Super Security in the City

Chapter 3578: Trick

Feng Qingtian's sword power is really shocking. Moreover, this sword was displayed in the Emperor's Mirror, and the kingly rules of the Emperor's Mirror were integrated into it, making the sword aura even more majestic and terrifying.

Seeing this sword is about to kill Luo Jun...

Feng Qingtian couldn't care about so much anymore, he knew that Luo Jun couldn't die so easily. Because Luo Jun defeated the existence of a master like Yan Guhong. Therefore, he knew that he couldn't keep his hand, and that keeping his hand was looking for death!

At the most critical moment, when the giant sword was about to strike the Luo army, a golden light suddenly dazzled in front of the Luo army.

Then, a huge golden pill finally appeared.

The golden pill of heaven and earth!

As soon as the golden core came out, it immediately carried a breath of mixed origin, as if it were the king of the universe.

As a result, the surrounding Zhou Li was madly involved in the Big Golden Pill.

Including Zhou Li in the Emperor's mirror was also involved.

Luo Jun concentrated his attention and pushed the big golden pill.

The Big Golden Core immediately beheaded with the golden giant sword.


The golden giant sword was directly shattered by the impact of the big golden core, and countless golden fragments fell into the Emperor's mirror.

The Golden Pill is like a black hole in the sky and the earth, and it will swallow all the power of the universe.

Regardless of whether it is the opponent's magic weapon, cosmic power or primitive cosmic power, ordinary cosmic power, inferior cosmic power, or even secret technique cosmic power. After being encountered by the Big Golden Pill, all must be absorbed.

Luo Jun felt that his Zhou Li was rapidly being consumed by the Great Golden Core.

He had already prepared, and quickly grabbed a gourd pill and sent it directly into his abdomen for digestion.

The Golden Pill was so fierce that it was still spinning rapidly in the shadow of the imperial mirror that day.

Then, Luo Jun drove the Golden Pill to fly away.


In an instant, Luo Jun took the Golden Core and left the envelope of the Emperor's Mirror.

Feng Qingtian also felt the horror of this magical golden pill. I just felt that many of the mysteries and powers of my Emperor's Mirror were being absorbed by the Great Golden Core. Moreover, when the Great Golden Pill came out, no matter how many laws and strengths seemed to be weakened in front of the Great Golden Pill.

Luo Jun couldn't think too much, and quickly drove the big golden pill to smash into Feng Qingtian.

As soon as Feng Qingtian raised his eyes, he felt that the golden light was dazzling, and he couldn't see the reality and reality.

At the same time, he felt a huge sense of crisis, as if the entire sky was crashing towards him.

At this moment, Feng Qingtian was shocked.

In the crisis, he retreated violently, and then turned the shadow of the Emperor's mirror.

In the shadowy surface, the Emperor's Mirror quickly shot out golden light.

The golden light formed a huge vortex, which was three hundred square meters in length.

The surrounding Zhou Li was also absorbed by the golden vortex instantly.

If someone is standing nearby, they can't help being absorbed by this vortex.

The golden vortex was like a huge tornado lying down.

Luo Jun did not hesitate for a moment, and directly followed the Golden Core into the golden vortex.

Entering the vortex, Luo Jun felt the universe of Zhou Li in the Emperor's mirror.

It was a golden ocean of cosmic power, and golden cosmic power was boundless in it.

The golden light rippled like golden sea water.

The golden light was surging and wrapped the Great Golden Pill and Luo Jun. Numerous golden tentacles suddenly grew out of the golden vortex. They wrapped Luo Jun and the Great Golden Pill, and then began to **** blood like a parasite.

They want to disintegrate the Golden Core in this way.

Luo Jun frantically sent Zhou Li towards the Great Golden Pill, and the Great Golden Pill swiftly spun, directly shattering all those tentacles, and then began to absorb the golden light.

The Emperor's Mirror is absorbing the Great Golden Pill, and the Great Golden Pill is also absorbing the power of the Emperor's Mirror.

The two are stalemate with each other.

The Zhou Li in Luo Jun's body was rapidly being consumed by the Great Golden Pill, and the Great Golden Pill became more and more brave.

Because the greater the power absorbed by the Great Golden Pill, the stronger the Great Golden Pill.

It's just that the power absorbed by the Golden Core did not enter Luo Jun's body.

Luo Jun actually couldn't bear the many divine powers absorbed by the Great Golden Core.

The Golden Pill became more and more crazy...

A cold light flashed in Luo Jun's eyes, and suddenly, a seal was formed.

Suddenly, the big golden core shot a golden light, and this light slashed towards the depths of the emperor's mirror, breaking the golden ocean directly, and pointed directly at the heart of the emperor's mirror.

"Damn it!" Feng Qingtian couldn't help but lose his sorrow when he saw this. If he really lets this magical light hit, I'm afraid the Emperor's Mirror will have a big problem.

In the crisis, Feng Qingtian quickly swung the Emperor's Mirror and used his mana.

As a result, the Emperor's Mirror quickly rotated and turned into a sunny face.

When the sun gathered Zhou Li, it also shot a golden light.


The two divine lights collided with each other, and all became shattered.

Luo Jun was merciless, and once again drove the Golden Pill to kill Feng Qingtian.

Feng Qingtian had already developed a heart of fear for this terrifying golden core, but at this time he could not dodge, so he had to run the Emperor's Mirror with all his strength.

The Emperor Mirror once again condenses the golden giant sword!

