Super Security in the City

Chapter 3647: Counter-control

Luo Jun said: "Impossible. Dean Reggae and the Great Elder cannot come out to protect me at this time. I said something bad, they should be anxious that this matter will not end, so that I can not come to Taiwan. It is best that I never come to Taiwan. After being expelled from the Star Territory, Primal Academy will have to look at their faces in the future. They will not be able to be stable even with me."

Hou Jianfei said: "This is not necessarily true, after all, the threat of the adjudication office is still there. If you are no longer, are they sure they can carry it?" Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "If you don't believe me, you can go find Try it with them. Once you find it, you will know your attitude." Hou Jianfei said: "I was thinking, if you go to find it, it should be better than what I found. They are still very happy to see that you are subdued." Luo Jundao : "I will find a way to deal with this matter, but I can't stop when I go to them and get ashamed."

Seeing that Luo Jun was so firm, Hou Jianfei couldn't say more.

After leaving Luo Jun, he really called Reggae and Cang Hailan separately.

First, he called Reggae, and he tactfully said his thoughts and intentions. Reggae was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then asked: "Jianfei, is it convenient for you to speak now?" Hou Jianfei said: "Very convenient!" Reggae said earnestly: "It's not that I don't want to stand up to help Zong Han, but you. Have you ever thought about it, is what Dean Hua said is true? If Zong Han is really unpredictable, if we help him now, aren't we the sinners of the nation? Have you thought about this question?"

Hou Jianfei was stunned.

He thought for a while, and said: "He is my apprentice, I choose to believe him." Reggae said: "Immature, you are not too young, how can you be emotional in front of such a big problem? Do you think he treats you? Do you not hide anything? He got the treasure of the ancestors, but can you tell?"

Hou Jianfei was also speechless.

He was a little confused. To be honest, he didn't think he knew Luo Jun that much either.

The call ended without a problem.

After that, I didn't call Cang Hailan again, it was already clear in my heart that the call was for nothing.

That night, Hou Jianfei was also thinking deeply about the identity of Luo Jun.

In the past, no one thought about reincarnation, but who didn't think Luo Jun's cultivation base and the things he created were too terrifying? How can such a person accept that he is just a genius?

Nowadays, all people have a feeling.

A sudden enlightenment, the original feeling.

It turned out that it was not that I was too bad, but that this guy was reincarnated, no wonder, no wonder!

A week passed in a flash.

This week, Luo Jun has been staying in the other courtyard.

In the other courtyard, he could hear deafening clamours from the outside world...what made Zong Han come out to explain to everyone. Let Zong Han, an extraterritorial demon, let Zong Han get out of Primordial Academy, get out of Eternal Star Territory, and so on.

Classes are no longer available in the college, and the students gather people to march in the street and in the school.

Vigorously, boiling against the sky!

This situation is already very dangerous.

It's not just outsiders who doubt it, but Luo Jun's men also have doubts.

When Shi Beiluo and Xia Ji knew that they were going round and round, Minghui and Tiannu were also anxious. Minghui was absolutely loyal to Luo Jun, and Tiannu's loyalty was actually comparable to Minghui. This was quite surprising to Luo Jun. It's Toutuoyuan, uncertain. He is not disloyal, but he also has doubts in his heart.

As for Na Yuanfei and Jianshuang, there is no need to say more, there is absolutely no doubt about Luo Jun.

Luo Jun never saw anyone, including knowing that Xia and Shi Beiluo did not see him either.

As if everything happening outside has nothing to do with him.

However, the flames of war from the outside world are spreading and burning, to swallow him.

On this day, in the fierce public opinion and demonstration, the thunder incident finally ushered in a turning point.

That is, the secret video from the ruling house was streaming out again.

There are two videos in total. The first video is the video of Hua Tianhuang walking out of the meeting room after the meeting with the senior management.

The second video is a private conversation among the senior gang.

Among them is the conversation between Lie Han and Xuanfang.

Lie Han said: "Senior Hua is really brilliant!" Xuan Fang laughed and said: "That's not it, this time, it must be called Zong Han, the demon star will never recover." Lie Han said: "I really admire Senior Hua. It actually involves everything that was illusory decades ago and connects them in series."

Xuan Fang said: "If you want to blame, the devil star is too aggressive. After the devil star is expelled, we will counterattack the court. At that time, we will conduct a liquidation and make the Reggae group rebellious. This time, all Those who participated in the attack on us will not be let go."

Lie Han was worried again, and said, "You said, would the world believe it?"

Xuan Fang said: "The people of the world? Huh, they are all idiots. They have mediocre qualifications, and they have long seen Zong Han be so rampant. Now they are given an excuse to say that Zong Han is not a real genius, but a reincarnation. People, how could they not believe it."

