Super Security in the City

Chapter 3515: Peerless style

"Ming Zhi Xia, I did not expect you to come too." Reeves opened his eyes and looked at Ming Zhi Xia.

Knowingly Xia said indifferently: "You openly violated the rules of the court, and then you made mistakes one after another, killing the people of the court. I will come, it is inevitable!"

Reeves said: "In the entire court, I don't admire many people. You count one, and your master is one."

Knowing Xia Dao: "I should be happy to be able to get the words to kill the gods. But no matter what, I have to perform my own duties today."

Reeves said: "It's okay, I didn't want to use my mouth to convince you to let me go. I don't need you to let me go! But, with a smart person like you, will he become a running dog of the court for a lifetime ?"

Knowing that Xia calmly said: "This logic is unreasonable, I am in the court of justice, and I should work for the court of justice. Why, I became a running dog?"

Reeves sighed and said, "Well, you are still young, and you don't know many things. So, no matter how much I tell you now, it won't help. You call your people over, and I will give you time to make arrangements. ."

Knowing that Xia was startled slightly, then he smiled and said, "It's so proud to kill God, admire it!"

She paused and said, "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome."

She shouted directly into the sky: "Mr. Han Moxing, quickly deploy!"

"Okay!" The cold magic line immediately responded.

"Xuantian murderous array!"

Han Moxing roared, and then launched a large array in four directions centered on Reeves!

The Xuantian murderous array is based on four divine swords!

The divine sword emits a huge sword light, illuminating the night sky!

Jianmang enveloped Reeves!

Luo Jun stood from a distance and watched from outside the big formation. No one would take him to play this level of battle. He is also happy to be at ease.

Knowing that Xia came to the sky above the sword formation with the blade of the void.

Reeves sat cross-legged, motionless, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this situation, the evil **** Hanmoxing couldn't help but said: "Reeves, you are so mad!"

Reeves's complexion was faint, and he didn't care about the evil spirits.

Knowing that Xia solemnly shouted: "Kill!"

Therefore, the five masters of the Eternal Profound Realm took action together. All their energy has been mobilized into the mysterious murderous array.

There are fierce killing intents in the four divine swords, and these killing intents are even more fierce under the urge of the five masters.

In an instant, Wandao sword blades formed a storm, and thunder slashed Reeves towards the central area with lightning.

Densely densely packed, with all the blades to kill!

Reeves' eyes snapped open, and the chill came out of his eyes.

At the moment of his death, he sacrificed his sword!

That sword is of great origin, the name Han Ming Sword!

The Hanming Sword is forged from the essence of the ten thousand years of Hanming...

Reeves drives the Han Ming Sword, and that Han Ming Sword immediately condenses powerful cosmic power, giving birth to the sky full of ice.

In an instant, all of Xuantian's murderous array was frozen.

Those many blades were frozen!

Knowing that Xia and others tried their best to mobilize the Xuantian murderous array, with the intention of crushing Reeves's ice.

The two sides immediately fell into a stalemate.

Luo Jun looked at him secretly, he felt that Tou Tuo Yuan was very powerful when he faced Tuo Yuan before. But now we look at here...

"I didn't feel much when Reeves defeated Yuanfei, Sword Slave, and Dienzo in the battle." Luo Jun secretly said: "In today's battle, I realized that Reeves' combat effectiveness has been so powerful. No wonder he dared to break the rules of the court, and dared to kill the judges honestly."

Knowing that Xia and others can absorb the power of the outside world, they will continue to attack Reeves.

Reeves was trapped in the Xuantian Murderous Array, but he could only use his own power to resist.

After a stalemate for a while, the internal ice seal suddenly began to crack.

Soon after, with a bang, the ice cubes all shattered!

However, at the moment of fragmentation, something incredible happened.

The blades in the Xuantian Killing Intent array shattered along with the ice cubes, and finally turned into the Sky Ice Sword. Under the impetus of the Han Ming Sword, they actually counterattacked the Xuantian Killing Intent array.


The sword light of the Xuantian murderous array was beheaded by those ice swords, and was quickly broken open.

At this time, Reeves rose directly into the sky with the sword, and reached the 10,000 meters above the void.

Following that, he swooped in between lightning.

The man has not arrived, the sword has arrived!

The Han Ming sword killed the weakest Shui Hongguang in the hands of the five great masters!

Murderous for thousands of miles!

In an instant, Shui Hongguang was slashed by the Han Ming sword and died tragically on the spot.

Then, Reeves had descended among the four who knew Xia, and he was driving the Han Ming Sword.

That Han Ming sword quickly slayed Xiang Han Moxing.

Han Moxing was taken aback, and immediately drove the magic weapon Qian Chenshu to resist.

Gu Lichen and Ba Qianqiu also attacked Reeves.

Reeves stood still in the void.

But as soon as the attacking and killing blades of Gu Lichen and Ba Qianqiu approached, they were immediately sealed by ice.

Reeves looked at Mingzhi Xia and said, "I looked at you high before, but today I fight with you, but there are only two words. Do you want to know those two words?"

Knowing that Xia is neither sad nor happy, he said: "The two words?"

Reeves said lightly: "Disappointment!"

Knowing Xia said: "Oh!"

Other than that, she had no more reactions. No anger, no sadness.

Reeves said: "Don't you feel ashamed?"

Knowing Xia Dao: "Why are you ashamed?"

Reeves said: "You should at least be angry?"

Knowing that Xia said, "I don't live to please you. You are not disappointed. It's my business."

"Haha..." Reeves said: "Well, knowing Xia is knowing Xia, an interesting person. Not to mention, I won't kill you today. You go!"

Knowing Xia said, "Sorry, I can't leave yet."

After she finished speaking, she sacrificed the Void Blade.

The Void Blade quickly turned into a ray of light and slashed towards Reeves.

But when it was three meters away from Reeves, a powerful force of ice appeared in the void, which actually sealed the blade of the void.

No matter how hard the Void Blade can get in!

Reeves said: "I can't do this!"

Knowing Xia calmly said: "Really?"

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes were cold.

The Void Blade suddenly disappeared from the ice.

Reeves was slightly startled, he felt that the blade of the void had penetrated the void.

When the blade of the void came from the top of his head, he slammed **** out and clamped the blade of the void.

Reeves faced the siege of the four masters indifferently, as if walking in a leisurely court.

On the other hand, I knew that Xia was a great enemy here.

The gap can be said to be obvious.

Knowing that Xia's expression was extremely dignified, she saw her hands repeatedly pinching the seal, and biting her finger, a drop of blood dripped down.

In an instant, the blood was directly shuttled through the void, dripping onto the blade of the void!

The blade of the void spins violently as if being stimulated!

Reeves had to let go.

He released his finger first, but then flicked it again.


The Void Blade was directly bounced back.

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