Super Security in the City

Chapter 3616: the truth

"For you!" Luo Jun quickly stepped forward and delivered beautiful flowers.

This is the first time that Xia has received flowers in her life, knowing that she has always been a genius. Among the younger generation, no one had the guts to pursue her.

If a girl is pursued by many people, it just means that she is not very good. Because very good girls are rarely pursued. It is precisely because everyone feels that they are worth one or more, that is why they boldly pursue it.

Knowing that Xia took the flowers with a hint of shyness, and sniffed it close to the tip of her nose, she blushed and said, "It's very fragrant." Luo Jun smiled and said, "I planned to appear in front of you suddenly, but I didn't expect to be caught I found it." Knowing that Xia also smiled, he said: "If I let you come in front of me, and I found you coming, wouldn't I be too useless." Luo Jun laughed and said: "That's true!"

Knowing that Xia said again, "Have you eaten?"

Luo Jun said: "I haven't eaten yet, but I'm not hungry." After a pause, he said seriously: "Let's find a hidden place to speak." Knowing that Xia realized that Luo Jun had something serious to say, he didn't notice it. Lost. She hoped that Luo Jun came to see her purely because she missed her, but it was obviously not so...but she was also proud of herself and would not show anything. She nodded and said, "Follow me."

The city lord of Wangchuan City didn't know Xia, but the lord of the city let it out obediently as soon as Xia came. Knowing that Xia led Luo Jun to a quiet room.

There is an array surrounding the quiet room.

After Luo Jun came in, he made some supplements to the formation, and at the same time supplemented with the chaotic space, immediately making the room airtight. No matter what the master is, he can never spy on what happened in this room. Even if you want Zhou Li to restore it afterwards, it is impossible.

After doing all this, Luo Jun looked up and saw that he knew that Xia had put flowers on the coffee table aside.

"Senior sister, why would you stay here for such a long time this time? Last time you said that you encountered some adventures, wonders, what is it?" Luo Jun asked after sitting separately with her. Knowing that Xia’s interest is lacking, he said: “It’s not a big deal. I found a Schering spar in the abyss of the Xia Ling meteorite iron production area. After the Schering spar merged with my Yin and Yang furnace, let me For a period of time I was restless and extremely hot. So I got another weird illness. Every midnight, there was a rush of heat rushing into my brain, making me almost crazy. But strangely, under my control When I couldn’t help it, there was a cold feeling in the depths of my brain to calm my demons. Since this period of time, my cultivation level has been quite diligent. In fact, the matters here have been dealt with early. But every time I go to the depths of Xianling Meteorite to practice, it is of great benefit, so I am not willing to leave."

"That's it!" Luo Jun was happy for her, and said: "No matter how you say, cultivation and diligence are great things." Knowing that Xia Yi said in a dispirited way: "Yes." Interest is always lacking, and it has never been before. Going back is not just for practicing. On the other hand, he wanted Luo Jun to come over, so he had lived in the two-person world. But Luo Jun's approach to discussing business matters made her feel very unhappy. But how could such an arrogant person like her confide such careful thoughts.

Luo Jun is a smart man, and immediately understood that her attitude made her unhappy. But now, the situation has reached this point, and it should not be delayed. I wanted to surprise her when I hadn't seen it before. After meeting, I felt that there would be many things wrong if we got close. Because now that he has reached this point, he has decided to be honest. At the moment, he took a deep breath and said, "Zhixia, do you remember that once our two hands are in contact, there will be ice? I think your coldness to suppress the demons should not come from groundless sources, but Soul genes from your previous life."

"Previous life?" Knowing that Xia couldn't help but said, "Previous lives are illusory and have no basis. When we practice cultivation, we still seek truth from facts. Past lives and reincarnations can't be demonstrated."

Luo Jundao: "Do you remember what I told you earlier that it may take 50 years to tell you something?" Knowing that Xia Jiao's body was shaken, he said, "You mean, you can now Tell me?" Luo Jun nodded and said: "I was not strong enough before, and I was afraid that after I told you, you would not understand, so I was exposed by the way. If it was that way, I would have no place to die. And one day when you recover your past life memories, it will be extremely painful. That is something I cannot accept."

"Previous life?" Knowing that Xia felt that the previous life was illusory, he said: "Why are you talking about this past life?"

Luo Jundao: "Let's not talk about the past life, anyway, I have a lot to tell you. Let me talk about some recent things."

Knowing that Xia felt that there seemed to be too much messy information entangled for a while, and felt that Luo Jun's words were reversed, but they seemed to be very important. At the moment, he took a deep breath, calmed his temper, and said, "You speak slowly."