A series of ten golden giant swords quickly slashed towards the Great Golden Core.

Bang bang bang!

Ten golden giant swords slashed on the big golden core, all turned into golden fragments.

At this moment, the Golden Pill is really the **** blocking and killing the god, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.

Sweat oozes from Feng Qingtian's forehead. He can't see anything else in front of him, and everything in his eyes and mind is this unstoppable golden pill.

"How on earth did this kid cultivate this weird big golden pill, why can't all the power, the profound meaning, the rules, and the rules restrain it? Moreover, the divine power contained in it continues to strengthen."

In desperation, Feng Qingtian quickly retreated.

After retreating, it was hundreds of miles away.

But the Big Golden Pill followed faster, and Luo Jun and the Big Golden Pill were in hot pursuit.

Feng Qingtian naturally knew that such a concession could not have results. While giving in, he had already taken out a pale golden edict!

There are two words on the edict, judgment!

At the same time that the Great Jin Dan came over, Feng Qingtian suddenly sat cross-legged in the void. I saw him closing his eyes and concentrating, his Dharma expression was solemn, and suddenly his hands quickly closed the Dharma seal.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

A blue divine glow shot from his eyes, and blue cosmic power was expelled from his mouth.

Shenmang and Zhou Li wrapped the golden edict.

In the edict, countless small blue characters jumped out of the edict.

When Luo Jun and Da Jin Dan attacked and killed, Feng Qingtian stood up suddenly and pointed at Da Jin Dan and Luo Jun.

Suddenly, the small blue letters in the edict all merged.

The blue Shenguang General Luo Jun and the Great Golden Core enveloped...

Luo Jun immediately felt that there were blue awns all around him, and these blue awns were like a copper wall and an iron wall blocking the way for him and the big gold core.

And, the blue light shot at him and the Golden Core.

Luo Jun suddenly felt extremely heavy, and it was difficult for all of his strength to be displayed at this moment.

The golden light of the Great Jindan also dimmed immediately.

The Golden Pill can absorb everything, but it can't absorb this blue light.

"The eternal river, the thousands of powers, are all the people of this seat!" Feng Qingtian's cold voice sounded, he was chanting a spell.

The blue light began to flicker, and numerous characters appeared in the blue light.

"If you are guilty of conspiracy, this seat will convict you and disintegrate quickly!"

Feng Qingtian's words seemed to have a kind of magic power, and these words were all integrated into the blue light.

The edict is the core source of the formation, as if it were an ancient imperial edict.

Feng Qingtian's will is integrated with the edict, and the blue divine light and the mysterious characters form a powerful judgment and imprisonment.

Luo Jun immediately felt that Zhou Li in his body was trembling, afraid, and unable to condense.

The divine power on the Big Golden Pill was also involuntarily dispersed.

All cohesion is fading.

As if facing the emperor's majesty...

"Zong Han, you are really good. The old man's trial edict was uploaded by his ancestors. It has a history of more than 3,000 years. It has never been used. Today you actually forced the old man to resort to this trial. The edict, today, you are honored to lose!"

Feng Qingtian said one word.

Luo Jun felt his head drowsy.

It feels like an ordinary person is being pressed to the ground by several big men.

However, at this moment, Luo Jun's eyes flashed fiercely.

He sternly smiled and said, "Do you think that you can defeat me with just one edict?"

"Get up!" Luo Jun exclaimed.

The Hunyuan Zhouli that he fate to turn his body into, the big golden core also began to gather light.

It's like ordinary people are facing the majesty of the emperor.

However, Luo Jun is no ordinary person after all.

Hun Yuan Zhou Li is his trump card. After all, he is like a prince with military power.

Although he was afraid of this kind of trial, he was really pressing, and he could rise again.

Luo Jun's Hun Yuan Zhou Li suddenly became crazy.

Heaven wants to crush me, so I split that day!

If the ground restrains me, I will smash it!

The will in Luo Jun's mind reached the point where it was like the sea of ​​stars.


All the restraints of judgment on that body were broken away at this moment.

It was like a rope broke.

The big golden pill once again bloomed with dazzling golden light...


The Big Gold Pill slammed into it, and the blue mang was shattered, and the edict also shattered.

Countless small characters have also been turned into fragments.

Feng Qingtian was shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Jun stood up, then took the big golden core, and then patted Feng Qingtian's chest with another palm.

Feng Qingtian spurted blood again, and he couldn't help but threw towards the lower bound.

Luo Jun's body was also extremely weak, so he quickly took the pill, healed his injuries, while holding that Feng Qingtian in his hands.

Back in Feng Mansion, Feng Qingtian finally woke up and turned around.

Luo Jun threw Feng Qingtian to the ground, and Feng's family immediately surrounded him.

The red silk asked Luo Jun with concern: "Are you okay?"

Luo Jun's vitality was consumed a lot by the Great Golden Pill, and it was actually the end of the battle. However, he also took a lot of pills. He also recovered quickly...then he smiled and said, "I'm fine!"

"Master Feng, as agreed, we still have a third game. In the third game, we should send someone first... Well, I will play on my side. You send someone!" Luo Jun said to Feng Qingtian .

Feng Qingtian smiled miserably and said: "In our Feng Mansion, no one is your opponent, Lord Zong. This third game, we lose. The fate of the Feng family is like this, and everything is up to the adults."

His surrender was expected by Luo Jun.

In fact, Luo Jun felt that although his vitality was greatly damaged, he was confident to defeat the others in the Feng family.

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