Super Security in the City

Chapter 3679: Worry-free teaching

Although Luo Jun didn't see what kind of fierce controversy had happened in Wuyoujiao, he could imagine. He asked the uninjured Reggae and others to come out with him to Wuyoujiao.

As for the injured, they continue to recuperate in the black hole spar.

After all, this is going to be a guest. He makes everyone hide, which always seems a bit rude.

The Worry-Free Sect is hidden in a wonderful space loophole. When Luo Jun and his party went there, Liu Fengshuang and others were blinded by Liu Fengshuang and others. Although Luo Jun and the others could easily break through this deception, it seemed unfriendly in this way. Therefore, Luo Jun and others obeyed the arrangement.

After blinding the six senses, I heard Liu Fengshuang say: "Everyone, it's okay." After speaking, he withdrew the formation.

When Luo Jun and others opened their eyes, they saw the sunshine and the beautiful mountains and rivers.

There is also the sound of a rushing waterfall in the distance...

They are all standing on a mountain peak, which is a hundred meters high. Looking forward, you can see the endless mountains, which are connected by thousands of mountains.

The air is exceptionally fresh!

When Reggae and his party saw this scene, there was a feeling of being reborn in their hearts. Some wanted to cry for no reason, and felt particularly moved.

Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi glanced at each other, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

They have not seen such a scene for several years. The beauty of the mountains and rivers and the bright sunshine in front of them remind them of their hometown, the earth!

Why don't you want to end everything here quickly and return to Earth together?

The longer you come out, the more you will be dreaming of the earth.

There are everything they cherish on the earth, even though the world has many restrictions on them. Although the earth has a deep defense and hostility towards them as monastic masters, they can also understand the earth's defense mechanism.

No matter how far they go, as long as the earth is in trouble, they will not hesitate to go back to give up their lives and protect their homeland.

Liu Fengshuang led everyone down the mountain, and then came to a giant square.

The square is beautiful in the color of glazed jade and white, covering a size of 100,000 square meters.

At the end of the square is the Jade White Palace. The palaces are layered on top of each other, as if inlaid on a mountain.

There are tens of thousands of palaces, and each palace has its own garden and landscape.

They are intertwined with strange shapes, reaching a height of thousands of feet, towering into the sky.

Go through the square and enter from the main entrance in the middle.

After entering, there are many shops, all kinds of snacks, vendors have.

The inside is extremely wide, the streets are refreshing and clean, and the market is prosperous.

It's like entering a city.

However, this city is retro and has no modern technology.

Liu Fengshuang explained to Luo Jun and others: "This is the city we live in, called Wuyou City. There is no modern technology in Wuyou City."

Lan Ziyi heard the words: "Don't even have lights? Why do you want to reject modern technology?"

Xiao Taohong replied: "There are electric lights, but there are none. We are not rejecting modern technology, but we should pay more attention to cultivation and friendship."

Liu Fengshuang said: "Modern technology is a trail, which is still enjoyable for ordinary people, but it is useless for us who are cultivators."

Luo Jun said: "That's true!"

There are many pedestrians coming and going on the street, so it's so lively.

There are men, women and children in the pedestrians, and they seem to know each other very well. They met Liu Fengshuang, Xiao Taohong and others, and many would say hello.

Liu Fengshuang, Xiao Taohong and Qingyue led Luo Jun and his party to a secluded manor soon.

The manor is quite wide, and the buildings inside are similar to a castle.

It's not crowded with a hundred people.

The three Liu Fengshuang led Luo Jun and others into the castle, the decoration inside was luxurious and rich.

Many servants were already waiting. After Luo Jun and his party arrived, Liu Fengshuang ordered them to serve tea and various snacks.

Luo Jun and others took their seats.

Liu Fengshuang said: "You guys take a rest here first. We will prepare a dinner party in the evening, and then our leader will personally come and entertain you."

Luo Jun and others clasped their fists and said, "It's so hard work."

Liu Fengshuang smiled.

Tea and snacks came quickly, and everyone drank tea and talked.

I'm not worried that the tea is poisonous, because if it is really poisonous, it can't hide from everyone's eyes.

Liu Fengshuang said again: "Master Xiaozong, I don't know what you plan to do in the future?" As soon as he finished speaking, he said, "I'm not testing anything, I'm just curious."

Luo Jun said: "I can't talk about any plans. One step counts as one step. I didn't plan to come back this time. It's just the dean, teacher, and my master and my subordinates who have suffered. Bringing them to an uprising, now I can't live a happy life on my own, but I see them sinking into hell, forever."

Reggae also sighed and said, "The priests and elders who were chased by the adjudication office this time have already been wiped out. Fortunately, Xiaohan and Zhixia came in time! That day Zun also shot at the end, and we Xiaohan He Zhixia was repelled."