Luo Jundao: "Let me talk about the recent period first." After a pause, he began to talk about the things he encountered after becoming the Director of the God of War Division, and what Yuanlong had calculated when he went to Ying's house. Finally, he recalculated Yuanlong and built his own Hunyuan world.

Including being frank with Cang Hailan and Reggae after returning to the court, and letting them join the Hunyuan world, etc. He all told Mingzhi Xia unreservedly. This talk will come down, and it took three hours, one by one, but it was all earth-shattering.

Knowing that it took a long time for Xia to digest this information, Luo Jun killed the people in the adjudication office and it was astonishing. Later, the great priest Yuanlong was recovered, which is even more incredible. However, these things are nothing compared to the establishment of the Hunyuan World.

"Can I meet your Hunyuan world?" Knowingly Xia couldn't help asking.

Luo Jundao: "Of course, the dean and the teacher said that only me and the two of them can advocate the **** of destiny in the world of Hunyuan, but I refused. I made it clear at the time that you must join in. Yes." Knowing that Xia's heart was sweet and her cheeks flushed, a kind of unbearable joy filled my heart again. Today's meeting was not pleasant at first, and she felt that Luo Jun was puzzled by the customs. But Luo Jun reserved her only seat in the Hunyuan World, but it was enough to make her truly moved.

Later, Luo Jun led Mingzhi Xia's divine mind into the Hunyuan world.

In the Hunyuan world, the magic of the mountain of destiny is revealed in front of Mingzhi Xia. Although she has the name of a genius, she has never really seen the secret art world... Today, she finally entered this mysterious world of Hunyuan, and she immediately felt the overlap of rules in the world and the mystery of surrounding layers. It seems to have entered a magical library, and any rule structure contains infinite profound principles.

Knowing that Xia looked stunned, he was amazed.

In the face of such a vast knowledge of the world, she felt that she used to be a frog at the bottom of the well.

"What right do I have to be proud of in front of him?" At this moment, knowing that Xia was suddenly depressed again. She had always been anxious in this relationship with Luo Jun. She thought that she had an adventure here and could slowly catch up with Luo Jun. Not to mention that it must be exceeded, it is acceptable to be only a little behind. But now, after seeing this Hunyuan world, she felt that the distance between herself and Luo Jun was already above and below.

Luo Jun observed the subtle changes, and when he noticed the change in her expression, he guessed what she was thinking.

"Senior Sister?" Luo Jun shouted.

Knowing that Xia's spiritual consciousness quickly returned to his brain, he then looked at Luo Jun, nodded, and said, "Great, great!"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Do you think I'm great?"

Knowing that Xia said sincerely: "It's really amazing, unprecedented. It can be said to be unprecedented."

Luo Jun said: "Now I want to tell you why I am so great." Knowing that Xia suddenly came to be interested, he said: "Why?" Luo Jun said: "Don't be excited, don't be too surprised." , Asked: "Do you know Luo Jun this person?"

Knowing that Xia was slightly startled, he said: "Luo Jun? This name has stirred up some situation before. It is said to be someone from outside the territory, and it is very powerful. Luna, um, is my sister-in-law, she was captured by Luo Jun, she has been there forever. The inexplicable words that Luo Jun will be reincarnated have also made a lot of jokes." At this point, he suddenly reacted and was shocked, saying: "Don't tell me, you are the reincarnation of Luo Jun. Come?"

Luo Jun nodded, and solemnly said: "Yes, I am the reincarnation of Luo Jun."

Knowing that Xia only felt a bang on her head, if she was hit hard, she couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long time, she reacted and said: "Reincarnation really?"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "Reincarnation is not easy. I did a lot of preparations and homework, and finally reincarnated smoothly." Knowing that Xia shook his head, he said: "I don't understand, why are you telling me this? I am eternal. People of Star Territory! I will not betray my people."

Luo Jun said, "Don't worry, just listen to me. I originally went to the Tianhe Kingdom to find my relatives. My wife, daughter, and my friend Lanziyi, Xiao Mingyue are all here in the Tianhe Kingdom. When I arrived in Tianhe Divine Kingdom, I found that Divine Kingdom was destroyed, but I think they..."

"You have a wife, a daughter?" Knowing that Xia had noticed this point, her expression suddenly panicked.

Luo Jun did not need to explain, but continued: "I don't think they will die just like this, so I came to the Eternal Star Territory, and later found out that Luna had gone to clean the battlefield of Tianhe Kingdom, so I arrested Lu. Na."

He talked about the whole story.

After that, Luo Jun said again: "I thought there was no hope, and wanted to take revenge. But I found that if I could not learn Zhou Li in this place, I would never be able to take revenge. In order to obtain Zhou Li's cultivation method , I planned the reincarnation plan."

"What do you want? Want to kill our eternal race?" Knowing that Xia looked at Luo Jun vigilantly.

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