Super Security in the City

Chapter 3643: Magic star

Luo Jun then said to Cang Hailan: "I am used to using red silk. If she wants to, I want to take her away." Cang Hailan was startled and said: "She is my confidant, you dare to take it with me. "Luo Jun smiled and said, "Then what's not to dare." Cang Hailan had to smile bitterly, knowing that Hong Si's heart might have gone to Luo Jun's side. Even if I keep the red silk in the future, it is not very useful. Can you still believe the red silk? So it's better to be a good friend right now. Right now he said: "You can take it away, but you choose it yourself. Don't say I'm still watching you."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Teacher, rest assured, I will never think so."

Later, they agreed on other details.

After the discussion was about the same, Luo Jun said: "As for those old demons, I will also take some useful ones. The rest, the teacher and the dean, you can handle the rest. Then in these few battles, obviously we are inside. There are still people whispering, if those undercover agents find out, I won't bother to bother."

Reggae said: "Next, we will do some internal rectification. Previously, the good and the bad were uneven, and everyone was put in the mountain of destiny. Now those who are not good, unqualified people must quit the mountain of destiny."

Luo Jundao: "This is the case. We must maintain the greatness and mystery of the mountain of destiny, and we must have a threshold. If anyone can be in the mountain of destiny, then the mountain of destiny is not worthy of everyone, let alone feel that the mountain of destiny is precious Now, the threat of the adjudication office has been lifted, and we are not afraid of their rebound. Dare to know that if you are against us, you will kill if you should kill."

Cang Hailan said: "It should be so. But you also have to clear the mountain of destiny."

Luo Jundao: "Well, even if I go to Primal Academy here, we still decide the candidates in the mountain of destiny. The quota in the mountain of destiny must be restricted. If the quota exceeds the prescribed quota, all will be cleared."

Reggae said: "This proposal is very good, but there are still more masters on our court. So in terms of the number of places, do we have to tilt it?"

Knowing that Xia heard the words, he immediately said: "President, this is not okay! You have said that there are more masters in the court of justice. There are already more, but we can no longer match. Let your destiny mountain have more places. , Aren’t we just more passive?”

Cang Hailan smiled bitterly and said, "Zhi Xia, do you have no court and master at all in your heart?" Knowing that Xia's face blushed slightly, she clearly understood in her heart that if she didn't have those things in her previous life, it would definitely be impossible So wholeheartedly towards Luo Jun everything. But now that she knew those things, she would naturally no longer lean towards the court and Cang Hailan. However, in some words, it was not easy to express too much, so he said: "Master, dean, my heart is always towards the court of justice."

Reggae and Cang Hailan sneered at Mingzhi Xia's words, and said that you are a fart! But it didn't show up well on the face, and they all laughed, and just revealed it.

After Reggae and Cang Hailan discussed the withdrawal, Luo Jun and Ming Zhixia also returned to the internal meeting of the Temple of War.

Concubine Yingxue, Red Silk, Minghui, Toutuoyuan, Tiannu, Shi Beiluo, and Xiong Feiyuan, the lord of Thousand-Star City in the secret prison of the Eastern Desolation, and Jianshuang, Yuanfei all came to the meeting.

Xiong Feiyuan also had some subordinates in the Zhou Profound Realm cultivation base, but this kind of meeting did not let them come. Including some of Shi Beiluo's old demons did not invite over.

Luo Jun sat at the head, knowing that Xia and Shi Beiluo sat at his head.

The rest sit in order.

Luo Jundao: "To call everyone here today, there is a major event to announce. I am determined to withdraw from the court and go to the Primitive Academy."

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked except for knowing Xia.

Shi Beiluo said: "Brother Yi, why is it so sudden?" Luo Jun smiled and said: "Big brother still doesn't understand me? I always do things when I think about it. When I think about it, I do it immediately. In the court of justice, the president and the elder will not be too relieved. If you go to the Primitive Academy, you can feel comfortable, so why not do it?"

Shi Beiluo thought about it, and said, "You say it makes sense! I have no objection."

The others also expressed their opinions, willing to follow them to the death.

Needless to say Jianshuang and Yuan Fei, that Xiong Feiyuan is also very good. But the red silk is a little hesitant.

Luo Jun immediately said: "Sister Hongsi, I have specifically told the teacher that I want you to go to the Primordial Academy with me. He has already agreed... But I will not force you to go or not. I am I hope you go, but if you don’t want to go, I also respect your choice."

The red silk hesitated to speak and then said, "I am the one sent by the teacher after all. Can adults really trust me?" Knowingly Xia said, "Red silk sister, you think too much. If adults don't trust you, why bother? Do you want to tell the master to take you away?"

The red silk breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I am willing to go to Primal Academy!"