These remarks sounded like a sigh, but in fact, they were also showing the strength of Xiang Liu Fengshuang and others.

Luo Jun is very useful to listen, because they also have to stand up. But Luo Jun can't boast.

Sure enough, Liu Fengshuang and others turned pale after hearing this.

"Tianzun also shot?" Liu Fengshuang couldn't believe it.

Yuanlong said: "It is indeed Tianzun who made the move, and Tianzun's strength is indeed extremely terrifying. In the case of severe injuries, Dean Lei and I were besieged together. Not only did we not defeat him, but we were all seriously injured by him. However. Fortunately, no matter how powerful Tianzun is, it is not the opponent of the joint efforts of Master Zong Han and Miss Zhixia."

"You have defeated Tianzun?" Liu Fengshuang looked at Luo Jun and Mingzhi Xia again.

Luo Jun sighed and said: "Zhixia and I used many methods to defeat Tianzun after nine deaths. Speaking of which, it is impossible to win! And finally let Tianzun escape in blood, which is really a fall. If it succeeds. Killed Tianzun, but it was a hundred."

"Really?" Liu Fengshuang still couldn't believe it.

Xiao Taohong had no doubts, but she didn't have much to say at this time.

Lan Ziyi snorted and said, "Do you think Master Zong Han will lie?"

Liu Fengshuang was startled, and immediately remembered the earth-shattering things that Zong Han had done before him, and he felt that he was suspicious, and he was really sinful.

After Liu Fengshuang spoke for a while, she let Xiao Taohong be with her, and she went to prepare for the dinner first. In fact, she was going to report to the leader... Luo Jun would not say anything.

After Liu Fengshuang and Qingyue were gone, Xiao Taohong was also relieved.

Luo Jun asked the blue and purple clothes to accompany everyone to set up separately. As for the seriously injured, stay in the black hole spar and don't come out.

Luo Jun talked with Xiao Taohong as they walked into the manor.

There are pavilions and pavilions in the manor, as well as gardens and artificial lakes. Every place is beautiful.

Luo Jun and Xiao Taohong came to the lake, and the water of the lake sparkled in the sunshine.

The breeze blowing in is refreshing and refreshing.

The little pink hair is slightly confused by the wind, which adds an extra charm. She sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that in many years, Brother Han, you will really come to our place."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Woyoujiao is a good place, good mountains, good water, and good people." Xiao Taohong's eyes reddened slightly, and said: "I know you are here, I am really happy. But the previous teaching The people in Zhongzhi argued a lot, and everyone didn’t approve of you coming in. I’m light-hearted and I can’t say anything. They originally asked Qingyue and Lingfeng to drive you away. I thought I couldn’t just not meet, so I insisted I ran over. When I came, I really hoped that you could not express the secret words so that I would not have to feel so guilty."

The reason why Luo Jun came and walked alone with her was actually to explore some of the words. He said: "You don't have to be guilty. These things are not something you can make decisions. It has nothing to do with personal loyalty. This point is clear from me. I just don't know why we agreed to come here again?"

Little Taohong said: "The military division is in favor of acceptance, probably the military division persuaded everyone."

Luo Jundao: "Who are the people who do not agree with us?"

Xiao Taohong wanted to speak but stopped, saying: "This..."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "It's inconvenient to say it." Little Taohong said: "It's not inconvenient. Now that Brother Han, you have already come, I'm afraid that your relationship with them will not be harmonious."

Luo Jun said: "It's too early to say this. Whether we can stay, or whether we want to stay is still something. You should know a little bit about me. Ask me to swallow my breath and look at people's faces. I couldn't do it before. Now, it's even more impossible."

Little Taohong nodded and said: "I know Brother Han, you are a great hero upright. Throughout the ages, you are the first person to be able to force the verdict to be so embarrassing."

Luo Jun smiled faintly, but didn't say much about it. At the end, he asked: "囡囡?"

Little Taohong said: "After the spiritual root was restored, the speed of her cultivation was very fast. Five years ago, she began to retreat and has not been out until today."

"She will retreat at a young age." Luo Jun smiled.

Little Taohong said: "The nun looks young, but she is not too young. When you saw her, she was close to forty years old. It's just that her spiritual roots are damaged and her body is not growing up."

Luo Jun couldn't help feeling weird, and said: "Speaking of which, my daughter is actually not much smaller than me."

Little Taohong said: "If you say the actual age, you can call my sister."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Then I can't say anything, how old are you?"

Little Taohong said: "I will be 100 years old next year."

The two chatted for a while, Luo Jun said: "What kind of person is the leader?"

Sincere admiration flashed in Xiao Taohong's eyes, and said: "Our leader is amazing." Luo Jun asked with a smile: "Is it, how amazing?"

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