The video comes to an abrupt end...

After these two videos were linked together, once again set off a huge wave on the Internet.

A kind of fooled anger rose in the hearts of many people.

Of course, this is not one-sided.

There are still many people who think that Luo Jun is a reincarnated person.

However, many people have turned angrily to accuse the ruling of fooling the world.

In the event of any major event, the most feared thing is not disputes, but one-sidedness.

Falling to one side is the wall down and everyone pushes.

But after a turning point, after the dispute, there is room for manipulation.

At this time, Luo Jun finally sent out a video.

In the video, he looked haggard and seemed exhausted.

But he still smiled pretentiously.

This is a monologue.

In the dark space of the attic...Luo Jun voiced hoarsely and said: "This past week has been the longest and most tormented period of my life. Originally, I didn't intend to say anything, but think about it, go. I’d better say it to everyone before. Senior Hua is a person I respect very much. I did not expect to face such accusations from him. What did he say I am the reincarnation of Luo Jun? Is there a scientific basis for this sentence? How to reincarnate? Human death How did you reincarnate? I thought that such absurd things would not be believed, but I was wrong. Also, the Xuanhe Dimension that Senior Hua said was understood outside the star field, so you can take a look at the two The thirty-sixth chapter of the travel history of the star field written by Professor Yang thousands of years ago. The existence of the Xuanhe space is written in detail in it. This kind of thing is inherent in the star field. Therefore, I created the Hunyuan World , Cracked the Xuanhe space, is this incredible? Isn’t it, young people have achieved great achievements, which is a kind of original sin. Old seniors can slander at will, accuse him of a crime, and then knock him down to Jiu Nether Hell, forever Don’t be overborn. Young people, shouldn’t they just do their jobs, endure years, experience qualifications, endure thousands of years, survive by chance, and become famous again?"

"If I want to subvert the eternal race, I will kill all the rulings. I will take the court as my own. You believe me, I have this ability. But I don't. I now withdraw from the court. I just don’t want to have a dispute with my teacher and Dean Reggae. I rebelled against the adjudication office because the adjudication office has always been aloof and treats the world like ants. I wanted to maintain the three-legged structure of the original academy, the adjudication office, and the court. In this way, everyone has scruples. When there is a dispute, you can listen to the opinions of the people. Is it the adjudication office to say everything, is this what everyone wants to see? I don’t want the adjudication dominance, I don’t want the court Domination, I don’t want Primitive Academy... Domination. Is this... wrong?"

"I have seen everyone's demands. Some friends want me to die. I'm sorry, but I can't satisfy it. After all, people can only live once, and I don't want to die. Some friends want me to quit the original college, which I can satisfy. I am determined to quit the Primitive Academy from now on. Some friends want me to leave the Eternal Star Territory. Yes, I am determined to leave the Star Territory and explore the outside world. I have been pursuing strength and fairness. Fairness, I can’t catch it, then , I will continue to pursue strength. Don’t worry, everyone, within three days, I will start to walk outside the star field...Farewell, friends!"

This concludes the video.

This is a sad, tragic video.

Many boys and girls shed tears for it, they shouted, yes, is it the original sin of being young and promising? Why do we let those so-called old people come to point us at us?

"Everyone should think about it carefully. If Zong Han really wants to subvert the Eternal Race, why should he withdraw from the court? He can even create miracles like the Hunyuan World. He defeated the verdict. Isn't he invincible? The dean and elder of the courtyard? But after he succeeded, he quickly retreated. He was to bring us peace and justice!"

"Support Zong Han to stay!"

"Senior must not leave!"

"We were wrong!"

All kinds of voices are coming...

I have to say that Luo Jun's move by retreating to advance worked again.

The video of the previous ruling house was released, and a large number of people were still doubtful.

But after Luo Jun’s tragic retreat came out of the video, three-quarters of the people have begun to lean towards Luo Jun.

Within a day, the hottest topic on the Internet was...Leaving Senior Zong Han!

The wind direction of the students in the college also changed quickly, and they began to ask Zong Han to stay, not to leave the college, not to leave the star field, and so on.

The students and people on the Internet issued a joint petition asking Zong Han to stay.

In the court, Reggae and Cang Hailan also had a conversation in the basement tea room of Xilan Manor.

Reggae first said: "It's really weird that you said, how did the internal conversation between Liehan and Xuansheng flow out? How could such a low-level mistake be made?"

Cang Hailan said: "I'm afraid it has something to do with Zong Han."

Reggae was slightly startled, and said: "Can he still control the ruling house?"

Cang Hailan said: "Did you forget that the Great Priest Yuanlong is already under his control."

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