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said, "That couldn't be better."

Things got better after that, Luo Jun asked Shi Beiluo to choose some reliable people from the group of old demons. Xiong Feiyuan also took his men to the Primitive Academy.

Their actions were very fast, and Shi Beiluo talked with six old demons within a day, and confirmed that his temperament was good, and after his cultivation level was very high, he took them all under his sect.

All of Xiong Feiyuan's subordinates were also taken away. Among these subordinates, two were from the Zhou Xuan realm cultivation base.

After the personnel ordered, Luo Jun, Cang Hailan and Reggae said farewell, then opened the portal and headed to the Primitive Academy together.

The original academy had also prepared a welcome ceremony.

It is worth mentioning that, after experiencing these things, Luna also left the court. But she did not go to the Primitive Academy, but returned to the Council of Light.

Ku Ziyu also followed his father back to the parliament.

Luo Jun never had time to meet and chat with Ku Ziyu alone.

In the sky, the experts of the adjudication office found a secret place and settled down.

This group of masters rebuilt the palace very quickly, and built a small city in one day with supreme mana. This city is naturally inferior to the previous ruling city, but as a temporary use, it is not bad.

This city is called the city of life.

Outside the city of life, there are many obstacles and obstacles.

There are still many details in the city of life waiting to be gradually improved. On this day, Ye Donghuang once again convened a meeting with the priests and elders.

Hua Tianhuang also attended the meeting.

Ye Donghuang asked Hua Tianhuang to take the first place, but Hua Tianhuang refused. Ye Donghuang had no choice but to take the first place.

Lingyin first came out to make a report, he was in charge of intelligence.

"According to the reliable information we have received, there is currently no tendency for further attacks on the court. Moreover, the members of the parliament and the Holy See have all gone back. For the time being, we will not have any trouble here."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really sad!" A great priest named Mo Jian Haishan said sadly: "Now our ruling house has become a bereaved dog, and we are actually afraid of being cleaned up by the court. Where is Tianzun?"

His feelings made everyone feel the same.

Everyone felt sorrow from it.

I also wondered why Tianzun never appeared?

Ye Donghuang cleared his throat and said, "Well, everyone, let's not be immersed in the glory of the past. Where did Tianzun go and why he didn't appear, we have no way of knowing the answer. Many things in the world have reincarnation. Yes, the ruling house cannot dominate the world forever. I just didn’t expect that this day came so suddenly, so... caught off guard. But since it has happened, we blame ourselves for nothing. Let’s think about it, and then we should What to do."

"Now that the parliament and the Holy See have returned to their respective homes, we should clean up the door at this time." said the elder Yehe in the life elder group.

"Yes, clean up the door!" Someone immediately agreed.

"The court is far away from the Eternal City. We set off ahead of schedule. It is too late for the court to rescue." Mojian Haishan said, "I think it will work!"

Yuan Feng said indifferently: "We also sent someone to the Eternal City for the first time, but the Great Elder is dead. Senior Hua was also seriously injured and returned... Elder Liehan and Elder Xuanfang also escaped after nine deaths. Everyone. , The question that you can think of, can the little magic star not think of it? When it comes to wisdom, who can compare with the little magic star?"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly gasped.

Hua Tianhuang said: "Everyone, listen to the old man!"

Ye Donghuang immediately said: "Senior, please say!"

Hua Tianhuang said: "Regardless of whether there is an ambush in the Eternal City, even if there is no ambush, the old man does not recommend cleaning the door."

"Why?" someone couldn't help asking.

Hua Tianhuang said: "A lot of our previous actions are traceable. According to our temperament, how will we react? That magic star is so smart and all knows everything. Therefore, if I act again, I can’t follow Conventional ideas. Moreover, both the parliament and the Holy See are members of our eternal race. Are we going to clear the door and behead them to death? In this way, is there still a human heart in the eyes of the people of the world? On the contrary, we Without moving the Eternal City, the world will still feel that the Court of Justice is too much. Right now, what we have to do is to expose the identity of the magic star, so that everyone feels that the magic star is here to subvert our eternal race."

"But, we don't have strong evidence!" Yuan Feng said.

Hua Tianhuang said: "The old man can provide evidence. Moreover, the various behaviors of the magic star are indeed towards subversion. He can destroy the City of Judgment, which is very telling."

During the discussion, someone from outside the meeting room came to report.

Lingyin knew that the matter must be urgent, otherwise his subordinates did not dare to come to harass, so he went out immediately.

After a long while, Lingyin came back.

Everyone looked at Lingyin, all in anguish, fearing that the magic star would make some big moves.

Lingyin took a deep breath and looked around at the crowd and said: "According to the latest news we got, Zong Han led his subordinates withdrew from the court and joined the Primitive Academy."

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