Super Security in the City

Chapter 3625: Ye Donghuang

Shi Beiluo also began to speculate on Luo Jun’s mind. After a while, he went down the **** and said, "Little brother, you are compassionate and compassionate. I really admire it. The feeling of being bullied and suppressed is indeed very uncomfortable. I followed you to do this great cause."

Luo Jun laughed and said: "What you said is too counterintuitive. I know what you are thinking." At this point, he paused, and continued: "There are some things that you know without telling me. Dong Most of the people suppressed in the Wild Secret Prison were dead. I will release them all today to make my Hunyuan world stronger, so as to be able to resist the suppression of the ruling house. As for the future, I will tell you frankly, I will kill those old demons who are surly and wicked. I won’t be given a chance to change them! At that time, I will judge them one by one."

Shi Beiluo was shocked when he heard it, and said, "Even if the little brother intends to do this, he shouldn't tell me."

"One more thing, I am not the owner of the court. Half of the power in the Hunyuan world, I gave the dean and my teacher Cang Hailan. I need some strong cronies." Luo Jun said slowly.

Shi Beiluo immediately understood, knelt down on his knees, and said: "The subordinates are willing to be loyal to death from now on. I will do whatever the adult asks me to do. I will kill whoever the adult asks me to kill. I will save who the adult asks me to save. Just save someone!"

Luo Jun immediately helped Shi Beiluo up and said: "Don't kneel to me at will, let alone kneel down. If you don't dislike me as a child, we will worship as brothers. From now on, I will call your elder brother, you call me Righteous brother."

"This..." Shi Beiluo said.

Luo Jun said: "I thought about it, and came up with such a good way. It would be too wrong for you to let you be my subordinate. Let you be my military adviser, I don't feel relieved. Because of you Although the cultivation base is superb, but wisdom may not be enough. Therefore, it is best to be my eldest brother. When we are here, you will be a free body in the future. However, a free body has a prerequisite, that is what I just said, I I hope you are a good ancestor. Don’t kill people at will! If you kill good people at will, then I can’t talk about brotherhood with you again. You are saved by me. Every time you save a person, I will have more merit. Every time you kill a person, I add another sin!"

Shi Beiluo thoughtfully, suddenly felt a little ashamed. The little brother in front of him is so capable, yet he can still maintain a good heart. What was oneself at the beginning? I respected such a person that day and didn't kill at will. What have you been arrogant about for so many years? If you want to suffer these years, it is also your own retribution!

After a long time, Shi Beiluo solemnly said, "Don't worry, from now on, I will never kill anyone indiscriminately."

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said: "Big brother, you are a big man upright, what you say, I believe it! In the future, if someone tells me that you kill the innocent, I will kill the talkative person, because he dare to slander my big brother."

Shi Beiluo's heart fluctuated with passion.

Afterwards, the two knelt to each other locally and made a blood bond and became brothers!

There is an oath in the blood contract, and in the future, the two will take care of each other and will never give up.

If there are those who violate the oath, they will be in the **** forever, without life or death, suffering for thousands of years!

This oath is very heavy.

Shi Beiluo originally thought that Luo Jun was deliberately wooing him, and everything started with tactics.

But when this blood contract was established, he truly believed in Luo Jun's sincerity.

Such a heavy oath is something Tianzun dare not make indiscriminately.

Luo Jun and Shi Beiluo each had a blood contract. After they had collected them, Luo Jun smiled and said: "When I was in the Primitive Academy, I was also sad. Concubine Ying Xue helped me at the time, and I was determined to climb her. It’s a big tree, so I became a sibling with her. But between her and you, it’s not counted, and it’s all different. Later, she helped me through life and death. And now, Concubine Ying Xue is Zhou Xuan Cultivation, enter my mixed world. Brother can check, the relationship between me and my sister and what happened in these years. What is the purpose of worship, not the most important. The important thing is, Once bowed, it will never be negative."

Shi Beiluo nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will never disappoint you."

Luo Jun said again: "Brother, please sit down."

After Shi Beiluo sat down, Luo Jun followed suit and said: "Now the court will issue a statement to the old demons in the secret prison. I rescued them, it is indeed unreasonable. If so. The ruling is therefore an excuse to attack us, and we will be condemned by the whole world. So our statement here is that there was something wrong with the Tianzun’s arrangement at the time, and we have to re-trial the old demon and let the guilty pay the price. Let the innocent be released... This is a gesture to the outside world. In fact, we will not do it now, it will only delay time."

