Super Security in the City

Chapter 3548: Less than lovers

Cang Hailan said: "It's not certain that you will lose, and you don't need to be too superstitious and afraid of secret techniques. The secret techniques such as the lonely setting sun are all shallow, and secret techniques are just a kind of power." He paused. After a pause, he said: "But this kind of power is indeed stronger, and you are not completely out of the chance to win. But if you meet a real big man to perform secret techniques, you can't fight with your current strength. For example, I ...You can't fight."

Luo Jundao: "I understand."

Knowing that Xia asked, "Then when can we learn secret techniques?"

Cang Hailan said: "If Zong Han can successfully challenge Yan Guhong this time, he will naturally master the secret technique. As for Zhixia, when can you become the master of the first division?"

Knowing that Xia couldn't help but smile, "This is a bit difficult, but I will fight for it!"

Cang Hailan said: "Speaking of which, even if you become the master of a division and control the secret technique. But it doesn't mean much, because the formula of this secret technique is given to you from above. They can modify it at any time! If you are Being able to control your own secret technique and own your own formula is truly amazing!"

Luo Jun immediately understood what Cang Hailan meant.

"Control your own secret technique?" Knowing Xia murmured.

Luo Jun asked Cang Hailan: "Have you controlled your own secret technique?"

Cang Hailan said: "Of course, this is where I have the capital to settle down. But I can't teach you, I teach you, the same is my equation. Moreover, it is not in compliance with the rules! Once the rules are violated, the ruling will be held accountable. Our tops will also be held accountable! However, if you find a new formula to open up the world of occult art, then no one can pursue it."

Luo Jun said: "I understand."

Knowing that Xia also understood something, she knew that it would take a long time.

After leaving the manor of Cang Hailan, Xia knew that Xia asked Luo Jun: "How much do you know about the world of secret techniques?"

Luo Jundao: "When I didn't enter Zhou Xuan before, the realm of Zhou Xuan was the world of secret arts for me. When I was promoted to Zhou Xuan, the world of secret arts was the universe of Zhou Xuan I had longed for. In fact, the world of secret arts was the world of secret arts. It is one level higher than the world that Zhou Xuan touches, and the power in it is more refined and powerful. For example, if I have the same strength as you, if I use the same power of mystery to beat you, you will undoubtedly lose!"

Having said that, he smiled and said: "Of course, this is my own understanding. After all, I have not really experienced the power of the world of secret arts."

Knowing Xia Dao: "I also faintly felt this world of secret arts, but it was absolutely like an icy beast in the depths of the sea, untouchable and incomprehensible. Once I tried to attack with mana, there would be backlash. Backlash is not something I can bear."

Luo Jundao: "Actually, it should be understood that the world of secret techniques is a complicated computer." In this eternal star field, technology is also highly developed. So computers can understand.

"The secret world is a computer, but to enter, you have to rely on various equations to crack its portal!" Luo Jun said: "It is not brute force, it lies in calculation and wisdom."

Knowing Xia Dao: "I feel that my wisdom is not enough."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "With me, you will indeed feel that your wisdom is not enough. But this is a good thing, and it can inspire you to make progress! If you have not met me or met Mu Junzheng, you may just Self-satisfied, thinking that wisdom is unparalleled."

Knowing Xia said, "What about you?"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "I am already unparalleled in wisdom, believe it or not, sooner or later, I will become the most powerful person in this star field?"

Knowing that Xia Jiao's body suddenly shook, she felt that perhaps the young man in front of her could really become the number one strong under this starry sky in the future!

The next day, Luo Jun and Mingzhi Xia set off.

The two took the shuttle cloud machine to Boran Star first.

Blue Star is an extremely beautiful planet, especially the capital where they landed, surrounded by lakes, and the air is fresh.

Luo Jun and Xia knew that they were not in a hurry, so they stayed in the Blue Star.

"Come with me to go shopping, I haven't bought new clothes for a long time." Knowing Xia smiled to Luo Jun.

Luo Jundao: "Of course no problem!"

Knowing that every smile of Xia makes Luo Jun feel so heartbroken and warm. Sometimes there is even the urge to cry.

Shuttle through the mall, knowing that Xia is like a fashion show. Many clothes are worn on her, all fitting and beautiful, but also unique.

Luo Jun always helps her buy and buy.

Knowing that Xia didn't say much, the mortal money really didn't matter to them.

Knowing that Xia also helped Luo Jun choose a few good clothes.

In the afternoon, the two found a big hotel to stay.

Belonging to the lake view room, there is a beautiful lake downstairs.

The two were drinking wine and tasting food.

Such days are incredibly pleasant.

Knowing that Xia suddenly couldn't help but ask Luo Jun: "What is the secret of our holding ice? Why do you say that it will take 50 years to tell me. In fact, I have always been curious about this, what is it because of me? Knowing you before? Or is there any relationship with you?"

