Super Security in the City

Chapter 3520: Dark blue

Luo Jun simply invited Mingzhi Xia to enter the Star Ring to find out.

Knowing that Xia stayed for a while, he didn't expect Luo Jun to be so generous and undefended to her. She thought for a while, but refused, and said, "Forget it, how can I want your baby?"

Luo Jundao: "It's not a problem! My baby is gone, as long as it is helpful to you, this is worth it."

Knowing Xia said, "Really no need."

Luo Jun insisted, saying: "Senior sister, don't you want to be polite to me! Everything is based on your injury. As long as your injury can be cured, everything else is not important."

"It's impossible between me and you." Knowing that Xia suddenly said.

"Huh?" Luo Jun was taken aback for a moment.

He looked at Mingzhi Xia Shi and found a blush on Mingzhi Xia's beautiful face.

Then, knowing that Xia coughed again, turned away, and said: "I don't want to get involved in emotional matters for the time being. I am now focusing on cultivation...So Zong Han, you have to waste your feelings on me."

Luo Jun also knew, knowing that Xia had misunderstood him.

But her thoughts are also normal.

Luo Jun wanted to argue, but he didn't know how to argue.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Senior sister, you really think too much. I don't have any thoughts about you at all! I just think that we can be regarded as having a fateful friendship, right? So, I have so many babes, it’s not too much to give you! You just said, if you have so many babes, don’t you give them to your friends?"

Knowing Xia said: "That's not true!"

Luo Jundao: "That's it!"

Knowing Xia said: "You really didn't think too much? I don't want to accept your baby, and finally refuse you again. That would make me very despicable!"

Luo Jun hurriedly said, "Senior sister, don't worry, I have absolutely no thoughts."

Knowing Xia said: "Okay!"

She was finally relieved.

So next, Luo Jun vomited out the star ring, and then entered into the star ring with Mingzhi Xia.

The interior of the star ring is vast, like a palace!

There are countless treasures in that star ring.

Walking all the way, you really are wandering in the ocean of treasures.

Knowing that Xia is not a greedy person, she just intends to choose a suitable treasure.

Luo Jun enthusiastically introduced Mingzhixia.

He doesn't hide any personalities at all. What good things, Peerless Babies all ask if you know if Xia wants?

"Senior sister, you can take as long as it is suitable, don't be embarrassed." Luo Jun kept dispelling Ming Zhixia's concerns.

"There will be many opportunities in life, but many opportunities will also be missed. Once some opportunities are missed, there will be no more. Now with so many babies in front of you, this may be the time to change your destiny. So, you can follow me You're polite, but you can't be polite with opportunities." Luo Jun desperately instilled chicken soup into Mingzhixia.

"If you want to become a true legend, you want to crush those Heavenly Tribulation Masters forever, and you want to go to the next level, there is an opportunity right now."

Knowing that Xia really listened a little passionately.

If Luo Jun told her about these things in other places, she would definitely sneer. Sister is someone who has seen the world, can you drink poor quality chicken soup like you?

But now it's different.

It's like a poor boy was brought to his industrial park by a rich man, telling him that I am very profitable, and that I am also profitable. You have to choose the most profitable one to change your life.

May I ask, who can not be excited?

In the endless void, the killer Reeves changed into a black suit.

He looked cold, Xiao Sha.

His speed is not fast, he walks in that space like a leisurely courtyard.

But even the speed of leisurely walking is beyond the reach of ordinary masters.

Reeves remembered Luo Jun's words.

"Actually, I also told you the method, but you don't have that patience."

Reeves couldn't help smiling.

He really doesn't have that patience, unless someone tells him that he can get the treasure by staying for four years.

"For three hundred years, no one has been able to do it. This Zong Han has actually done it. He really is different from ordinary people!"

Reeves secretly said.

From beginning to end, he never thought about taking treasures and killing people.

Reeves has always had his own rules. You can kill, but you can't violate your promise.

He said that Luo Jun took him a sword and was no longer embarrassed.

Now that it is said, it will never be embarrassing again.

Reeves sighed, and secretly said in his heart: "It's nothing, the treasure of the ancestors has no fate with me after all. I can't force anything!"

Although he has guidelines, keep his promise.

But thinking that the treasure at hand would be missed, after all, it was still somewhat unreasonable.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The figure was also walking slowly in space, coming towards Reeves.

"Another one to die." Reeves knew that the other party was coming towards him, snorted coldly, and greeted him.

He can't avoid it.

This is the pride of his being honored as a killer.

Kill all the way, kill a thoughtful, kill a happy one!

The man soon came to Reeves.

The two sides stopped one hundred meters apart.

Reeves took the other person seriously.

That was a boy in white!

It seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But there was an unspeakable aura on the young man's body, an aura that could not be contemplated.

Reeves couldn't feel the age of the other party, but he knew that this boy was by no means as young as he seemed.

"The higher the cultivation base, the younger you can become!" Reeves secretly said: "Perhaps, he is already a thousand-year-old monster. I have never seen this guy. I have never seen such a strong person? ..."

There was a sigh in his heart.

At this moment, he thought of the most terrifying existence in this star field.

That is... the ruling house in the legend!

"Who is your Excellency?" Reeves didn't do it right away, but asked.

The white-clothed boy looked at Reeves faintly. He did not speak immediately, but was silent for a while before saying: "You are Reeves?"

Reeves nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Kill God Reeves?" said the boy in white.

Reeves said: "Yes, who are you?"

The white-clothed boy smiled faintly and said: "You are indeed very powerful, so you are qualified to know my name. My name is...Xuanlan! Well, I come from... the adjudication office!"

Reeves shook suddenly.

The other party actually came from the adjudication office.

Reeves said: "Unexpectedly, the ruling house shot so soon."

"No, no, don't get me wrong!" Xuanlan smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, this time I came, not the meaning of the above. I just happened to pass by here and heard about some of your things. I saw the court of justice. All those wastes came up to death one by one, so life is useless." At this point, he paused, changed the conversation, and said: "Originally, I wanted to continue watching the self-righteous old guys in the court of justice. . But... It’s been a long time since I met a decent opponent. So, I feel itchy hands today, I want to fight with you to see how much you have."

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