Shi Beiluo said: "Are you worried that these old demons will make trouble when they learn about it?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, big brother, you have a high status in their hearts, so I need you to persuade them. And tell them that we are an expedient measure for the outside world, and we will definitely not embarrass them later."

Shi Beiluo said, "This is no problem."

Luo Jundao: "There is another thing."

Shi Beiluo said: "You said." Luo Jundao: "Pick a group of masters you can trust and let them become your cronies. I want to reuse these people. We must have our own set of strong teams, so that we can never fail."

Shi Beiluo said: "Okay, I understand."

Luo Jun said again: "Personality is still very important, eldest brother, listen to me and tell you a little bit. Before I said to be a good person and do good deeds, you may sound disdainful. However, there is real cause and effect in this world. If you do an evil, you plant an evil cause. For example, if you kill someone for no reason, that person also has brothers and sisters. They usually can't beat you and dare not move you. But when you are in trouble, they may give You make up for it. On the contrary, you save a person and plant a good cause. Maybe someday when you are in trouble, others can help you. Plant a good cause and get a good result. Plant an evil cause and get a bad result. I have to believe in the luck in China."

Shi Beiluo thoughtfully, then said: "I understand."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Then eldest brother will deal with those old demons."

Shi Beiluo said: "Okay!"

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief after sending his division to the north.

At the same time, the court issued a statement on the secret prison of the Eastern Wilderness.

This statement is a retrial of the old demons.

The court of justice is originally the presiding judge, and doing such a major matter is not considered to be nosy. Moreover, the statement clearly accused Tianzun of the adjudication office, which is really bold.

Amidst the chaotic sky, Zhou Li was rolling densely, sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent.

The force of the universe is like a liquid, and it is the real sea of ​​force of the universe.

In the depths of the sky, there is a mysterious space.

This mysterious space overlaps and is stunned and confused. If outsiders don't know it, it is really difficult to enter. Inside the mysterious space is the adjudication office.

Inside the adjudication office is a beautiful city, the city is not too big, about 50 square kilometers. It is the rumored city of rulings.

In the city of rulings, there is another important place called the Court of Life!

In the life court at this moment, twelve great priests gathered, and six life elders also gathered.

Sitting at the top is Ye Donghuang, the head of the great priest.

Tianzun has been absent, and Ye Donghuang will make many decisions in the adjudication.

In fact, the adjudication agency has always ruled by doing nothing, performing its own duties. Ye Donghuang is cultivating most of the time and seldom takes care of things.

But today, the situation facing the ruling was serious, and Ye Donghuang had to gather everyone together.

First, a great priest named Lingyin made the statement. He walked to the center, facing the crowd, and said solemnly: "Some messages from the Bright Council and Primitive Academy have shown that Zong Han in the court of justice has indeed established a secret world called the Hunyuan World. We haven’t had the opportunity to appreciate the magic of the Yuan world. It’s just that, at the moment, most of the Primitive Academy and the Bright Council have entered the Hun Yuan world. The high-levels of them have entered the judgment of destiny... and just now, We also got the message. All the old demons in the Eastern Desolation Secret Prison have been rescued by Zong Han, and they also issued a statement to the outside world. They said that the previous rulings of the old demons by our Tianzun were wrong. They must be tried again. ..."

"Unreasonable!" Great Elder Shen Lian said angrily: "To dare to question Tianzun's ruling, I think the court is really impatient."

"Great Elder, don't want to be impulsive!" Another great priest Du Junhong said solemnly: "They dare to make such a big move now, they must be dependent on it." After a pause, he turned to Lingyin and said. : "Brother Ling, the information you have collected shows how exactly the Hunyuan world is?"

Lingyin's face was sinking like water, and said: "A person who has been in contact with the secret technique world told us that the subtle world of Hunyuan is not weaker than our secret technique world."

"This Hunyuan world was created by that Zong Han?" Ye Donghuang finally couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" Lingyin replied.

Ye Donghuang murmured: "How is this possible? The world of secret arts was created in the ancient times. How many powerful and wise sages worked together for countless years, and created it with the help of the spiritual energy of the first generation of heaven and earth. A Zong Han, How can one person create such a world with the power of one person under the age of sixty? But what they do does not seem to be a bluff."

Lingyin said: "I went to the Eastern Desolation Secret Prison, and Tianzun's small barrier has been broken. That small barrier can't be broken without a little ability."

"Anyway..." said the second elder Xuanfang: "Now we must not sit idly by. The ruling has been established for so many years and has never said one thing. No one dares to be so unreasonable... That emperor, we also said to kill. Although the court has some status, it is only for us to uphold them. Now since they are shameless, the court must regain their dignity!"

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