xue said: "Actually, the gap is really big. I used to be very proud and confident because I was also a good enough person in the Primitive Academy. But now, after I came to the court, I found that I was nothing but a mist. But an ordinary person among all beings."

Luo Jun said: "Sister, you have a bad mentality. You must accept yourself before you can continue to move forward."

Concubine Ying Xue was startled slightly and said, "Accept myself? What do you mean?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "It's very complicated and very simple. If you can taste it carefully, you will be able to improve it!"

Concubine Ying Xue sighed.

She is too lonely.

Luo Jundao: "Let's change the topic!"

Concubine Ying Xue said: "Okay!"

Luo Jundao: "What does the War God Division need you to do every day?"

Concubine Ying Xue said: "The Division of God of War, I belong to the warlord. Hou Mingxue is also a warlord... We are more ordinary warriors. Every day when nothing happens, we are in the space and kill the little monsters, demons and so on. This is It belongs to daily experience... When something happens, or on some planet, there are some troubles, and they can’t solve things, we will go to solve them. Of course, they are all difficult to solve. If the difficulty is very difficult, That is the God of War level above us dispatched."

Luo Jundao: "That's it!"

Concubine Ying Xue said, "What about you? What do you need to do every day?"

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "I don't seem to have anything to do! I know that Xia will call me if I have something to do. When I'm fine, I will just play around!"

"Playing blind?" Ying Xuefei couldn't help smiling when she heard it.

Luo Jundao: "You said that your War God Division is responsible for dealing with the chaos, so what do you know that Xia has to deal with?"

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