Luo Jun couldn't help being impulsive, and wanted to tell her all this. But he still endured it, because he was not enough to control his own destiny right now, so he had to endure it.

There can be no accidents.

Once there is an accident, it will harm yourself and her!

"I can't say it yet, but as long as you know, Senior Sister, I will never harm you. I can give my life for you!" Luo Jun said word by word.

Knowing that Xia's face blushed slightly, she felt a trace of panic in her heart.

This is a feeling she has never felt before.

"Giving your life?" Knowing that Xia couldn't help but look at other places, he said, "Why do you want to say that?"

Luo Jun knew immediately that she might have misunderstood what she meant.

He has always been in awe and love for blue and purple clothes. But, I dare not say a word of love.

I always feel that talking about that word of love is a blasphemy against Ziyi.

Today, she reincarnated and lost her memory.

Luo Jun couldn't take advantage of others at this time.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Jun said: "In any case, in fifty years, everything will be clear. Before that, you must know that the secret between you and me cannot be told to anyone. Otherwise, you and I will regret it. ."

Knowingly, Xia nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

I spent about ten days at Bolanxing, and these ten days were a very happy time for the two of them.

However, the two always kept a distance, and the faint feelings drifted, but they stopped at courtesy.

The best time for love is when it is stunned... Everything just begins. You have me in your heart and you in my heart.

Exactly, if life is just like the first time I saw it, what's the matter with the sad fan of autumn wind!

On this day, the two went to an island to watch the moonlight on the sea.

The moonlight on the sea comes from a magic weapon.

The wine is mellow!

The aftertaste between teeth is endless.

"Zong Han, what are you pursuing? Do you want to become the strongest person under the starry sky or even surpass the adjudication office?" Xia knew that Xia suddenly asked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun stayed for a while.

He has his own pursuit, but unfortunately, this pursuit cannot be said yet.

"Me? I don't want to be the number one strong, but I hope that I can protect the people I want to protect. I can protect myself and the people I care about from being bullied!" Luo Jun said.

Knowing that Xia Weiwei was startled, she couldn't help asking: "Who do you want to protect?"

Luo Jun made no secret and said sincerely: "Sister, you are one of them, and you occupy a very important position."

This is not a shame.

Knowing that Xia Qiao's face suddenly burned, she didn't dare to ask any more. She didn't want to pierce the window paper...

"Who else? A little curious!" Knowing Xia said.

"And..." Luo Jun said: "I haven't figured it out yet."

"That's not right." Knowing Xia said: "We haven't known each other for long, so why did you work hard before?"

Luo Jundao: "When I was in the Heroic Growth Division, I wanted to live. When I was in the Primitive Academy, I wanted to be stronger and make my sisters and my mother regret it. But having said that, there is a lot of pressure in the Primitive Academy and they are always there. Forcing me."

He paused and said, "What about you, senior sister?"

Knowing that Xia was slightly startled, he said: "Me? I think there are many injustices in this world. I feel that the Eternal Race has done a lot of things too much, and has not considered the feelings of other creatures. I hope I can rely on my own ability to do this. The society does some things to make the whole star field better. For example, it is cruel to make the iron star people sacrifice in the afterlife. For example, the Tianhe Divine Kingdom thing was too much. I hope I can do something change."

"It's difficult!" Luo Jun said: "Maybe you did everything possible to make changes, but as long as you are gone, they will sprout out of style."

Knowing Xia Dao: "Maybe, but sometimes, this star field needs some silly people. Everyone thinks like you, then our star field, the people of our clan will only gradually become irreversible."

Luo Jun said: "That's true too!"

The next day, Luo Jun and Mingzhi Xia went to their destinations separately.

Knowing that Xia went to Iron Star, Luo Jun went to the Eastern Wilderness.

After several rounds, Luo Jun came to Tussah. He flew from Tussah to the void, and after flying in space for ten hours, he finally reached the Eastern Wilderness.

Donghuang is also a planet.

The Donghuang Star was wrapped in dense fog, and it was almost impossible to see the situation inside.

When Luo Jun approached the East Desolate Star, he felt that there was a barrier outside the entire planet.

The thick fog is like a maze, once you enter it, you will fall into infinite space.

Luo Jun looked in the right direction and entered the dense fog first.

Inside the dense fog, it is like space, and space is boundless.

Luo Jun couldn't find the margins inside.

However, this kind of spatial technique is a piece of cake for Luo Jun. After a little discrimination, the space barrier was broken.

Then, it was in front of the enchantment. That barrier is a purple grid...

Purple thunder and lightning envelop the planet!

Luo Jun did not intend to force a breakthrough, but took out a trial badge.

The trial badge pierced into the barrier, and suddenly a gap appeared in the barrier...

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